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Book online «Blood Dripping Fingertips by Meghan Escott (best ereader for pdf and epub .txt) 📖». Author Meghan Escott

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after a while. I had stopped probing in people’s minds after the last time I did it and got upset about it. I only do it when I have to which is only in Mental Activity lessons with Sam.
When we got to corridor, he let me go to door without him. And as I turned the corner, I saw Josh. He looked pleased to see me because his face lit up with a smile. I walked up to him and he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and smiled at him when he pulled away from me.
“What happened to you this morning? I heard rumours of you running away. I went searching for you but couldn’t find you anywhere.” Josh said to me as soon as he pulled away from me. “I didn’t run away, I just needed some time out. Especially with the candle incident.” I said to him because there were many people listening. I leaned into his ear. “I’ll tell you the truth later.” I whispered into his ear so no-one could hear. He nodded and then pulled me into another hug.
The bell went and we went into the classroom to see Professor Reeves sat behind his desk with a pile of papers on his desk. All the older pupils groaned. “That means its homework day. Professor Reeves always sets really long winded and really hard homework’s.” Josh whispered when I looked confused. I nodded and then went to my desk.
While Professor Reeves gave out the homework’s from last time, I sat in silence and watched people’s faces light up or go into a frown. Most people gave a frown but about five people gave a smile including Josh. After he got his paper back from Professor Reeves he looked up and caught me looking at him. I blushed and smiled at him and he smiled back.
Josh was right about the homework that Professor Reeves would set. It would take me hours to write it and I would need some serious help to actually know what to do. I spent the rest of the lesson reading books into the essay about The Era’s of Combat. I made lots of notes on the subject and stuffed them into my bag when the bell went after two hours of lesson.
As I walked out of the lesson Sam came to meet me and take me to Performing Arts. I said goodbye to Josh and he agreed he would meet me at break. Sam didn’t look too happy about that but I didn’t care. He hugged me goodbye then went with his mates to Academic Arts.
Once again Sam kept on giving me glares but he didn’t speak to me. He did the same thing; leaving me at the corridor before my classroom. I walked past him and to Angela who was talking to her friends but stopped as soon as she saw me. She turned towards me and opened her mouth to ask me the same question but I answered the question in thought.
I’ll tell you later
She closed her mouth and nodded as the bell went and we all went into the classroom. Today we were doing drama today so there wasn’t any need to get changed. We all sat in a circle while Professor Strigiyo explained what to do. We were doing melodrama which was quite easy for me. I’m used to over reacting to everything. Me and Angela were paired up and improvised for the rest of the lesson.
When the bell went for break I picked up my bag and walked out the door. As usual, Sam was waiting for me. I walked over to him and we set off the hall. When we got there he led me straight into the square room. He didn’t bother to lock the door because he knew I wouldn’t struggle against him.
When I had finished drinking and Sam had healed his wrist, I walked across to Josh and Angela who were sat at a table together. Sam walked over to a table with some Professors on it. Josh looked over at me when I came over and smiled. I smiled back at him and he looked down. I sat down next to him and he looked up again.
“So you both want to know what happened, yes?” Both nodded. “Right. Neither of you are going to like this. I snuck out to meet my ex-boyfriend. He wanted to talk so I agreed to talk with him. We went to his house. He tried to, you know, and Sam got there just in time to stop him.” I looked down, ashamed of what I had done and how I had trusted Tom.
Josh put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder. Me and Josh had really been hitting it off ever since the dance and the slow dance. He had helped me through loads of lessons and helped me through Zorina knocking me out and the candle incident.
When the bell went for third lesson, Sam came over to our table and tapped me on the shoulder. I got up and sent a mental message to Sam.
Josh has the same lessons as me until second break. Why don’t you meet me after fourth instead of escorting me to each lesson? I’ll be with Josh; nothing is going to happen to me.
Sam nodded but looked upset and angry. He walked away from me and didn’t look back. I turned to face Josh who was smiling. Angela had to go in a different direction to us so she dashed off, leaving me Josh to go to Spells and Witchcraft.
When we got to the classroom, people were already walking in. We hurried into the classroom and sat down just before Professor Heyla walked in. She gave me a text book and told me to read chapters one to seven to catch up while everyone else did chapter seven practical.
The lesson was boring after I had finished chapter seven. I’m a quick reader so I spent the rest of the lesson either looking at Josh or pretending to read and by the time the bell went I could recap chapter seven without the book. Next lesson everyone would be reading chapter eight and doing eight practical so I would actually be required to do something.
When the bell went, I put my textbook into my bag and got up. Josh came over to me and led me out of the classroom. “Boring lesson huh?” He said to me as we left the classroom. I nodded. “You’ll get to do more next lesson now you are up to speed. At least you can enjoy yourself in Survival.” He said to me as we turned the corner and to the Survival classroom door.
We went in and decided to do boxing again to keep to common ground. I did some basic steps and then went to the punch bag to give Josh a break. After the punch bag, I went back to the pads on Josh again and I spent the rest of the lesson doing that. When the bell went, I and Josh decided to change sports next lesson. We eventually decided on basketball to work on precision, attention to detail and agility.
When we walked out together, I saw Sam waiting for me. He was angry and I could tell by the look on his face. He led me to the hall and then into the square room. “Why are you angry with me? What have I done to upset you?” I asked him, wanting to know. “Nothing, nothing. Just bite me and get it over with, I have to prepare for our lesson.” Sam said holding out his wrist. I did what he asked and got it over with.
I walked out of the room without Sam and went over to Josh and Angela. I sat next to Josh who smiled at me. All through second break we talked about normal things like school work, homework, whose dating who, although when I brought it up, Angela and Josh went rather quiet. I knew something was up. I had to seriously restrain myself from probing then because I knew something was up but I didn’t know what. I would have just asked them straight up but I wasn’t sure whether they would take offence at it. Instead I asked both of them whether they had noticed anything up with Sam but they both shook their heads.
After we had gotten off the subject of dating, they were fine. We talked about the dance yesterday and what had happened after me and Josh had left.
Everything went back to normal, says Angela. She danced with her date and so did everyone else. No-one else’s candles went out and all the teachers prayed for me and Josh and hoped the horrible things weren’t going to be too horrible. Mine was but at least it is over and done with. Josh checked his candle and it was re-lit. He didn’t know why his went out in the first place but he was just happy it was back on again.
When the bell went for extra tuition, Josh took me up to my room even though I and Angela live next to each other. Evidently, Josh and Angela had been talking before I came to sit with them to organise this because Angela took a different way to her room.
When we got to my room, I thanked Josh for bringing me up. I hugged him and then turned to open my door but Josh caught my arm. I turned back to him puzzled. He looked really nervous and worried.
“Do you like me?” Josh asked me.
“Of course I like you. I hardly think that you thought I hate you or something.” I replied, laughing slightly.
“That’s not what I meant. Would you like to know as more than a friend?” Josh asked seriously, looking into my eyes. When Josh looks into my eyes I get shivers because they are the same pure green of mine.
“What do you mean Josh?” I ask him, not knowing what he means or wants from me.
“I am asking you to be my girlfriend.” He said back to me looking down at his hands and then back up at me into my eyes.
“Is this why you asked Angela to go a different way back to her room?” Josh nodded. “I would love to be your girlfriend.” I said to him grasping his hands in mine. A smile broadened on his face and a smile appeared on mine as well. He pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the cheek. “You’ve got to be going. Don’t want to make Sam wait, especially in the mood he’s in!” Josh said then walked away, down the corridor.
I turned around, opened the door to find Sam sitting on the dining table with a note pad and a pen in front of him.

Chapter Thirteen

Where have you been? Your ten minutes late.
“Sorry, Josh wanted

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