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Book online Β«A Perverted Mate by Kylie (best pdf reader for ebooks TXT) πŸ“–Β». Author Kylie

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Aaron rolled up to the park in the SUV. He saw me, frowned, and got out of the car. I broke off running into his arms. He held me as I sobbed, his dark brunette hair tickling my own.
"He was trying to make me stay Aaron, with his stupid jock friends who were eye raping me!" I sobbed.
"Ssh. It's okay. I'll take you home." Aaron said, his olive green eyes filled with concern. "But not until you're dry."

"Ssh. It's okay. I'll take you home." I said. "But not until you're dry."
I sat swinging with her at the swings. She was just so pretty, and...Wow. I'm over here, my wolf, who I call Lyall, growling for me to take her.
Come on, what are you waiting for?

My wolf, Lyall snapped.
I can't just take her here. At a park. She's heartbroken, I thought.
That is no excuse. She won't be heartbroken if you take her!

Lyall said.
Whatever, I thought. My wolf was something I'd literally just learned about a month ago. I guess I've got a lot to learn...

After an hour of swinging in a bikini, Aaron drove me home. We pulled in the driveway, and I did something without thinking. I kissed Aaron full on the lips. I nipped it his skin, and groaned when his tongue, warm and wet, snaked into my mouth. Finally, I pushed away. I felt my face get hot, and I looked away.
"Sorry." I said.
"Don't apologize. I rather liked it." Aaron said, before looking at the clock. The small green numbers read 1:30 PM. "Shit, Daniel wanted the forms an hour ago. Go ahead Delilah. I'll be right back."
I got out of the car.
"What forms?" I asked.
"The ones for us to go back to Bianca High. Last year, remember?" Aaron said. "Bye."
Bianca High was the high school Aaron, the other guys, and I went to. It was my last year before college. Also the school Deino and Caspian went to. Woop-de-fucking-do. Note the sarcasm.
I walked inside, to be tackled by Daniel.
"Are you okay?" Daniel asked.
"No...Caspian was cheating on me." I said.
"What's the address, I'll go murder him." Daniel said, grabbing the keys to his truck.
"Stop joking." I said.
"I'm serious."
"Don't, imma give him hell." I replied, before going and sitting on the couch. More accurately, I sat on James, who was sitting on the couch.
"Get off!" James said.
"No!" I replied, grabbing James' hands, and wrapping them around my abdomen. "I'm tired, and you're really comfy."
I yawned, using James' shoulder as a pillow.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1:
I awoke in my bed, the covers pulled up under my chin. I sighed, and rolled over, to see Aaron, curled up beside me. I smiled, and his moss green eyes flicked open, staring at me.

"Good morning, virgin." I said, grinning.
"Good morning, slut." She replied.
"Ha-ha, very funny." I replied, readjusting myself.
"Oh, you know I love you." She replied, smacking my chest.
She...Loves me?

Lyall howled, fighting for control of all my body.
"Sleep good?" I asked, suppressing my wolf.
"I fell asleep on James' lap last night." Delilah replied.
Was she joking about loving me? I felt my heart shatter, and Lyall whined.
"How did you get on James' lap?" I asked, sounding jealous.
"No seats on the couch." Delilah replied, rolling out of bed.
No seats. She sits on the person in her spot. Must've been James.
"Oh. I got home, and you were in bed. I checked on Phoebe for you. Gave her a bottle." I said.
"Mmmkay." Delilah replied.
My wolf tried to take over again, but cowered. After all, this is DELILAH, I'm stuck with.
"Delilah?" Lyall asked. My wolf, Lyall, is like my other personality. In this case, it's my wolf form, suppressed when I'm human.
"Yeah?" She replied, grabbing some day clothes.

"Do you...Do you want to go out with me?" Aaron asked, his tone shy.
I froze in my tracks. Go out...With AARON?! I never thought this day would come. Even when we were 7 years old, and Aaron would always ask me out, I knew he didn't mean it. Though, I did always say yes. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try with Aaron..
"I-I guess...But can we wait a little longer?" I replied, walking into the bathroom.
"Y-Yeah!" Aaron replied happily.
"Oh and Aaron?" I called. "Can you check on the baby?"
I heard a faint yes before I turned on the water, slipping out of my pajamas.

The warm water felt good against my skin. I scrubbed the chlorine and tears off my skin as quickly as possible, and got out. Looking around my steamy bathroom, I realized I didn't grab a towel. Eh well, Aaron is gone. Might as well grab one. I cracked the door open, checking for Aaron. He was gone, just as I had thought. I swung the door open, walking to the rack of towels. I was almost there when I heard a cry of surprise. I spun around to see Aaron, red, staring at me, before averting his eyes.
"Get out!" I cried, hiding behind the rack of towels.
"S-sorry Delilah. I-I didn't realize-"
"Delilah, are you okay?" Daniel appeared in the doorway.
I grabbed the towel in front of me, covering my body. I stood up, trying not to turn red. Daniel realized why Aaron was all red.
"What the fuck?! Aaron I thought I lectured you already about this!" Daniel yelled at Aaron.
"It's my fault. I forgot a towel, and I didn't lock the door." I replied.
Daniel glared at me for a second, before going back to yelling at Aaron.
"You just decided you could waltz in here and molest my sister?" Daniel lectured Aaron.
"Imma get dressed, so get out." I commanded, shoving Daniel out, and then Aaron. He looked at me, and apologized.
"It's okay, just let me get dressed." I said, exasperated.
That was so embarrassing! It was Aaron though, and he looked away. I rushed into a strapless bra, and a red with black lace corset, that made my stomach smaller, and my boobs bigger and rounder (as a tease to the 10 boys I live with), and black short shorts, that framed my butt perfectly. I fixed my hair, taking some hair from the left front side of my head, fishtail braiding it, and framing it like a crown around my forehead, sweeping over my right ear, and clipping it to the rest of my hair, which was in a fancy bun. This was one of the few things I could do with my wavy-curly red hair. I put on some eyeliner, sweeping to make my eyes look like a cat's. I threw on some bright-red lipstick, and glided over to the shoe rack, feeling like a cross between royalty, and a pirate. I scanned my shoe rack. I decided on a pair of red flats, slipping them on, and walking out. I walked to Phoebe's room. Her room was painted a pale pink, everything baby-proofed. She was curled up in the crib, staring intently at the mobile above her crib, until she saw me. She gasped and hiccuped at my presence as I picked her up, changing her diaper. She seemed to always greet me with a gasp and a hiccup. The thought made me giggle.
"You're so cute Phoebe." I cooed in a baby voice.
I went into the mini fridge with her formula. I pulled a bottle out, shaking it up. Phoebe stared at it like how she stared at the mobile. I smiled, feeding her.

I walked down the stairs, quietly walking into the living room, where the guys sat. There was Kevin, Gavin, Conner, Josh, James, Justin, Christopher, Liam, Darwin, and Austin. They were watching some sort of movie, but when I saw Gavin drooling, I cleared my throat, hoping they would turn off whatever porn they were watching.
Their heads whipped sideways, a sea of blonde, brown, black, and red along the giant couch. Kevin was Spanish, with mocha skin to match his brown-black hair and blue eyes. Gavin had golden hair, with gray eyes to match. Austin and James were twins, both having pale red hair, and light blue eyes. Conner had black hair, with blonde dyed tips, and brown eyes. Josh and Justin were siblings, but Josh had black curly hair, and was a little shorter, with gray eyes, while Justin had brown hair and hazel eyes. Christopher had blonde hair, with dark black eyes. Liam had red hair, and golden eyes. Darwin had green eyes, that made his black hair look dark. I saw James' eyes take in my outfit, along with my body, and he gulped, rushing to take out the movie.
"You're up early." James said, sounding nervous.
"Oh, I am? I'm just going to get breakfast somewhere." I said, grabbing my black purse and heading for the red door that lead to the huge garage.
"Wait! I'll go with you." Gavin said.
"No, me." Austin said.
"No, me." Josh said.
"Me! I'm going!" Kevin said.
And just like that, it erupted into a fit of yelling and arguing.
"AARON WILL GO WITH ME IF YOU ALL DON'T SHUT UP!" I yelled, causing them to go quiet.
"Who really is hungry, or do you all just wanna come because I look hot?" I snapped.
Aaron came bounding down the stairs in jeans and a white button down shirt, a few of the buttons undone.
"I'm hungry." He said, fighting at the buttons.
"NOT FAIR!" Gavin shouted.
"Fine Gavin, you can come with." I said, before rounding onto Aaron. "What do you want?" I snapped.
"Anything. I'm just starving over here." Aaron said, before stalking off.
I checked my clock. It was 6:00 AM, and nothing here opened until 9:00 AM.
"It's actually too early to go anywhere anyways. I'll just wait." I said, stealing the remote from Josh.
"Oh come on babe, I wanna watch TV." Josh begged.
"Daniel said nothing inappropriate when she's awake remember?" Aaron grumbled, walking up the stairs.
Josh sighed, and I changed the channel to Worlds Dumbest Partiers 9. I looked for a place to sit, but there was no where for me. I decided to sit on Gavin's lap, since he had my spot, on the left edge. I snuggled up against Gavin, as his arms went around my waist.
"NOT FAIR! You're single again and you let GAVIN touch you?!" The guys protested.
"He took my spot, and I want to sit in my spot on the couch." I said, resting my head on Gavin's shoulder.
"Now what bitches." Gavin laughed at the other guys.
"Don't worry, you babies. I ain't gun do anything." I said, facing Gavin. He gulped, looking nervously at my breasts.

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