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them, vanish them from this world”.

This is all part of the Jewish Talmud which advocates the killing of non-Jews. Jewish Spiritual leader Rabbi Cook proclaimed “The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the soul of cattle”.

Jew Max Blumenthal states “there is justification in killing babies if it is clear they will grow up to harm us”.

Now you try and say quotes like that against the Jews in public and if you are in the public eye Jewish pressure groups will cause you to lose your job. Jews have forced the western world to curb our freedom of speech with the Anti-Semitism law. Soft and pathetic western governments have bowed down to Jewish pressure to force these laws on us so that we cannot question the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians or we can’t question the physical evidence of the Holocaust or we can’t question Israel’s connection to 9/11. Anti-Semitism is there to cover up the crimes of Israel. It is there to stop anyone from criticizing Israel or searching for the truth.

Many Politicians have lost their job for criticizing Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians. Helen Thomas, a White House correspondent and fifty year veteran of the White House press corps, was pressured to resign from her position after she was recorded on video making statements Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

Another person who lost her job was Cynthia McKinney, a former U.S. Congresswoman from the state of Georgia, was railroaded out of office by the Zionist lobby (AIPAC) due to her sympathies for the oppressed Palestinians.

Recently in Britain Politician Ken Livingstone made the remark that Hitler colluded with Jewish Zionists to remove Jews from Germany to Palestine and he got slated in the press and called Anti-Semitic. It just goes to show how much governments and the media are controlled by the Jewish Zionists. What Mr Livingstone stated was historical fact. Perhaps you should read the book ‘The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine’ which was actually written by a Jew, Edwin Black.

If I say that America helped and funded Saddam Hussein in the IraqIran war is that un-American, no I am just stating an historic fact the same as Mr. Livingstone was.

Jeremy Corbyn, Labour leader in the U.K did not support the war in Iraq, does not support Israel’s slaughter of the Palestinians and does not believe the U.K should have the nuclear trident missiles and that’s the real reason the Rothschild Zionist Cabal want him removed from any sort of power. So they try to demonize him in their controlled media. You see Tony Blair was owned and controlled by the Jewish Zionists (the Jew Lord Levy was Blair’s fundraiser and advisor) and that’s why he went along with Bush to kill millions of Muslims in Iraq for the greater Israel. David Cameron was also controlled by them and he kept up these wars for the Zionist Jews in Libya and Syria. That is the reason that these two ended up in power in the U.K. Then along comes Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, a true socialist of the old Labour party who has been attacked and slandered at almost every turn as an anti-Semite and labelled as ‘unelectable’ by the British media (Jewish controlled), despite enjoying massive popular support amongst the British people. Of course, Corbyn is no anti-Semite, he is just not a puppet of Israel or the Zionist Jews as Blair and Cameron were. Recently the Zionists Jews have threatening to reintroduce their faithful servant Blair back into politics and use him to undermine Corbyn while dividing the Labour party.

Listen to the former editor of the Times and Jewish Tory Politician Daniel Finkelstein in his article in the Jewish Chronicle “Tony Blair — a man for whom I have tremendous respect — has been arguing that, as Theresa May is going to win, what we really need is a strong opposition. 
 I have a lot of friends who vote Labour and I understand their dilemma. They have supported Labour all their lives and they don’t want to abandon their party to Jeremy Corbyn. I realise that I am a Conservative peer and this point concerns party politics. But, still. Forgive me for this is a point I feel I must make as a Jew. If Jeremy Corbyn and his followers do not suffer a gigantic defeat in this election, it will be an utter, complete, ghastly disaster for Jews”.

What he means is Corbyn won’t support Israel’s insane policies in the Middle East which will result in many more innocent people dying. If any political party in Britain doesn’t put JewishIsraeli interests first, Jews like Finkelstein see only one option and that is the party must be kept out of power. That’s what Finkelstein and the rest of the Jewish elite want.

Notice how Jew Finkelstein states above that if Corbyn became Prime Minster it would be a disaster for the Jews, not the British people, the Jews, because they are more important even though there is only 300,000 Jews in Britain and 55 million Christians.

“A long-running, sustained and vile campaign has been waged against Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party ever since he became Labour leader. Make no mistake, this has zero to do with antisemitism or racism against Jews, it is purely a political campaign being waged by Britain’s Jews on behalf of Israel and the reason behind it is the refusal of Corbyn and the post-Blair Labour Party to kowtow to the Israeli lobby and drop their support for the Palestinian people. The current hullabaloo about the adoption of a certain definition of antisemitism is entirely due to Labour’s omission of the clauses that ban any and all criticism of Israel; this is a stark illustration of how the Jewish-Israeli lobby in all Western countries exerts influence on politics – dare to criticize Israel and they will place you under sustained assault, label you as horrid, racist anti-Semites and do everything they can to oppose you”, - Ian Greenhalgh, researcher - veteranstoday.com

Have a read of Gilad Atzmons article below titled ‘Brexit is all about making Israel greater’.


The western media are owned and controlled by Zionist Jews who are blind supporters of the racist Zionist entity. They need stories about the Holocaust and anti-Semitism as a means of controlling Western public opinion.

In September 2017 the U.S Senate unanimously passed an Anti-Semitism Awareness bill and also by a 99 to zero vote renewed and strengthened sanctions against Iran, which could wreck the one-year-old anti-nuclear weapon proliferation agreement with that country.

The Anti-Semitism bill makes Jews and Jewish interests a legally protected class, immune from any criticism. “Free speech” means in practice that you can burn an American flag, sell pornography, attack Christianity in the vilest terms or castigate the government in Washington all you want but criticizing Israel is off limits if you want to avoid falling into the clutches of the legal system. The Act is a major step forward in effectively making any expressed opposition to Israeli actions a hate crime. This legislation is not being condemned or even discussed in the media because the Jews own the media and they don’t want to bring this to the attention of the American public.

These anti-Semitism laws are nothing but part of the Communist manifesto. The Jewish Bolsheviks under Lenin in 1917 made anti-Semitism a crime and punishable by death. This is what the Zionist Jews are trying to do now, that is make anti-Semitism a law. We have not learned from our past history but then again the Jewish led Bolshevik revolution has been hidden from history. But do your research because the Jews under Lenin & Trotsky murdered at least 40 million Russian Christians during the Bolshevik revolution, it was financed by Jews (Rothschild, Schiff and Warburg) and all the Bolshevik leaders were Jewish. The events of the Jewish Bolshevik revolution are in my first book ‘The Truth about Germany and the World Wars’, which has been banned by three websites to date.

Americans should think about the fact that Israel is the only country on earth that it is impermissible to criticize. Anyone who criticizes Israeli policy, especially toward the Palestinians, or remarks on Israel’s influence, is branded an “anti-Semite.” Even mild critics who are trying to steer Israel away from making mistakes, such as former President Jimmy Carter, are branded “anti-Semites.” The Israel Lobby’s purpose in labelling a critic an “anti-Semite” is to discredit the criticism as an expression of dislike or hatred of Jews. In other words, the criticism is presented as merely an expression of the person’s aversion to Jewishness. A persistent critic is likely to be charged with trying to incite a new holocaust. It is possible to criticize the policy of Germany, France, Spain, UK, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, China, Iran, the US, indeed, every other country without being called anti-German, Anti-French, Anti-British, Anti-American, etc., although US policy in the Middle East is so closely aligned with Israel’s that the Israel Lobby regards critics of US Middle East policy as hostile to Israel. Despite the failures of US policy, it is getting more and more difficult to criticize it without the risk of being branded “unpatriotic,” and possibly even a “Muslim sympathizer” and “anti-Semite.”, - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts- Former assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury under President Ronald Reagan.

The criminalization of political speech and activism against Israel has become one of the gravest threats to free speech in the Western world. In France, activists have been arrested and prosecuted for wearing T-shirts advocating a boycott of Israel. The U.K. has enacted a series of measures designed to outlaw such activism. In the U.S., governors compete with one another over who can implement the most extreme regulations to bar businesses from participating in any boycotts aimed even at Israeli settlements, which the world regards as illegal. On U.S. campuses, punishment of pro-Palestinian students for expressing criticisms of Israel is so commonplace.

But now, a group of 43 senators — 29 Republicans and 14 Democrats — wants to implement a law that would make it a felony for Americans to support the international boycott against Israel, which was launched in protest of that country’s decades-old occupation of Palestine. One of the primary sponsors of the bill is Democrat Ben Cardin (Jewish) of Maryland. Perhaps the most shocking aspect is the punishment: Anyone guilty of violating the prohibitions will face a minimum civil penalty of $250,000 and a maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison.

So in theory if Israel attacks Palestinians and kills 2000 as they did in 2014 and you wanted to Boycott Israel or Israeli goods in protest then you could go to prison for 20 years, this is madness and just shows how the Jews control America.

The proposed measure, called the Israel Anti-Boycott Act (S. 720), was introduced by the Jew Cardin on March 23, 2017. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports that the bill “was drafted with the assistance of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.” Indeed, AIPAC, in its 2017 lobbying agenda, identified passage of this bill as one of its top lobbying priorities for the year.

Another bill has surfaced in the House of Representatives that will require the United States to “consult” with Israel regarding any prospective arms sales to Arab countries in the Middle East. In other words, Israel will have a say, backed up undoubtedly by Congress and the media, over what the United States does in terms of its weapons sales abroad.

In Dickinson, Texas, in a case which actually made national news, if only briefly, the city is requiring anyone who applies for disaster relief to sign a document that reads “Verification not to Boycott Israel: By executing this Agreement below, the Applicant verifies that the Applicant: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of this Agreement.” Dickinson was half destroyed by hurricane Harvey last month and urgently needs assistance, but, in the opinion of Texas lawmakers and local officials, deference to Israel comes first. The ACLU is also contesting the Texas legislation. Which is quite unbelievable, if you’re an American and your city has suffered some catastrophe you can’t get any help until a document has been signed forcing you not to boycott Israel. So Israel comes first not Americans. This is what happens when you let Jews have too much power. This is one of the reasons Hitler would not let them have this power in Germany and he removed them so the Jews brought down a war on to Germany and destroyed it.

As you can see the Jews and their lobbies totally control America. I am sure that if Israel murdered half the population of the world they would enact laws to stop people criticizing them. The sad thing is the politicians would go along with it. Look at the way the Whites in South Africa supposedly treat the

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