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forget we thought we would never see legalization of Gay Marriage. The depth and scope within the process of the Globalists liberals can see no end until the legalizing of any perversion you can imagine.

An article written by Peter Hitchens appeared in the Daily Mail newspaper in the UK (February 2012) describing how the stage is being set to legalize paedophilia in Britain. Like all the plans put out by the ruling elite, this policy is part of the drip by drip strategy they employ to move the chains forward toward their goal. By introducing small, incremental changes, the populace adjusts to those changes and accepts the small, seemingly incremental shifts in the social order. Eventually, those small shifts result in huge changes in the way people are conditioned to act and behave.

Do you think the moral degradation of our society is an accident? Do you think the prevalence and easy availability of drugs is a coincidence? Do you think the ubiquitousness of pornography is random? Do you think the omnipresence of paedophilia is a divergence from the norm? If you do, think again. These are all parts of an agenda to degrade society and turn people into drug and sex addicts who are incapable both of having and sustaining healthy relationships. If people do not have strong families to support and sustain them they are easy to control, program, and turn into robots doing the will of the global controllers. This is how the elite proceeds toward their goal of a perverted society serving the will of a totalitarian new world order. The political corporate banking elite that run the world from behind the scenes are proponents of paedophilia. Paedophilia is a cornerstone of their secret society. In Britain the authorities are fitting contraceptive implants in 13-year-old girls. The age of consent in the UK is sixteen. Why are they doing this to thirteen year old girls? To encourage promiscuity and have these children sexually active before the legal age of consent is reached?

This policy is being enacted by doctors and nurses in the schools without parental consent and without informing the parents once the implant has been embedded in their daughters’ body. Who gave them the right to do this? How can something so monstrous be sanctioned by the state? How can it be government policy? Do you really think the government is looking out for your interests?

Another perversity being mentioned of late in the same sentence as the word ‘legalize’ is paedophilia. Yes, child molesting. For several years now I have been reading of leftist psychiatrists who claim that paedophilia is not a choice or a perversion, but a lifelong sexual orientation. And as such, they claim paedophilia should be a protected class of people the same as homosexuals. Ridiculous, you say? Oh, ye of short memory. It was just eleven years ago that Massachusetts became the first state to legalize gay marriage. In the years leading up to that it would never have occurred to anyone that we’d be where we are today because of the Obergefell decision. So don’t tell me that legalizing paedophilia will never happen.

In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. Now the APA is proposing to redefine paedophilia. In 1998 the APA issued a report that claimed the “negative potential of adult sex with children was ‘overstated’ and that the ‘vast majority of both men and women reported no negative sexual effects from childhood sexual abuse experiences.”

Milton Diamond, a University of Hawaii professor and director of the Pacific Centre for Sex and Society has said that child pornography could be very useful to society because paedophiles “use child pornography as a substitute for sex against children.” Apparently, it completely escapes him that child pornography can’t be produced without sexually abusing children.

It should not come as surprising when morally bankrupt people demand the right to have their perversions legalized. When leftist judge’s rubber stamp the depravity, of course the licentious people will come back time and time again seeking to have more perversity legalized. That paedophilia has even been mentioned as a protected ‘orientation’ is an indication of just how far down the rabbit hole we’ve come as a society. The Obergefell decision may have legalized homosexual marriage, but there’s a lot of perversity left to legalize and it is a certainty that there are some sick people out there working to do just that. No doubt the child molesters will have little trouble finding leftist judges who will create their constitutional rights out of thin air, just like the majority did in Obergefell.

Crimes against children should be brought against these people pushing for these reforms. Is there any current Officers/Officials out there with the guts to do the right thing?

This is further evidence of the totalitarian new world order that is being rolled out in front of our eyes. We are being systematically stripped of our rights while we watch TV, smoke dope and root for our favourite sports team. Just as the Roman Emperors employed the strategy of bread and circus to divert the attention of the populace, the elite uses entertainment to divert the masses from seeing the net that is being created around them. Promiscuity, drugs, a skyrocketing divorce rate, rising crime, paedophilia. Drip, drip, drip. Where will it end? That’s something you need to think seriously about. Particularly if you have children. What kind of world are they going to inherit?

Don’t think that because this move towards paedophilia is happening in the UK it won’t happen in America and other countries. All countries are linked behind the scenes in the net of the global controllers. They are a giant octopus siphoning off and destroying what goodness remains in the world. However, if humanity wakes up in time we can put an end to this satanic agenda, reclaim the future and bring peace and health back to this world.


In fact according to a report by Claire Bernish (investigative journalist) on Stillnessinthestorm.com girls as young as ten are among more than 200,000 children wed to adults in the United States in just the past 15 years, as — despite minimum requirements a person reach the age of 18, or legal adulthood, nationally — a smattering of locations have preserved loopholes legally permitting child marriage.


Global Control

RFID and Mass Surveillance

“In the One World Government everyone would then be micro chipped with RFID and all your money would be on this chip, if anyone protests their RFID chip would be turned off and you would have no money to buy anything, it would be just total control of the population” Nick Rockefeller to Aaron Russo, October 2000

Sources from inside the 2008 Bilderberg meeting have leaked the details of what elitists were discussing and the talking points were ominous - a plan to microchip (RFID, Radio Frequency Identity) Americans under the pretext of fighting terrorist groups whereby the "good guys" would be allowed to travel freely from airports so long as their microchip could be scanned and the information stored in a database.

Such a bizarre concept may seem unbelievable to some, but over the last ten years there have been dozens of examples of people accepting implanted chips for a variety of different reasons.

In 2004, Mexico's attorney general and 160 of his office staff were implanted with tracker chips to control access to secure areas of their headquarters.

The Baja Beach Club in Barcelona and other nightclubs around the world are already offering implantable chips to customers who want to pay for drinks with the wave of a hand and also get access to VIP areas of the club lounge.

A company in Belgium called NewFusion has actually begun to microchip their employees. The workers at this Belgian marketing firm are being offered the chance to have microchips implanted in their bodies. The chips contain personal information and provide access to the company's IT systems and headquarters, replacing existing ID cards.

Technology like this often starts off being "voluntary", but then after enough time people willingly accept it the transition to "mandatory". In Britain it is now law that you have to microchip (RFID) your dog and how long before that is moved onto humans?

The first phase to bring in RFID chips is to phase out cash slowly. The European Commission released a new "Action Plan" which instructs member states to explore "potential upper limits to cash payments". It is known that Spain already bans certain cash transactions above 2,500 euros, and Italy and France already ban cash transactions above 1,000 euros. In effect you can slowly but surely phase cash out without people understanding what is happening by lowering the levels of cash transactions. In Sweden, many banks no longer take or give out cash, and approximately 95 percent of all retail transactions are entirely cashless. The public is being told that these measures are being taken to fight money laundering and terrorism, but of course that is only a small part of the truth.

In 2016 India removed 86 percent of currency in circulation and it led to widespread economic and social disruption and hardship for the people especially people in small villages who have no access to cashpoints.

In a truly cashless society, governments would be able to track where everybody is and what everybody is doing all the time. And in order to have access to the cashless system, people would have to comply with whatever requirements governments wanted to impose on their helpless populations. The governments requirement would be the same as the Illuminati’s and that is a small RFID microchip placed somewhere under the skin which has all your details on it. This would be the start of some Orwellian nightmare and our freedoms gone forever if we accept this.

This mass surveillance can’t be denied because the NSA admitted twenty years ago that they were listening to domestic US calls under the Echelon program. The NSA has the ability to eavesdrop on your communications, landlines, cell phones, e-mails, text messages, Internet searches, and more with ease. You can call your mobile phone company, ask them where you are and they will tell you down to a few feet so what do you think the NSA will be able to do.

The technology of satellite cameras is so far advanced that even from space they can distinguish the specific details as the brand of football being played with at a park or the make of a car. This technology was already in use in 1956. With a very sophisticated camera, the famous high-altitude reconnaissance U.S. aircraft U-2 could look down from an altitude of 8 miles and read and photograph the headlines of a newspaper. Global Positioning System (GPS) uses twenty-four satellites for orientation on and above the earth. These satellites are also used to monitor telephone traffic and computer communications. Because of the built-in computer chips in passports, credit cards and identity cards, anyone can be followed and monitored anywhere in the world. It won’t be long before there is no place left to hide. For years we have been told that the chip only ensures our safety and that it’s primarily meant to fight terrorism, causing good civilians to let down their guard. But who decides who qualifies as a terrorist? These chips contain our detailed personal information, making us a global community that’s completely under surveillance. For now, it's all voluntary, and the New World Order has to reply on making cool devices to lure us in to wanting to be

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