In the Hunters Eyes by Alexandra Jones (best fiction books to read txt) đź“–

- Author: Alexandra Jones
Book online «In the Hunters Eyes by Alexandra Jones (best fiction books to read txt) 📖». Author Alexandra Jones
You know all the books and movies that you read and
watched when you were a kid. Yeah, I’m talking about the
faeries, vampires, zombies, and werewolves…… Well as far as
I know they’re not real…well except the last one anyways.
The Were’s. There is not just wolves, but every type you
can think of. If there is an animal there is a were for it,
plus Hybrids, crosses between weres that parents aren’t the
same animal.
Your wondering how I know all this? Well I’m not a
were, but that doesn’t matter to them they want to change
that. They want me to be one of them, but I’m determined to
have none of that. But I can’t hide out forever can I? No,
of course not! So I risk the chance of being taken
everyday! But Why me? Why not someone else? Well because
I’m a breeder. A mortal that can be turned and bear
children, unless a breeder when turned females can’t have
children. But the very few females among them are producing
all males and no females to continue the lines, and that’s
where I would come in and there is a lot of males fighting
over me. So that’s why I’m being Hunted. The one that gets
me keeps me or at least I think that’s what happens.
Chapter 1
It’s Monday morning, first day of senior year. One
year left until I’m outta here for good, but I can already
tell it’s gonna be a long year. The time getting ready for
school went by way too fast and I’m running late. Leaving
my room with my now empty backpack, I run down the stairs
and thru the front door. Sitting in the driveway is my car,
a 1969 red mustang. It’s perfect, shiny without a speck of
rust and runs like it just came off the lot. I run to my
car and get in, start it and I take off. If I don’t get to
school in ten minutes I’m gonna be late and it’s a fifteen
minute drive. There is gonna be speeding I just know it and
I always try to avoid speeding at all costs but as I grow
older it becomes more and more dangerous being alone, and
I’m alone. The streets are dead quiet, there isn’t a soul
in sight and that makes me nervous. The street should have
at least a few people, mothers pushing strollers, old men
getting their mail but there is no people at all. And I can
feel them, their eyes are honed in on me.
Every corner I pass I wait for one of them to jump me.
Times like these scare me, knowing one day they will. That
they will get so desperate to have me that they will just
take me.
But as I start into town I spot one. Not because he
has a tail or anything, but by the way he walks. So
graceful like a ballerina yet so predatory like a tiger
stalking it’s prey. But he isn’t stalking anything, he’s
just walking down the street like any normal person
would do. But he isn’t normal, his steps are calculated,
like he’s trying to slow his pace down. I look away from
him and back to the road ahead of me and I see why he’s been
slowing his pace.
Chapter 2
Up ahead there has been an accident and the road is
blocked by many cars. There is no place to turn around, I’m
trapped. I’m going to have to sit and wait until they clear
a lane. At least there are people in their cars, they would
see if one of those things dragged me out of my car….
wouldn’t they? A few minutes later fire trucks arrive along
with an ambulance and a few cop cars. No one was hurt, it
was just a really bad fender-bender. By the time they moved
the cars I was already late for school and I was still in my
car! I think they wanted me to know they could get me if
they really wanted to. As if reading my mind the guy that I
was watching right before I saw the wreak smiled at me and
walked away. That was just too creepy, can they read minds
The drive was short, weird when your running late it
seems like it takes forever! I find a parking spot and race
into the office. Tammy is in there working the tardy slips
today, she’s pretty cool for her age. She just turned forty
but acts about seventeen. “So why are you late today Lexi?”
she asks. “Well, there was a car accident, don’t give me
that look I didn’t have anything to do with it. I swear!” I
said. “Ok, Ok” she said. “Here take this and get to class
before he flips out on you.” she added. I thanked her and
headed for Chemistry. I always took extra science classes
hoping I’d make it to college and discover why I’m like
this. Dad said as far as he knows none of the females of
our family has ever made it past their eighteenth birthday.
Which makes me feel oh so excited to be turning eighteen in
a few months.
The whole time I’m thinking this this I’m walking
toward the Chemistry classroom. I’m in front of the door
now and I knock because they automatically lock when they
are shut. Some kid opens the door “thanks” I say and walk
toward an empty desk in the back by Kimmi. “Thanks for
saving me a seat Kimmi.” I whisper. “That’s not all I
saved you.” she whispers back while pulling out a small box
of cereal from her bag and tossing it to me. I look at the
tiny box of fruit loops and then turn to her “How do you
always know when I’m gonna be late?” I ask her. She smiles
and says “I’m physic.” I want to laugh but she sounds too
serious and with what I am, I can sort of believe her. “So
what have I missed?” I ask. “Just the usual first day
papers that’s all, here.” She hands me small stack of
papers. “Thanks” “Your welcome” I start to fill out the
papers. They need to just keep the papers we filled out the
first time, and make changes if we need to. I finished them
and put them on the front desk. Still no teacher, weird. I
go and sit down when I start to ask Kimmi where the teacher
is he walks in. I have to hold my gasp in, he’s one of
them. Crap Crap Crap! What am I gonna do!? Act normal,
Act normal! But Kimmi seen me freeze. “What’s wrong?” she
whispers “Nothing” I reply back but my voice sounds like
I’ve been crying, crap. “Right” I hear her say. Then she’s
writing something down on paper, she passes me the note:
you will tell me about this later. And chill before everyone starts staring! Shopping after school?
I reply back to the note with a simple “ok”. I tried
to relax throughout the class but remained tense. The class
was finally over and I raced out (more like ran!) all I
remember from that class was that we got our books and a
worksheet. I hope there are examples of these problems in
our books or I might just have to get Kimmi to help me.
After chemistry the day was pretty eventless, other than
getting a ten pound Algebra II book and a couple others from
different classes. Which I was not looking forward to
packing around. Finally school was out and I skipped going
to my locker since I had homework in every subject, you
would think that being the first day they wouldn’t hammer us
with worksheets and essays yet but think again. It’s time
to spill my guts all over Kimmi’s pretty shoes. Great.
Kimmi road with me to the mall, I really didn’t want to
go shopping it wasn’t my thing. But it sure was Kimmi’s!!
She’s like an energizer bunny she never gets tired of
shopping. After like the third store she finally asks “So
what happened in chemistry??” “You won’t believe me if I
told you.” I said. “Try me.” she replied. “You will think
I’m crazy….” I barely got out before she shouted “JUST TELL
ME ALREADY!” people were staring now.
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