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Book online «Blood Dripping Fingertips by Meghan Escott (best ereader for pdf and epub .txt) 📖». Author Meghan Escott

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mum and my step-dad would like to meet you. I know we haven’t been together long but they like to meet all of girlfriends and boyfriends. They are coming to visit on Sunday and would like to meet you. Do you mind doing that?” Josh said to me looking up into my eyes.
“Sure. I would love to meet your parents. Maybe next weekend you can meet mine.” I said back to him.
He nodded and then smiled at me. He moved his hand away from mine and lifted my chin up so I could properly look into his eyes. He leant towards me, slowly so I could pull out if I wanted. I leant towards him and met him halfway.
Our lips touched and we had our first kiss.

Chapter Fifthteen

Josh’s kiss was soft and sweet. When I kissed him back, it was like a wash of relief went through him. He relaxed into me and held me tight to his chest. I could hear his heart beating against my ear. I loved listening to his heart beat; I could stay here all night and just listen and listen.
Josh pulled back his chest from me ear lifted my chin again so I could stare into his eyes. He bent to kiss me again and this time it was long and hot. He pressed hard then lightly then hard again. I went along with it and enjoyed it. It was the best thing that had happened to me since Sam proved he loved me exchanging blood.
We continued kissing until god knows when but when I pulled away, the sun was rising. Josh got up and closed the curtains in my bedroom and then came back to the couch where I was sitting.
“That was amazing. I’ll come here tomorrow for studying. Maybe we can go to the survival classroom and do the basketball that you missed out on yesterday afterwards. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said to me and then kissed me again. I got up and hugged him and then led him to the door. He opened it, turned around, kissed my cheek then walked out of my room.
I grabbed a bottle of water and take it back to bed. I slipped into my bed clothes and slipped into bed. My lips were still moist from Josh’s kissing. I ran my finger over my bottom lip and then sipped my water. Two minutes after laying my head on my pillow, I was out cold.
My alarm woke me up the next evening. It was set to go off thirty minutes before Josh was supposed to come and it had gone off right on time. I scrambled out of bed to turn it off and knocked over my white candle in the process. It didn’t burn the bed side table so I just picked it up and placed it back on the table.
I went over to my wardrobe and picked out a pair of cute jeans and a cool tee-shirt and out them on. I went into the bathroom and did my hair and make up I came out of the bathroom and found my bag with my textbooks in and got the combat textbook and the notes I had made the two previous lessons. I got some more paper and a pen. I had just finished this when there was a knock on my door.
I looked at my watch and saw that Josh was perfectly on time. I went over to the door and opened to find Josh. He walked in and gave me a hug and then a long kiss. His lips were so soft and lush. I kissed him back and then pulled back.
“I thought we were going to be studying combat not each other.” I said to him jokingly as he draped his arms over my shoulders and holding my hand in front of me.
“I’d much rather study you than combat eras.” He said playfully, kissing the bottom of my neck and sliding the sleeve of my tee-shirt down a bit so he could see my bra strap. He started to move his hands down to my waist but I jerked away from him. He looked confused to start with then he remembered what Tom had done to me only a day before.
“I’m sorry. I completely forgot.” Josh said to me looking down at his hands.
“Don’t worry about it. Shall we get on with this combat thing then we can go down to survival and do some basketball like you said.” I said to him, kissing him on the cheek then taking his hand. I took him over to my dining table and to the books and paper I had put out.
He sat down and began to explain what to do. I sat and looked at his mark. His was dark green with lots of complicated swirls and symbols. I couldn’t help but notice when I first went into a classroom that everyone’s mark was a different colour. None were black and white like mine. They were all one colour but different colours for different people. They were all unique and I couldn’t find two that looked remotely the same.
The teachers had them as well but theirs were moved by magic when they became a professor to the back of their neck. Sam told me this in a Mental Activity lesson when I had asked him. His hadn’t moved yet because he wasn’t a proper teacher yet. He hadn’t qualified yet. Sam had a bright red mark on his cheek that looked like a spider with a heart as a head made out of delicate and thin lines. No-one could replicate that.
While I had been thinking about people’s marks, I had been absent minded been drawing on the paper I had in front of me. Now that I back listening to Josh, I looked down on the piece of paper to see what I had drawn. I had drawn an exact copy of Josh’s mark. I looked from the paper to his cheek over and over again but couldn’t find a difference in the two copies.
I had just realised this when Josh looked over from his writing to see what I was doing. I quickly folded the paper and tried to put it in my bag which was under the table but Josh plucked it out of my hand when I bent to put it in my bag. He unfolded it and then didn’t speak for two minutes. He was just staring at the paper and the drawing of his mark.
“Wow. How did you do that? No-one’s ever been able to draw another’s mark.” He asked me after about three minutes of staring and wondering.
“I have no idea. I was just thinking about your mark and then I started scribbling and it happened.” I said pointing at the paper.
“You said that Sam is going to test you for magic today yeah.” Josh said and I nodded. “Take this with you and show him and see what he says about it.”I nodded again and then Josh handed me the paper. I put it into my bag then looked up at Josh again.
He was also looking at me and he had come slightly closer to me. I stood up and walked over to him. I put one of my hands on his hands and the other on his chin, pushing it up to meet my eyes. “Don’t tell anyone about this Josh. People already think I’m a freak, I don’t want to be any more of a freak than I already am.” I said to him staring into his eyes. He nodded and then leaned towards me. He defiantly hadn’t forgotten about Tom and what he had done, he just wanted an innocent kiss from me.
I leaned into him quicker than he was to me and kissed him softly. It felt like our first kiss all over again. Josh was tentative after what he had forgotten but wanted this to happen just like I did.
As I pulled away, I wished that everything was normal. Not having to take magic tests or accidentally drawing people’s marks. I just wanted to be with Josh and be normal vampire couples like the rest of them. But then I wasn’t normal; I wasn’t found, I was chosen, I was telepathic, and I might have crazy magical powers and now this.
My watch beeped and I looked down to it. It was time to go to my magic test. Josh looked at the watch then up to me. He kissed me again and this time a long kiss that said good luck and hope you come back. I got that from his mind but his kiss said it as well.
When he pulled away, I gripped his hand, picked up my bag and then left the room with both. I shut the door behind me turned to go down the corridor. I saw Annie walk in the other direction, obviously not in a great mood with me. Her purple hair swaying behind her.
When we got to the Spells and Witchcraft classroom, Sam was waiting for me. He didn’t seem surprised to see Josh and smiled a warm smile at both of us.
When we reached him he began to talk about the test straight away. “When you enter the room, the test begins straight away. You must make your way to your seat and sit on it to complete the test. Since you brought Josh, he will be allowed to come into the room with you but he will not be allowed to use magic, therefore, becoming a hindrance not help. Please enter.” He said and opened the door.
As I stepped in, the classroom was a tip; tables were upside down with chairs, pens and books delicately balanced on top of the legs. There was also one person that looked like they were glued to the floor, standing directly in front of my chair and table. The items had been placed all around my chair and table, requiring me to move things in order to get there.
Sam handed me a book which looked like a dictionary but it was a spell book. “You must use one spell from each page on every page in this book. We all know that you possess the magic but this test will see how strong it is and will determine what we need to do with you.”
I flipped through the spell book and it was over five hundred pages long. This was going to be a very long test and very draining. I would probably have to feed before the end but that was the test. How long would I last without blood?
I flipped to the first page in the book and studied each spell and what it would do. I chose a spell that would show me hidden words. I thought that the words could give me an advantage; however, nothing happened apart from Sam clapping. I had evidently

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