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Book online Ā«The Illuminati and the Deception of History by Terence Smart (best way to read books .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Terence Smart

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the Twin Towers were collapsing you could see steel beams turning to dust in mid-air.

New York firefighter Joe Casaliggi said ā€œYou have two 110-story office buildings. You donā€™t find a desk. You donā€™t find a chair. You donā€™t find a telephone, a computer. The biggest piece of a telephone I found was half of the keypad and it was about two inches wideā€.

NY Governor George Pataki described the Twin Towers rubble: ā€œThe concrete was pulverized, all of Lower Manhattan, not just this site, from river to river, there was dust, powder and the concrete was just pulverized. And it was finely pulverized, much of it like talcum powderā€.

People who still refuse to believe the reality of weather manipulation technology are encouraged to read the article at the following link as an introduction to the topic:

ā€œIt isnā€™t just conspiracy theorists who are concerned about HAARP. The European Union called the project a global concern and passed a resolution calling for more information on its health and environmental risks. Despite those concerns, officials at HAARP insist the project is nothing more sinister than a radio science research facility.ā€ - Quote from a TV documentary on HAARP by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).



Another good website for more information is http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org.

Agenda 21 (2030) (Communism)

Wikipedia defines the UNā€™s Agenda 21 as ā€œAn action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable developmentā€.

The Global Elite make people believe in the false theory of Global Warming and climate change and to fix this they will force on us the plan called Agenda 21 (or Agenda 2030 they keep changing the name) and it is to change our lives in accordance with the United Nationā€™s vision of a one world government controlled by a few.

Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which humans impact on the environment.

ā€œSustainable developmentā€ is the catch-phrase we should be afraid of, very afraid. Its plan dictates where one can live and what land should be designated for would, under fully-realized Agenda 21 plan, be controlled by the United Nations and a future one-world government. The odd thing is that most people have simply not heard of Agenda 21 ā€“ although local authorities across the country, and government institutions across the world, at national and local level, have signed up to it. In fact nearly every country in the world has signed up for this fascist dictatorship.

It was back in 1992 that the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro, and here 179 nations officially signed up to Agenda 21 ā€” many more have followed since. Maurice Strong has been the driving force behind the imposition of Agenda 21, and was also a member of the UNā€™s Commission on Global Governance. Below are several quotes by Maurice Strong that I feel make scary reading?

ā€œCurrent lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class ā€” involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air conditioning, and suburban housing ā€“ are not sustainable.ā€ (At the Rio Earth Summit).

ā€œIn searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that the threat of global warming would fit the bill, the real enemy then is humanity itself. We believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realise world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is a real one or one invented for the purpose.ā€ (Maurice Strong at the Club of Rome)

Agenda 21 activist Rosa Koire says, 'It is the blueprint, it is the action plan, to inventory and control all land, all water, all plants, all minerals, all construction, all animals, all means of production, all energy, all information and all the human beings in the world. It is a completely comprehensive plan, it's global and it's implemented locally... It is in every single town all across the United States and across the world.'

For much more information have a look at Rosa Koireā€™s website http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com

Agenda 21 is run by the United Nations via an NGO (Non-Government Organization) called 'International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives', commonly known as ICLEI, Local Governments for Sustainability.

This is paid for by you, the taxpayer, without your consent - because you have not had a vote on its implementation.

U.N. Agenda 21 is behind the building programmes you don't want in your area. It is behind mass immigration; which is designed to wreck nations and their identities. It is behind a large portion of unemployment, it is behind your ever-increasing energy bills, the surveillance in your street (CCTV) and in your work and technology (RFID, Mobiles, Bank cards).

Agenda 21 calls on governments to take control of all land use and nobody will be allowed private property. People would be rounded up off the land and packed into human settlements, or islands of human habitation, close to employment centers and transportation.

Below is the list of what the United Nations (one world government) wants to force on us and they are using the climate change excuse to do it. We have to resist this or it is the END of yours and your childrenā€™s FREEDOM forever.

The One Planet Communities is a growing worldwide network of deep green neighbourhoods that are the cutting edge of sustainable development.

According to Donna Holtā€™s data, in June 2008, The One Planet Communities proposed the
- 58 percent less electricity
- 23 gallons/water less per person
- 50 percent reduction in car ownership
- 40 electric car solar powered charging stations
- Reduction of footprint from 6 homes to 2 homes by 2020
- Stacked homes to avoid expansion of housing developments
- Five minute lifestyle (5 minute walk or bike from your home to shop, work, live, go to school)
- Walk or bike within the community
- Car-sharing for short distances or from one stacked community to another
- High speed rail for longer distances
- Car ownership will disappear
- Sustainability is taught schools, colleges, and universities
- Colleges teach how to ā€œbuild earthā€™s sustainable workforce,ā€ ā€œsustainability manager for carbon accounting,ā€ ā€œcorporate sustainability manager,ā€ ā€œenergy auditor,ā€ ā€œengineering sustainably certified homes,ā€ to name just a few.
- Children are well indoctrinated into Sustainable Development practices
- Government schemes to control future use of agricultural land and water through the recently passed White House Rural Council
- Regulatory taking of land
- Rationing of water, electricity, and fuel
- Denied building permits and thus land is deemed worthless
- Private property abolished to prevent urban sprawl
- Land shortage
- High density living
- Megacities regionalism will replace local and state governments.

So you can't own your own house.

You will not be allowed a car.

You must use a train for long distance travel.

You can't live in the countryside or even go there.

Your electricity and gas will be rationed by the use of smart meters.

Everyone will have to live in high rise apartments.

Of course the elite people of the planet will be allowed to live were they please and do what they want as they will control all the resources on the planet.

If people do not wake up to the truth this is what will happen very soon, well its already happening. Just look at the way the energy companies are trying to force Smart Meters on every household.

If you look at the list above for Agenda 21 and compare it to the list below from the Communist Manifesto you can see they match up pretty close. I believe Agenda 21 is just Communism by the backdoor without anyone noticing.

Communism or the Illuminati have ten essential goals:

1. Abolition of Private Property.

2. Heavy Progressive Income Tax.

3. Abolition of Rights of Inheritance.

4. Confiscation of Property Rights.

5. Central Bank.

6. Government Ownership of Communication and Transportation.

7. Government Ownership of Factories and Agriculture.

8. Government Control of Labour.

9. Corporate Farms and Regional Planning.

10. Government Control of Education.

In simple terms Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the end of civilization as we know it. It is the end of private property, the elevation of the collective over the individual. It is the redistribution of the Planets wealth to the global elite, and it is the reduction of 85% of the worldā€™s population.

In actuality, Sustainable Development is not sustainable unless the population actually is reduced by the 85% called for by the globalists. The true purpose of Sustainable Development and all of its policies is the control of all aspects of human life - economic, social and environmental.

Here is how the United Nations described Agenda 21 in one of its own publications in a 1993 article entitled ā€œAgenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to save our Planet:ā€

ā€œAgenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by EVERY person on Earthā€¦ it calls for specific changes in the activities of ALL peopleā€¦ Effective execution of Agenda 21 will REQUIRE a profound reorientation of ALL humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced.ā€

Look at this quote from Alexander King, co-founder of the Club of Rome:

ā€œIn searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the billā€¦ All of these dangers are caused by human interventionā€¦the real enemy then, is humanity.ā€

He mentions famine but that could be removed overnight if they want it to. Over the past 100 years the globalists and bankers have spent trillions on needless wars which could have been spent on world hunger. Look at the needless Iraq war which cost America 2 trillion dollars, what a waste.

Below is part of the expose from the Stateofthenation2012.com website titled ā€˜New World Order: Where Geoengineering via Chemtrails meets The Global Carbon Control Matrixā€™

ā€œThere is an ongoing, covert and meticulously planned plot afoot that is being implemented 24/7 worldwide. It goes way beyond Agenda 21 in scope, but uses that UN plan to accomplish its goals. This clandestine agenda is being executed in order to impose a new global CO2 ā€˜managementā€™ regime. Doing so is the penultimate step in securing complete control over all of Earthā€™s natural resources and atmosphere. The evolving New World Order (NWO) is being administered by a highly organized cabal of intermarrying bloodlines which have shared this common cause over centuries. Every major world event over the past 250 years has occurred in order to advance their grandiose and destined-to-fail project. That would include the American, French and Russian Revolutions, as well as World Wars I and II and the Great Depression. It is self-evident that whoever controls the land, water and air around the globe effectively controls the entire planetary civilization. Food, clothing and shelter are basic to surviving on Planet Earth; therefore, their availability, and especially their cost, are of vital importance to every resident. In order to exploit this sole fact of life, the NWO cabal is seeking to commodify all land, air and water in ways they have previously not attempted.

For further information read the following books:

Agenda 21: An Expose of the United Nationsā€™ Sustainable Development Initiative and the Forfeiture of American Sovereignty and Liberties by Ron Taylor

U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

Not so Smart Meters

You should be very wary of anything that has Smart in front of its name such as Smart Meters, Smart growth or the word ā€˜sustainableā€™ because they are all to do with this fascist dictatorship known as Agenda 21.

According to research Smart Meters can be hazardous to your health. Some 65 million American homes already have them, and more are being converted all the time, even against the will of some homeowners. And yet many doctors agree that smart meters are a potential health threat due to constant releases of radiation.


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