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to ask me something.”
Let’s get started then.
Sam didn’t speak to me properly all lesson. He always spoke through his mind and I had to answer through mine. If I spoke he cut my wrist with his nail. I spoke about ten times before it started to really hurt. I didn’t speak just to wind Sam up; I really didn’t like speaking to people through my mind or probing into people’s thoughts and finding out what they think of me. When Sam cut me, he winced but he also cut me when I tried to heal the previous cuts. I would probably have to wear a bandage all up my right arm because of Sam and his teaching techniques.
When the lesson was finished Sam got up and left without one word or thought. I then got up and went down to the survival classroom and started boxing. I punched away my annoyance at Sam and I punched away my pain and I kept on punching until I was happy. I then went back up to my room to find a note under my door. It was from Sam.
I have decided that you don’t need me to escort you around any more You should know your way to and from classrooms by now, especially now you have Josh and Angela to help you. Of course I will still be giving you your dosages of blood so at the same times as normal, come into the feeding room and I will be there.
Finally, Sam’s giving me some freedom in this school. Yes I am new but I’ve been round the school many times and I can get there on my own. I pick up the note and put it on my fridge with a magnet then get a bottle of water, open it and start to drink it.
I walk over to me bed, put my night clothes on and then get into bed. I’m out within minutes.
My alarm clock wakes me up with half an hour to get ready and get to Combat. I look down at my right arm. It is now covered in cuts and bruises. Make up isn’t going to cover up both of them so I wind a bandage around it and then put on a black jumper with long sleeves on. The bandage is going to show in survival but everyone will be concentrating on what they’re doing rather than me. I put on some black trousers and slap on some make up I tie my hair in a pony tail and I’m good to go.
When I get down to Combat, Josh is waiting outside in his normal place, surprised to see me without Sam. I walk over to him and give him a hug. He hugs me back and then kisses my cheek.
“Hey. Where’s Sam gone?” He asked me.
“He’s given me freedom.” I reply a little too enthusiastically. Josh tries to hold my hand but can’t because I am gripping the sleeves of my jumper into balls in my hands. Josh notices this and takes me aside of the crowd of students. He pulls my sleeve until I let go of it and he uncovers the bandage.
“What have you done now?” He asks me with a sigh. He starts to undo the bandage to reveal the long slashes and the big bruises on my arm.
“I haven’t done anything. Zorina gave me the bruises and Sam gave me the cuts.” I said back to him, the bit about Sam quickly. He had finished taking off the bandage and was counting the cuts.
“Seventeen cuts. And Sam did this to you.” He asked, concluding his counting and studying of my arm. I grabbed the bandage from him and started to wind it round my arm again.
“It was part of his teaching technique. No biggie.” I said quickly as the bell went. After I had wound the bandage back around my arm, Josh grasped my hand and led me into Combat.
Combat lesson went smoothly; I took more notes for the homework along with the more sensible people in the group; which included Josh. Josh kept on glancing in my direction though that was only because he was worried about me.
The lesson finished quite quickly and I was pleasantly surprised when the bell went on me starting my seventh page of notes. I packed my notes away with my text book and got up. Josh was already next me when I got up and he grasped my hand and led me out of the Combat room. We hugged and departed our separate ways for our electives.
When I got to the Performing Arts corridor, Angela ran up to me.
“So...” She said obviously wanting to know whether Josh had asked me and what I had said.
“So... Why didn’t you tell me he was going to do something like that? I thought we were mates?” I ask her loving the expression she makes with her face.
“So what happened then? Did he ask you? What did you say? Please, please tell me.” She said, jumping up and down on the spot.
“So he asked me.” Angela squeals and makes a carry on motion with her hands. “And I said yes.” Angela claps here hands and hugs me. “And even better, Sam left me a note saying he won’t escort me to lessons any more as long as I see him in breaks for you know.” I mime biting into my wrist. Angela nods thoughtfully at that. I remember that Sam and Angela were scheming to get me to admit that I loved Sam.
As I was thinking that, the bell went and we all entered the classroom. We were doing melodrama again today so me and Angela practised our improvised scene again and did so for the whole hour.
When the bell went, me and Angela jumped and then laughed at each other. We got our stuff then went out the door any into the hall where everyone else was situated. I told Angela that I would join her in a minute and went into the feeding room where Sam was.
As I came in, he didn’t look up from what he was doing so I coughed. He jumped and closed up his note pad and put down his pencil. I wanted to know what was in the note pad that he didn’t want me to see but I didn’t want to probe or read his mind so I ignored it and pretended it wasn’t there.
He held out his wrist and I bit into it. While I was drinking, he was inspecting my right arm. He had pulled up my sleeve and was starting to undo the bandages. I pulled away from him and slapped at his hand. He stopped undoing the bandages and put his hands up in surrender then held out his wrist again. I started sucking again and when I had had enough, healed the bite and walked out and sat with Josh and Angela.
I sat next to Josh and he held my hand when I sat down. I smiled at him and then joined in the conversation they were having. Angela was talking about how good I and Josh looked together. We both blushed at that and looked down. Angela also made Josh go through exactly how he asked me which was also embarrassing for both of us. At first Josh refused to tell Angela but she coaxed it out of him in the end.
Josh had just finished what he had done when the bell went. Josh let go of my hand to reach down and get his bag. I did the same thing and then we held hands again. As we walked out of the hall, I saw Sam looking at me with those eyes that want and long for me. I ignored him and walked along, hand in hand with Josh.
As we reach Spells and Witchcraft lots of people ask us if we are together and we both nod and smile. Lots of people agree with Angela and say we look good together. Lots of people say that I will be good for Josh but I don’t see how people can say that when they don’t actually know me.
The bell goes and we all go into the classroom and get our text books out. Now that I have caught up with the reading, I don’t feel odd reading while everyone else is doing practical. Everybody has the instruction to read chapter eight and then do the practical at the end.
Chapter eight is all about moving objects without touching them. Like elevating them then putting them in a different place or summoning them to you. I read through the chapter several times till I’m one of the last reading. I flip to the back of the chapter to find out the practical. The practical was to move five objects; a pen, a book, a chair, a table and a person. Professor Heyla didn’t think any of us could do all five. She stated that at the beginning of the lesson but everyone was trying to prove her wrong.
I got out my pen and laid it on my desk. I did what the book told me to do. Think about the pen balancing on air and make an air block which the pen is balancing on in your mind. Point your finger and show the pen where to go. Everyone either had their eyes closed or was concentrating really hard on the pen. I relaxed and imagined the pen balancing.
I opened my eyes and pointed at the pen. I pulled my finger upwards towards the imaginary block and to my amazement, the pen lifted with my finger. I couldn’t lose my concentration so I held out my other hand palm up. I directed my finger to my hand and the pen floated into my hand. I dropped my finger and my pen dropped into my hand.
I looked around and saw Josh looking at me with his mouth wide open in awe. I smiled at him and shrugged. He got up and came over to my desk. He put a book onto it and nodded towards it.
I put my pen down on the desk and started to imagine. I pointed my finger at the book and lifted my finger. Once again the book lifted with my finger. This time I kept it going until it was balancing on top of Josh’s head. I retracted my finger and the book fell of his head. He laughed out loud and everyone turned around to face him. He looked at me then pointed towards the chair which he had vacated.
I did the same for the chair. I lifted it up and then placed it on top of the table next to it. I lifted a table and placed it on top of another table. Everybody clapped including Professor Heyla. She walked over to me and whispered in my ear.
“If you would like to stop there, I am sure your spectators won’t mind.”
“I don’t mind trying.”
I turned towards Josh. I lifted my eyebrows and he understood and nodded his head. I imagined him standing on an invisible chair and then pointed my finger at him. I began to lift it up and heard gasps.
I opened my eyes to see Josh suspended in the air with a smile on his face. I moved him forward and stood him up on Professors desk. She clapped when I took away my finger. I was breathing heavily and I was feeling very tired. Professor Heyla sent someone to go and get Sam at my approval and Josh jumped off the desk and came over to me.
“That was amazing Lucy. How did you do
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