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Book online «A Not So Perverted Child by Kylie (learn to read books .txt) 📖». Author Kylie

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/> "Give me your wrists." Malie said, snatching Delaoh's wrists. His wrists were bare.
"Mom, I'm TWELVE. I wouldn't-"
"I just had to check. He can stay, as long as you're with Delilah, and Aaron, or with the rest of your brother's pack." Malie said.
Delaoh sighed, defeated.
"Fine. I'll carry that, sir." Delaoh said, carrying the baby floaty for Aaron.

Delaoh carried the baby floaty for me, while I carried my child. Lexi was talking with 'Sissy' (Delilah), about, you guessed it, babies.
"Are you going to have more babies?" Lexi asked Delilah. "You know, once Aarey and you get married?"
Delilah sighed.
"Why does everyone ask that?" She asked.
I couldn't agree more. It's not THAT amazing that I suddenly have a mate, a pack, AND a baby. I mean really. I've heard of other Alphas who became Alpha the same way as me.
"Did you know our family had gold eyes until a decade or so of generations ago? And that every fourth generation has at least one kid with gold eyes?" Lexi chimed.
"And...?" Delilah asked.
"Your babies are the fourth generation. Mine will be too. But that won't be for a while." Lexi said.
I froze. There was a legend about Were-Nereid children with gold eyes. Aurea lupi pisces est pugnator

. The golden wolf-fish is a warrior. Long ago, the story goes, a Nereid-wolf princess gave birth to twin sons, Romulus-a child part wolf, part Nereid, with blazing gold eyes-and Remus-a boy not as amazing as his younger brother. The boys’ father was Mars, the Roman god of war. The princess’s uncle—the king—was afraid the boys would grow up to take his throne, so he ordered his men to drown them in the Tiber River. But before the newborn twins could drown from never breathing water before, a wolf rescued them. It is said that the wolf was actually a lycanthrope, that welcomed the babies into it's pack, since they were part lycan.
When Romulus and Remus grew up, they decided to build a town on the banks of the Tiber River where the wolf had found them. But they quarreled over who would rule their settlement. Romulus killed his brother. Naturally, he had no remorse, since he was raised a wolf. He became king of the city, which he named Rome, after himself. It is said that when he became enraged, or when he was in battle, his eyes would glow a pure gold, and he would be as strong-sometimes stronger-than his father, Mars. It is said the descendants of Romulus all had the gold eyes and powers, until they were cursed by a widow whose husband was killed by a great-grandchild of Romulus. Only the great-grandchildren of the last golden child can have the gold powers. And my children and (when she has them) Lexi's children will be golden children. I turned to Lexi; She shot me a worried look.
"AARON, COME ON! THEY'RE LIKE ANIMALS!" Shane called, as the girls chased after him. I laughed.
"Wait for me!" Delilah said as we walked out.
"Oh my god, is that a baby?" Chalice stopped chasing Shane.
"Yeah, she woke up." I said, sitting down on a lounge chair, Calico on my lap. She bounced on my knee, muttering in baby.
"Ahwow ohwow aupoo wouw." She said, as I bounced her.
"A-freaking-dorable." Chalice said, coming over to Calico.
"Wanna help me?" Delilah asked, holding up the baby floaty.
"Sure." Chalice said, as Delilah put the floaty in the shallow end of the pool. I handed Calico to Delilah. Calico was in a little swimsuit Delilah had put her into. Delilah put Calico in the water. Calico sighed, before grinning. Calico's eyes got wide, as she splashed at the water. I stuck my feet in the water, sitting.
"You like the water, Coco?" Delilah asked.
Calico clapped her hands, bouncing in the floaty. It was FREAKING ADORABLE.
"I'm telling you, that is freaking adorable." Chalice said.
Shane sighed, a lovestruck sigh. I shot him a look. He faked stretching and yawning, nervously. I shook my head. He was hopeless.
"What?" Shane asked, getting out of the pool, and sitting next to me.
"It's obvious. Who?" I asked.
Shane turned pale, shaking his head.
"No one, that baby is freaking adorable-"
I cut him off, leaning into his ear so I could whisper to him.
"Delilah told me. She's easy to threat-I mean persuade." I whispered. "Chalice?"
Shane went from ghost pale, to tan again, cracking up.
"Poor Lys...OW MY SIDE!" Shane doubled over, clutching his side as he laughed.
"S...Shan! Ooka abba Shan!" Calico said, moving her floaty towards us. I slid into the pool, which only went up to my waist. I plucked Calico out of her floaty, as she grabbed a handful of my hair.
"Ow!" I said when she yanked.
Everyone laughed, even Calico, who giggled.
"Damn child, you must have something against my hair." I said, prying her hands from my hair.
"hair?" She asked, blinking her big olive-colored eyes.
"Oh my god she is like you! Wow, imagine how many words the world could learn if you were hulk. You'd be eternally pissed off!" Delilah laughed at me.
"Not funny." I said, rubbing my head, as Calico kept on staring at me with her big toddler eyes.
"Hair?" Calico asked again, yanking my hair.
"Yes, hair, now stop it." I said, grabbing her hand.
Her eyes went big, and she grinned at me.
"Hair!" She said.
"Is that all you'll say, girl?" I asked.
Calico cocked her head.
Everyone laughed.
"You confused her." Delilah said, snatching Calico from me. Calico was put back into her floaty.
"Ahh..." Calico sighed when she touched the water again.

Calico's first word was hair?

Yeah, weird first word. Well, my first word was duh.

Random first words must run in my family. I turned to talk to Chalice again, but she was no where to be found.
"Where did Chalice go?" I asked.
"She went off with Shane." Eli answered simply. I asked no further questions.
I looked to Kai, who was smirking.
"What with that smirk?" I asked him.
He turned to me, his smirk getting bigger.
"I think you know why." Kai said, rolling his eyes.
I looked at him confused, until I froze with realization. I thought

I saw someone listening in when I told Aaron that Shane imprinted on Chalice. Kai had overheard what I told Aaron, and he knew why Shane and Chalice disappeared. I shook my head, and Kai grinned.
"Ass. Can't you mind your own business." I muttered.
"God, I'm sorry that I was thirsty." Kai said.
We were rewarded confused looks by the rest of the people.
"Long story, and you will know soon enough." I said.

An hour passed before Shane and Chalice returned, Shane grinning, and Chalice looking down. When Shane dived in the pool, Chalice's name in Greek was visible.
The guys howled like wolves, before laughing. Chalice blushed, looking away.
I walked over to her, leaving Aaron to watch Calico, who he got to say a hundred new simple words, like Teeth, hair, eyes, ball, hat, pool, daddy, and mama.

"He tell you?" I asked, pulling Chalice inside.
"A little. He just explained what he is-what I am, and you and Aaron. I-is he really a wolf?" Chalice whispered.
"Yep. You don't believe him? Explain the name on your wrist." I said, pulling her hand out, wrist up, with my right hand. She saw Aaron's name on my hand, and cocked her head.
"Does that say Aaron?" She asked.
I nodded.
"So its true. And that baby..." She paused, turning pale. "I-I'm not going to have a baby, am I?"
"Not if you used protection." I said.
Chalice turned red, before chasing after me.
"SHUT UP, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Chalice said.
"Cha-chi and Shane sitting in a tree, S-E-" Chalice turned even redder. I ran out of the house, shrieking.
"SHE'S GOING TO KILL ME! HELP!" I screamed, before stopping, realizing. She's now a pack member. I'm the alpha female. I turned around, glaring at Chalice. She whimpered under my gaze, fleeing to Shane.
"Don't mess with me bitches!" I said, diving into the pool.
Shane glared at me. I stuck my tongue out.
"H.B.I.C, Shane, H.B.I.C." I said.
"What does that even mean?" Shane asked.
"Head bitch in charge." I said at the same time as my friends.
Shane laughed.
"Y-You just...Admitted you're a bitch! Ha!" Shane said.
"Says the mutt." I muttered.
Shane stopped laughed.
"Oh, so you think you're so tough? You wanna go? I bet I could beat you in a second." Shane growled, stalking up to me. He was a little taller, so I had to crane my neck to look him in the eye.
"You seem to forget I'm part Nereid." I said, before forcing a wave onto him, that knocked him out of the pool.

Chapter 4

Shane grunted, changing to a black furred, gray eyed wolf. I hopped out, letting my 'monster' form take over: My skin became pale and hard, like plexiglass, but not clear. My Nereid teeth came: sharp, needle-like vampire teeth replacing my regular teeth. I grew claws that were about the size of my pinkie, on my feet too. My skin grew tighter against my skin, for reasons unknown. I grew long, jack rabbit-like ears, which were pointed at the end. They helped me hear sounds as quiet as the wind hitting a blade of grass.
I heard everyone suck in a surprised breath. I had never completely transformed to my other self, in front of everyone. I found out after I first got back to the pack house with Calico that I could transform like this. Shane lunged for me, but I was already out of the way, crouched, a hiss emitting from my mouth. Shane turned around, flaring his nostrils. I smiled pleasantly, before tackling him. We rolled on the ground, fighting to stay on top. I ended up on top getting up and flinging Shane into a tree. Shane slumped to the ground, and changed back, naked. I looked away, flinging a towel at him. I changed back to my usual form.
"I WIN! But, put some damn clothes on." I said.
"Damn...Strong freak bitch." He said, covering himself with a towel.
"What the fuck...Just happened?" Kylia asked. "Either I'm drunk, or I'm crazy. D-did he just turn into a wolf?"
"No. You've been drinking too much alcohol." Eli said, suddenly next to Kylia, swiping a beer can out of her hands. His hands brushed hers, and she cocked her head.
"What?" Kylia asked.
"Nothing, you were just holding my beer for me." Eli said.
All of my friends, except for Chalice, blinked their eyes.
"Well, we better get home." They said, hoisting themselves out of the pool. One by one I was hugged, and then I was left with the pack.
"Sorry, I had to erase their memory of the last couple of moments." Eli said, before turning to Shane. "Ass, you KNOW you can't beat an alpha. Stop trying to show off for

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