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Read books online ยป Juvenile Fiction ยป Power Rangers Zeo: Venusian Encounter by Heather Ray (interesting books to read in english TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซPower Rangers Zeo: Venusian Encounter by Heather Ray (interesting books to read in english TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Heather Ray

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How can I say this enough? Thank you to everyone that has kept up with all my books! You all are awesome! When I started adapting my fanfiction to these books, I was just doing it in order to introduce the Power Rangers to a new generation and to also help reluctant young readers to find a new love for reading. But I have found out that with each new book there is resounding success! Thank you all so much!

Author's Note

In an alternate reality, distant in the Multiverse, there is a race of warrior women known as Venusians. Their past is shrouded in mystery, yet their culture has been intertwined with that of mankind since the beginning. These immortals, skilled in sorcery, existed with humanity for centuries. To learn their story, and how they clash with the Power Rangers Zeo, I invite you to read on...

This fanfic takes place somewhere after Jason lost his Gold Ranger powers. So, I guess it takes place right before the Turbo movie. The characters in this story are all Saban Brands, with the exception of Renee Ryan, the rest of Team USA and the Venusians.

Chapter One

As usual, it's a beautiful day in Angel Grove, California. In the Youth Center, the students of Angel Grove High School enjoy some rest and relaxation, and most of them talk excitedly about the upcoming weekend's events. That weekend is the finale of the Pan-Global Games, an international sports competition second only to the Olympics. This year, the Pan-Globals are held in Orlando, Florida, and the Americans have a very strong chance of medaling in all the major competitions -- track and field, swimming/diving, and gymnastics. Actually, the American gymnastics team had just won the gold in both the men's and women's competitions, and they're favorites in numerous individual events. Team USA's gymnasts are quickly becoming celebrities, and are appearing on an exclusive interview that afternoon at four. The teens at the Youth Center eagerly await the interview, mostly because one of the young stars of the women's team is a hometown heroine--Kimberly Anne Hart.

"What time is it?" called Tommy, who was preparing to break a pile of seven bricks with his hand.

"It's a quarter of, Bro," answered Jason, who was standing beside him, "We've got plenty of time. Go for it!"

Tommy took a deep breath and measured up the bricks with his eye. He then closed his eyes and raised his arm into the air. He brought it down with a mighty hi-ya, and shattered all seven bricks cleanly. He brushed off his gi from the dust of the crumbling bricks, and stepped back.

"Nice one, Tommy," said Jason, setting up another seven blocks, "Now it's my turn. I see your seven -- and raise ya two."

Jason added two more bricks to the pile and prepared himself physically and mentally for the exertion. Just as Tommy had done, Jason closed his eyes to clear his mind, and raised his arm high. He managed to shatter all nine bricks, and received a round of cheers from the other martial artists present.

"That's nine for me," Jason said with a smile, "Adam, it's your turn."

"Uh, I think I'll pass," said Adam, shaking his head, "I've never been really fond of brick-breaking. Its one skill I haven't quite mastered."

"I'll go," said Rocky, stretching his arms, "I've always loved brick-breaking!"

While Rocky readied himself to break ten bricks, Adam moved away from the mat towards the Juice Bar itself, where his girlfriend Tanya Sloan was writing in her notebook while sipping on a banana smoothie. He set his arms on her shoulders and looked over her head at her work.

"What're ya doing?" he asked, sitting beside her. She looked up to him and smiled.

"Sociology," she responded, turning back to her notebook, "This essay is due on Monday, and since we're all flying to Florida to see the gymnastics finals on Sunday, I won't get much of a chance to do it later."

"Maybe I can help you. What's the topic?"

"Gender inequality in the ninties."

"Oh, really?" said Adam, slightly surprised, "I didn't really think there was much gender inequality nowadays. I mean, women's lib has really accomplished a lot since the sixties."

"Yeah, and there's still a lot to be done. Think about it, Adam -- there has still never been a women president in the US. There has never even been a female candidate, and there are only a handful of women on the Senate or House of Representatives. There are also very few women governors or mayors, even though women make up more than half of the population. Most top executive positions are held by men, and women who have similar jobs, and similar workloads, only get a fraction of the men's salary. If you think about it, even the Power Rangers are slightly gender-biased."

"What?" asked Adam in shock, "That's not true! There have been five women Power Rangers on the team and only six guys. That sounds pretty equal."

"Well, there have never been more than two girls on the team at once, and they have never had positions of power. For example, the first team of rangers had Jason as a leader and Zack as second-in-command. Billy was the brain. So, what roles did Kim and Trini play? Also, once Zack, Trini, and Jason left, Tommy was made leader and Rocky was his second. Now, considering that Rocky was new to ranger-ing, and Kim had been a ranger for months, I would assume that she would've made an excellent second in command. I mean, you guys always said she was a great person, and a good fighter. I doubt Zordon even considered giving her a position of leadership."

"Well..." stammered Adam, "what about the Aquitians? Delphine is a woman."

"Delphine is an alien, Adam! We're talking about American society here. In other countries, women have positions of power. England has a queen, and a few years back there was a woman as Prime Minister also. Its funny-- America is built on the premise that 'all men are created equal'. What does that imply about women?"

Adam was desperately trying to find something to say. He had to admit, Tanya was mostly right. He was saved by the start of the news report on the American gymnastics team.

"The reports' on!" announced Ernie, turning up the volume on the small television. The dozens of teenagers all hurried to sit down and watch as a group of seven athletes walk out and take seats in front of Oprah Winfrey, who was doing a special Pan-Global series this whole week. Today was the culmination of her series of episodes--an exclusive interview with the six best American gymnasts right before the beginning of the individual competition.

^So, ladies and gentlemen,^

said Oprah, ^I'm thrilled to introduce to you America's Six Shining Stars--Richard Harvey, Kimberly Hart, Renee Ryan, Eric Vera, Dennis Hammond, and Patricia Armstrong! They are the American athletes competing in the individual events and all around tournaments this weekend. The guys compete tomorrow, and the girls compete on Sunday. So tell me, how does it feel to have already won medals in the team competition?^

^Its absolutely amazing!^

answered Renee, sitting up tall, ^I think this is the first time in history that the USA has won gold in both the men and the women's team competitions in the same year. The competition was tough, but we came out on top!^

^You're right, it was close,^

said Oprah, ^The Chinese men were leading through most of the events, and the Romanian women were always right on your tails, right?^


said Dennis, ^The Chinese team looked like they were gonna win, and no one was shocked by this -- China is known for having excellent gymnastics teams. We got lucky that the second to last guy on the bars fell on his dismount. That was the crack in the Chinese armor, and we took advantage of it.^

^What about you girls?^

asked Oprah, ^Was it really stressful to have the Romanian team just one step behind you practically the whole way?^

^Yes it was,^

answered Kimberly, ^It's fabulous to reach first place, but the challenge is to keep it. The Romanians actually passed us after the second rotation. We were on the uneven bars, and that's not really our best event. If Renee hadn't pulled a 9.9 on the bars, we would've been done for!^

^The highlight of the competition was the last rotation,^

said Patricia, ^When Kimberly pulled off a perfect ten on the balance beam. I have to admit that in all my days of competing, I have never seen a more graceful performance on the beam.^

^I just did my best for the US,^

said Kim modestly, blushing a little, ^It was a team effort though. The event that really paid off was the floor. Our entire team averaged a 9.85, which is pretty good, since Romania averaged a 9.74. That event put us ahead.^

^Yeah, but the balance beam kept us there!^

said Renee.

^Your vault got a ten also, 'Ne!^

said Kim, ^Stop trying to give me all the credit!^

^The thing is, both teams did magnificently,^

said Eric, ^and I mean teams. Every member of Team USA did their best, and their best was good enough to bring home the gold!^

^I couldn't have said it better myself,^

said Oprah, ^Now, which individual events are you competing in?^


said Eric.

^Bars and floor,^

said Richard.


said Dennis.

^Floor and uneven bars,^

said Patricia.

^All four,^

said Renee.

^Balance beam and floor,^

said Kimberly.

^Wow Renee, you seem to be an excellent all-around gymnast,^

said Oprah.

^Well, she's competing for the gold in the all-around Sunday,^

said Dennis, ^Tonight she's gonna sweep up the gold in the individual events.^

^Everyone knows who ESPN and

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