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Book online «It's Your Baby by Belén Domínguez (any book recommendations txt) 📖». Author Belén Domínguez

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at this time of day. But, that's the way she is, and I love her.


I chuckled and shook my head in amusement. “Thank you, for those interesting facts about Disney Staff members”


“You know they're not actually called Staff members, they're called Cast members, like if they formed a movie” she said.


I rolled my eyes and smiled at her cuteness and excitness whenever she tells me one of her facts. I fished out my books for first, second, and third period, and let me tell you something. . .Not one of my greatest ideas.


“I told you multiple times not to carry those books all at ones” Dani said while crossing her arms across her chest. I kept struggling to hold them, but it became impossible, they were too heavy.


“I'll see you later. . .Ms. Payton said that if I get one more late pass I will go to Detention, and I can't be with all those future delinquents. . .I just can't Gwen!” she said. I nodded and saw her disappear among the crowded hallways.


Being the clumsy person that I am, I tripped with my own feet, causing the books and myself to fall. People turned their attention towards me, some people bickering around and others just commenting. I rolled my eyes and put a strand of hair behind my ear.


“Great” I let go a frustrated sigh and started to pick up my scattered books and papers.


“Hey, let me help with that” I heard someone from in front of me. I slowly looked up and saw this very tall boy, with blonde messy hair, and brown eyes. He was wearing jeans and a white shirt with the word 'Obey' on it. I smiled shyly and quickly stood up.


"Umm, it’s-it’s okay. . .I can do it" I said.


"Non-sense! A girl like you should not be near the floor, I shall do it" he said jokingly. I chuckled and saw him grab my stupid books.


“Thanks” I said as he handed them to me.


“I'm Austin” he said as he extended his hand for me to shake it. I did and smiled politely. 


“Gwen” I replied. “Are you new here?”


“Umm, yeah. I got in luckily though. Is very rare that someone just goes in a school in the middle of the year. Is just that I'm the principle's son, so that has some advantages” he grinned.


“That's great, and very lucky. I hope you like it here” I said.


“Believe me, I already am enjoying it here” he said and kept staring at me. I opened my mouth and then closed it again, and then put a strand of hair behind my ear.


“That's good, I'm-I'm glad” I said nervously. He crossed his arms across his chest and chuckled. The bell rang. “Dammit” I said under my breath.


“What's the matter?” he asked.


“I'm going to be late” I groaned.


“To what class you need to go?”


“Literature” I replied.


“That's where I need to go. . .Don't worry, Gwen. Come with me” he winked. I nodded but knitted my eyebrows in confusion to what he meant. I do really have to worry; this school is very strict with getting on time. When we walked inside the class, all eyes were on us. Some girls fixing their hair and sighed dreamily when they looked at Austin. And I don't blame them, the boy is very handsome.


“Sorry we're late” he said looking at our teacher, Mr. Anders. He fixed his glasses and then looked straight at us, with a stern look on his face. It made me swallow the lump in my throat. God, I hate being late.


“Why are you both late?" he asked while sitting on his chair.


He smiled. “My mother was speaking to me about some rules of this school, and she said that Gwen can show me around. . .My apologies, sir”


“And who's your mother, young man, huh?”


“Principal Edwards. You know her. . .She's the one that gives you your monthly check” he said and casually put his hands inside his jeans pocket. The class was soon filled with the students saying mutliple "ohhhhh's".


Mr. Anders cleared his throat and then put on the fakest smile I've ever seen in my entire life. “Of course, uhh. . .Don't let this happen again. Please, both of you, sit down. . .” I sighed in relief and then exchanged some looks with Austin as we sat down. The class went by very quickly, and I couldn't be more thankful.


I sat in my usual spot at lunch, with my tray in my hands. Today there was Hamburgers, and they smelled so good. I don't know if it is because I'm pregnant, but School's hamburgers have never smelled so delicious. Dani sat down next to me, with a frown on her face as she saw me stuff my mouth with a hamburger.


“You eat like a savage animal” she commented. “I'm surprised you haven't grown a tail by now”


“Ha-ha, very funny” I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes. “Well, excuse me, but there's a certain person inside of me, who can't stop eating and vomiting all the time. So I'm sorry if my new eating habits annoy you”


She let go a long sigh. “I'm sorry, you're right. . .I was just joking” she turned to her tray and fidgeted with her fingers. I finished swallowing and then looked at her straight in the eyes, although she was not once looking back at me.


“It’s okay, don't feel bad about it. If I spat at you for no reason at all, even if it’s when you're joking, don't take it the wrong way. . .Since I'm you know what, I get annoyed very quickly. I feel uncomfortable, and the pain that I have in my stomach is unbearable” I groaned.


Finally, she stared back at me. “I love you, you know that, right? You are not my best friend, not anymore. . .You're my sister”


“I love you too, sis” I said and smiled.


“Aww, when are you two lesbis going to kiss already? Us guys here are waiting” the same guy that teased us the other day that we are lesbians, said. His friends laughing and whistling. Dani rolled her eyes and stared at blonde boy, who is now smirking.


“Do you want me to tell your father—who happens to work at a church by the way—that you lost your virginity with a hooker?” Dani asked and crossed her arms across her chest, while smiling innocently. He quickly shook his head, his skin turned pale all of a sudden.


“Don't provoke me, pretty boy” she said. The group of guys quickly walked away, blonde boy cursing under his breath.


I turned to Dani and high fived her. “You're evil. . .And I love it” I said. She giggled and then put a strand of her hair behind her ear.


“I know, and I love being like this too” she winked.


“Hello Gwen, and hello, umm. . .Gwen's friend” said Austin, sitting across from us at the table. I smiled at him and finished eating. I stood up and went to the nearest trash can to throw away my stuff. I grabbed from my purse my hand cream and then rubbed my hands, smelling at it once in a while. Dani and Austin exchanging some looks and then looked at me.


“What?” I asked furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "I hate when the smell stays in my hands"


“Okay. . .” Dani said and then hold up her phone texting someone.


“Anyway, I came here because I wanted to invite you and your friend, umm—”


“Dani” she answered, not once looking up from her phone.


“Dani” he repeated. "To my party this Friday"


“What? Party? Aren't you new?” I asked.


“Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm new in the country, I know people, Gwen. . .” he smiled and then stood up from the table. “Are you in?” he asked.


“S-sure, I would love to. But why would you invite me? You barely know about me. For all you know, I could be a freak that has a collection of vodoo dolls” I said jokingly.


He chuckled. “You don't look like one, plus. . .You were nice to me, let's get to know each other”


“Umm. . .” I giggled nervously. “Sure, uhh, of course. . .We will go” I answered. He smiled and it was such a contagious smile, he has cute dimples.


“Well, its settled then. . .I expect both of you at my house Friday at 9:00. I'll text you my address”


“But I don't have your number—”


“Already on it” he said while giving me a card. “You'll text me your number” he sent me a wink and then walked away. I stared at the card and sure enough, his number was written there with a message.


“Hope to see you there, beautiful ;)”


I knitted my eyebrows together, feeling slightly creeped out, but he doesn't look like a bad guy. At least he called me beautiful, and not something worst. I hate it when guys tell you stuff like 'sexy' or 'nice legs'. I have pretty eyes; can't you compliment them? I have nice hair; can't you compliment it? I mean. . .Come. On. Being called beautiful is way better that being called hot.


I smiled at his words. He seems like a nice guy, but I have to wait and get to know him. . .And that would be at the party this Friday.

Chapter 16 - Overprotective Best Friend

The week passed by very quickly and before I know it, is already Friday. Dani called, asking what I would wear. “Jeans and a black blouse” I answered simply while applying light make-up. She started laughing, literally. “What's so funny?” I asked furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. Ones she stopped, she took a long breath before answering.


“You have to wear a dress” she said.


“I want to be comfortable, you know. . .And you're lucky I'm even wearing make-up” I replied while sitting down on my bed. There's no way I'm changing clothes. She should be thankful that I even agreed to wear heels.

I stood up from my bed and put my hair in a fancy bun. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, and then caressed my stomach.


The bump. . .


Not once thought in telling my parents. My chest tightens every time I think about it. I hope I can forget about it for just tonight and have fun. But knowing me, I will probably just end up in a corner since people usually want to hang out with Dani, which I don't blame them; Dani will make you feel like the most special person ever, she's funny, and cute in her own weird way. Sometimes I even get jealous whenever the thought of her leaving crosses my mind. But she reassures me that she prefers me instead of those 'cool kids'


My phone buzzed, letting me know I got a new text message. I grabbed it and then unlocking, the text popped up.




You never answered me if we're going out tomorrow ;)


I bit my bottom lip and then started typing a reply.




I still don't know, and I can't talk right now. . .I'm going out.



Without me?




We shouldn't even be having this conversation. . .Finn, I can't go out with you.




You're afraid your brother will find out?




Actually yes, I'm scared. . .He trusts me, and I had to lie when you texted me last weekend.




Why don't we talk

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