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Book online «Blood Dripping Fingertips by Meghan Escott (best ereader for pdf and epub .txt) 📖». Author Meghan Escott

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carried on like nothing had happened.
When we rounded the corner, there were some students hanging about but not as many as last night. Angela was one of them obviously looking in on us to make sure we were okay. I waved at her and subtly did a thumb up at here. Josh had evidently told Angela about me meeting his parents because she sighed and then went back to talking with her friends.
Josh paused outside my door but I practically dragged him in with me. I looked at him with a confused expression but he shook his head and followed me into the living room and sat down on the sofa. I still had my questioning look on my face so instead of answering he started kissing me.
I kissed him back and forgot about everything that had happened in the past two days. They way he held me was so sensitive and soft on my skin. The way he kissed me was with relief and delight like he was afraid I would stop liking him. When he touched my skin I shivered and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
He pulled away smiling at me. I was smiling too. I always smile around Josh even in the stickiest situations and at the worst moments, He squeezed my hand, said goodnight and he would see me tomorrow, kissed me again and walked out the door.
I walked over to the fridge and found many bottles that I didn’t recognise. I got one out and took a sip. It was the blood that Sam was talking about. I took one out and placed it on the counter in my kitchen and went to bed.
I woke up at the sound of my alarm and turned it off. There was a piece of paper underneath it and it had my new schedule on it. My lessons were the same but I had some extra lessons before my Mental Activity lesson with Sam. I had Magic Control, Blood lust Control, Thought Control and Drawing and Art. Each was an hour long which meant I had ten hours of school to fit into my day which left me practically no time with Josh. If a teacher says its right, I have to do it. I slipped the bottle of blood into my bag as I went by the kitchen making increasingly heavier then Friday.
I got through Combat, Performing Arts, Spells and Witchcraft and Survival with no problem. I didn’t dare do any magic in Spells and Witchcraft because everyone saw what happened the lesson before and were watching me. Professor Heyla wasn’t surprised when I went up to the front of the class and asked not to do magic. Josh came with me and held onto my shoulder for support. He didn’t seem surprised either but did ask my advice for one of the spells he was trying to do.
After Survival, Sam came to take me to Magic Control. I was quite surprised to see him but evidently Josh wasn’t. He said a cheery hi to Sam then kissed me goodbye and said good luck to me. Sam winced when Josh kissed me and that showed that even though he said he was al right with me and Josh, he wasn’t.
When we reached the Magic Control room, there were two other people waiting outside and they were both boys of the year above me. They looked surprised when they saw me. It was widely known that not many girls or women were blessed with the power of magic and those who were we very powerful and mostly feared rather than loved.
Sam introduced them to me and me to them. They were called Daksha and Abbas Arkov. They were identical twins with red hair and brown eyes. The only way you could determine which was which was by their earrings. Daksha had a red earring and Abbas had a blue earring. They studied me intently probably wondering why a few days old Vampire was coming to an extreme class like this.
They found out when they saw me in action.

Chapter Seventeen

The bell went and we entered. We all sat in one line with Daksha in the middle and me on the left. We had a female teacher called Professor Slakovitch. She handed me a textbook and I slipped it into my ever filling bag. I made a mental note to ask my parent to bring some more of my things when they came that weekend.
Professor Slakovitch talked about simple spell control like chapter one and two spells. She did practical with us. I enjoyed using magic as long as it wasn’t destructive. I enjoyed using it for good things like healing things and to quicken tasks but the twin’s preferred destructive magic. It was obvious that they wanted to become warriors when they completed vamp school.
I did exceedingly well with the entire practicals and Daksha and Abbas didn’t like that. They kept on giving me glares when I completed a spell. They obviously thought I was too young to be in this class but they had probably heard about my magic out break last Friday.
About five minutes till the hour was up, professor Slakovitch sat the three of us down and told us to cool down will she asked me some questions about myself so she could teach me accordingly. It was things that were simple to answer until the last question.
All of us had taken the magic test on Saturday and she wanted to know our results. She asked Abbas first. He did 142. He sounded pretty proud of that and sat proudly when he said it. Daksha was next. He did 209. He also sounded proud of that but made Abbas feel uneasy. It must be hard for him having a more accomplished brother to compete with. He obviously did his best but his brother always out shone him.
When Professor Slakovitch called my name, both looked at me and laughed. They probably expected me to say a really low number. I said 500 really quietly and Professor Slakovitch wiggled her ear with her finger say that she couldn’t hear. I said 500 louder and it was loud enough for the twin’s to hear. They both gasped and looked at me with completely different looks. Abbas looked at me as though I had just threatened to kill him. He, like most people, was scared of me. Daksha looked at me in awe. He looked me up and down and concluded that I was one of great power and a friend to try and make and hang onto.
When the bell went, I picked up my bag and made towards the door but Daksha stopped me.
“You are one of the most extraordinary people I know. Was that your first magic test?” I nodded. “That’s even better. Did you have blood before?” I shook my head. He gasped in awe and then smiled. “I’m Daksha by the way. Abbas and I are taking another magic test next week. Could you possibly help us with it? If you can do it at your age, me and Abbas should be able to do it no problem.” He said.
“Are you trying to say she’s weak or strong Daksha? You’ve kind of contradicted yourself there.” Sam said from behind Daksha. He jumped and winced at the same time at Sam’s words.
“I’m saying she is powerful and I didn’t contradict myself, I merely was commenting on our age differences and the power she has. Excuse me.” He said to Sam in a proud and cold voice. He then darted around Sam and out the door. Sam didn’t say anything more as he led me to my next class; Blood lust Control. I didn’t have a clue on what to expect in this class and didn’t want to be the odd one out.
When we rounded the corner to the classroom, I saw about three girls and seven or eight boys. They were older than I was maybe two or three years and all staring at me. I would defiantly be the odd one out. Obviously, all had something to say about me but Sam shook his head and they bit back their questions. Evidently, Sam had had a word with them and told them to be nice to me but what he hadn’t said was how young I was to them.
The bell went and we all entered the classroom. My seat was on the far left in the middle row in between three boys; one in front, one behind and one beside. I glanced at them uncomfortably and smiled at them. They smiled back but only one was a nice warm smile. The rest were evil and menacing.
I glanced at the one to my right again. He had blonde hair with brown highlights and had weirdly orange eyes. His eyes were weird but he looked friendly. He held out his hand. I took it and shook. He had ‘STAR’ tattooed on his knuckles. He noticed me looking at them and explained.
“My name’s Starla McEl. Star for short. Ignore Dave and Lar. They’re just trying to mess with you.” He said to me. I let go of his hand and nodded. Professor Raymond handed me a textbook and I flipped to the chapter that we were doing today.
For the whole hour, we just talked about methods of control and ways of letting go when feeding. Just talking about blood made me thirsty. I reached into my bag and grabbed my bottled water. I made a big decision not to go for the blood and my hand did linger over it but I moved it quickly over to the water. I didn’t want to be seen drinking blood in a blood lust control class. However Star saw me and laughed softly and smiled.
When the bell went, Star waved goodbye to me and left the classroom. When I left, Sam was waiting for me to take me to the next class. On the way, I drank some of the blood that I had in the bottle. Sam seemed to approve and nodded at me. He obviously thought I was getting into a routine of drinking blood every two hours and to be honest, I was. That day I had drunk from my bottle every two hours and Sam didn’t need to feed me at either breaks. He seemed pretty impressed with me and I felt pride sizzle off of him.
I was the only girl in my next class. The rest of the class was twenty boys. Once again they had to bite back their questions at a shake of Sam’s head. I spotted no one who was familiar and worked out that I was the only one taking all ten hours worth of lessons.
In Thought Control, anyone who thought out of turn, the teacher was evidently a telepathic, got a cut on the arm like Sam did to me in his Mental Activity lessons. It was hard to control

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