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tracked - iPhone, smart phones, - but the day is coming where you will be forced to have a chip put inside your body.

A new WikiLeaks Vault 7 leak titled “Dark Matter” claims that the Central Intelligence Agency has been bugging “factory fresh” iPhones since at least 2008 through suppliers. Another WikiLeaks claim is that British spy agencies worked with the CIA to turn televisions and smart phones into bugging devices that can record conversations and even take photographs, according to leaked intelligence documents. The CIA is accused of running a secret computer hacking programme giving its agents access to everyday items including mobile phones, TVs and iPads.

The CIA is also alleged to be targeting cars that contain on-board computers linked to the internet, amid unsubstantiated allegations that once in control of vehicles it could stage assassinations and make them look like accidents.

One exotically named programme dubbed Weeping Angel allowed spies to gain control of the Samsung F8000 range of internet-connected televisions. It was developed in a ‘joint workshop’ held in June 2014 involving MI5 and the CIA and enabled the agencies to gain control of the TV, according to the documents.

It is alleged that MI5 created a ‘fake-off’ mode that meant television users thought sets were switched off. In fact users can be secretly recorded by them and conversations transmitted to a CIA operative listening in. The smart televisions come with a microphone that is normally used for voice-activated controls.

The leaked files also appeared to show evidence that GCHQ had collaborated with the CIA in hacking into Apple’s iPhones as well as smartphones run using Google’s rival Android software. The phones can even take photographs when they are switched off.

Britain has about 6 million CCTV cameras around the country which is more CCTV per population than any country in the world. That is one CCTV camera for every 11 people in the UK. Large schools have 50 or 60 CCTV cameras, why? It is estimated there are between 291,000 and 373,000 cameras in public sector schools, plus a further 30,000 to 50,000 in independent schools.

They say this CCTV is to keep us safe. That is a lie because during every major terrorist incident such as 9/11 (airports), 7/7 London bombings (the bus & the 3 tube stations), Westminster Bridge attack, Manchester Arena (Foyer), London bridge the CCTV was switched off or they refuse to show any CCTV images because it would reveal the truth which would be different from what they tell us.

All the reality T.V programs such as Big Brother are there to get young minds to accept the surveillance society to make them believe it the normal way a society lives.

They always tell us it is for your own good, it is there to protect us, the surveillance is there to stop terrorism. This is all just a lie it there for the global control of the population in their future one world government.

Global Warming Hoax

“The real agenda is concentrated political authority. Global warming is the hook to create a New World Order.” Maurice Newman chairman of former Australian PM Tony Abbott’s business advisory council.

“Global Warming is pseudoscience … from 1880 to 2013 the temperature has increased from ~288K to 288.8K (0.3%) … the temperature has been amazingly stable. Is it possible that all the paved roads and cut down forests are the cause of “global warming”, not the CO2? CO2 is not pollution.” Professor Ivar Giaever, the 1973 Nobel Prize-winner for Physics.

“Global surface temperatures have not risen in 15 years. They make the high estimates unlikely.” Piers Forster (Climate Change Professor, Leeds University).

“The world is actually about 1 degree cooler than it was 20 years ago, with cooler summers and longer winters. The oceans are not getting warmer. The North Polar ice cap is actually increasing in size. Your automobile and the factory downtown are not making the weather hotter. Sure, the liberal media and their paid scientist shills, hacks, and charlatans are all screaming in their arguments that it’s all the humans’ fault, but the only ones behind the real HOAX are the ones who stand to gain financially from it, and in the biggest ways”, Retired senior NASA atmospheric scientist John L. Casey.

“There is no climate crisis. The ocean is not rising significantly. The polar ice is increasing, not melting away…I have studied this topic seriously for years. It has become a political and environmental agenda item, but the science is not valid.” - John Coleman, Meteorologist, co-founder of the The Weather Channel.

The reason I say that Global Warming (or climate change as they call it now) is a hoax is because the Global Elite make hundreds of millions, perhaps billions in profit from theses carbon taxes they collect from organisations and countries. If activities of human beings are causing the planet to warm up the why does someone have to make billions of dollars from this and why does it go into the coffers of the Global Elite and not the poor people in the world. Take the Rothschild stooge Al Gore who was the spokesperson for this Global Warming, his personal wealth has risen from $5 million to $100 million in the past 15 years. The Global Warming scam is estimated to be worth anywhere between $22 billion to $1.5 trillion per year for the global elitists

Global Warming or Climate Change is about controlling you, not the climate. Climate has been the master excuse for decades now, ever since the idea was exposed in documents like Report from Iron Mountain in 1966, The Club of Rome’s The First Global Revolution in 1991, and by the Rothschild’s and Rockefellers at the 4th World Wilderness Congress in 1987.

Most people believe that 99% of scientists believe in global warming, even though that statistic is completely fabricated and comes from a study where only 75 cherry-picked scientists were “interviewed.” There are an abundance of scientists refuting the idea of manmade Global Warming. In early 2008, the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine (OISM) published their Petition Project, a list 31,000 honest scientists who rejected the science behind the theory of humans causing global warming. http://www.petitionproject.org

In the Climate Depot (2009) report more than 1,000 dissenting scientists from around the globe have now challenged man-made global warming claims made by Al Gore and his globalists. These 1000 scientists including many current and former UN IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) scientists who have now turned against the UN IPCC.

In reality, nature produces way more CO2 than man. In 2014 NASA launched a satellite measuring CO2 levels from around the planet and realized in their findings that the majority of CO2 was coming from rainforests in China, Africa, and South America, rather than from industrialized nations of the northern hemisphere.

There are a few other indications that Climate Change is a hoax. First they called it Global Warming but when it was noted that the temperature had not risen over the past twenty years they changed the name to Climate Change. In 2014 there was record sea ice in Antarctica and one of the great lakes, Lake Superior, only had 3 ice free months in 2014. Al Gore said that global warming would cause snow to disappear and children won’t know what snow is but 20 inches (50cm) of snow fell across most of America in 2017. Al Gore predicted that oceans would rise 20 feet by 2010, but many tide gauges show no rise in sea level, and almost none show any acceleration over the past 20 years. Where I live in the north-east of England it is bitterly cold between October and April and the summers do not get very warm, maybe 21c at the most and in fact my parents says the summers were hotter in the 1970s, so much for global warming.

The New World Order cabal will do anything whatsoever no matter how immoral in order to shove the Global Warming hoax down everyone’s throat. Enter teenager Greta Thunberg. She is a child – not a scientist, not an economist – a child and has become a globalist puppet to thrust the Climate Change nonsense down our throats to convince us to change our evil ways or the world will end and we will rob the children of their future.

What the Global Warming hoaxers always forget to mention is that the very real climate chaos being geoengineered daily around the globe has nothing to do with human activity-generated CO2.

Whenever I do a search for Greta Thunberg, I see many of Jewish newspapers heaping praise on her “activism”, and have also noted that the boat Geta sailed across the Atlantic on was owned by the founders of Israel, the Rothschild’s.

Below the Wikipedia article which shows the 40 million Yacht belonged to the Rothschilds.


How did an unknown child from an acting family in Sweden, get on Rothschild boat, and then in front of US Congress — speaking on a topic that she knows almost nothing about?

The boat served as a transport vessel for Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, who sailed across the North Atlantic Ocean from Plymouth to New York City in August 2019. The value of the boat has been estimated to be around £4 million.

Whenever I see Deep State False Flags I have come to learn the managers are almost always Zionist, and often Jewish.

Are we seeing another example of this pattern? Have they no shame? Using children to cry in front of cameras — again: Remember Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ crying in front of the US Congress lying about babies dying in Kuwait to drag the US into invading Kuwait for Isra-oil.

What’s her “mission”? Who sponsored her to speak in front of the US Congress?

Thunberg said at the UN: “People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth.”

She isn’t a scientist – with expertise on climate change;

She isn’t a isn’t an economist – with expertise in economics;

How did this teenage girl become such a dominant figure in the issue of climate protection?

It turns out there are powerful forces behind the sudden rise of the Swedish teenager, including some of the usual suspects.

If you check out her photos young Greta is being escorted around the world by her handler – far left activist Luisa-Marie Neubauer. It turns out Neubauer is the “Youth Ambassador” of the “ONE” foundation, an international lobbying organization funded by George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates.

Greta has already made enemies of many VIPs who are onto her phony climate change ministry including Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron. Thunberg has also made enemies of entire nations with her recent lawsuit filed against Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, and Turkey.

The Climate Chaos crowd doesn’t even care how many children are scared out of their wits because fear-mongers like Greta scream that the world will end in 10 or 20 years due to a climate-triggered Extinction Level Event.

U.K Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn's brother Piers Corbyn branded environmental activist Greta Thunberg an 'ignorant brainwashed child' who is being 'abused by manipulative adults'.

Piers said on a BBC News article 'I am an actual scientist of physics, meteorology, astrophysics and climate and say Greta Thunberg is wrong and suffers mental abuse by manipulative adults.'

This Global Warming propaganda began with Al Gore's 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, claiming that CO2 caused GLOBAL WARMING. Gore claimed the scientific community unanimously supported his message. However, real scientists joined together to produce a rebuttal documentary in 2007, The Great Global Warming Swindle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3IhIUBghPc&list=PL84BADA23B1E572B0.

They explained that yes the Earth has been warming since last Ice Age 20,000 years ago (except for a brief Interglacial Period 11,000 years ago). Even 8000 years ago, what today is the Arabian and Sahara Deserts were lush grasslands with abundant rainfall, rivers and lakes. The serious Earth warming began 5000 years ago caused by shifts in Earth's axis and greater solar radiation. The Industrial Revolution and burning of coal and petroleum fuels began in the 17th Century when instead of warming, Earth experienced a Little Ice Age between 1645 and 1800.

What Al Gore, Greta Thunberg and the rest of the alarmist fail to explain is how CO2 representing less than 1/2 of 1% of Earth's atmosphere supposedly causes global warming. CO2 is

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