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Book online «The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror by Terence Smart (best ereader for pdf txt) 📖». Author Terence Smart

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the people in Libya had a really good life. There was never any intent for those people to have an uprising. That was an absolute false flag operation”

The two real reasons that the Zionist powers (Cabal) wanted to remove Gaddafi were:

1. The reason they were able to give interest free loans was that Libya had its own bank and they did not have a CabalRothschild bank running the national economy.

2. Gaddafi had a plan to establish a gold-backed currency in Africa and this would not be allowed by the Illuminati as this would bring an end to their banking control.

3. The Zionist Cabal wanted to flood Europe with immigrants from boats which would set off from Libya and mostly end up in Italy. Gaddafi would not allow this.

Guess what, Libya now has a central CabalRothschild bank and 500,000 immigrants from Libya have landed in Italy since 2015 by boat.

Hilary Clinton emails, released by Wikileaks in January of 2016 suggests Gaddafi’s intention was to establish a gold-backed currency to compete with the euro and the dollar as an international reserve currency in Africa. In this regard the then French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, and then US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, (both Illuminati Puppets) were key factors in pushing for NATO intervention.

The classified emails prove beyond any doubt that what took place in Libya was a monstrous crime for which those responsible have yet to be held accountable.

NATO forces bombed the country's historical archival buildings, in an apparent effort to eliminate all traces of Libyan history. They blew up homes, streets, food stores, schools, hospitals, basic infrastructure like water supplies, wheat fields and date-palm groves. They 'opened up' the country for what it is today a truly "failed state" with daily violence and not one but two competing governments. Again this was the same way that the Cabal destroyed Germany in World War 2 because Hitler had removed the central Rothschild banks from Germany.

The fall of Gaddafi’s administration has created all of the country’s worst-case scenarios: Western embassies have all left, the South of the country has become a haven for terrorists, and the Northern coast a centre of migrant trafficking. Egypt, Algeria and Tunisia have all closed their borders with Libya. This all occurs amidst a backdrop of widespread rape, assassinations and torture that complete the picture of a state that is failed and all because of the intervention of NATO, America, Britain and France. It is the fault of these three countries that migrants are coming from the shores of Libya to Italy and Europe. When Gaddafi was in charge of Libya there was no migrants coming across to Europe in boats.

The Libyan death toll from NATO’s bombs or I should say American, British and French bombs are at least 500,000 people. Twenty-five percent of all babies born now in Libya die the first day because of the depleted uranium.

America, Britain, Israel and France are run by psychopaths because there is no other word for what they have done to Iraq, Libya, Serbia, Palestine and now Syria.

Rebels or mercenaries were recruited, trained and funded by America, Britain and NATO to help remove Gaddafi on the ground while they pounded the country from the skies. These same rebels were then moved to Syria to oust Assad and now people call them IsisIsil or Daesh. Just a reminder of the number of human beings that have been killed in Libya because of the western governments. These are the people in America and Britain that you people voted for. I hope you get what you deserve Mr G. Bush, Mr T Blair, Mr Obama and Mr Cameron.

David Cameron has been blamed for rise of ISIS. The Times newspaper headline have included: “Damning Inquiry into Libya points finger at former PM.” The Guardian also has a go: “MPs condemn Cameron over Libya debacle” and: “Errors resulted in country ‘becoming failed state and led to growth of ISIS.’ ”

The Independent came in with: “Cameron’s toxic Libya legacy”, with: “Former PM blamed for collapse in to civil war, rise of ISIS and mass migration to Europe in Inquiry’s scathing verdict” and “Cameron ignored lessons of Iraq and Afghanistan …”

But Cameron is just another puppet who did was he was told (destroy Libya, remove Gaddafi) by the Cabal that runs most of this world. Deaths in Libya: 500,000


Thousands of civilians and children are being massacred in Yemen by the ‘New World Order’ ‘axis of evil’ group of countries which is America, Israel, Britain and Saudi Arabia. The same group of countries that destroyed Iraq, Libya and Syria for the Rothschild Zionist Empire. For three years, Yemen, the Arab world's poorest country, has been wracked by a bloody war between the Houthi rebels and supporters of Yemen's internationally recognized government. Yemen has always been controlled by a Sunni Muslim government which has been the puppet of Saudi Arabia. Yemen is split between half the population being Sunni Muslims and half being Shia but when the Houthi Shia Muslims decided they want rid of the corrupt puppet Yemeni Sunni government Saudi Arabia did not like it. In September 2014, the Houthis took control of Yemen's capital, Sanaa, and proceeded to push southwards towards the country's second-biggest city, Aden. In response to the Houthis' advances, Saudi Arabia launched a military campaign in 2015 to defeat the Houthis and restore Yemen's puppet government.

So Saudi Arabia with the backing of ‘the axis of evil’ brought a war to Yemen not caring how many civilians would die but only interested in restoring the Saudi puppet government in Yemen.

As of March 26, 2018, at least 10,000 Yemenis had been killed by the fighting, with more than 40,000 casualties overall. But Save The Children estimated at least 50,000 children died in 2017 and the USA have set up a blockade so no aid can get into Yemen which has cost the lives and starvation of thousands of children.

The Yemeni Ministry of Human Rights says the ongoing Saudi-led military campaign against the impoverished and conflict-plagued Arab country has killed and injured over 600,000 civilians, including more than a quarter of a million children.

The Yemeni Ministry of Human Rights announced in a statement in late March that:

The military campaign against Yemen led by Saudi Arabia, the US, and the UK has killed and injured over 600,000 civilians, including more than a quarter of a million children.

Airstrikes conducted by Saudi Arabia have caused at least 38,500 deaths.

2,949 children and women, and 8,979 men have been wounded or maimed as a result of the airstrikes.

Saudi Arabia has caused the death of an additional 296,834 people indirectly.

More than 247,000 children have lost their lives due to severe malnutrition

Had these casualties been Jewish children in Israel World war 3 would have started by now.

In April 2018 an air strike by Saudi Arabia in Yemen killed 12 civilians on in the coastal city of Hodeidah, medics and a witness said. The 12 killed were all from the same family and 7 of them were children. They were killed by a regime which is backed by America, Israel and the U.K. I will repeat again had these children been Israeli children who had died the whole world would have known about it. It would have been on the Jewish controlled T.V networks constantly, but because the deaths were Arabs no one even knows about it.

In April 2018 Saudi air strikes killed at least 20 civilians at a Yemeni wedding. The head of Al Jumhouri hospital in Hajjah said that the hospital had received 40 bodies, most of them torn to pieces, and that 46 people had been injured, including 30 children, in air strikes that hit a wedding gathering. Residents and medics told Reuters that 20 people attending the celebration were killed and at least 30 injured.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), estimates that more than 3 million Yemenis have fled their homes to elsewhere in the country, and 280,000 have sought asylum in other countries.

In 2017 the UN humanitarian coordinator for Yemen, Jamie McGoldrick, said that around 10,000 people have been killed in the country since Saudi Arabia intervened, with 7 million people close to starvation.

In November, the British government refused to stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia, rejecting calls from two parliamentary committees and human rights groups. According to Campaign against the Arms Trade (CAAT), Britain licensed £3.3 billion (US$4.1 billion) of arms sales to Riyadh during the first 12 months of the Yemen war. During Barack Obama’s two terms as president, the US offered Saudi Arabia $115 billion worth of arms in 42 separate deals. In 2017 President Trump announced a massive deal worth $110 billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia so they can slaughter the Yemenis and so Saudi Arabia can be a major player in the war against Iran. America defends and backs up the criminal state of Saudi Arabia because it receives cheap oil from the Saudis and Saudi Arabia sells its oil around the world using the American dollar.

Amnesty International has condemned the US and Britain for supplying arms to Saudi Arabia, arms which have then been used to kill hundreds of civilians in Yemen. Figures from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute show that the two countries have sent weaponry worth more than $5 billion to Saudi Arabia since Riyadh’s intervention began in March 2015. This is over 10 times the approximately $450 million that the US State Department and the UK’s Department for International Development have sent (or planned to send) in humanitarian aid to Yemen over the same period, which Amnesty has described as a “shameful contradiction.”

Lynn Maalouf, Amnesty's deputy director of research for the Middle East and North Africa stated:

“Two years of conflict have forced 3 million people to flee their homes, shattered the lives of thousands of civilians and left Yemen facing a humanitarian disaster with more than 18 million in desperate need of assistance. Yet despite the millions of dollars’ worth of international assistance allocated to the country, many states have contributed to the suffering of the Yemeni people by continuing to supply billions of dollars’ worth of arms”.

Of course Israel supports the Saudis and America and this can be seen in the fact that Israel dropped a neutron bomb on Yemen on behalf of their Saudi allies. A video received from Yemen, believed to be taken May 20, 2015, of an explosion, when analysed by nuclear weapons experts is, by very high probability, a neutron bomb that could only have been an Israeli attack.

“Russia is not only certain after viewing the evidence, that this is a nuclear attack but they believe that the United States is fully complicit in it; where other sources have cited the Israeli-Saudi nexus, highest level Russian sources believe this irresponsible move is the result of Washington kow-towing to both Saudi Arabia and The Gulf States. Take note of the reaction to this very serious issue of the Israeli use of nukes. Anyone who tries to claim there was no nuke dropped on Yemen or apply a derogatory label to those who seek to get the truth about this most heinous of war crimes out to a wide audience must be viewed as a stooge for Israel” - Ian Greenhalgh, Historian, veteranstoday.com

The video of this Israeli neutron bomb can be seen at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtEdXWC_YJg

Israel has been extensively involved in making bombing runs in Yemen. The 2015 downed 2 F16 jets in Yemen were of Israeli origin. These jets reported use tactical neutron bombs and target general civilians in the area. F16s were shot down over Yemen. When the wreckage was

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