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Book online «The Wit and Humor of America, Volume X (of X) by Marshall P. Wilder (sites to read books for free .txt) 📖». Author Marshall P. Wilder

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>Gilman, Caroline Howard
Colonel's Clothes, The, 396

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
Similar Cases, 56

Gray, David
Mr. Carteret and His Fellow Americans Abroad, 1462

Greene, Albert Gorton
Old Grimes, 818

Greene, Roy Farrell
Educational Project, An, 1264
Wasted Opportunities, 1132
Woman-Hater Reformed, The, 1359

Greene, Sarah P. McLean
Grandma Keeler Gets Grandpa Ready for Sunday-School 266

Habberton, John
Budge and Toddie, 1692

Hale, Edward Everett
Skeleton in the Closet, The, 1371

Hale, Lucretia P.
Elizabeth Eliza Writes a Paper, 454

Haliburton, T. C. ("Sam Slick")
Road to a Woman's Heart, The, 1487

Hall, Baynard Rust
Camp-Meeting, The, 1265
Selecting the Faculty, 437

Hamilton, Gail (see Mary Abigail Dodge)

Harland, Henry
[Pg 2033]Invisible Prince, The,1836

Harris, Joel Chandler
My Honey, My Love, 691

Harris, Kennett
Trial that Job Missed, The, 1917

Harte, Francis Bret
Melons, 1
Plain Language from Truthful James, 1997
Society upon the Stanislaus, The, 1078

Hartswick, Jennie Betts
Weddin', The, 1134

Hawthorne, Nathaniel
British Matron, The, 192

Hay, John
Banty Tim, 1173
Distichs, 65
Mystery of Gilgal, The, 1654

Henry, O. (see Sydney Porter)

Herford, Oliver
Alphabet of Celebrities, 1243

Hobart, George V. ("Hugh McHugh")
John Henry in a Street Car, 177

Holley, Marietta ("Josiah Allen's Wife")
How We Bought a Sewin' Machine and Organ, 729

Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, The, 753
Contentment, 1952
Deacon's Masterpiece, or, The Wonderful "One-Hoss Shay," The, 9
Dislikes, 536
Evening, 1175
Height of the Ridiculous, The, 1832
Latter-Day Warnings, 1168

Honeywood, St. John
Darby and Joan, 166

Hooper, J. J.
Simon Starts in the World, 881

Hough, Emerson
Girl and the Julep, The, 1401

Hovey, Richard
Barney McGee, 223
Her Valentine, 1117

Howe, E. W.
Letter from Mr. Biggs, A, 69

Howells, William Dean
[Pg 2034]Mrs. Johnson, 74

Ironquill (see Eugene F. Ware)

Irvin, Wallace
Ballad of Grizzly Gulch, The, 1073
Boat that Ain't, The, 1764
Crankidoxology, 688
Dutiful Mariner, The, 973
Fall Styles in Faces, 1992
Forbearance of the Admiral, The, 1553
Letter from Home, A, 522
Lost Inventor, The, 1385
Love Sonnets of a Hoodlum, 307
Meditations of a Mariner, 713
Niagara Be Dammed, 1551
Rhyme of the Chivalrous Shark, The, 483

Irving, Washington
Wouter Van Twiller, 109

Johnson, Charles F.
Greco-Trojan Game, The, 595

Josiah Allen's Wife (see Marietta Holley)

Kauffman, Reginald Wright
Auto Rubaiyat, The, 546

Kelley, J. F.
Desperate Race, A, 742

Kelly, Myra
Morris and the Honorable Tim, 488

Kiser, S. E.
Budd Wilkins at the Show, 352
Love Sonnets of an Office Boy, 1056
Meeting, The, 1915
Quarrel, The, 68
When Doctors Disagree, 1762
Yankee Dude'll Do, The, 136

Knott, J. Proctor
Duluth Speech, The, 1606

Kountz, William J., Jr. ("Billy Baxter")
Grand Opera, The, 693

Laidlaw, A. H.
It Is Time to Begin to Conclude, 1294

Lampton, William J.
Critic, The, 1336
New Version, The, 574
Possession, 2000

Lanigan, George Thomas
[Pg 2035]Threnody, A, 1754

Laughlin, E. O. 
Hired Hand and "Ha'nts", The, 419

Leland, Charles Godfrey
Ballad, 355
Breitmann and the Turners, 1217
Breitmann in Politics, 1943
Hans Breitmann's Party, 446
Love Song, 1950

Leland, Henry P.
Dutchman Who Had the "Small Pox", The, 295

Leslie, Eliza
Set of China, The, 808

Lewis, Alfred Henry
Colonel Sterett's Panther Hunt, 98

Lewis, Charles B. ("M. Quad")
Two Cases of Grip, 1239

Locke, David Ross ("Petroleum V. Nasby")
Letter, A, 282

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Notary of Perigueux, The, 1251

Long, John Luther
Seffy and Sally, 372

Longstreet, A. B.
Shooting-Match, The, 666

Loomis, Charles Battell
Araminta and the Automobile, 1825
Gusher, The, 1656

Lorimer, George Horace
Letter from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son, A, 961

Lowell, James Russell
Chief Mate, The, 1482
Courtin', The, 524
What Mr. Robinson Thinks, 131

Lummis, Charles F.
My Cigarette, 1292
Poe-'em of Passion, A, 1879

Lynde, Francis
How Jimaboy Found Himself, 1765

McHenry, May
Melinda's Humorous Story, 975

McHugh, Hugh (see George V. Hobart)

McIntyre, John T.
Talking Horse, The, 1185

MacGowan, Alice
[Pg 2036]Columbia and the Cowboy, 1582

MacGrath, Harold
Enchanted Hat, The, 1510

Macauley, Charles Raymond
Itinerant Tinker, The, 861

Marble, Danforth
Hoosier and the Salt Pile, The, 357

Masson, Tom
Desolation, 686
Enough, 213
Hard, 1625
It Pays to Be Happy, 1170
Victory, 714

Moody, William Vaughn
Menagerie, The, 24

Morris, George P.
Retort, The, 584

Mott, Ed
Old Settler, The, 1177

Munkittrick, R. K.
April Aria, An, 711
Fate, 1554
Goat, The, 1247
Unsatisfied Yearning, 1835
Winter Dusk, 1975
Winter Fancy, A, 1308

M., C. W.
Triolets, 1262

Nasby, Petroleum V. (see David Ross Locke)

Naylor, James Ball
Comin' Home Thanksgivin, 763

Neff, Elizabeth Hyer
Life Elixir of Marthy, The, 1555

Nesbit, Wilbur D.
Cry from the Consumer, A, 190
Johnny's Pa,      1802
Odyssey of K's, An, 209
Tale of the Tangled Telegram, The, 1709
"Tiddle-iddle-iddle-iddle-Bum! Bum!", 1202
Ye Legend of Sir Yroncladde, 1973

Nicholson, Meredith
Jack Balcomb's Pleasant Ways, 1300

Noble, Alden Charles
Ballade of Ping-Pong, A, 1690
[Pg 2037]Tragedy of It, The, 194

Nye, Edgar Wilson ("Bill Nye")
Dubious Future, The, 1298
Grains of Truth, 985
Grammatical Boy, The, 16
Great Cerebrator, A, 1784
Guest at the Ludlow, A, 1503
Medieval Discoverer, A, 31

O'Connell, Daniel
Drayman, The, 834

O'Reilly, John Boyle
Disappointment, A, 191
Yes, 222

Osbourne, Lloyd
Jones, 1007

Partington, Mrs. (see B. P. Shillaber)

Paul, John (see Charles Henry Webb)

Peck, Samuel Minturn
Little Bopeep and Little Boy Blue, 2015
My Grandmother's Turkey-Tail Fan, 219
My Sweetheart, 544

Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart (see Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward)

Phoenix, John (see George H. Derby)

Porter, Sydney ("O. Henry")
Double-Dyed Deceiver, A, 1927

Price, Warwick S.
Is It I, 1447

Quad, M. (see Charles B. Lewis)

Quick, Herbert
Martyrdom of Mr. Stevens, The, 1151

Rankin, Carroll Watson
Johnny's Lessons, 1570

Read, Opie
Arkansas Planter, An, 556

Rice, Wallace
In Elizabeth's Day, 572
Myopia, 151
Rule of Three, A, 1779

Riley, James Whitcomb
At Aunty's House, 2007
Bear Story, The, 1047
Champion Checker-Player of Ameriky, The, 156
Dos't o' Blues, 486
Down Around the River, 29
[Pg 2038]Funny Little Fellow, The, 822
Grandfather Squeers, 1571
Hoss, The, 1759
Little Mock-Man, The, 540
Little Orphant Annie, 444
Lugubrious Whing-Whang, The, 1669
My Philosofy, 1076
My Ruthers, 971
Natural Perversities, 350
Nine Little Goblins, The, 1635
Our Hired Girl, 1888
Ponchus Pilut, 624
Raggedy Man, The, 643
"Ringworm Frank", 395
Runaway Boy, The, 832
Thoughts fer the Discuraged Farmer, 1081
Tree-Toad, The, 418
Up and Down Old Brandywine, 1003
Way It Wuz, The, 261
When the Frost Is on the Punkin, 169

Robinson, Doane
One of the Palls, 1601

Roche, James Jeffrey
Concord Love-Song, A, 1913
V-A-S-E, The, 1603

Roof, Katharine M.
Associated Widows, The, 1338

Rose, Ray Clarke
Simple English,  19

Rose, William Russell
Conscientious Curate and the Beauteous Ballet Girl, The,      1756

Sabin, Edwin L.
Her Brother: Enfant Terrible, 2001
Trouble-Proof, 1801

Saxe, John G.
Briefless Barrister, The, 585
Comic Miseries, 1121
Coquette, The, 1127
How the Money Goes, 1780
Icarus, 1493
Reflective Retrospect, A, 1703
[Pg 2039]Teaching by Example, 91

Scollard, Clinton
Bookworm's Plaint, A, 1878
Cavalier's Valentine, A, 1782
Holly Song, 1260
Vive La
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