Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters by Heather Ray (good books to read for women .txt) ๐

- Author: Heather Ray
Book online ยซPower Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters by Heather Ray (good books to read for women .txt) ๐ยป. Author Heather Ray
How can I say this enough? Thank you to everyone that has kept up with all my books! You all are awesome! When I started adapting my fanfiction to these books, I was just doing it in order to introduce the Power Rangers to a new generation and to also help reluctant young readers to find a new love for reading. But I have found out that with each new book there is resounding success! Thank you all so much!
In an alternate reality, distant in the Multiverse, there is a race of warrior women known as Venusians. Their past is shrouded in mystery, yet their culture has been intertwined with that of mankind since the beginning. These immortals, skilled in sorcery, existed with humanity for centuries. To learn their story, and how they clash with the Power Rangers Zeo, I invite you to read on...
Tommy Oliver is lying on his stomach on his bed, a frown crossing his face. Half a dozen textbooks, as well as tons of worksheets, notebooks, and folders littered the red plaid blankets of the double bed, and even more pages were strewn on the cream colored carpet. It was a beautiful Sunday morning outside, but no matter how much Tommy wished he could enjoy the day, he had other priorities.
"Man," he said out loud, "I can't stand all these exams! Now that the school year is almost over, every teacher is driving us crazy, trying to cover all the material we didn't finish this year. This is insane
! Especially considering its one week before the prom."
Suddenly, Tommy's frustrated anger turned to a quiet sadness. In school, everyone's excited about the senior prom, which was to take place that Friday. The prom was supposed to be the most magical, memorable night in a young person's life, but Tommy dreaded next Friday. Most people spend that special night with the person they love the most, but this young man will spend that night alone, because his true love is out of his reach.
"Its been weeks since I saw Kim last," he whispered to himself, sitting up on his bed and hunching his shoulders, "I haven't spoken to her since we finally made up, the night she was crowned Queen. I promised I'd keep in touch, but its so difficult! I can't exactly call her, and I certainly can't talk to her through the communicators in the Power Chamber. And with the recent exams, as well as Zedd's constant attacks, I don't have time to visit her on Venus Island. Besides, she's probably so busy ruling the island that she doesn't have time for me."
Tommy sighed quietly and turned back to his European History textbook. But before he really read anything, the telephone rang. Tommy sighed and picked up.
^Hey, Tommy! How've ya been, Bro?^
"Jason," said Tommy, his spirits instantly lifting, "I'm just studying for an exam on Monday is all."
^Well, if I know you, you've been studying for the past several nights, so you don't have to study all day. Do you have anything planned?^
"Uh, no. I figured I'd just study this, and then I have an English paper on Henry V
due on Wednsday, and I really haven't started..."
^You don't have to do it today! The reason I'm calling is because me, Adam, and Rocky are going to rent tuxedos for the prom.^
"You have five days before the prom!"
^Yeah, but we certainly don't wanna wait til the last minute, Bro! So, ya wanna come with us?^
"Nah, I don't think so. I'm not going to the prom."
^What? Are you sure? Why?^
"Because I can't take Kim with me!" Tommy practically hollered into the phone, "When she and Renee decided to stay on Venus Island, the world believed they disappeared. I can't bring Kim to the prom, and I certainly can't ask another girl to go. I mean, I'd feel guilty..."
^Well, why don't you ask Kat? The two of you could go as friends, you know?^
"I thought of that, but then I'd be using her. She deserves better than me, using her as a Kim replacement. Besides, I'm sure she's going with someone else. She's intelligent, caring, and beautiful, and she deserves to have a good time with a man who really wants to be with her. I'm not that man."
^Well, you could go stag--^
"I'm not up to it. I'd just be depressed, and that'll make all of you guys feel bad. I'll just stay in. I mean, its no big deal. I'll catch ya later, Jason."
^Okay. Goodbye, Tommy. Take care of yourself.^
Tommy hung up the phone, and then picked up his history book, drowning his feelings and sorrows in his work.
Later that day, Katherine Hillard, Jason Lee, Adam Park, Tanya Sloan, and Rocky DeSantos meet in Ernie's Gym and Juice Bar, at their usual round table.
"What was the big emergency?" asked Adam, looking at Jason, "I thought we were going to get tuxedos for the prom this afternoon."
"Right," said Tanya, "Kat and I were going shopping also! What's going on?"
"Guys," said Jason, "We've got a slight problem. Tommy."
"What's the matter?" asked Katherine, "Is it about Kimberly?"
"Yeah. He's really down, because he can't take Kim to the prom."
"Well, there's nothing we can do about that," said Rocky, "There's no way Kim can come to the prom with us, and if I know Tommy, he'd rather not go than go with another girl."
"That's true," said Adam, "But there must be something we can do. We very well can't enjoy the prom knowing that a very close friend is miserable."
"Why can't he come with us?" asked Tanya, "I mean, we were all planning on going out together after the prom: me and Adam, Jason and Emily, Rocky and Jennifer, and Kat and Eric."
"So, Eric actually asked you?" asked Jason, turning to the tall blonde, "He's such a quiet guy."
"True, but he asked me Friday, when I was at my locker," said Kat, blushing a rosy pink, "I admit, I was very surprised, but Eric's very sweet and considerate--"
"And handsome," added Tanya with a grin, "You go girl!"
"But we still don't know what we're gonna do about Tommy," said Jason, "He wouldn't feel comfortable hanging around with us, if he doesn't have a date. It doesn't take much to depress Tommy, and I really think he's at a real low now. He hasn't even left the house today, and he went straight home after school yesterday."
"I don't think we're in any position to cheer him up," said Katherine, "There's only one person who can--Kimberly. Now, if I know Tommy, he's suffering in silence. Kim probably has no idea he's depressed, and I doubt she even knows the prom is coming up. I think we should contact Kim, and tell her what's up. She may know what to do to lift our fearless leader's spirits."
"Great idea!" said Adam, "The five of us can go to Venus Island, and pay her a visit. We won't tell Tommy."
"Right!" chimed Rocky, "Boy, will he be surprised!"
The five teenagers rose from their seats, and walked casually into the hallway. After Adam and Tanya checked for onlookers, they vanished in five streaks of colored light. Milliseconds later, they rematerialized in the darkened Power Chamber, where Alpha 5 was busy polishing the computer consols.
"Alpha," said Tanya with a smile, "What are you doing?"
"Spring cleaning," answered the small robot, turning to face the rangers, "Dust accumulates so quickly down here! What're you five doing here anyway?"
"Well," said Jason, stepping forward, "it's about Tommy --"
"No. He's just depressed, and we think he really misses Kimberly," said Tanya, "We were wondering if we could drop by Venus Island, and pay her a quick visit."
"Teleporting now," said Alpha, activating the teleporter. Soon the five rangers were on the sandy white beach of Venus Island.
"This place is so serene," said Kat quietly, looking out at the gentle waves of Pacific ocean.
"Yeah," said Tanya, "It's more peaceful every time we come here."
"Hey gang!" called Rocky from the grass, "Look here!"
The four others met Rocky where the grass meets the shore, and saw a white stone pathway winding through the jungle, up the mountain.
"Kim's been redecorating," said Adam with a smile.
"It sure makes it easier to find Ambrosia with a pathway," said Jason, "I didn't think we'd be able to make it without a guide."
The teens began the scenic trek up the towering mountain, and soon, they reached the city.
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