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Book online «BLOODWORTH by Tai Goodman (fiction novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Tai Goodman

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Chapter XVII: Darkness



Stanley and Phoenix arrived right in front of a band of Nazis.



"TURN IT AROUND! TURN IT AROUND NOW!" Stanley screamed. The Nazis started shooting at the two. "HANG ON!" 

Phoenix drove behind a house and retracted his choppercycle. "You better be careful, these Nazis are wearing more deeper armor. Got it?" Phoenix informed him. Stanley pulled the magazine out of his pistol and loaded it back in. "Let's crack some skulls." Phoenix nodded. The two ran around opposite sides of the house. Phoenix ran into two Nazis walking behind a boat in a garage. "HALLO! ErschieĂź diesen Mann!" 


Phoenix picked up a nearby garbage can, and punted it towards the Nazi in the front, crushing his skull against the wood wall. The other one began shooting at Phoenix, and hit him three times. "GODDAMN!" he said, taking cover behind a dumpster. Stanley moved around and trespassed past the road blockers. Phoenix, stabbing a Nazi in his back, appeared in front of him. "STANLEY! TAKE COVER!"


Phoenix took a shot to the back, and turned around. "GAH! My freaking back!" 

Stanley peeked out from behind a vehicle and fired, shooting two bullets into a Nazi's face. The three near him however figured out where the line of fire was coming from. "Hinter dem auto Da drĂĽben nach links!" 

Stanley watched a German grenade fall and hit the ground by his foot. "HOLY SHIT!" 

Picking it up, he flung it back. And then the grenade came right back. "WHO THE FUCK IS THROWING IT?"

Stanley threw it back again, and then the three Nazis approaching exploded into red paste. Stanley exposed himself out of cover and continued moving, stepping over the blood and guts of the exploded Nazis. Phoenix bumped into a Nazi with loads of force, knocking him through a window and into a fridge. 

Turning around, there was yet another Nazi, trying to shove Phoenix. "WRONG MOVE!"


Phoenix grabbed the barrel and stock of the rifle, then kicked the man in the chest, ripping both of his hands off. "Rip and steal."  Firing it in all directions, he hit a Nazi in his throat, traveling through, and hit another Nazi in their throat, making him shoot his gun as he hit the ground. Then out from behind someone's backyard was a fully armored Nazi in a juggernaut suit.


"Oh... SHIT."

"Things are about to get bad!"


The juggernaut inserted the clip into his machinegun. "AMERICAN!" 


"What's the matter, big boy. Come here to test the man's mettle?" 


The juggernaut started firing. "STAN! GET DOWN!"

Stanley crouched down right in front of a car. Gunfire traveled through and broke the windshield. 


The juggernaut was fully armored. From its bulletproof suit to its multi-layered facial armor, with a steel face plate, a glass visor, side facial pads, and an overhead helmet. “PHOENIX! SHOOT IT IN THE FACE!”

Phoenix aimed out from behind cover and only managed to fire one shot at the face plate. This did absolutely nothing. “IT VILL TAKE MORE THAN A BULLET TO DAMAGE ZHIS ARMOR, YOU DUMMKOPF!”

The juggernaut started firing his machine gun at the wall Phoenix was behind. Pieces of rubble kept falling off of the wall. In his sights, he could see Stanley, the many corpses of the resistance, the three people Stanley eviscerated, and a car with its door open. Phoenix’s mask displayed a lit lightbulb. “STANLEY! COVER ME!”

Stanley gave him a thumbs up, firing over the hood of the car. The juggernaut, moving forwards, turned in his direction and fired his machinegun. Phoenix sprinted over in time, and with his pure strength, he ripped the car door off of its hinges.


“I don’t think you pay attention to your own words, you Nazi. Think your bullets can get through my armor?”

Phoenix, with his shield, used the side mirror as his rifle-rest. He fired a few more shots, hitting the juggernaut in his face plate. The juggernaut focused fire on Phoenix. The car door took the impact, however. Bullet casings flying, holes punching in the steel door, and Stanley firing his gun, there was enough sound in the area. Stanley’s gunshots hit the faceplate, and the faceplate fell off.




The juggernaut then ran out of ammunition. “SCHISSE!”

He removed the clip.

Phoenix dropped the car door.

The juggernaut pulled out an extra clip.

Phoenix sprinted towards him.

The juggernaut reloaded.

Phoenix put his barrel up to the machinegun’s barrel, fired a shot through the weapon, and then destroyed the juggernaut’s visor with a punch.



Phoenix instantly pulled his sawed off shotgun out, forcing the two steel barrels into the man's mouth, and BLAM! Blood, teeth, and bone everywhere. Stanley came out from hiding and ran over to Phoenix. "You alright man?"



Through the mouth of the juggernaut, blood was overflowing and turning into a pool, spilling out of the visor's hole. "You sure did take him out."

"Ballistic armor is for pussies."


The two continued into the HQ building. The place was ransacked, pictures destroyed, furniture tipped over, ceiling broken in. "This is where we all took refuge. We took in the undesirables, then we hid them. Nobody deserves a fate like all those in the prison." Phoenix corrected Stanley, "The undesirables weren't in the prison. They were somewhere below it."

"Well somewhere better than below it."




The two walked into the basement and found nobody still remaining. People were shot dead. Stanley walked over to one holding a spilled glass of wine. "William. Always loved his Port Wine while nobody else did," Stanley informed Phoenix. "PORT wine? Jesus, who the fuck drinks that shit?"


"I know, it's a vile drink. But doesn't this all seem like something else?"


"What does that mean?"


Stanley pointed to the wine glass. "If he was drinking during a firefight, he would've already been dead. He wasn't in the fight, he was murdered. They BROKE IN HERE, and they SHOT EVERYBODY LIKE A BUNCH OF... PUSSY-PUNKASS COWARDS. ALL BECAUSE THEY HATE SOMEONE ELSE!" 

He broke down on the carpet in the middle of the room. Phoenix walked around and spotted an interesting photo in a frame. Picking it up, he reviewed the memory behind it. It was a couple with a child in the photo. Phoenix then looked in the corner of the basement, and there they were. Two adults, one child. All dead. "JESUS Christ..."


"I know, right?"


Phoenix took a seat on the couch by the boiler. "Take all the time you need." An hourglass popped up on his digital mask. Stanley stood up, and waltzed around the room some more. He then switched the television on, and it displayed a rocket at the Louisiana Space Station. "In just ten days, the spacecraft Raumfahre 9-1 will be the first Nazi spacecraft on the moon," the television said.



Stanley nodded in agreement. "We can't let that happen, not on my fucking watch." 


The television then spoke, "We will be broadcasting the recording of the launch from a bird's eye view off of the Flugzeug Zeppelin. If you want to watch history be created, tune in in ten days!"

 Phoenix's mask had a lightbulb pop up on it. "I think I got an idea."

Chapter XVIII: Blank Space

 "You're gonna put a Nazi on the moon? Fuck you moon. That was reserved for another person's feet to leave a mark. That was OUR reserved spot, and the fact that you took it from us makes me want to nuke this country and Germany for the rest of the world's sake." 


Phoenix called a meeting in his living room. Abhy, Stanley, Peter, and Hans all entered the den. "Everybody take a seat. We've got a plan that JUST might work." 

Abhy sat right next to Phoenix on his leather chair, curled back. "Raumfahre 9-1, raise your hand if you heard of this." Everybody rose their hand. "Peter, tell me what it is."

"It's a Nazi spaceship, isn't it."


"Fucking A' right it is. And we gotta stop that thing from launching. But we also have another idea..." Phoenix mentioned, pointing at Stanley. Stanley cleared his throat and spoke, "The zeppelin, in the sky. That's where Schriener is. The TV said we can watch it from the perspective of the blimp's, so the blimp should be right next to the site. WHAT IF we had Phoenix on the rocket, and gave him something to get across and onto the blimp."


"We could make a grappling hook."


Stanley snapped his finger. "Good idea." Phoenix smiled. "I always wanted to go to the moon. But it ain't gonna happen, still. Gotta focus on what matters the most, killing a man on a trillion-ton aircraft." 

Peter nodded and instantly said, "Time to get to work!"


Phoenix spent his time, training in the garage. He punched a punching bag, and left several impact marks in the leather of the bag. He even headbutt the bag, kicked it, used his chest, and etc. 

Peter was creating another device: A long range grappling hook that could reach up to 1000 meters. With one flick of a wrist, it will shoot an impact grappling hook that will pull its user with a load of force in the direction of the the mark. 

Stanley was also devising the plan, drawing out a map on a piece of paper. 


Chapter XIX: To the Moon

 "Well well well... Today's the day. Plan looks simple as hell. Kill every Nazi on sight, get me into the launch pad, have me use my boots to get to the top, and grapple to the blimp."



Phoenix, Stanley, and Peter all walked into the building with firearms. "We're all armed to the teeth. Wish we could take less lives today, but we just can't do that when the Nazis have a higher kill count than use Americans. It's time to do what's right, no pussying out now. Because what's done is done. And what am I supposed to be? The good guy? No. That's not right. I'm not the bad guy either. Nobody on Earth is the good guy."


In the lobby, Phoenix aimed his weapon around at the crowd trying to snap pictures of the launchcraft through the skylight. "ALRIGHT GET DOWN ON THE GROUND! EVERYBODY, WE AREN'T HERE TO HURT YOU!" Peter screamed aiming his submachine gun around. Phoenix's mask gave Peter a thumbs-up. "Stan, you come with me! We're

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