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laughing their assess off.
“ You guys are so-,” I was cut off when Tristan jumped on top of me in the water bring me down. I struggled out his grasp, and swam to the edge and pulled myself out of the water and I was shaking. All three guys where in the water with the boxers.
“ Faggs!” I scolded them
“Swim with us,” Tristan yelled.
“ im not wearing a bathing suit,” I said crossing my arms over my chest.
“ bra and panties,” he said looking me intently in the eyes. my jaw dropped and I shook my head.
“ no! no way!” I said stomping my foot.
“ You guys look she is too scared to show herself to us,” Tristan said.
“ I am not!” I growled.
“ Whatever!” he said and started to swim. I was fuming and without even thinking I pulled off my shorts, and top and dived into the pool. When I resurfaced they were all staring at me jaws dropped and then I looked at Tristan and his face went from shock, to…. Lust? He swam towards me, and I turned around to swim away but he grabbed my hips, and brought me close to him my back to his chest. I felt his erection against my inner thigh and I bit my lip and tried to get away from me. then he dunked us under water, and I felt something on my neck, and I pushed away from he and swan towards the edge and pulled myself out. All the guys were staring at me with lust, and I pulled a shirt over my head and ran inside. I ran into my room, and jumped in the shower. When I got out, I grabbed a pair of black yoga pants, a black tank top, and a gray hoodie. I brushed my hair out and put it into a messy bun. I laid back onto my bed, and let a deep sigh escape my lips.
My phone went off like crazy and I jumped out of bed and searched through my pockets and couldn’t find it, so I went through my dirty laundry all over the floor, and finally found my phone in a pair of jeans. I flipped it open.
“ Ello?” I asked.
“ Mayella, hello darling,” My mom said happily.
“ Oh hey mom,” I said sitting down on my bed.
“ Darling do you mind making spaghetti tonight?” She asked.
“ Whatdya mean?” I asked.
“ Make dinner for you, me, Jack, and Tristan tonight. Me and Jack will be coming home tonight and we are very excited to eat your dinner. Have it don’t in two hours!” she said and then hung up. I held the phone to my ear, and pulled it away and glared at the phone.
“ of course mother!” I yelled and shut the phone. I laid back in my bed, and let out a long deep breath. And I got out of bed, and walked upstairs. I walked into the kitchen and searched through everything until I found everything I needed. After an hour I had everything cooked and I started to mix the noodles with sauce, and I buttered some bread, and set up the table. I stood their leaning against the counter. It’s been two hours know. I stood there and let out a sigh, and flipped my phone open and searched my contact list and clicked on mom. After about eight she finally answered. I heard giggling.
“ Hello?” She asked.
“ Mom where are you?” I asked.
“ Oh Hun im sorry we can’t make it. just order some take out,” She giggled and then hung up the phone. I slammed the phone shut and threw it across the kitchen and it hit the wall and shattered. Damnit! I ran over and tried to put it back together again but it was broke. I sighed, and turned to the table, and started to put the dishes away and I heard someone walk in.
“ You made dinner?” Tristan asked.
“ My ma asked me to cuz she say she gonna be home tonight but she bailed last min,” I sighed started to put the silverware away.
“ We can still have dinner,” Tristan said grabbing my elbow. I turned to him and shook my head.
“ You can eat im going to sleep,” I said and went to go walk past him but he stopped me.
“ you made a great dinner, set it up, and everything. Don’t let it go to waste,” he said looking down at me. I sighed, and went back to the cabinet and pulled out two plates, and handed him one. He smiled, and we walked back over to the table, and I served myself, and then Tristan did the same. I don’t think dinner could of gotten anymore awkward. We ate dinner and silence and when I finished my plate I sat there and waited for him. I heard his fork being put on the plate, and I looked up at him.
“ The food was great. Did your mom teach you how to cook?” I shook my head.
“ Nope,” I said popping the p.
“ Who did?” He asked.
“ Meh dad,” I said. I smiled remembering how he taught me everything I knew. I have never been close to my mom in the first place, but know I just can’t stand her. I actually use to like her before my dad died.
“ Did your parents’ divorce?” he asked. I shook my head.
“ My dad he ugh died,” I said looking down at my plate.
“ oh,” was all that he said. I sat there and nodded my head, and then I got up, and took our plates. Tristan looked up at me.
“ Thank you,” He said smiling. I did a faint smile, and nodded my head, and I turned around and walked into the kitchen and started to clean off the dishes. I turned around and ran straight into Tristan and I yelped because I didn’t know he was so close to me.
“ Im sorry,” he said. I arched an eyebrow.
“ Sorry for what?” I asked.
“ For being such a jerk,” he did a faint smile and looked me in the eyes. I patted his shoulder, and then lightly hit his chest, and smiled.
“ Its fine,” I said then I walked past him. “ Im going to sleep goodnight,” I smiled.
“ get up early tomorrow it’s your first day of school!” He sung. I sighed.
“ Awe,” I groaned and made my way downstairs.
“ Goodnight Mayella,” I heard him say very faintly. I continued to walk down the stairs, and when I got down stairs I stopped by my door, and turned around and looked at Tristan’s door. I turned my body and put my hand on the door handle, and slowly opened it. when I stepped in I saw his bed, desk, and dresser. Average boys room, but oh god it was filthy. Clothes where everywhere, movies, games, and a whole bunch of junk. I walked in and sat down at his computer desk, and touched the mouse for the computer and the screen turned on and I slide show of pictures came up. There was this beautiful women in them with his father I believe. They looked so happy. There was pictures of the women with a little boy. somewhere at the beach, carnival, houses, vacations. So many pictures and they looked so happy. I wonder if this was Tristan’s mother. I touched the screen.
“ Why did you leave them?” I asked looking at the gorgeous girl. I sighed. My father wouldn’t of left us he died… but his mom didn’t die she left them. I got up from the computer, and decided to leave before he came down here. I walked out of his room, and quietly closed the door, and made my way into my room, and laid down on my bed and fell asleep to her face.
Chapter four-
I rolled over and looked at the clock. It was seven in the morning. I sighed, and crawled out of bed. I got to be leaving in forty minutes. I guess I should go wake up Tristan…. I walked out of my room, and knocked on his door and got nothing. I opened it and saw him passed out on his bed. I walked into his room, and stood at the end of his bed.
“ Tristan wake up!” I hissed. He just rolled over and continued to sleep. “ Tristan. Tristan!” I yelled. God it was like he was dead. I stood there, and pinched the bridge of my nose, and I walked around the bed and knelt on one knee and was face to face with Tristan. I poked his face.
“ Wake up!” I hissed and poked his face again. I got nodda! I sighed, and brought my face within centimeters of his.
“ TRISTAN WAKE UP!!” I screamed. His eyes flew open, and he flung his body back, and fell off the bed. I let out a laugh, and put my head on his bed to try and hide my fit of laughing. I saw him appear on the other side of the bed with a scowl on his face, and I laughed even harder, and I clutched my stomach, and felt tears in my eyes.
“ Why did you do that?” he hissed.
“ We have to go to school, and you wouldn’t for the love of god wake up,” I said trying to stand, and I wiped my eyes because I felt tears in them from laughing. He gave me an evil look then he jumped across his bed for me, and I spun on my heel, and then he grabbed me from the back, and pinned me to the bed, and he was hovering over me.
“ Your nuts!” I cried.
“ im not a morning person, so you really don’t want to get on my bad side,” he said glaring at me. I tried to get out of his grasp, but it was such a fail.
“ Where gonna be late for school…” I sighed.
“ Im not driving you,” he said.
“ Duh that’s why I said…. We! You’re gonna preoccupy yourself by pissing me off, and then I am going to have to sprint to school,” I said.
“ You don’t want me to drive you?”
“ Nope,” I said popping the p. he grinned evilly, and I gave him a questioning look.
“ I know you want me,” he smirked. I broke out into laughter’s.
“ You freaking wish buddy,” I said trying to get out of his grasp. He jumped up, and walked to his closet.
“ You’ll come to your senses sooner or lady Mayella,” he winced. I rolled my eyes, and got off the bed, and hit him in the back of the hard.
“ You’ve been dropped on yo head way too many times when you were a child,” I said walking past him, and he grabbed my hand.
“ Babe you hurt me,” he said trying to act hurt. I rolled my eyes, and swapped my hand away from him and walked out of his room and into mine. Great I have ten minutes to get ready, and then run to school. F*ck… I walked into my room, and pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans, and I pulled on a purple tank top, and a black hoodie over it. I put my hair up in a messy bun, and slipped on my converse. I looked at my makeup…. Should I? sure why not. I applied some black eyeliner on the top, and bottom, and then some mascara.
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