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Book online Ā«The Illuminati and the Deception of History by Terence Smart (best way to read books .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Terence Smart

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of Europe but not in the EU. This same Switzerland was protected by the Cabal during two world wars were no soldiers were allowed in and were no bombs were allowed to touch it. Of course the draconian laws that they place on the people of the EU, they are not going to place onto themselves in Switzerland.

This IlluminatCabal declared to Britain that they would remain in the EU and the British people just showed him a rude sign and told them no. The Cabal tried its hardest by sending all the people it controls (Obama, Blair, Cameron, Mandelson and Soros etc.) to tell the British people they must vote to stay in the EU.

BREXIT in the U.K is the only block to the ZionistCabal plans that they have had to face. Foolish people who do not bother to see the full picture are trying to prevent it. BREXIT must not be overruled. Thatā€™s why they pulled their Jewish stooge out of the woodwork, Tony Blair, who keeps insisting Brexit is a bad thing and perhaps we should vote again. The European Union is the Jewish Cabalā€™s plans for the control of the whole of Europe and its destruction.

ā€œNot even in our dreams could we have imagined that one day . . . European nations, including us Hungarians, would be facing challenges not seen since the distant past. Not even in our dreams could we have imagined that Europe would be endangered not by external military threats, not by American or Russian ambitions, but by itself. Who would have thought that the most successful continent on Earth ā€” which has created the most thriving culture, the most advanced technologies, the worldā€™s best schools and the highest living standards humanity has ever seenā€” would within a few years be sliding downwards, drifting towards the brink of ruin? Those who want to mold the European Union into a European empire are all, without exception, supporters of immigration. They have made the admission of migrants the litmus test of being European, and expect every country and nation to become multicultural without delay. Now we can see that they deliberately failed to use their enormous police and military capability, and they deliberately failed to defend Europe from the migrant masses. If we were able to do it, they could have done so too. What was lacking was not the ability, but the will. Even today, the Brussels vanguard and the other leaders who are opposed to nation states see migration as a chance, an opportunity. They see it as a chance to replace the European Union of nation states with a multicultural empire of mixed populations, smoothed into a unity: a Europe without nation states; an elite separated from its national roots; an alliance with multinational power groups; a coalition with financial speculators. This would be paradise for George Soros. Let us choose independence and the cooperation of nations over global governance and supervision. Let us reject the ideology of globalism, and instead support the culture of patriotism. The world can be richer and mankind can be better if the earth is populated by the diverse world of nations. We believe that every nation is special and unique in its own way, and can be a shining light in that segment of the world which is entrusted to itā€. - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor OrbĆ”n

ā€œThere is documented evidence that Jews in America are the prime movers and guiding force behind the massive attempt to mongrelize the White Christian people with the Black Race. Of course everyone realizes that there are many gullible and brainwashed Gentiles working toward this same end. But the movement to mix the races in America is most definitely sparked and financed by organized Jewry in every city of any size in America containing a formal Jewish community. The first question which arises is why are the Jews so fanatical in their zeal to integrate the races and why do they intensely resist mixing of their own blood with either us White Christians, or the Blacks? In order to understand Jewish thinking on this matter, one must first recognize that the Jews are a very unique people. The Jews are bound to one another by three different meansā€” which no other people in the world have in common. The Jews have one religionā€”Judaism! The Jews are of one nationā€”Israel! The Jews are of one Race! Race is defined as a group of people who have inbred with their own kind for centuries and exhibit like features and characteristics. Thus the Jews of today are a tight-knit race, and highly conscious of the great gulf which separates them from White Christians. Gentiles do not have even the basic rudiments of unity existing in Jewry. We are of many different churches, different nationalities and from divided language groups of Europe. Feuds, wars, jealousy and hatreds have always divided our White Folk. This division has made it easy, for a skilful and highly organized Jewish minority to dominate us. Within each Jewish Community in every city of any size in America the Jews operate numerous organizations. They are designed to guide and control the lives of every Jew. They are also constructed to give the Jews a tremendously powerful single voice in American politics. Almost every Christian politician lives in dread of offending his local Jewish community. He knows that if he does not tread softly, listen to their every demand, endorse aid to Israel and sale of Israeli Bonds, support United Jewish Appealā€”the Jews will vote for the man against him, spend a fortune to elect his next opponent, and direct the local daily press in a hate campaign against him. All the small Jewish clubs and social groups are united under the American Jewish Committee. All Jew businessmen belong to a secret society called ā€œBā€™nai Bā€™rithā€ and they have their own secret spy agency called the ā€œAnti-Defamation League.ā€ These are the groups that harass Right-Wing Patriots and seek to control elected politicians and the daily press. But, their most important mission of all, is to integrate the White Christian people to produce an indolent, Mulatto race for the futureā€, - Chuck Maultsby - American Author, Researcher - http://www.chuckmaultsby.net/id20.html

The link above shows you the full scope of the Jewish push for white genocide in America. It is a great website full of information about the Jewish New World Order.

ā€œFirst letā€™s explore anti-Americanism/anti-nationalism. Since the Jewish Zionists goal is a one world government then nationalistic or patriotic sentiment is a clear obstacle, not to mention Hitler was able to use it to unite Germany to combat their earlier efforts to take over Europe by imitating Judaism/Marxism/Communism with it. To accomplish this anti-American/anti-nationalistic obstacle they want to indoctrinate the youth to demonize and feel oppressed by their country and its institutions. This is where cultural Marxism fits in. By convincing women that men are members of an evil conspiratorial cabal known as ā€œpatriarchyā€ running the institutions in order to oppress them they create a division between men and women and a desire for these indoctrinated 3rd wave feminists to support the enemies of these institutions and people. This is how these women are able to do the mental gymnastics needed to claim they live in an oppressive ā€œrape cultureā€ and that CIS white males are their oppressors and enemies, when women have all the same rights as men in western societies built and traditionally run by white men where they enjoy the highest standard of living and freedom in the world. While making these ridiculous claims in one breath in the next they claim to be allied with Islam whose countries and traditions are patriarchal, oppress women and contain elements that can be considered to be rape culture. This truly is absurd. This pattern can be repeated with all minority groups such as LBGT and racial minorities. As I already stated in a previous chapter they can all come together to agree on a common enemy the CIS White Male, who as luck would have it is the Zionists greatest enemy and obstacle to their plans. There has also been legislation to remove the national anthem from schools, open borders etc. They try and do this under the guise of anti-racism, but this is their old Jew tactics at work. They label something destructive and harmful like letting criminals come into your country to commit crime and collect benefits you pay for with your taxes as something good and positive, then label any opposition to it evil and negative. I am sure you have seen this countless times in the media since Trump was elected where they attempt to make illegal aliens and criminals look like the victims of racist policies by Trump to deport themā€, - Daniel Estulin, Author ā€˜Communismā€™ and ā€˜The True Story of the Bilderberg Groupā€™

ā€œJust like the media. We are not being taught history correctly, and all we are ever being told is that the Nazis are responsible, they are evil. But no one are talking about what Jews are doing to the White race. They are not talking about the 33 million White Christians who were murdered in Russia during the Bolshevik revolution, which was a Jewish operation. No one talks about that. They only talk about the ā€œHolocaustā€. For seventy years straight, thatā€™s what we see on TV, in the movies. Itā€™s pounded into our brains, so that we will feel guilty for the Holocaust. And they are going to continue to eradicate the White race and we are just going to allow it happen because White people have been conditioned to feel so guilty that they are docile, subservient slaves. That is what the Jews want. They want one brown race of gentiles so that they can more easily dominate us. They donā€™t want White Nationalism. Because to them White nationalism is the only thing that stands in the way of their global domination. That is why they are doing everything they can to get rid of the White European race. So unless you, White people, wake up and stop being afraid of being called a called a racist or an anti-Semite, all the time, and just start speaking the truth, our race will come to an end. In fact, by 2040, the White race will be a minority [in the USA]. And if you want to see how we are going to be treated as a minority, have a look what is happening to whites in South Africaā€, - Teutonic Warrior Chick ā€“ YouTube Channel

The following information is from Chuck Maultsbyā€™s website and it shows you what happens when ā€˜whitesā€™ are the minority in an American city or any city. This is what is in store for the whole of America.

ā€˜Anyone who doubts the long-term effect of the swamping of the Western White countries with third world immigrants, need look no further than Detroit, where a new report has revealed that almost half of all adults in the city are ā€œfunctionally illiterateā€ and essentially unable to operate in normal society.

The report, issued by the ā€œDetroit Regional Workforce Fundā€ (a government-private sector partnership organization set up by race-blind liberals), said that the ā€œNational Institute for Literacy estimates that 47% of adults in Detroit are functionally illiterate, referring to the inability of an individual to use reading, speaking, writing, and computational skills in everyday life situations.

ā€œGenerally, those adults who score at Level 1 (on a scale of 1 to 5, lowest to highest) have difficulty performing such everyday tasks as locating an intersection on a street map, reading and comprehending a short newspaper article, or calculating total costs on an order form,ā€ it continued.

The report admitted that the shocking illiteracy levels could not be explained solely by a lack of high school education.

ā€œWe also know that of the 200,000 adults who are functionally illiterate, approximately half have a high school diploma or GED, so this issue cannot be solely addressed by a focus on adult high-school completion,ā€ the baffled liberals said.

In addition, the report said, these figures are ā€œaggregates and communicate a city-wide issue. We also know some neighborhoods and census tracts within the city have more significant concentrations of adults who are functionally illiterate and/or lack educational credentials.ā€

The report ignores the obvious: Detroit is now a ā€œblackā€ city, and has been utterly destroyed after the whites were driven out by a combination of horrendous black crime levels, collapsing standards and an inefficient bureaucracy. In a nutshell, whites have found it impossible to live in an area where there is no longer any semblance of functioning modern white western society.

Detroitā€™s violent crime rate is one of the highest in the United States. The official crime rate is 62.18 per 1000 residents for property crimes, and 16.73 per 1000 for violent crimes (compared to national figures of 32 per 1000 for property crimes and 5 per 1000 for violent crime). Official records also show that up to 70 percent of homicides are drug related.

Black crime has run every last major grocery store out of Detroit. Massive shoplifting, stock theft and inoperable Third World

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