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and people everywhere, and they know it. It's just a matter of time before it all comes out."

This child abuse is not just confined to Politicians and Hollywood because Australia’s most senior Catholic (Cardinal George Pell) became the highest-ranking Vatican official to be charged with sexual assault, when Australian police announced that he faces multiple “historical sexual assault offenses”. Cardinal George Pell, 76, currently serves as Pope Francis’ chief financial adviser. He is the third highest ranking member of the entire Catholic Church. The Associated Press reported that he is set to appear in Melbourne Magistrates Court on July 18 (2017). “It is important to note that none of the allegations that have been made against Cardinal Pell have, obviously, been tested in any court yet,” Victoria State Police Deputy Commissioner Shane Patton told reporters in Melbourne. This is not the first time Pell has been the subject of sexual abuse allegations. The claims date back to before Pell was a priest, with one man testifying that Pell molested him on several occasions at a campsite on Phillip Island in 1961, when he was 12 years old and Pell was a trainee priest. Allegations include that while playing a game in a pool, Pell repeatedly touched the genitals of two young boys who were students at St. Alipius primary school. Pell was responsible for overseeing the school, which is now remembered as a notorious breeding ground for paedophiles in the 1970s. Philip Nagle, a former student who is now in his 50s, told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse in 2015 that 12 of his 33 classmates had “committed suicide because of the sexual and physical abuse that took place at the school”. In July 2016, Pell was accused of sexually abusing two teenage choir boys in the backroom of St. Patrick’s Cathedral during his time as archbishop of Melbourne from 1996 to 2001. Naturally, Pell has consistently denied the claims, referring to any efforts to investigate them as part of a “scandalous smear campaign”. If Pell is found guilty, he would become the highest-ranking Vatican official to be convicted of sexual assault. Pope Francis has said two per cent of the Roman Catholic clergy worldwide, the equivalent of 8,000 members, are paedophiles. In an interview with La Republica newspaper in Italy, the pontiff cited his aides as saying that “the level of paedophilia in the Church is at two per cent”. As the Catholic clergy numbers 414,000, it would mean more than 8,000 priests fall into this category. Estimates of the prevalence of paedophilia in the wider population range from a fraction of one per cent to four per cent. In an interview on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show Sunday, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, said it was becoming clearer that paedophilia had not been properly addressed within Anglicanism and disclosed that he deals with the issue on a daily basis.

When known paedophile Thomas Hamilton went into Dunblane Primary School in Scotland (1996) and shot dead 16 children, the Scottish judge Lord Cullen declared that a number of vital documents relating to the case be locked away “for a hundred years”, this being apparently to protect the victims and their families. In fact, the allegation stands that it was to protect the Establishment. Because Hamilton, like Jimmy Saville, may have been a “procurer” of victim-children for Satantic/ritual abuse. After the impeded inquiry into the shootings, no less than 106 documents were closed to the public for a century. Why a hundred years? What have they got to hide? There must be issues of profound national importance working here to stop anyone reading these papers for one hundred years.

The official story is that, on 13 March 1996, a mad loner called Thomas Hamilton shot dead 16 children at a primary school in Dunblane in Scotland. The unofficial story is that Thomas Hamilton was involved in a paedophilia network supplying young boys to top people including policemen and politicians and Thomas Hamilton may have been murdered, to shut him up. According to information that came to light after the Cullen Inquiry, Thomas Hamilton died from two bullet wounds fired into the roof of his mouth, one bullet exiting above the left ear, and another through the top of his head. If he shot himself in the head then there can only be one bullet wound but if someone else shot Hamilton then there would be two bullet wounds. Hamilton was found lying on his back with his head near the wall. Two bullet holes were seen in that wall just 6 inches from the ground and that is consistent with someone holding Hamilton down on the floor while somebody else shot him in the head twice.

It has been suggested that Thomas Hamilton was a brainwashed patsy and that the real shooters were working for the security services. Thomas Hamilton ran clubs and camps for boys and reportedly had access to the Queen Victoria School, in Dunblane, a boarding school run by the Ministry of Defence. Glenn Harrison was a housemaster at Queen Victoria School, in Dunblane, between the summer of 1989 and December 1991 and Harrison has stated that he believed boys from his then school were being sexually abused, both at the school and away from the school. In fact four teachers were suspended at the QV School in 2005 when the Police launched a major sex and bullying probe. Harrison claims pupils were regularly preyed on by a vice ring of VIP’s. Some of these were major establishment names and close pals with Hamilton and allegedly picked up their victims in flash limos and dropped them off the next day. Some of the victims broke down and told Harrison their sickening tales of sustained sexual abuse. Harrison says one boy was so seriously assaulted in one overnight orgy that he later tried to kill himself.

Former paramedic Sandra Uttley has written a book about the 1996 Dunblane tragedy in which she claims that elements of the police were part of a paedophile ring and part of a cover-up.

Top Scottish Freemason Lord Burton has said that the inquiry into the Dunblane massacre was a massive cover-up. Burton suggested the inquiry suppressed crucial information to protect high profile figures. He says they may belong to a secretive "Super-Freemason" group called The Speculative Society. Some had links to the Queen Victoria School. Burton further said: "I tried repeatedly to raise concerns about the inquiry during my time in the Lords, and I was bullied and threatened by powerful peers loyal to the Conservative Government of the day, who warned me of dire consequences if I continued to embarrass them".

Is it also a coincidence that Lord Cullen (Head of the Dunblane enquiry) was a member of this Speculative Society? But he was not the only important member as Lord Robertson (former head of NATO) was also a Freemasonic member of Edinburgh’s sinister “Speculative Society” lodge.

In fact Thomas Hamilton was a Freemason himself having enrolled in Lodge number 1417 of the Masonic Order at Garrow Hill in 1977.

Soon after Dunblane gun laws were introduced in the U.K. The only gun you are allowed now is an air rifle. How convenient.

In February 2017, President Trump vowed to fight the "epidemic" of human trafficking in the U.S., and detailed reports published around the same time show that in the first month of his presidency, over 1,500 sex trafficking and paedophiles had already been arrested. If you compare this figure to the less than 400 sex trafficking-related arrests in 2014 according to the FBI then you can clearly see that something is happening. But the mainstream media has barely, if at all, covered any of these mass paedophile arrests in the USA. Why?

The ones who rule the world are part of the global network of human traffickers and satanic child sacrifice rings. They will do ANYTHING to keep this under wraps, as it will take down at least 1/3 of the American political gang who runs Washington—and far beyond.

Congressman Steve Scalise was trying to expose sex trafficking, trying to get bills signed into law to target child predators. Rep. Steve Scalise: “The House is taking strong action to protect victims of Human Trafficking and to bring child predators to justice.”

So he is trying to expose elite paedophiles which would probably mean he would be targeting a lot of people in the government involved in Pizzagate or Pedogate. On May 25, Scalise posted a video on his YouTube channel and on his Twitter feed discussing recently passed bills in the House to target child predators and to provide protection for human trafficking victims.

Steve Scalise was shot On June 13 – 2017. The suspected shooter, James Hodgkinson, shot Rep. Steve Scalise and three others as they practiced baseball in Alexandria, Virginia. Scalise has remained in critical condition after suffering damage to internal organs, and his injuries will require additional operations. Hodgkinson was shot and killed by the police.

Another person possibly killed to stop him exposing the child abuse in the establishment was lead vocalist in the rock group Soundgarden, Chris Cornell. We are told Cornell hanged himself (May 18, 2017) in a hotel room 60 minutes after a concert in Detroit. His wife stated for the record he showed absolutely no signs of depression or being suicidal in the days and hours before he was found dead. But we do know that Cornell worked closely with various foundations to help and protect children from paedophilia and child trafficking. It’s important to note that among his many charities, he supported ChildHaven, which helps children and toddlers heal from abuse and neglect. Several websites claim that Cornell had uncovered evidence of a "cocaine and child trafficking ring" in Mena, Arkansas, that was tied to Bill and Hillary Clinton. According to the sources, Mr Cornell had uncovered the identities of high-level Elites that were part of the same "Satanic Illuminati Occult Operation" as the Clintons and planned on exposing their "goings-on" right before he died. Cornell's death was officially ruled as a suicide, but his family and close friends say he was in no way suicidal.

Another rock star who we are told committed suicide by hanging was Chester Bennington frontman for the rock band Linkin Park. His death coincidently was on the date of Chris Cornell’s birthday of July 20 and he was friends with Cornell. Bennington was reportedly investigating the death of Cornell, and a connection to the PizzaGate paedophile sex trafficking ring when he suddenly and unexpectedly took his own life. The twist in this tale is that there is claims that Chester Bennington could be the biological son of John Podesta of Pizzagate fame. It is claimed that Benningtons mother had an affair with Podesta and Bennington received a grant from the Clinton Foundation because of Podesta’s influence. In fact if you look at photos of Chris Bennington and John Podesta they look remarkably similar.

As you can see the Cabal or Deep State will stop at nothing to keep their child trafficking, PedogatePizzagate under wraps, they will kill anyone who tries to expose them.

Any website or T.V channel that says Pizzagate or Pedogate is not true or is fake news is lying and they are part of the cover up. I would include all mainstream T.V (BBC, CNN, ABC etc.) in that sentence. Do you think Pizzagate and Paedophilia within the governments is fake news after what you have just read?

This is not something that we are looking with one particular child abuse ring in one particular country. We are looking at something that seems to be a widespread and persistent phenomenon and has been so for decades at the very least and of course this raises the question of why? Why do we to continue to see these types of paedophilia scandals cropping up with such frequency in the highest political offices by the men who supposedly run our countries? Is there some reason for this? What I have shown is probably just the tip of the iceberg to what is really going on behind the scenes.

Everybody should be up in arms about this next statement but there is an agenda being pushed by the Global Elite to try and legalise Paedophilia. You just can’t make this up. You might say that is nonsense but who would have thought 50 years ago that homosexuality and same sex marriage would be eventually be made legal. I am going to show the article titled Legalizing Paedophilia which the guys at the website www.maxresistance.com/legalizing-pedophilia/ encourage people to share. So the following is from their website and the link to this story is above.

Legalizing Paedophilia from http://www.maxresistance.com

Recently Youtube has allowed an outpouring of sympathy towards the legalization of Paedophilia. Less we forget it was not so long ago we would never have considered the legalization of Marijuana, yet today we see it happening. Don’t

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