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Book online «Sunrise by Elektra96 (first e reader TXT) 📖». Author Elektra96

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on. We finally caught the scent of the "half n' half napper" as Emmett put it. We finally came to a deserted subway station under New York. We found Renesme tied up. "So you took the bait!" A velvety voice said. "Who are you?" Bella hissed, "And why did you take my daughter." We noticed there were many vampires behind this one, some of them were newborns, some where like them, but we all knew we were outnumbered. We were nearly beat when Alice looked to Edward after she blanked out, another one of her world-famous visions. Jane kicked down the door... how did she know we would need help? "Rule number one in the vampire world." She hissed grinning, "Never mess with friends of the Volturi." I only blinked once and the leader (we all assumed) was on the floor writhing in pain. Jasper and Emmett ran to assist her, starting a fire. Jane ripped an arm off and threw it in. One by one they all fell. "How did you know we needed help?" Bella asked. "Um... I dunno, probably instinct." She replied.

Chapter 4
When we came back to the Cullen's house I was so confused, what am I supposed to do now? "Jane?" I heard Bella. "What?" I hissed. "Uh... I just wanted to talk." "Okay, what do you want?" "Well, I once had two boys practically fighting over me." "They're not fighting over me, Caleb is just annoying me and Seth, well I know that if I get in too deep with him, he will imprint, that's right, I did my research on werewolves." I replied then covered my face.
“I am so confused, why did she kiss Seth when she has the hots for me?”You're jealous." Emmet said, towering over me. "No, I'm not, I'm just confused, man." "Whatever..." he said walking away.”your jealous." He said before closing the door. "GRR! I'm not jealous."
I sat out in the forest in wolf-form. I was utterly bored and slightly confused. I suddenly froze, I heard somebody coming, it was a girl, she stood there but didn't seem scared at all. It was obvious she was from out of town, she wasn't pale so she couldn't be from Forks, and she couldn't be from La Push because she had light brown hair. "Aw shoot! Caught by some lady." "I am not just some lady so shut up!" She said back.
"What the?" "Thats right! I can hear you." She said then stalked off. I just shrugged and went back to the house, I suppose Jane had a point. If I were to imprint it would only break her heart if we got in too deep.
-Jane POV-
I sighed, why should I take this out on other people anyway. Besides, in about a week I'll be going back to Voltera and everything will be back to normal. I heard a knock at the door, it was Caleb. "What do you want?" I hissed. He shrugged stupidly, you know, the kind of stupid that makes you want to punch a person? "Listen, You don't have to deal with this anyway, we're going back to Voltera in a week, and you can go back anytime you know!" "Oh I know, it’s just more fun to bug you though." He said, smirking. "Why don't you just... go eat a sock or something?" I said turning away from him. "A sock?" He said raising an eyebrow, "But what fun would that be when I can just stay here and annoy you." "Being annoying is something a little kid would do if he likes someone." I hissed. He just blinked a little, if he was still human, I know he would've blushed. "Come on Janey, the Cullens love us here, please, can we at least stay for a few days of school? It's coming up in two weeks and I'm curious about human schools, how much they've changed since we were bitten." "You know I don't like being called Janey," I hissed, "but, FINE." Renesme bounded into the room, "You guys smell funny." She said looking around. I grinned, I just realized how much she has grown in the past 50 years, yeah, that's alot of time in the human world but... well, it seems different to us, she appeared the same age as Bella now, I bet it's pretty strange going to school with you're daughter, pretending that you're sisters. I'm glad that the Cullens moved back to Forks, it's the perfect spot for our kind. "Go tell you're family that we're staying here for one week of school." I said grinning. Renesme grinned, "Oh, I'm sure it's no problem whatsoever! After all, you did save me from those lunatics." she said as she bounded down the stairs.

Chapter 5
Of course the Cullens said "Yes." They were really thankful for my assistance when Renesme was stolen. We all sat on the couch telling eachother our life stories, of course the Cullens knew their own by heart but I found them really interesting. When it was my turn I heard a wrap at the door. "I'll get it." I said to them, I opened the door to see my brother, I realized how much I had missed him. "Alec!" I sqealed and wrapped my arms around his neck like a little kid, but unlike a little kid if he was a human that grip would've killed him. "Geeze, it's only been a week Jane." He replied, pulling me off of him. "Yeah, I know, but this is the longest we've been away from eachother." "About that, are you ready to go?" "No, I want to stay for at least a week of school." I replied. "Well then, I guess I'm staying, It's been boring without you to play pranks on." He laughed. I pushed him before we sat down. "We were just telling eachother our stories of when we were bitten." I replied. "How dare you try to tell it without me!" He said a little offended. "Okay, so, We were just a very poor family in france. Before my brother and I had come, our parent's lives were alot easier, my brother had left a while ago. So I had it in my head to leave, my brother had stopped me in an alley. He was begged me to stay, 'If you leave, mum and dad will only be even more upset.' he said. I never came back though." I said lowering my head. "I had been bitten in that dark alley, when I opened my eyes I saw my brother over me, 'I'm so sorry.' He said his eyes wide in sorrow. It turns out that when he left it wasn't to make mother and father's lives better, it was just because he had been bitten. Then, we were found by one of the Volturi trackers, and you pretty much know what happened then." I finished. "Yeah, but before the Volturi found us, this little brat was hard to find. She kept running away as if she thought she would hurt ME." Alec chuckled. Seth walked in with that grin on his face that would make just about anyone happy. "Let's forget what happened and be friends." "I would love that."
"Wow Jane!" Alec said to me, "You're eyes, they make you look so... so... different!" "What are you talking about? They haven't changed a bit." I replied, a little confused. "So you're saying from red to a brown with a tint of red isn't different?" "what?" I asked, looking in the mirror, it turns out, he was right, but I couldn't think much about it because I heard a deafening howl from outside. Jacob's head perked up, "Sounds like the pack wants to speak with us." We all began running to the boarder. We stopped, there was one wolf in wolf-form and the rest were humans, all of them, I might add, were alot similar to Jacob and Seth. "What do you guys want?" "Well, actually it is pretty disturbing." Replied the bigger one. "What is it Sam?" "WHO ARE YOU CALLING DISTURBING?" I heard a girls voice from behind her. -Seth POV- Then I saw the same kid I saw yesterday, she was practically picked up and dragged in front of Sam, she couldn't be more than five foot one. "What about her?" I asked. "Well... first of all, she is half Quileute and half some place in Europe." Sam said. "It's FRANCE." She replied, pretty offended, I was surprised that she would stand up to Sam of all people. "Well, anyway, guess what gift she enherited from the Quileute side of her family." He said. "No way!" Jacob replied, wide-eyed. "You act like it's so surprising! Just be cause I'm what you call a 'Pale Face' doesn't mean it's impossible!" She replied, her eyes narrowing. "It's actually quite interesting though too, it's like she's a half-breed! Unlike us, she doesn't change when she's ticked... well, if she's really ticked then yeah, but even when she's calm she can transform." "I'm not joining your pack Sam." The girl said through snarled lips. "But..." "Unlike them, I don't need you to keep myself under control!" She said looking away. "She is quite the rebelius one." Carlisle replied, a smirk on his face. "Hey, shut it... whatever you are! Besides, you smell like a dead carcas!" "Imagine what you smell like to me." Rosalie said. "What?" She said. "See, ticked, but in controll, weird isn't it?" Sam commented, "Nicole, would you please morph though?" he asked. "Fine." she spat, when she morphed she turned into a white wolf two times her regular size. "Another wierd point, is that she didn't grow much when this happened to her." he added, "Only thing that happened was that she got pretty physically fit." "Shut up, I'm not your little expirament Sam." She growled. I turned around to see my sister with snarled teeth, she had been so used to being the only she-werewolf that she just... completely lost it. They began circling eachother my sister was snarling, but Nicole was just repeating the words, "I don't want to fight you." My sister made the first move, she dashed up to her and clawed her in the face. The deadly look in Nicole's eyes would have frightened any young werewolf or human. "I warned you." She growled and leaped at her. They ran off into the forest for the longest time. When they came back, Leah had many scratches, and Nicole only had one, but that one was alot deeper than the ones Leah had gotten. "Oh, and another peculiar thing is that she does heal faster than humans, but not as fast as full Quileute's." "May I stitch that up then?" Carlisle asked. The wolf on the ground growled, but the Nicole wolf nodded to Carlisle and then followed us. "She's got alot of guts." Murmered Quil.
-Caleb POV-
I finnally found out what to do. When Jane kissed that mutt, it felt like a punch to the gut. Now, I must return the blow to her. An eye for an eye. This new girl, she'll be perfect for my plan.

Chapter 6

I couldn't help but stare at the girl, even though she was part human, she just stood there motionless as Carlisle stitched her up.
"So, how long are you staying here?" Caleb asked her, a very stupid look on his face.
Nicole just rolled her eyes, "I'm not interested in a bloodsucker." she said in a monotone voice, "Yeah, thats right, Edward told me."
"Thanks alot." Caleb said hissing at Edward.
"Well I can't let her dive into a pool blind." He shrugged.
"Wait! What plan?" I asked, but no one answered. I sat next to Seth on the couch, all of a sudden, I realized he
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