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Book online ยซWaffle and Friends by Leslie Gruis (top young adult novels .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Leslie Gruis

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Pre log
Waffle is a very special needs student since he was in pre school. The teachers tried every thing to help him. But Waffle was just to stupid to help. Waffle and his parents moved to five diffent schools just to help him. None of the schools helped.

The new Day

Waffle was tossing and turning in his bed then his alarm clock woke him up. Then when he woke up there was a bunch of sticky notes that said "Today is my first day in Fuka acandamy." Then Waffle got up and started to get dressed. Then Waffle ran down stares and ate breakfast then ran to school.
Waffle started to get lost. It was dark outside still and his parents where still alseep. Waffle ran into the forest and looked around all he saw was the wind making all the branchs of the trees move to the left while the leaves where shifting to the left and right. Waffle was so amazed with epicness of the trees and the amazing veiw. After a while Waffle was starting to get scared. He noticed that he was lost.
Waffle ran in five in every witch way. Then he finaly found a cop.
"ummm cop... Sir... I am Waffle... I am lost..." Waffle said scared.
"Oh what are you doing here young boy? Its a little to early for you to be ourt and about isn't it?" The cop asked calmly.
"No my moma says this is when school starts."
"No, school starts at 8:00am here not 5:00am."
"Oh! I wook up to early.... Sorry cop... But... Can you help Waffle to Waffles Home?"
"Oh, thats you name Waffle. Yes, I will help you to your house Waffle."
"Whats a house?" Waffle asked caufused.
"A house is a home Waffle." The cop explained.
"So a house is Waffle home?"
"Yes Waffle now lets go home."
"Bingo." Waffle said.
The cop brought Waffle to his house and told him parents to keep a close eye on Waffle. His parents said "Ok" and brought waffle to his room to go back to bed untill 6:30 am.
It was finaly 6:30 am then he got up and put his close back on and got in his mouthers car waiting for her to drive him to school. His mother got to the car and drove him to school then wished him luck. When Waffle got to his home room he put an apple on teh teachers desk.
"Hey new kid!" Said some guy.
"Yah Waffle listing." Said Waffle.
"What are you doing here?"
"Waffle come here to learn." Waflle said with his puppy face. But the boy didn't fell for it.
"Well so did I but guess what thats not the only reason."
"What is the other reason?"
"To pick on kids like you."
Then some one in long black hair that could be so long that it could chock a guy.
"What are you doing Hawk?" Asked the girl with black hair.
"What does it look like I am picking on a kid!" Said Hawk.
"Well thats not nice do I need to give you a repeat of second grade?" She asked in such a brave but evil tone.
"N-no!" Then Hawk ran away like a scardy cat.
"Sorry about Hawk he is one of those mean jocks that always keep there hair extreamly short and known to have a white and black jacket one with our school collors."
"Its ok Waffle is ok now." Waffle said.
"You're not realy bright are yah kid?"
"Yah Waffle was never smart... Waffle is realy stupid."
"Well this is that school for you... This school can't get any dumber than a bag of rocks. I mean if you get an F on your test you will get an A in your grade so if you live here you can be the most studid person on earth and still get a very great job. Oh yah my name is Kiki. Nice to meat you." Said Kiki.
Waffle wad dumb founded. Waffle isn't used to people being nice to him. "..." Waffle was silent.
"Oh, you are afraid of me are you?"
"N..No Waffle isn't use to people being nice to him."
"Oh wow that didn't sound very good... You also need help with your speach.... Ok try to say that again but more proper." said Kiki.
"Waffle don't understand." Waffle muddered.
"Ok be sides saying 'Waffle doesnt understand' say 'I don't understand.'."
"What does that mean?"
"Oh... Ummm when you say I you are saying Waffle but way shorter. For example when you say 'I am hungery' you saying 'Waffle is hungery'"
"Oh Waffle gets it now!"
"No you don't. You said Waffle and not I"
"Oh I sorry."
"Do you mean I'm sorry?"
"Whats I'm?"
"Oh this is going to be hard. I'm is Waffle am... No no no no.... flip. I dont know how to explain it... I'm means I am. Get it?"
"No I dont understand."
"Ok. When you say 'Waffle sorry' or 'I sorry' the corret way is I'm its like saying I am sorry or Waffle is sorry. Get it now?"
"Oh... I think I get it now." Stuttered waffle.
"So now say sorry."
"I-I-I-I-I'm sorry."
"Well we are getting there."
The bell rang and Kiki lead Waffle to his class. "Well cya yah Waffle!" said Kiki while running to her class.
"Hello." Said this one girl with long brown hair with a red hat.
"Hello, I Waffle."
Kiki heard that from a mile away and ran as fast as she could to his class room.
"Waffle what did I teach you!?! Sorry for Waffle's speach he meant 'hello I'm waffle' not 'Hi i waffle." Said kiki said to the brown haired girl.
"Oh its ok. He stupid its not his fault." Said the brown haired girl.
"Shut up. Waffle-"
"Waffle.... Do you mean I?" Said Kiki with fire in her eyes.
"Waffle... I mean I am scared help me browny."
"Browny ha ha, my name is Rose." Rose said while laughing.
"Rose will you help Waffle?" Waffle asked.
"Ok, Kiki stop scaring Waffle."
"I am just trying to teach Waffle how to speak right!" Said Kiki.
"Well do it nicer watch. Waffle?"
"Yah..." Said Waffle.
"When you said 'will you help Waffle.' thats not the right way. You should said 'will you help me.' Me is like saying waffle but a little longer than I and the corret way to ask people if they can save you are tell you things and even to ask people to pass you things."
"Oh I get it. So I should asked you to save me but not Waffle but it is saveing Wafffle because me is Waffle?" Waffle asked.
"No, its a way of saying Waffle."
"Oh I get it now."
"Now you sound smart." Said Kiki. "Oh crap I forgot about my class cya!"
Kiki left and now Rose and Waffle are starting there first day of math class. In this school math starts out with adding and subtracting.

Waffle is doing math

Waffle had so munch trouble with the last question that he couldnt think about the realy question 1+1=?
"Waffle doesn't know this." Waffle cried.
"Um, Mrs. H can I help Waffle?" Asked Rose raising her hand.
"Shure." Said Mrs.H
"Ok Waffle use your finger to count with every number one you see pull up one finger up like this." Said Rose showing Waffle that one is just a single number.
"Oh so one pluss one is two?" Waffle asked scratching his head.
Then Waffle moved on to the next question. 2+2=?. Waffle was thinking if 1+1=2, two pluss two most be four ones. 2+2=4. Then the past twenty questions Waffle got done in a snap. When Waffle got to question fourty. 40+10
"Ummm, Rose, I need your help."
"Oh, this is hard... Take this." Rose handed Waffle a calculator. "This will help you"
"Wow it tells Waffle the corret answer. Is this cheating?" Waffle asked.
"No it helps you its not cheating... At least for you since how stupid you are."
"Ok." Said Waffle.
Waffle was done with his math right after Bob another new kid but he was way smarter than Waffle. Waffles next class was social studies.

Wierd moments

When Waffle thougt it couldn't get harder than math he just had to run into social studies, one of the most boring classes in Fuka Acandamy.
"Waffle can't take this any more." Waffle cried of bordom.
"Come on Waffle you can take it!" yelled Kiki.
"Kiki stop scaring him." Said Rose.
"Waffle is scared of the boring person that is talking." Waffle kept on cring.
"Come on Waffle its just a teacher get over it!"
"What about you draw a pitcher of the scary teacher. It might take you mind of him."

"See isn't she scary?" Bob asked cring.
"Wow well this is... creative." Said Rose with a drop of water going down side of her four head.
"What the heck Waffle! The teacher looks like a clown!" Yelled Kiki.
"But the teacher is a clown." Sai said Rose.
"Wait I'll mess with him." Kiki started evily. "Draw the jerk that pushed you around."
Bob started to draw.

"Waffle you are studid I thought the bully was a bou?!" Yelled Kiki
"Well ummm, he makes a good looking girl." Said Rose.
"Ok Waffle draw us."

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