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Book online «Goodbye Cheese state and Hello Cali by Missy (best reads of all time .TXT) 📖». Author Missy

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stairs, and turned around and walked back down the stairs, and the guys were sitting on the couch watching football. I stood there, and walked forward standing next to the couch.
“ The…. Door.. its ugh locked,” I muttered. They looked up at me except that one dude. I stood there and put my hand on my hip and sighed. I pinched the bridge of my nose, and turned on my heel, and sat on the stairs, and leaned forward placing my forehead on my knees.
“ Douche bag,” I muttered.
“ What?” He snarled. I looked up and saw him sitting on the couch his head turning looking at me.
“ You hear me,” I snarled losing my patience. He smirked and stood up, and walked towards me. I cowered back, and then also stood up and walked towards him.
“ Say it again,” He said our faces close.
He grabbed my hips and pushed me against the wall and I quivered and his body was against mine, and he glared down at me.
“ Apologize,” he said. I looked up at him like he was a mad man.
“ Wha- what! No way in hell am I saying sorry to yo flipping ass,” I gaged. He raised his fist, and hit the wall next to my head. “ who… who d- do you think you are!” I hissed.
“ This is my damn house. Who do you think you are!”
Oh my god I gotta live with this douche? Awe no! Come one! I gasped and sighed, and whimpered. He narrowed his eyes at me.
“ What?”
“ I gotta live with you!” I cried. I heard his friends laugh, and he shot a death glare at me, and put his hands on my hips, and pushed me into the wall hardly I bit my lip to hold in my cry. He is… he is freaking hurting me.
“ S- Stop,” I muttered.
“ Couldn’t hear you,” He said getting closer to me.
I closed my eyes and looked down.
“ Im sorry,” I whispered. He took one hand off my hip, and grabbed my face, and tilted it up, and looked me in the eyes. “ Im.. sorry…” I repeated. He let go of me, and I leaned against the wall completely frozen, and he returned back to the couch and I stood there and looked up and saw the four guys looking at me, and I felt tears in my eyes, and I looked away. I went to go walk, and I felt a huge rush of pain in my side, and I let out a whimper, and stopped and held onto my hip.
“ Man you hurt her Tristan,” One guy said looking at me. I went to go into the kitchen, but someone put their hand on my shoulder, and I forcefully pulled away, and saw Tristan standing there.
“ Pull up your shirt,” He ordered.
“ Screw you!”
He grabbed my arms, and pushed me to the ground and straddled over me, and raised my shirt a little, and looked at my hips, and he saw them starting to turn blue, and he looked at me, and leaned into me, and that’s when I smelled it… beer.
“ Did I hold onto you that hard?” he whispered into my ear.
“ Just leave me alone you drunk,” I said evilly pushing him off me. I walked away from him, and looked at the guys on the couch. “ Know his daddy told me that my room be down here, and I am exhausted and pissed. Know if my room is so down here than will one of you tell me, but if it aint that open that damn door so I can leave,” I sighed.
“ your room is on the right,” Tristan said. I looked behind me, and he was standing their leaning on the wall and I nodded my head, and walked down the hallways and opened the door to the right, but stopped and turned around and saw another door right across from it, and pointed to it.
“ Who room this be?” I asked.
“ That’s my room,” Tristan said, and then he pointed down the hall and I turned to the door.
“ That’s the bathroom. My bathroom. You got your own bathroom in your room, but the laundry room is also in my bathroom,” he said. I nodded my head, and opened the door and walked in. this must me a freaking biggest room I have ever seen. It was huge. Had a walk in closer, its own master bathroom too! It had a queen size bed which was black, a black and purple desk, black dresser, closet, shoe rack, book case. It was an amazing room. I walked over to the bed, and laid down. There is no way in hell I can live in the same house as Tristan. For that matter have his room right across from mine, and we share the downstairs. I can’t do it… I laid there, and looked up at the ceiling.
“ Goodbye Cheese state and hello Cali,” I sighed and closed my eyes.
Chapter two-
I lay in the bed with the sun shining in through the windows, but this wasn't cheese state sun this was Cali sun and it wasn't warm nor made me happy. I laid there and propped myself up on my shoulders and gazed around the room. This is my new room... I sighed and pulled the blankets off my body, and shifted my body so my legs where dangling off the side of the bed. My head shot up, and I watched the door shake when someone was hitting it. I arched an eyebrow and hesitantly got out of bed and opened the door. Tristan stood there with family guy boxers, his hair all over, and he looked like he was coming out of a horrible hangover. He looked up at me and our eyes met, and he scratched the back of his neck, and rubbed his eyes.
"Ugh hey," his voice was deep and scratchy. I glared at him, and leaned on the door frame.
"What do you want?" I sighed.
"Listen... About last night...." he stopped and looked at me and I was still glaring at him. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Can I come in?" he asked.
"Can you?"
"Please just hear me out...." he grumbled. I stood there looking at him and I opened my door more and he walked in and plopped down on my bed. I walked past him and sat down on my computer Chair, and leaned back and glared at him
“Enlighten me," I grumbled. He looked at me and then he took a deep breath.
"So when I woke up this morning I honestly couldn't remember sh*t. I had so
much beer last night it's all just a blur. I am not that heavy of a drinker but the guys came over and I drank more than I have ever drank before. So when I woke up my friends told me about what I did to you last night, and I am sorry," he finished and I sat their looking at him. Of course just find something like beer and blame the beer. He was the one that drank the beer.
"Whatever," I mumbled getting up and walking over to the door and opening it. "out." he smirked and nodded his head and got up off my bed, and started to walk past me but then he stopped and turned towards me.
“I'm Tristan by the way," he smirked
“I'm aware," I grumbled and pushed him out of the door and went to go close it but he put his foot there and I sighed and looked up at him. I took my own foot and kicked his out of the way.
" talk to you later may," he smiled. I stopped and opened the door again and grabbed his shirt. "Only my friends call me may. You call me Mayella yuh hear?" I growled. He chuckled and nodded his head, and he started to laugh. “Why da hell you be laughing? There aint be nothing funny, I said narrowing my eyes at him. He smiled and tool a step closer to me.
"Just thought you had a cute country accent," he whispered and then he.... He flicked my nose. What the hell. I swatted his hand away and slammed the door on his face and I stomped my foot.
"I am not cute!" I yelled. I heard him laugh and then heard his footsteps disappearing. I sighed and reached into my Jean pocket and pulled out my phone, and walked over to my bed, and called Tom. After five rings I heard the phone click open.
"Hello?" Tom asked.
"Hey Tommy boy," I sighed.
"Hey May! Are you in Cali?" he said.
"Unfortunately yes..." I whimpered.
"Awe come on how come you got to act so negative!"
"Tommy boy.... It's just that bad here...."
"Tell me."
"Well I arrived at my new house. Huge...Freaking huge. Well I live with my mom’s new boyfriend know, and oh get this.... He has a stupid, rude, arrogant son with a huge ass ego and I share the downstairs with him and his bedroom is right across from mine. His name is Tristan, and Tom I freaking hate him!" I cried.
"There is a guy living with you?" was all he could say.
"My mom’s boyfriend is a guy."
“How old is Tristan?" he asked hm.... I honestly don't know.
"I don’t know," I replied.
"F*ck," he mumbled through the phone. I sat their confused and leaned back on my bed.
"What wrong Tom?"
"Mayella.... You might be country and all but you are a gorgeous gal. I don't like the idea of a teen guy with hormones having his room right across from yours," he growled.. Awe Tom is such a sweaty.
"don't worry Tom he doesn't even know if I am a female or male...." i said remembering last night.
“Wh- what?"
"yesterday when I first came... He asked if I was a girl," I muttered.
"HE WHAT!?!?!?" Tom screamed into the phone.
"Tom it's fine i don't care."
"well I do and so do the guys.. You’re like our little sister and no one says crap like that to you. Hmmm this Tristan guy better WISH that he never meets me because I will f*king kill that b@stard," he yelled into the phone. I held the phone away from my ear a little, and listened to his thoughts towards Tristan. I must say he had a lot of thoughts about Tristan, and none of them where positive.
I’ll call you later tom," I said after a while.
"Alright may. If you need anything or need anyone to talk to give me a call," he said.
"Thanks tom," I smiled and hung up the phone, and i sat there for a little while and i decided to do something productive, so I’ll start unloading my crap from the car, and put it away in my new room.... I got up off the bed, and opened the door and it was… quiet… to quiet… I hesitantly walked down the hallway, and into the front room. I looked around and it was empty so I made my way up the stairs and opened the door. Once again it was empty.
“ Mom?” I yelled. My voice echoed through the house. Im home… alone? I walked around, and got into the kitchen and saw a bright orange note on the table. I walked up to it and held it in my hands.

Me and
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