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Book online «Playing Two Players? Damn, I'm Good by Alyza (books for new readers .txt) 📖». Author Alyza

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caving into me! PIZZA!” I yelled and Blondie jumped, shocked by my outburst

“…Okay. So, do you have a boyfriend?” He smirked

“Yes, and you have a girlfriend. Thanks for the pizza.” I smiled getting up, they clearly weren’t going to get up

I walked over to our second usual table and started to sit down when Malachi pulled me onto his lap.

“You’re such a freak.” He laughed

“But I’m your freak.” I shrugged taking a big bite of pizza

“That you are, mon monstre.” He smiled and kissed my jaw

I laughed and held my pizza by his mouth, “Bite?”

He opened his mouth and took a big bite.

“Fatty.” I muttered looking at the pizza that was now deformed

“I’m not fat!” He protested through the pizza

“Sure.” I glared at took a bite of my ugly pizza, “When is our pizza coming?” I asked

“Couple minutes.” Jenny said looking at her nails

“I’m gonna be dead by then!” I yelled through my big bite of pizza

“Why would you be dead?” Becca laughed

“I can feel my stomach caving, B! Do you know how bad that is?!”

“Bad?” She guessed

“Try, HORRIBLE!” I yelled frantically

A smiled tugged at everyone’s lips and I glared.

“It’s not funny.” I muttered roughly taking a bit out of the pizza, “Blondie!” I yelled across the room

His head snapped up and he smiled, “Yeah!”

“Bring me more pizza!” I commanded waving my crust around in the air, “I don’t like the crust! It’s nasty!” I told him

“Come get it yourself!” He smirked and winked

Malachi tensed, “Ugh!”

I hopped off Malachi’s lap and bounced over to MY table. I sat back in my seat next to Blondie and picked up another slice of pizza.

“So, what school do you guys go to?” I asked around the pizza

“Riverside.” A black headed girl answered

“Nu-uh! Me too!” I yelled with wide eyes

“I know. I’m on your soccer and basketball team.” She said slowly

I tilted my head to the side, trying to remember. Then I remembered the sweating girl from soccer, working hard but not succeeding anything. Poor, poor girl.

“Oh yeah! What’s your name?….Alexia? Ashley? Ababubabudoo?” I asked

“Alexandra.” She rolled her eyes

I snapped my fingers, “I knew it started with an A.” Taking a bite out of my pizza

“So, are you excited for the game next Monday?” I asked Alex while smiling widely

“Not really.” She admitted

“Why?” I asked confused

She gave me a bored look, “Maybe because I suck at soccer.”

“You don’t suck, you’re just not good at it.” I smiled

Her jaw dropped, “You’re supposed to say ‘You don’t suck, Alex. You’re pretty good’ or something like that.”

“Why would I lie?” I asked confused

Why would she want me to lie? Lying is bad. Bad, bad, bad!

She rolled her eyes, “Whatever.”

I shrugged and took another bite of the greasy GOODNESS. Once I finished my slice, I set the crust down and stood up.

“Thanks! Bye!” I yelled falling to the floor

“Ari!” I heard MalachI yelled

I looked up, “What?! What’s wrong?!”

Relief crossed his features and he shook his head, “Warn a guy!”

I laughed as I crawled back over to them like a spy. I hopped up to my feet and flopped onto Mal’s lap.

Brooke glared, once again. “Mally, what’re you doing Monday night?”

“Ari’s soccer game.” He replied playing with my fingers

“Oh, you actually go to those?” Brooke asked jealously

“Well, if my girlfriend has a soccer game, I’m going to go to it.” He said in a ‘Duh’ voice

Brooke glared at me, “What about Tuesday?”

“Movie night with my girlfriend.” Mal smiled up at me

I smiled and leaned down to peck his lips. He smiled at me as I pulled away.

“Are you free Wednesday?” Brooke asked, losing confidence

“Mall.” He muttered quietly

“What?” Brooke frowned

“Mall.” He muttered a little louder

“I can’t hear you?!” Brooke groaned in frustration

“I have to go to the mall.” He said in his normal sexy French voice

“Why do you have to go to the mall?” Brooke asked excited

Brooke and the Mall are BFFL’s.

“Ari needs shumamn.” He mumbled the end

I smirked.

Brooke glared at me briefly before looking at MalachI with a strange look, “Arianna needs…what?”

“Shumanmanmm.” He muttered getting annoyed at her persistence

“What?!” Brooke yelled

“Anna needs new underwear! Like, panties and bra’s and…thongs…and…stuff.” He said awkwardly

I laughed loudly and pinched his cheeks, “You’re so cute!”

“Ha ha ha.” He laughed sarcastically and pried my hand off his cheek

I smiled cheekily and leaned down to kiss him. He immediately kissed back and wrapped his arms tighter around my waist, pressing his lips harder against mine.

One of my hands tangled in his hair as the other one rested on my thigh. I tugged his hair roughly and he moaned into my mouth.

“Pizza’s here!” Brooke’s annoying voice yelled

Malachi groaned in annoyance and pulled back, resting my forehead on mine, “Annoying.”

I laughed and pressed my lips against his again, only to be interrupted AGAIN!

“Pizza! Is! here!” Brooke yelled through clenched teeth

I bit Mal’s lip lightly and pulled away from him to turn to Brooke.

“I see that. Now, shut up.” I said turning back to a smirking Malachi

“I love it when you take charge.” He whispered pressing his lips to mine lightly

I bit his bottom lip hard and he gasped in pain, allowing me entrance. My tongue plunged into his mouth, tasting him ferociously.

His tongue met mine, the familiar heat and sparks ran through my body instantly. I tugged his hair again.

I felt like someone was watching me. My mouth froze and I pulled back slightly.

“Someone’s watching us.” I murmured quietly

“Probably Brooke.” He breathed

“No…” I trailed off thinking about the gaze burning into my back. “…Ash.” I said remembering the intensity of his light blue eyes

Mal’s eyes darkened and he started looking around, “Where?”

I frowned and tilted my head to the side, “Video games.”

His eyes snapped over to the games, “He’s not there.”

My frown deepened, “No…he’s, like, everywhere.”

“Everywhere?” Mal asked frowning at me

“Yeah, he’s…all over the place.” I said staring into space, trying to figure out where he is

“Upstairs bathroom.” I stated confused

“Then how can he see us?” Mal asked

“That’s the thing. I don’t know…” I said getting up

“Where’re you doing?” He demanded grabbing my arm

“Bathroom.” I said tugging my arm out of his grasp

“Ari.” He said warily

“I’ll be right back.” I smiled walking up the stairs

I walked down the little hallway and pushed the boys bathroom door open.

“Come out, Asher.” I sighed leaning against the sinks

I heard a deep sigh then footsteps, he came into view. “What?”

“Why are you spying on me?” I raised a brow

“Why are you kissing Malachi Cristo?” He retorted glaring at me, “When we have a DATE tomorrow!” He growled

“I like kissing.” I shrugged not caring that he was mad

“Are you guys dating or something?” He asked irritated

“No.” I lied smoothly

He searched my face for a second before exhaling loudly, “Good.”

“Why is that good?” I asked

“I can’t have the man-whore of the school after my girl, right?” He smirked leaning against a wall

“Man-whore? Malachi? Somehow those three words can’t go in a sentence together.” I said doubtfully

“Why not?” He asked in a bored tone as he crossed his arms

I shrugged, “They just can’t. Well, bye. C’ya tomorrow. Oh, and I’d really like it if you didn’t spy on me. Kinda stalker-ish.” I said walking out

I hip-hopped down stairs like I usually do. I walked to the table and sat down in my own chair.

“Was he up there?” Malachi asked as he stuffed his face with pizza

“Yup.” I said getting the biggest slice on the tray

“What’d he say?” He mumbled

“Asked if we were going out.” I said taking a bite of pizza

“What’d you say?” He asked going all serious on me

“No.” I stated and he sighed,

“Good. I hate him.”

“I know.” I rolled my eyes and finished my slice off quickly

“We’re late for school, you know?” Brooke stated looking at her pink zebra cased phone

“Duh! That’s the point.” I narrowed my eyes, “Idiot.” I muttered

“I am not an idiot! Huh, Mally?” She smiled innocently at him

I fake gagged and took a huge bite of my pizza. Brooke looked at me in disgust.

“She’s disgusting, huh, Mally?” She smiled at him

He turned me to look at him. He leaned forward and captured my lips, then pulled back.

“You had a pepperoni hanging from your mouth.” He explained smiling

I put my thumb up, “Thanks.” I mumbled

He shook his head smiling then got out his phone.

“Smile.” He chuckled

I smiled with my pizza still in my mouth, making me look like a chipmunk. He took the picture and looked at it, smiling.

I started chewing, it was quite difficult too. FINALLY I was able to breathe properly.

“Gosh! I was suffocating!” I yelled taking deep breaths

They all laughed but Brooke who was staring at me in disgust and Mal in shock, at the same time! How’s that even possible?! Damn! This girl is crazy!

I took another big bite, opening my mouth to the fullest extent.

“Don’t choke.” Jenny glared, “Again.”

I took the bite, “Shut your face.”

She shook her head, “You’re weird.”

“Ya grama!” I yelled but it was muffled by the pizza

She tried not to laugh but, c’mon. This is ME we’re talking about Arianna Petrova Isaac’s.

Once I swallowed I started singing, “Pizza! Oh, Pizza! What would I do without yooooooou?! Nothing! That’s right, NOOOOTHING! Baby, baby, baby, pizza. Oooooh, pizza, baby, pizza OHHHHHH-”

“Shut up!” Brooke yelled cutting off my AMAZING song that I just made up

“You shut up! You fake wanna bitch!” I glared taking a bite of my pizza furiously

“Bahahahahahaha!” Jaheim yelled, his face turning red from laughing so hard

“You fake wanna bitch! I like it!” Sunnie laughed loudly

I just sat there, eating my pizza in silence. I passed my crust to Mal after eating all the good stuff, then I picked up another piece.

“You’re so fat.” Brooke sneered

“Sure am.” I said patting my flat stomach

“Yeah, you are.” She said stupidly

Dude! I already agreed with you! Shut the flippers up!

“You’re fat too.” I said nonchalantly as I took another bit of pizza

She gasped like I just slapped her grandmother, “Nu-uh!”

“Yeah-huh.” I nodded with a straight face

She suddenly stood up and lifted her shirt up, “See?! I’m not fat! I have a flat stomach unlike you!”

I laughed and ate my pizza, “Flat stomachs are so…preppy-ish.”

“It’s better than having a fat stomach you…you…fatty!” She screeched

“Daaaaaamn! Stop screeching! You busted my
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