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Book online «The 9/11 Deception and False Flag Terror by Terence Smart (best ereader for pdf txt) 📖». Author Terence Smart

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examined, both were found to be of types never supplied to an Arab nation, not Saudi Arabia, not anyone. The only “buyer” in the region for that type of plane is Israel. Israel does not do so well when its victims are prepared and capable of fighting back, perhaps they thought they were bombing undefended civilians in Gaza?

Weapons supplied in the past by states such as the UK and US have been used to commit gross violations and helped to precipitate a humanitarian catastrophe. These governments have continued to authorize such arms transfers at the same time as providing aid to alleviate the very crisis they have helped to create.

The Western governments are hypocrites. They supply arms to Saudi Arabia which kills thousands of civilians then claim Assad of Syria is killing his own people and then drops over 100 cruise missiles onto Syria.

Weapons supplied in the past by states such as the UK and US have been used to commit gross violations and helped to precipitate a humanitarian catastrophe. These governments have continued to sell arms to Saudi Arabia at the same time as providing aid to alleviate the very crisis they have helped to create.


The real aim of the Zionist supported governments, the USA, U.K and France is to topple Iran and install puppet leaders in Syria and Iran (just like they did in Iraq and Libya), puppet leaders in which they control so that they can steal the oil within Syria and Iran. But first they have to destroy Iran’s main ally in the Middle East which is Syria. Now they have to do this with a proxy war which means they can’t attack Syria themselves for no reason so they fund, train and arm mercenaries, rebels to attack Syria for them. Most of these rebels are the ones who helped to remove Gaddafi in Libya they then moved on to Syria to continue their slaughter and they became IsisIsil. Isis then steal’s Iraqi and Syrian oil and then Turkey illegally buy’s this oil and transports it across the border to Turkey. This is a country that wants to join the European Union. The EU now has to pay Turkey a few billion euros so that it will stop sending migrants through Turkey and into Europe. Another part of this payment is Turkish citizens (80 million) will be allowed to visit Europe visa free from July 2016 and stay for 90 days.

In an interview with the French TV station LCP, former French minister for Foreign Affairs Roland Dumas said:

‘’I’m going to tell you something. I was in England two years before the violence in Syria on other business. I met with top British officials, who confessed to me that they were preparing something in Syria. This was in Britain not in America. Britain was organizing an invasion of rebels into Syria. They even asked me, although I was no longer minister for foreign affairs, if I would like to participate. Naturally, I refused, I said I’m French, that doesn’t interest me.’’ ‘’This operation goes way back. It was prepared, preconceived and planned… in the region it is important to know that this Syrian regime has a very anti-Israeli stance. Consequently, everything that moves in the region- and I have this from the former Israeli prime minister who told me ‘we’ll try to get on with our neighbours but those who don’t agree with us will be destroyed”.

Yes but Israel or the Jewish Zionists will not destroy the countries themselves, they will get countries that they control the USA, Britain and France to do it for them.

It must be remembered that the SAA (Syrian Arab Army) is fighting a war but not against anti-government rebels or moderates as depicted in the mainstream media. Rather it’s a dirty war against a merciless, depraved and bloodthirsty proxy army funded, armed and supported by the Empire of Evil (US, UK, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, NATO, Israel).

It is a huge lie by the USA and the western world that the Syrian Government instigated a chemical attack at the Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province, April 2017 and in Douma 2018. The Americans tried blaming the Syrian government for the 2013 Ghouta Chemical attack but proof was provided that it was the rebels who were behind the attack. Are we supposed to believe that this time it was the Syrian government? For what reason? What would they achieve, they know the world would condemn it and that they would face retaliation. They were winning the war without any chemical attacks so why would they do that, well they wouldn’t would they? Don’t forget the USA and the Jewish Zionists (Neocons) are trying to remove Assad and replace him with their puppet leader just like they did in Iraq. Assad is fighting the rebels and Isis who are in his country and the USA, France and Great Britain are on the side of Isis because they want Assad out as well.

When the Russians demand a full investigation, the Americans strike as fast as they can before this idea gets any support. Two days after this supposed Chemical attack by the Syrian government Donald Trump sends in 59 cruise missiles (April 2017) to destroy a Syrian airbase. How is that justified before any investigation has taken place? The Russian defence Ministry claims that only 23 of 59 missiles reached the intended target, with the remainder landing in nearby villages. Syrian media sources are reporting that nine civilians died in the attack, four children. It is believed that Russia shot down or neutralised 36 of the cruise missiles. So Trump and the USA military killed four children.

It is sheer hypocrisy from the Americans because Israel killed 2400 Palestinians in 2014 during ‘operation protective edge’ which killed 577 children but the USA did not condemn this in fact they applauded it but somehow what Syria has allegedly done in trying to protect itself from a rebel takeover deserves 59 cruise missiles.

America dropped tons of phosphorus bombs on Iraq killing hundreds of thousands civilians but that is ok I guess. With Americas help 2 million Iraqis have lost their lives. What we need in America is regime change, they need to blow away with the wind and never return and only then will we have world peace.

Britain and America sells arms to Saudi Arabia which they use to kill over 30,000 civilians in Yemen. What hypocrisy by the western governments.

The US, UK and France have been exposed as relying on fake news sources, including the al-Qaeda affiliated White Helmets, as a basis for their condemnation, in spite of the fact that the clear evidence indicates that the chemical weapons in question belonged to a terrorist group and not the Syrian government which forfeited its chemical weapons stock in 2013.

Now the U.S. believe that they are investigators, they are attorneys, judges and they are the executioners," "I believe it's vital for us to remember what history teaches us and on this occasion (in 2003), the United States did affirm, they affirmed that they had all the proof necessary to show that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction but they were never found ... never were they found,"   the Bolivian ambassador said at the UN April 2017.

Ex-UK Ambassador to Syria Peter Ford states: "Assad wasn’t behind the chemical attack, they are just looking for a pretext to attack Syria"

Virginia State Senator Richard Black is one of those rare U.S. politicians with a fully functioning brain in his head. He said the following:

“I give the probabilities of Syria launching the Syrian gas attack a zero probability, I think there's absolutely no chance that they [Syrian government] did it because there is nothing on earth to gain and in exchange he would incur the wrath of the whole world. So it didn't happen. I know that it didn't happen." "We're [United States] not even sure he [Assad] has chemical weapons," Black stressed. "The United States has relied on evidence that has come solely from terrorists... There are no independent observers on the ground. One of the primary sources of information has come from the White Helmets who, as you know, have been completely compromised as an element of al-Qaeda,"  There are elements of the Central Intelligence Agency whose sole purpose is to create propaganda to foster warfare against innocent countries,"

CIA officer Philip Giraldi reported hearing from his intelligence contacts in the field that they were shocked at how the new poison-gas story was being distorted by Trump and the mainstream U.S. news media.

Former CIA Counter terrorism officer Giraldi said: “I’m hearing from sources on the ground in the Middle East, people who are intimately familiar with the intelligence that is available who are saying that the essential narrative that we’re all hearing about the Syrian government or the Russians using chemical weapons on innocent civilians is a sham.”

Former US Congressman and political analyst Ron Paul says the claim that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad "is gassing his own people is a total nonsense,” adding that the American neoconservatives, who want a perpetual war in the Middle East, are probably behind the recent chemical weapons attack in Syria.

“Anyone with a brain knows that the so-called chemical weapons attack was a total false flag, the United States…is being run by a neocon (neoconservative) faction that is identical to the kind of ideology which ran the [former US President George] Bush regime,” said Adam Garrie, the Director at Eurasia Future, a news and analysis website.

The Western media have quoted and used reports of the injuries suffered in the attacks by a British doctor by the name of Shajul Islam. But Shajul Islam was struck off the British medical register for misconduct in March 2016. In 2012 Shajul Islam was charged with terror offences in a British court. Shajul was accused of imprisoning John Cantlie, a British photographer, and a Dutchman, Jeroen Oerlemans. Both men were held by a militant group in Syria and both were wounded when they tried to escape. Shajul Islam, it was alleged, was among their captors. Shajul Islam’s trial collapsed in 2013, when it was revealed that Mr Cantlie had been abducted once again, and could not give evidence. So the supposedly benevolent medical man at the scene of the alleged chemical attack atrocity turns out to be a struck-off doctor who was once put on trial for kidnapping.

Look at this fake photo (below) of the White Helmets helping these children who supposedly were struck by a chemical Sarin attack. Sarin exposure works through skin contact. So you would not touch them with your bare hands if it really was Sarin because it is 20 times more deadly than cyanide. If this had been Sarin they would have died. Sarin on the skin will kill you. Of course this is never mentioned by the pathetic controlled mainstream media such as the BBC and CNN.

We are told that the White Helmets in Syria are a volunteer civil defence organisation that operated in parts of rebel-controlled Syria. However the White Helmets were created out of militants who invaded Aleppo, the Western-funded White Helmets is a terrorist support group fraudulently masquerading as a humanitarian organization to undermine Syrian government, says independent researcher and journalist Vanessa Beeley.

“This organization is a fraudulent shadow-state construct created by NATO to simply propagate the propaganda that will demonize Assad’s government and also demonize Russian legal intervention in Syria,” said the journalist, who recently returned from Syria.

“From all the information that we’ve received they are acting as terrorist support group,” she added, “in the sense of bringing equipment, arms, even funding, into Syria.”

Beeley emphasized that the White Helmets were “formed by a British [consultant] James Le Mesurier, in 2013. They are trained by him. He has a background in private security work, including connection back to Blackwater, which is one of the best known private security firms that was used by the CIA… as an outreach assassination organization.”

“They’re not trained in Syria,” she added. “They’re trained in Gaziantep in Turkey; and then they’re implanted into areas like east Aleppo, areas that are under heavy conflict.”

White Helmets cannot be in fact called a non-governmental organization as “they are multimillion funded by various NATO states that have declared

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