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your mate."
Shane looked down, reminding me of a scolded puppy.
"Sorry." Shane said to everyone.
Chalice was frozen, confused. I walked over to her, but she squeaked, scared.
"She doesn't bite. I think you'd know that by now." Aaron called.

Chalice slowly trusted me. We ate, Shane being mocked the whole night.
"Since when am I the Omega?" He asked finally.
"Since you were beaten by a female." The guys chimed.
Shane grumbled, waiting to eat. Apparently they had wolf castes: Alpha, Beta, Subordinate, Juvenile, Pups, Omega. Aaron and I are Alpha, Shane is Omega, but, who is the Beta?
Aaron's voice rang in my head.
No one. I used to be, since my parents were Alpha, but since I'm the State Alpha leader, there is no single Beta. Any smaller group alpha is considered a Beta. So that's easy: the only person in this main part of the pack that isn't Alpha or Subordinate or Juvenile or Pup is Shane. He is officially the Omega. I just hope we don't wake up to see Shane stark naked chasing another wolf for his clothes.

I burst out laughing, and soon Aaron joined.
"Ah...That must SUCK." I said.
We were rewarded confused looks by the rest of the pack.
"What?" They asked.
"N-nothing." I managed, my voice coming out in a squeak, before I began cracking up again.
"Wow, I don't think Delilah's ever laughed this much in her life." Josh said.
"Shut up, peasant!" I managed.
"Wow, this HBIC thing has gotten to your head." Austin muttered.
"No, it hasn't." I giggled, before sobering up. "Do we have any ice cream?"
"NO!" Everyone shouted at me.
I slunk down in my seat.
"Lys Bear, can I talk to you?" Chalice asked.
"Talk to me, Chachi dalling." I said, lounging in my chair.
Chachi sighed, exasperated, before stalking over to me, and grabbing me by my scruff. I made a weird kitten-like sound as Chalice dragged me off by my scruff.
"What?" I asked, sitting on my bed.
"What ARE you?" Chalice asked.
"Simple: I'm not completely 100 percent sure. What I know for sure is: I'm part Nereid, Sysanthrope-cat people, kinda like Lycans-part elf, part banshee." I said.
Chalice's jaw dropped to the floor.
"Wow. And-"
"It gets better. I have dos mates." I said.
"W-will I-"
"No. It's a Sysan thing." I replied.
Chalice nodded.
"What is an Omega?" She finally asked.
I put my head in my hands.
"I will tell you what it is, just because you'll feel stupid once you know. An Omega is the lowest rank of any wolf pack. They are constantly being picked on, yet they are a very important part of a wolf pack. The omega relives tension within the pack, and is the last to eat." I said.
Chalice cocked her head.
"You're right, I DO feel stupid." Chalice said.

Chalice and Delilah came back downstairs, gossiping and giggling like teenage girls. Well, technically, they were still teenage girls, but WOW. Delilah looked so much older since last Summer. I caught myself staring, so I turned back to the guys, who were playing Guitar Hero. There were (including the pups) 33 wolves, including me. I went over the pack ranks in my head:

Aaron Delilah

Agamemnon Malie

Blaine Rex Jake Sammy Malachi Weston King Toby

Laurine Tessa Jashawna Kisa Chloe Kanon Arabell Chalice

Kevin Gavin Conner Josh James Justin Christopher Liam Darwin Austin Eli




I had the scouts: Blaine, Rex, Jake, Sammy, Malachi, Weston, King, and Toby out...well, scouting, Lexi was asleep, along with Calico, and the rest were awake. 14 other people were awake, and only 4 played Guitar Hero. Fair, huh? Yeah, what I thought.
"Hey pretty mama, wanna play drums?" Kevin asked, who was struggling at the drums. Delilah was like a Guitar Hero Goddess. She has never lost during Guitar Hero.
"Kay kay." Delilah said, taking Kevin's place at the drums. Delilah's hands went flying with the drum sticks, as she hit every note.
Blue, blue, red, blue, blue, green. It repeated that, and then went to: blue, yellow, red, red, green, yellow, blue, yellow, red, red.
Delilah finished, and with Gavin, who was on guitar, Austin, who was singing into the mike, and Arabell, who was attempting at the bass, scored perfectly.
"Learn from the master, chico. Learn from the master." Delilah said.
"Ella es la deidad que adoro, cuando se trata de música, dios." Kevin muttered, dropping to his knees.
"I'm not THAT good, chico. Yo sólo soy el mejor baterista, cantante, bajista y guitarrista de la casa, chico." Delilah said.
"Habla usted español?" Kevin asked.
"Yo no hablo español. Me gustaría poder hablar español perfecto." Delilah said, and Kevin laughed. Let's just say English is old and reliable, while Spanish...It's like shoving a cat in a bucket of water. It doesn't go well when I try it.
"Huh?" I asked.
"She just said she doesn't speak Spanish, and that she wishes to speak perfect Spanish." Kevin said. "Brought back a few memories."
"So..." I said.
"Awkward silence!" Chalice shouted.
Delilah muttered something that sounded like something you'd yell out in the middle of sex. The guys laughed.
"What did you just say?" I asked.
Delilah looked at me.
"I just said 'gay baby'. It's an old myth at this one girls-only school Chachi and I went to, where every teacher was against gayness. So the girls made up this rule that if there is an awkward silence, a gay baby is born. I don't know how many times we got in trouble over yelling it out." Delilah said.
"Oh." I said. I felt ashamed. Lately I've been thinking about sex A LOT, especially when Kai was in the same room as Delilah and I. Was it a dominance thing?
"Hello? Aaron, have you finally gotten lost in what is the maze of your brain?" Delilah was suddenly in front of me, her hand waving in front of my face.
"Whoa!" I said, startled, tripping backwards.
"I think he was eye raping you." Shane said.
"No, I was thinking." I said.
"About sex." James filled in.
"NO!" I said.
"Liar." Tessa said. Tessa could read minds, and she says my thoughts are especially loud. "You were thinking about thinking about sex. Does that make sense?"
"See. I TOLD you I wasn't thinking about sex." I crossed my arms, but it felt awkward, since my back was on the ground.
The guys started laughing. I scrambled up, looking around for Delilah. She was in front of me a second ago, but now she was no where to be found.
"Where did Delilah go?" I asked. My eyes narrowed, my ears feeling as if they went back.
"She went upstairs with Kai, why?" Laurine said.
I snarled, my lips curling back, out of wolf habit. I thought to Delilah.
Delilah, you okay?

I asked.
Her response was quick, and breathless.
Yeah, I'm fine.

She paused, gasping in my head, before moaning. Kai, gentle.

She thought to me, probably by accident.
I had hated Kai before now, but this...This crossed the line. Lyall's anger, and my jealousy forced my change into my wolf form. My clothes ripped, falling off, leaving me exposed for a split second. My bones snapped, and then reformed themselves into the skeleton of a wolf, and I was forced on all fours. My hands became paws, my face becoming that of a wolf. I grew a tail, which was vertical, curling like a flag, like a real wolf alpha's tail. I grew fur the color of my brunet hair. My eyes changed, remaining the olive color, but enhancing my vision. My nose became a snout. I growled, before dashing off, ignoring the shouts of my pack. I trailed Kai scent, keeping my nose close to the ground, until I found the room that Kai was staying in. I busted through the door, to see Kai on top of Delilah, tangled in the sheets. His head was imbedded in her neck. Another moan escaped Delilah's lips as he nuzzled her neck. I noticed the pile of clothes next to the bed. Among them were boxers, a bra, and panties. I lost control, lunging for Kai's throat. I sank my teeth into Kai's neck, my jaw locking so he couldn't escape. I forced him off of Delilah, slamming him into the wall. Delilah shrieked, but what she did next I did not see. Kai's body crumbled, until it was the body of a mountain lion. I stood no chance against a mountain lion, but Lyall was lending me power. Kai thrashed against my claws, only making his neck worse. Kai realized this, clawing at me, getting my face. I barked in pain, Kai taking the opportunity to drop from my mouth.
"My MATE!" I barked, though I doubt he could hear me.
Kai hissed, before lunging at me. I dodged, slamming into his side. Kai whined, hitting the ground, and I latched onto his neck, sitting on top of his paws, as I scratched at him. His body went limp, and he returned to the form of a naked human, Delilah's name visible at his collarbone.

He had completed the bond with Delilah! Rage boiled over in me, and I attacked him once more. A hand on my neck made no difference. It was Delilah, who was in her clothes again.
"Stop, you're going to kill him!" She said, trying to pull me off of Kai. I slashed at her, Lyall taking over. Lyall was much stronger than Delilah; She was forced back into the wall, a stray metal pole sticking out of the wall impaling her side. Crimson red blood spewed from the wound. Delilah slumped, unconscious. I stopped, a pain wracking through my heart. I had injured, maybe even KILLED, my mate. Kai's mate too. I howled, letting go of Kai, going over to Delilah. The metal pole had gone straight through her midsection, protruding from her belly button. It was stained with blood and bits of flesh, as she quickly began to bleed out. I howled and barked for my pack. I picked up her left wrist. Kai's name was on her wrist.

Kaito. That was Kai's full name. If it hadn't been for his name on Delilah's wrist, I would have forgotten that he laid crumpled a few steps away.
"AARON!" Shane gasped. I changed back, not caring that I was naked. Pack members were like a family, they didn't care. I had blood all over me, and I crumpled to the ground next to Delilah.
"I-I...I lost control. A-and, I did this-"
"DELILAH!" Chalice shrieked, running up to Delilah. Chalice dropped to the ground, looking at the 2-liter-soda-bottle-thick pole protruding from Delilah's torso.
"D-Del-lilah!" Chalice sobbed. Chalice had been Delilah's friend since kindergarten. It would be the same for Delilah if Chalice was hurt. Delilah's eyes weakly fluttered open, as she looked glassy-eyed at Chalice, then at me.
"I'm so sorry." I managed to croak. "I-I lost control, I'm so sorry-"
"My fault...Agreed with...Kai." She said, her breath raspy.
"No, I went bat-shit crazy." I cried.
Delilah's hand went to my cheek.
"No crying...while I'm a shish kabob...I can't give hugs...It hurts." Delilah lost consciousness again. I howled, and was vaguely aware of anyone, until I was fighting my way back to Delilah, as the guys tried to drag me away.
"NO!" I screamed.
"Aaron, she can't be fixed if you're here." Shane said. "We had to drag Delilah away from you when you were hurt."
I let the guys drag me away. Only Chalice and Malie stayed inside, doctoring Delilah and Kai. My dad came running up, and I crumpled into his

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