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Book online «It's Your Baby by Belén Domínguez (any book recommendations txt) 📖». Author Belén Domínguez

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better, I walked towards my bed and sat in the edge. “What should I do?”


“Why are you asking me?” he asked while lowering the volume of his iPod. “You fucked it up, you fix it”

“Umm, hello. . .You're supposed to be the encouraging and wise best friend” I said. He rolled his eyes and then sat next to me, he patted my knee and smiled.


“The only thing I can tell you, is that you should apologize. Go and talk to her”


“I tried to apologize the moment I kissed her, she wouldn't listen” I sighed and then put my messy hair back.


“Of course she wasn't going to listen to you then, but what about now?. . .She might be calmed right now” he said and patted my back. I let go a heavy sigh, I want to talk to her so badly. I know I shouldn't have done that. But just as I said to her, I don't regret it. That was the most amazing kiss I have ever experienced. It was delicate, then became rough, it was with so much need and passion, I just couldn't get enough of it. And I believe she felt the same way.


“You're right. . .I'm going to go and talk to her” I said. Cameron smiled and nodded, he stood up and put on deodorant. "You can go back and twerk"


“Nah, I'm good. My booty's tired” he said which made me laugh.


“Really!? That never happened before”


“I know right, girl!?” he said jokingly which made chuckle. I shook my head in amusement as I stared at my best friend, placing the camera in the center of the room, probably about to record a new video.


I got out of the room with my mind made up.


I have to talk to her. . .


 Gwen's P.O.V


I opened one eye lazily, the sun shining on my face, I groaned. It’s too early to wake up. I closed my eyes again, but my alarm started sounding. As I extended my hand to turn it off, I fell of the bed.


“Great” I mumbled annoyed.


There's no way I'm sleeping now. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and checked my messages. A text from Nash popped up. 


“I'm truly sorry for kissing you like that. I know it was wrong, but don't hate me, please don't ignore me. . .”


I shook my head. What we did last night was a mistake. I'm not angry with him, I'm angry with myself for letting that happen. But I won't deny it was one of the best kisses I have ever experienced.


I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I put my messy hair in a high ponytail, I just put on some sweatpants and a grey loose shirt, then walked downstairs. I went to the fridge to check what I could eat. I grabbed the chocolate milk carton and then turned around. My mom was sitting there, sipping on her coffee mug.


“Morning, mom” I said and poured myself some milk in a cup. She didn't answer, and her expression was blank. She briefly glanced at me but then her view dropped down to the table.


“Mom? A-Are you okay?” I asked while taking a few steps towards her. She placed her coffee mug down and finally looked at me.


“No, I'm not okay. Want to know why?” she asked. I nodded, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.


“Because I have a daughter that lied. . .That lied to me for I don't know how long” she said. I widened my eyes and froze right there in my spot. “When were you going to tell me that you're pregnant!?”




“Why, Gwen? Why?” she cut me off. “If you had such a problem like this one, why didn't you tell me?” she asked, hurt and concern plastered across her delicate face. Some tears run down my cheeks. I can't believe this. I didn't want her to find this way. But, it is my fault, I made this conversation wait for too long.


“How did you find out?” I asked.


“I found this in your closet” she said while putting on top of the table my pregnancy book “And this in the trash can” she continued, placing the positive pregnancy. I covered my mouth with both of my hands. “Plus, your appetite is changing, your stomach is growing. . .It wasn't that hard to figure it out. I'm your mom, honey. . .I know everything. I just found it very hard to believe that my 17-year-old daughter is pregnant”


“I swear. . .I swear I was going to tell you. This-this wasn't the way you were supposed to find out" I crocked. "Does dad knows?”


She nodded as she crossed her arms across her chest. “He couldn't be here since he's in a business trip” she said, with a sigh. “Gwen, you need to tell me everything. . .”


I sat at the chair across from her and told her all the events that happened. I should've have done that a long time ago. I just didn't know how, and then Nash happened and I truly forgot that sooner or later. . .I had to be straightforward with my parents and tell them that their daughter is pregnant.


“Who's the father?” she asked.


I fidgeted with my fingers as I looked down at the table. "Please don't tell me that that handsome brown-eyed boy is the father”


I nodded slowly and finally met her gaze. “I met him in this bar. . .I just. . .I just didn't know it was going to lead to this”


“Of course you didn't know. You were just a teenager looking for fun, you're not the first teenager that experiences with sex. But you should've been more careful and actually use protection. I thought we had this discussion a long time ago" she said crossing her arms across her chest. "What do you plan to do?”


“I don't know. Believe me, that's the question that doesn't stop running through my head”


“Who else knows about this?” she asked.


I sighed. "Finn, Dani, and Alec"


“Y-your brother knew about this?” she gasped shocked.


“Yes. . .” I said almost in a whisper. I heard footsteps, so I tilt my head sideways to find Alec standing there, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. His gaze fell on the pregnancy book and the pregnancy test. I honestly don't know why I didn't throw that test away from the very beginning.


“Holy crap” he muttered. He shook his head and waved his hands. "Look, mom I can explain"


“Oh, you can explain to me why my 17-year-old daughter is pregnant and you being the older brother, not once commented me about this?. . .Your own mother by the way”


“Okay, I can't explain. I just. . .I just waited to tell you about this with Gwen. I didn't want her to just go and tell you by herself. This is a big deal, mom”


“Of course it is, sweetie. . .” she turned to me. “You should've told me”


“I know, I know mom. I'm so sorry” I said as I kept crying, this is what I wanted to avoid. . .The crying. I can't believe my life turned out to be this way. I never thought that I would be right now talking to my mother that I'm pregnant. This is not how I pictured my life to be. I just wanted to graduate High School, have my diploma, go to College, then perhaps a Master Degree. . .But never this.


“Have you seen a doctor?” she asked.


I nodded. “I was feeling hard cramps; so-so Finn went with me”


“Don't even mention me that asshole, he's the one responsible for this” said Alec trying not to raise his voice, obviously failing.


Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring. I wiped my eyes and then walked towards the door. I don't want anyone to see me like this. But anything is better than sitting there, arms crossed, facing my mother.


When I opened the door, my mouth parted. Not this. . .


“F-Finn” I said.


“Gwen, babe, are you okay? What happened? I told you to call me if anything—” he trailed off while seeing my mom and Alec. “Oh” his gaze fell on me.


“I think you should leave, right now is not a good time” I said, but my mom was already at the door.


“No, Gwen, let him in. . .I have some questions for the father of the baby that's inside my daughter”


“I-I just. . .Umm” he scratched the back of his head nervously and then looked at me. "I'm sorry" he said now looking at my mother.


“Please come in, Finn” my mom said while moving out of the way so Finn could come in.

Chapter 20 - Tension filled the Air



Tension was filling the room for sure. Finn and I slowly followed my mom towards the kitchen. My brother was in one corner, staring at us, arms crossed. My mom, with a stern expression, told us to sit down, which we obliged, no comments. Oh, my God I wanted to crawl back to under my sheets and never come out. I glanced at Nash multiple times, he looked nervous and anxiousness was clear in his face. Honestly, I was in the same state.

My mom stared at us for a couple minutes, tapping her red nails against the wooden table, until she finally spoke up, with a cold voice of course. “Did your mother ever teach you about using protection, boy?” was the first thing she asked.


He gulped the lump in his throat and nodded almost robotically. “Yes, ma'am” he said. But she shook her head, and chuckled.


“It doesn't look like it, now does it?” she said, I don't like it when she uses that tone. She sent a little glare at Finn's direction, which made him even more nervous. “Do you have any idea what have you done?” she asked.

“Mom” I called out for her. She looked at me, “We know the consequences”


“I bet this young boy doesn't, just look at him, all confident. He will never understand that he's practically ruining your life with this” she said, now folding her arms. I glanced at Alec, he was staring anywhere else but in our direction.


“Mom, this is not only Finn's fault. It's mine too” I said.


“You were drunk! You weren't thinking straight, and–and he took advantage of you! Don't defend him, Gwen. Please, you're being too naïve”


“He was drunk too, mother! We were both not capable of possibly knowing what was happening. I won't let you blame him for this, because I have just as much fault as him”




“We know, there are consequences with this, but pointing fingers and fighting over what is already done, won't solve anything” I said, calming a little. Screaming and arguing won't do any good, it will just keep adding more fuel to the fire. 


She let go a heavy sigh, and rubbed her hands on her face. “You should've told me before what was happening” she said. I nodded at her response, biting my lower lip.


“I know, and I'm sorry”


A couple minutes passed by, not knowing what to say. I glanced at Finn, who was fidgeting with his fingers. My mom was staring blankly at somewhere else, lost in thought. Not even Alec spoke, he was just sighing, shaking his head, not once looking at us.


“This can cause so much damage to your future” my mom stayed, but it looked like she was

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