Playing Two Players? Damn, I'm Good by Alyza (books for new readers .txt) 📖

- Author: Alyza
Book online «Playing Two Players? Damn, I'm Good by Alyza (books for new readers .txt) 📖». Author Alyza
“Hey, Arianna, are you busy tomorrow?” The biggest player of the school, Asher Watkins, asked while smirking
The cafeteria fell silent as they looked at me expectantly.
My eyes narrowed slightly, “Why do you care?”
My friends ‘oooh’ and laughed. I frankly don’t see what’s so funny. I’m dead serious right now. Why does he care? Does he know that I have a boyfriend? Oh, right, he doesn’t. Ooops.
“I wanna know if you wanna go out to a movie or something tomorrow?” He smirked with a mischievous glint in his eyes
“Movies? Cliché much?” I smirked as his face dropped slight
“We can do anything.” He stated like the persistent bastard that he is
Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Malachi clench his jaw.
“Like what?” I asked ignoring Malachi
“Anything.” He said excitedly
“I don’t know…” I teased with a flirty smile
I saw Malachi’s eyes widen in anger. Slightly, I turned to him and gave him a pointed look which he instantly calmed at.
My friends smirked, knowing my plan.
“Sure, Ash. Time and place?” I smiled up at him
“6:00? Tomorrow, I’ll pick you up at yours?” He grinned
“Yup! Byyye.” I fluttered my eyelashes at him
“Bye, Arianna.” He said before walking back to his table
All his friends patted him on the back and congratulated him. He was smirking the whole time.
I shook my head and chuckled. Anger and betrayal rolled off of Malachi. Sighing, I stood up and jerks my head to the door before walking out of the cafeteria.
Leaning against the lockers, I waited for Malachi. He walked through the doors, his expression full of anger and sadness.
“Why?” He chocked out standing in front of me, “Why are you going out with him?” He demanded in his slightly French accented voice
“Playing the player.” I smirked
Realization dawned on his face so hard it made me laugh.
“Like I’d really EVER go out with him.” I laughed quietly
He sighed, “Phew! You scared me for a minute.”
I rolled my eyes, “You have nothing to worry about.”
He beamed at me and kissed my forehead, “Good. Let’s finish eating, I’m STARVED!”
I laughed as we walked back into the lunch room, “You’re always starved.”
He thought for a minute, “…True.”
We laughed and sat back down.
“So, Anna, what’s the plan?” My best friend Jaheim asked smirking as he leaned across the table
“I’m gonna play the player.” I stated proudly
They all start laughing and I join in.
“I can’t wait to see that!” My other best friend Sunsaray laughed
I looked over at Ash’s table, him and all his friends were staring intently at our table. All staring at MalachI and I.
I looked over at MalachI who was glaring at them intensely. He suddenly looked at me and his expression softened.
I raised a brow which he shook his head at. Shrugging, I turned back to look at Ash. He was now staring at me, or more like through me. Like he was trying to decipher something.
I smiled and waved slightly, he shook his head and smiled back. I felt like rolling my eyes.
I looked down and started picking at my sub sandwich. School food was so nasty!
“Who wants to go get pizza?” Jenny asked looking around at everybody
I jumped out of my seat, “I do!”
Everyone laughed and got up, grabbing their garbage-oh, sorry, I meant food. We all dumped our food in the trash and strolled out of the kitchen, with everyone watching us.
I could feel one intense gaze on me and I turned to it. My eyes landed on Asher who was staring at me, trying to figure something out.
He looked at my face. He blushed, noticing I caught him staring. I winked and smirked before walking into the hallway.
The others were already at the truck. I skipped to the truck and threw the door open, flinging myself into Malachi’s lap.
He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Hey, bébé.” He whispered in my ear
I shivered as his warm breath filled my ear, “Hey.”
“Which pizza shop? Bobbio’s or Abby’s?” Jaheim asked as he started the car, backing out of the parking spot
“Abby’s!” I practically yelled
“Why did I even consider pizza with this thing around?” Jenny groaned
Pizza is my favorite food in the entire world!
“Maybe because it’s the love of my life?” I suggested with wide eyes
“Be quiet.” Malachi said lowly
“What?! Pizza is heaven on earth!” I yelled frantically, trying to get him to understand
He sighed but stayed silent. I leaned back against his chest and set my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.
They instantly snapped open and I sat up.
“What?” Malachi asked worried
“Shhh.” I shushed him
I tilted my head to the side slightly then looked out the back window. There was a bright blue Mercedes following us.
“We’re being followed.” I stated relaxing against Malachi’s chest again
“How do you know? I could just be someone that’s going this way too.” Brian said as he looked at the car
“Who’s the driver?” I asked not really caring
“Asher.” Malachi sneered tightening his hold on me
“Just forget about it. We’re just going to get pizza.” I shrugged
Malachi exhaled slowly, “I hate him.”
“Who doesn’t?” Sunni(Sunsaray) laughed from the passenger seat
“God.” I stated
“That’s the only person.” Alicia snorted
Rolling my eyes, I sit up and turn around. I wave at Ash frantically. He frowned from his car and slowed down, narrowing his eyes at me.
I smiled and sit back down, “Done.”
“You’re weird.” Brooke glared
I looked at her, just noticing that she was here, “When did you get here?”
“Forever.” She stated stupidly as she glared at me, Her eyes flicked to Malachi and turned flirty, “Hi, Mally.”
He tensed beneath me, “Brooke.”
I ran a hand over his arm and he let out a low sigh as he relaxed.
She smiled, not noticing his discomfort, “How’ve you been?”
“Good. You?” He asked politely
“I’ve been great! Last night…” I droned her out and felt slightly bad for Malachi
Once Brooke gets started she finishes. She hates me, if you didn’t notice. Ever since Malachi asked me out she’s hated me. Do I care? Hell Noooo!
She can suck a cock and die for all I care. Or I could just choke her to death. I like that thought. Of course MalachI would never let me, as much as he doesn’t like Brooke he says I have to control my anger.
Why control it when you can express it? I don’t UNDERSTAND!
“…Yeah, so you wanna go do something tomorrow because Arianna is going on a DATE with Asher and everything?” She asked fluttering her eyelashes and twirling a piece of her fake blonde hair
MalachI tensed again, “As tempting as that sounds I have business to take care of tomorrow. I’m sorry.” He smiled fakely
Her face fell slightly, “…Oh…It’s okay! Maybe another day?”
“Maybe.” He smiled
She nodded vigorously, “Okay!”
I stifled a laugh but didn’t stifle it enough as Brooke turned to glare at me, “What?!” She growled
“Oh, nothing.” I smiled
“We’re here.” Jaheim announced
I flung the door opened and hopped out, “Hurry up guys! Mal, you have quarters, right?” I asked MalachI as he stepped out of the truck
“You’d kill me if I didn’t.” He smirked
“Yes or no?!” I asked impatiently as I stared longingly at Abby’s building
“You know I do.” He laughed
“Gosh! That’s all I needed to know!” I said sprinting to the doors
I pushed the door open with so much force I’m surprised it didn’t come off it’s hinges.
“She’s back.” I heard some people mutter
I smiled and skipped to the counter, “Family size pepperoni pizza with-”
“Olives.” The young boy finished smiled
My eyes widened, “Yes! Oh my gosh! How’d you know?!”
“You’re famous around here.” He smirked putting the order in the machine thingy
“Do you think they’d hire me here?” I asked the kid with wide eyes
He looked at me, “No.”
I pouted, “Why not?”
“You’d eat all the pizza and olives.” He stated
“Nu-uh! I swear on my brand new purple care bear that I won’t!” I begged
“Care bear?” He raised a bushy brow
“Yes!” I yelled
“She means it when it comes to her care bears. She rarely swears on them, only if she really, really wants something.” Ashley stated
I nodded, “True!”
“Sorry…but I don’t think we’re hiring.” He smiled but didn’t look sorry at all
“Whatever.” I grunted, “Gimme my pizza, bushy brow!” I demanded glaring at him
“Excuse her!” Alicia said dragging me to our usual table which was occupied by a couple of teenagers, about our age but a little younger
We are 17! Cool, huh?! But it makes me feel old! You know seeing kids younger than you and then you’re like, “WOW, I am OLD!” You know? You don’t? Well, forget you too!
I stood at the head of the table, “This is my table.”
They all looked up and the guys’ eyes raked over my face and body while the girls glared.
“Is your name on it?” An ugly brunette asked
“Yes, it is.” I said lifting the huge napkin dispenser thing, “Right there, ‘Arianna Isaac’s‘.” I said pointing to my name that was written in purple sharpie
“Well, we don’t care.” Ugliness snapped going back to eating their pizza
I pulled a chair up and sat by a guy that had blonde hair and light green eyes, “Can I have a bite?” I asked staring at his pepperoni pizza with olives on it
“Oh my gosh, Arianna!” Brooke exclaimed glaring at me in disgust, “Ignore her.” She smiled at Blondie seductively
“I don’t like my name coming out of your ugly botoxed mouth. Stop saying it.” I said eyeing his pizza
She glared at me but stayed silent.
“So, how about that bite?” I asked Blondie
“Don’t talk to my boyfriend!” Ugliness yelled standing up
“Why not?” I asked looking up at her, “I’m hungry! I wanna bite of pizza!” I yelled pouting
“I don’t care! Leave!” She yelled leaning down so her face was level to mine
“Your girlfriend is mean.” I stated to Blondie
“Leave.” Ugliness said menacingly
“Can you get outta my face? Your breath is HUMMIN’! I think it burnt my eyebrows off.” I gasped touching my eyebrows that were still there
Her eyes widened, “Oh my god!” She cried before running off
My eyes widened and I pursed my lips slightly, “Ooops?”
Blondie smiled, “Here, take it.”
He handed me his pizza and grabbed another one.
“Thank you!” I yelled before taking a bite of the pizza, “Mmmmm!” I moaned with wide eyes
Blondie laughed, “Good?”
“Very!” I exclaimed loudly taking another bite, “Thanks, Blondie! It felt like my stomach was
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