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Book online «It's Your Baby by Belén Domínguez (any book recommendations txt) 📖». Author Belén Domínguez

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arms across his chest. He grinned and took a step towards me. “You know. . .You don't have to jump if you don't want to” he said using a flirty voice.




“Is okay, there are other things we can do. . .” he said and pulled me closer to him until I was touching his chest. He pierced his majestic eyes with mine, they were almost hypnotizing


“Huh?— ”


“Shh. . .Don't talk” he said and caressed my cheek. He closed his eyes and started to lean in, instinctively, I closed my eyes and was about to connect our lips, but reality hit me. I abruptly opened my eyes and quickly pulled away from him.


“Fine, fine, fine. . .I'll jump” I said and stepped on the edge. I heard him chuckle, I tilted my head sideways and saw him waiting patiently.


I let go a sigh. “I hate you, Harries” I said and jumped. It all seemed like it was in slow motion, I tried my best not to fall on my stomach, just in case. I screamed so loud, I bet that if the music wasn't so loud and people were not that drunk, they should've come and checked it out. But not because they wanted to know if someone was hurt or not, it would be because they're very nosy and curious, they just want something to gossip around since they don't have a life.


I ended up landing on my back, making a huge bounce. I heard Finn laughing his ass off, so I looked up at him, glaring at him. My bun was all messed up so I just let it go loose.


“I recommend you to move because I don't want to hurt you” he said. I quickly got off the trampoline and waited for him to jump.


He walked to the edge and then prepared himself. Everything happened so fast, and I saw him land, doing a major bounce, bigger than mine, he started laughing while still lying on the trampoline. I went and sat beside him. 


“You have no idea how much I missed that. . .” he said and pinched my cheek.


“You're crazy, you know that?” I giggled.


“Yeah, I do. . .But I'm glad you trusted me, that's all I wanted”


“What?” I asked furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. He sat up straight and stared at me straight in the eyes.


“I promised that you wouldn't get hurt, that you should stop overthinking things. And you did. You trusted me enough to jump from a second floor into a trampoline that could easily make you bounce so high you can land on the ground and break your neck. But you trusted me and jumped” he said and grabbed my chin, caressing it. “You see? I did this for you to know that you can trust me with anything, and I will be there for you. . .All the time. I wouldn't tell you to jump from a second floor if I knew that that could've actually hurt you. I want you to see that I'm a good person. . .That I want to protect you”


“Finn, I—” I couldn't finish that sentence as he crashed his lips with mine. I was taken aback by his sudden move, but soon, without thinking, I started kissing back. I put my arms around his neck to be closer to him. He moved his hand from my cheek and then grabbed me tightly by my waist. It felt so nice to kiss him like this, I couldn't think of anything or anyone other than us, other than this moment. Our lips moved in sync and suddenly felt such relief and pleasure with this kiss, with this tender and very special moment.


He started delicately making me lie on my back, not once breaking the kiss. It felt amazing, his lips were so soft. But then something else crossed my mind. Not only I was feeling pleasure, there was also a stinging in my stomach that made me think how wrong this is. How I should pull away, how I should stop. Yup, that was my conscious talking.


“Okay then. . .I trust you little booger. You're my sister, my only sister. . .And I don't want you to get hurt” Alec's words replaying on my head like a scratched CD. But this just felt so good to stop. I tried to put those thoughts to the back of my head for just a moment.


Finn started touching my thighs, and I let out a soft moan, he did the same. I touched his chest and then moved my hands to his head, playing with his hair. We pulled away for just a second and he stared at me with those eyes of his.


“I can't help getting lost in your eyes, Gwen. . .” he commented giving me a peck on the lips. He started placing wet kisses on my neck. Then he got back to my face and kissed my nose, then my forehead, then went back to my lips. I kept tugging at his hair, wanting him even closer, if that was even possible.


I just wanted to kiss him. . .To be close to him. It feels so warm as he was hovering on top of me. He had actually achieved something: I felt protected with him.


Chapter 18 - What a Night

I don't how long have we been in that same position, how long have we been kissing? It felt eternal. . .There comes that stinging again. I had to stop it. . . “Finn, wait, stop” I said between the kisses, but he didn't listen as he just kept kissing me. I moaned into the kiss and felt him smile. I opened my eyes slightly, no, this is wrong. . .


“Finn!” I said and turned my head sideways so he can stop. He knitted his eyebrows together and sat up straight. I did too and then got off the trampoline, I need to get away from him.


“Gwen, wait!” he called after me, I heard his footsteps chasing me, that made me run even faster. Suddenly, I felt his strong arms being wrapped around my waist, making me motionless. He turned me around and soon we were locking gazes.


“I'm sorry. . .It won't happen again, I just—” he trailed off. "I just did it in the moment, it won't happen again"


“Finn, maybe you should leave” I said looking down. He brought my chin up so I can face him again.


“I'm sorry” he apologized and then took a strand of my hair and placed it behind my ear. “I know I shouldn't have done that, but I couldn't help it. Didn't you enjoyed it?” he asked. I didn't answer, I was scared that I would be back to kissing him again. I don't want that, wait. . .Do I? God, no, I don't. . .I can't kiss him.


“I just. . .We can't kiss like that” I said.


“You didn't answer my question” he said and our breaths were mixing. Why do his lips need to look so plump and inviting? He bit his lower lip, while dropping his view from my eyes to my lips. I tried to push him away, but he didn't budge. He knew that if I don't pull back I will most likely go back and to do it again, and that's what he wants. But I won't fall, I just can't do this with him. . .Is so wrong.


“Yes, I enjoyed it. . .But that doesn't matter. You need to go” I said.


“Because you want to kiss me again” he stated as his face started to get closer to mine. But I finally pushed him away, earning some space.


“What?” I asked.


“If you're any near me, you will lose control and kiss me. . .Don't worry, I want you to lose control, I want to kiss you again” he said and tried to take a step towards me, but I raised my hands to stop him from coming any further.


“Look, Finn, I don't know what is going through your head right now. . .But we can't do this, not now, not ever”




“Leave, you know it's the best thing right now to do. . .” I said with folded arms.


He let go a heavy sigh. “Fine, I'll leave. But this isn't over. . .” he said and walked towards me, this time I didn't stopped him. He leaned over to my ear and a shiver run through my spine.


“But I'll tell you something. . .I don't regret that kiss” he said and gave me a peck on my lips, my eyes widened. He smirked and then turned on his heels to leave. I just stayed there, motionless, speechless, with every emotion that you could possibly imagine. That's what he did to me. He made me be even more confused. I saw him getting inside his car, but not before glancing at me. He shook his head and then got in. He drove away and disappeared, and yet I was still there.


Why did he kiss me? Why did I enjoy it? Why do I miss him? What is happening to me?


He makes me feel something different, not the same way when we first met, that feeling was different. I believe it was because of the alcohol in my system, I felt lust and seek for a passionable night. I don't think the Nash that talked to me in that bar, is the same Nash that kissed me now. We had kissed once, but it wasn't like tonight. Still, I shouldn't have allowed that happening, but it did happen.


And you know what is the worst part?


I don't regret that kiss either. . .


• • •


After what seemed like forever, I finally found my strength and started walking inside the house again. I saw Austin sitting on the couch, talking to some friends. His gaze instantly fell on mine and quickly walked towards me.


“Where were you? And where's Finn?” he asked.


“He had to leave. . .” I said.


“Oh” he simply replied and scratched the back of his head. “Hey, want a drink?” he offered. I remembered reading in the Pregnancy Book that when you're pregnant, you shouldn't be drinking alcohol, I think it said that it could hurt the baby. I have to re-check that Chapter again. I quickly shook my head and offered a polite smile.

“Gwen! Thank God you're alright. I've been looking all over the whole damn house for you. Where the hell were you!?” Dani asked exasperated while checking me in case I had any wounds. I chuckled at her actions and then grabbed both of her hands to avoid any more checkups.


“I'm fine, really. . .” I assured her.


"Where's that jerk?" she asked while crossing her arms across her chest. I grabbed her arm to pull her away so Austin can't hear.


“I have so much to tell you. . .” I said. I started telling her everything, since we got here, to the kiss. She gasped every once in a while, covering her mouth with both of her hands. I don't blame her though; I would be surprised too.


“So he didn't hurt you in any way?” she asked.


“No, but still we shouldn't had kissed”


“Who kissed first?”


“He did. . .” I sighed. Austin appeared in beside me and offered a drink to Dani, which she quickly accepted. I gave her

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