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12th time and kept her displayed on the TV set at the seedy motel he owns. He said he keeps her on the TV as she gets better reception than a pair of rabbit ears.


Wally committed suicide after therapy released his teenage memories of schtupping his own mom after school with copious amounts of simulated breast feedings, and Beaver is now living in Denmark and underwent a sex change and therapy that included penis removal and now has a real beaver of his own! So the next time you watch Leave it Beaver....and he drops his pants on for your life...This time beaver wants to get up close and personal with soap on a rope...Gosh Beav!!!!! It's time to whack the beaver!



Chapter 11 - Wonder Woman: Bikini Waxed Super Hero



Give a superhero babe a gorgeous set of super legs, a voluptuous expansive chest that is ready to explode in a volcanic eruption of heaving cleavage, then encase her ample shapely body in a skimpy costume that shows off her erection causing bikini wax look south of her border, and you have the makings of the eighth sexual wonder of the super world. Wonder Woman! Iconic beauty of the comic book kingdom who leaped from the comic book pages to the television screen in a single bound. She was portrayed by Lynda Carter as the super woman personification if ever there was one complete and replete with super powers, combat skills that would make a Navy Seal look like a wimp and a mastery of martial arts that Mr. Miyagi would be proud of. Not to mention a knock down drag out sexy rear-end that could only be described as Mounds of Joy and breasts that could double as two of the finest pinnacles of the Colorado Rockies, perfect for climbing to plant your flag on her mighty twin peaks.


Wonder Woman is the alter ego of Diana Prince, who as an Amazon warrior princess is better known as Princess Diana of Themyscira, which is probably located just west of the Isle of Lesbos near the town of Sappho, where Amazon on Amazon action is as popular a sporting event as Monday Night Football is to armchair quarterbacks. Her background in reality is based in true life characters involved in a sexual threesome affair that includes her comic book creator, William Marston. Her character development is based on Marston's two switch-hitter live-in girl friends, and because of this influence Wonder Woman became a sexy man-eater with super powers packing a pair of powerful bear trap thighs that can pack more thunder than Zeus! .


Marston by the way is the inventor of the polygraph, the ever popular lie detector, which became the forerunner of Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth! Marston read comic books but felt they were lacking for changing times. He decided he wanted to create a superhero who used guile and brains over brawn. His live-in girlfriends were highly liberated for the times, the late 1930's and early 1940's and were also quite domineering of him which he seemed to enjoy as many men do. They told him in no uncertain terms to go ahead and do it, as it sounded like a good idea, but he was ordered by them to make the super hero a female...or else! He complied obediently with their wishes or demands depending on how you want to look at it. Marston sold the idea to All Star Comics and Wonder Woman came out of the three-some closet in 1941 as "Suprema" in the original story, but, it was changed at the last minute to "Wonder Woman" by the publisher. Marston in describing his new character wrote "Wonder Woman is the new woman who I believe should rule the world!" How appropriate that a submissive male should create a domineering super heroine that has stood the test of time and still rules with a iron fist in the world of iconic heroines! In a 1943 article he wrote he elaborated even further on her character. "Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength, and power. Girls now are not wanting to be to be tender, submissive, peace-loving as women are. The obvious remedy is to create a domineering feminine character with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman."


When Wonder Woman first appeared during WWII, she was one sexy weapon of democracy fighting Nazi's and fifth columnists on the battlefield abroad and on the home front. Hitler had more to fear then fear itself or even the Normandy Invasion. Wonder Woman was on the way packing super powers, a "lasso of truth" and a tiara projectile that could penetrate a German bunker deeper than a Wonder Woman dildo.. She was one hell of a vaginal V-2 rocket ready to blitzkrieg Berlin after a night of heavy drinking with the Hermann Goering Cabaret Crowd. In addition to fighting for democracy and later a platform of peace, she eventually fought evil home front super villains out to do her in. In time s the times they were a changing became an iconic symbol of women's liberation as a feminist warrior in the hymen heavy protest 1960's. Who says a feminist can't be sexy? Look at Gloria Steinhem, one time Playboy Bunny escaped from Hugh Hefner's Hutch and in the process had many a male drooling behind her sexy tail voting in favor of the ERA! Whatever it takes in love, war and politics, eh?


Wonder Woman.s costume alone was a light show of image and color and sexual innuendo. Her top was a brilliant hot red color with breasts encased in gold breastplates highlighting her two sizable pots of gold hidden beneath her rainbow of color. Her hot pants were a brilliant blue with a tempting field of stars that put the male libido in planetary orbit as he longed to go where no mere mortal man had gone before...except by invitation only, and then only as an Amazon captive!


When she first appeared in 1942 she wore a red top, white belt and star studded pants with red and gold go-go boots in an appeal to American patriotism. Eventually when the war was won, she sported skin tight shorts with her back exposed. Then in the dreaded Disco age of the 1970's she started wearing polyester jumpsuits, but eventually got back into that highly sought after bikini waxed swimsuit look. But by 1987 she was wearing a black leather biker babe outfit until it was changed once again to what we see today, a bit of color change but basically back to the sexy roots as body armor for the body of amour!


Now for the cream rising to the top. Lynda Carter. Words cannot describe how she has morphed into the absolute personification perfection of the character. She is and always will be Wonder Woman. She reigned supreme on the small screen from the 1975 - 1979 romancing the disco stone age with a sexuality loaded with sensuality and class. When she did her amazing spin action to transform into the Wonder Woman of our dreams we had a hard time keeping our hands out of our pants. There have also been animated series of WW and a new pilot for a TV show was shot in 2012 but nipped in the bud due to poor script development.


On a personal note, I worked with a young guy in radio in the midwest when I was Program Director of a radio station, he was the mid-day personality who wanted to BE Wonder Woman and in fact thought he was! I was going on vacation from the radio station to visit friends in San Francisco, when he asked me to buy him a Wonder Woman costume there if I could find one. Yes, I found one, and yes, I bought it for him, mainly as a joke, but when he showed up for his mid-day radio shift one afternoon spinning around in the very same costume...we all had the laugh of our lives. Not because of his affectation...but mainly....he ain't no Lynda Carter by a long shot! He did try to lasso me but missed! Now if that would have been Lynda Carter at the other end of the rope, I would have been lassoed and offered her a bikini wax myself!

Chapter 12 - Catwoman: I Love the Smell of Leather in the Morning

Catwoman the leather fetish pin-up princess of comic book pulp fiction is best known for having one hell of a sexy slinky figure encased in form fitting pants of lovely leather with a Mardi Gras black mask accenting her face while brandishing a leather domina whip to bring out the best of the beast in her with a purr-fect feline display of sensuous sex appeal and female domination. Was she always a pussycat? Not on your life, in fact, her resume is excitingly risque and frisky for our favorite femme fatale who exudes a scent of danger and feminity in one intoxicating pussy perfect package.


According to her diverse pedigree which can get pretty cat complicated, her dark, brooding and secretive background involves a stint as a jewel thief, a teenaged prostitute and a dominatrix under the mentorship of her predatory pimp who sold her for sex on the street and forced her to role play in domination activities! Early reports have her portrayed as an airline stewardess with amnesia, while another facet of this diamond career has her in an abusive relationship with a husband from hell who she escapes from!


The Catwoman character is the epitome of sexuality and when she made the transition from the comic book pages to the small screen as well as the silver screen to apease our quest for cinematic salivation we were not disappointed. She has been portrayed on television as the campy vamp by Ertha Kitt, Julie Newmar and Lee Merriweather, not to mention her big screen sisters, especially Halle Berry and Michelle Pfieffer who both look good in and out of leather pants.


Catwoman was known as Selina before she made Mr. Blackwells Best Vamp Look List, and was added to the DC Batman series by creator Bob Kane to add the twin appeals of zest and sex. She also lit the fire in Batmans cape as an early love interest probably to kill all those rumors of pedophilia regarding his questionable relationship with Robin the underaged Boy Wonder!)

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