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Book online «Sunrise by Elektra96 (first e reader TXT) 📖». Author Elektra96

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was holding my hand, my eyes widened and I pulled away. "Nice try." I told him.
"You guys aren't at all what Sam described you're kind to me." Nicole finally said.
"Well, we aren't at all average vampires." Bella replied, "We're the vegitarians of the vampire world."
"Aww! My sis likes a werewolf!" Alec teased.
"I DO NOT!" I protested.
"Do so!" Then, I made him feel alot of pain! Only problem was, our powers sort of interact with eachother and when we have these fights, we both end up on the floor, I, unable to do anything, and my brother writhing in pain.
"Well, that was... interesting." Nicole said, "They didn't even touch eachother."
"Yeah, those are those extra powers we have at work." Caleb said grinning at her, it almost irritated me, now I had a feeling I knew what he was doing. Too bad I didn't care! I don't like him, I never have and I never will.
"Well, do you have a power?" She asked.
"Yeah, I can controll fire." He said, holding out his hand as a flame popped out in the shape of a heart, but then that heart split and dissapeared.
"Nice try player!" Nicole growled as she jumped off the table, Carlisle was done. She walked out of the room and into the forest, a while later I heard a loud howl in the distance.
"She says, see ya later suckers." Edward said, "Well, even though she said it too all of us I believe she means you." he said pointing to Caleb.
-Caleb POV-
Well... that didn't work. I'll get her soon, but in the meantime I might as well annoy Jane!
"What's wrong with you Caleb!" Jane hissed at me, "I DONT like you so get over yourself!"
"What's wrong with ME?" I hissed back, "What's wrong with YOU! You filthy dog lover."
"Why don't you just go home to Voltera! YOU don't have to be here!"
-Jane POV-
Seth looked over to me, "Sheesh! The nerve of some people!" he exclaimed.
"How old are you anyway? You never seem to change in age."
Seth looked a bit shocked at the question, "Uh... sixty... eight, I think."
"Not bad, Im at least one hundred fifty." I chuckled.
"You know, I should punch some sense into that guy, nobody messes with my sis!" Alec said starting for the door.
"Let him go Alec."
-Caleb POV-
"They have kidnapped them." He lied to the Volturi.
"How do we know your telling the truth, after all you are young?" Demetri asked hissing and glaring into his face.
"Give him a chance Demitri." Aro said, "After all, we cannot lose the best of our guard."
"Very well, should we teach the Cullens a lesson?" Demetri asked.
"Patience." Aro replied, "You can't jump without figuring out what were up against."
"And if the boy is wrong?"
"Use your imagination." Aro grinned.
-Seth POV-
I think I just realized something, something that might be very important. I'm not sure if I'm right but, is it possible that the reason I haven't imprinted yet is because the one that is meant to be with me is technically dead? I'm still not sure, we'll find out. Alice then blanked out, when she came back she screamed and threw a hissy fit.
"THAT LITTLE RAT! THAT SCUMBAG! THAT... THAT... THAT UGH!" She hissed, Edward had gotten tense too.
"What happened?" Jane asked.
"It's Caleb!" Edward replied, his fists clenched, "He told Aro that you are here against your will."
"I'm gonna kill him!" Jane said, "And it will hurt... ALOT!" Jane was scaring me right now, but at the same time it attracted me.
"What's going on?" Renesme asked as she bounded down the stairs, a little concerned.
"Don't worry Nessy, we'll take care of it." Jacob said.
-Caleb POV-
Oh happy day! Once she comes back, she will never be over there ever again! And she will never see that DOG again! But then again... I can't help but think that I'm doing the wrong thing. No, a DoG and our kind is just WRONG. We were almost to the Cullen's house when we were confronted by them.
"You'll thank me later."
"What is she talking about Caleb?" Demetri asked, "You said that she was captured."
"But sir, She kissed one of those wolves!"
"And that is none of you're buisness." Demetri hissed at him, "She is not harming anyone! Let's see what Aro will tell me to do with you."
"Wait!" Jane hissed.
-Jane POV-
Okay, so I hate the guy, but I can't just let him die, he may have screwed everything up, but I'm sure he still has hope.
"Demetri, let him stay here as punishment." I said.
"What?" Demetri asked getting pretty confused.
"Yeah, we won't kill him but... him being surrounded by us we will make a few weeks into a living hell." I said.
"T-thanks." Caleb said nervously.
"Don't say thank you quite yet, I wouldn't think this is mercy!" I said through narrowed eyes as we walked back.

Chapter 7

I felt so betrayed. So fragile, and that is a pretty hard feeling to have when you're harder than any metal on earth.
"THAT WASN'T FUNNY AT ALL!" I screamed at Caleb, "You could have killed the Cullens, the Wolves, my brother, and even ME!" For an hour I stood over him as he writhed in pain, "HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW?" I hissed, and even though I was going on a rampage, I couldn't help but cry (without tears of course), Caleb may have thought we were something more, but before all of this nonsense he was a pretty good friend. Seth was the only one still standing here as I tortured Caleb. I couldn't take any more of the pain that I was suffering, so I let go of Caleb's mind and ran up to Seth, wrapping my arms around his waist like a little kid. "Seth! I'm so sorry, it's my fault that the Volturi could have killed you!" I cried, but then I stopped, "Huh, I'm acting like I'm not even a part of them anymore."
"It's not your fault Jane." He replied, "Who knew you had a psycho stalker that hates me."
"I really need to get my mind off of things." I sighed, I then realized I was hugging him, I pulled away quickly, and then Alice came bounding in.
"Jane, Alec and you need your own room." She said, then dragged me upstairs. She showed me the room, On one half of the room, it was all midnight blue, on the other, it was a grape purple, the couch in the center was split down the middle and had one color on one side, and one on the other. I grinned, blue was my brothers favorite color, and purple was mine.
"It's perfect Alice." I said. I noticed a computer on my side, I went up to it and sat down, "I might as well study about the american culture." I said and began studying.
"Well, I think I should check the boarders for vampires... well, that are not you guys." Seth said and dashed out the door. First, I checked holidays, and as it turns out, one is two days away! Thanksgiving- a day where people of America give thanks for stuff and eat alot. (Sounds like a werewolf's paradise.) I thought chuckling, knowing how many times a day Seth, Leah, Jacob, Quil, and Embry gorged themselves. I heard a thud from downstairs. I ran to see that Seth was on the floor, he was knocked out cold and a large gash was on his stomach, bleeding like crazy.
"OH DEAR LORD! CARLISLE ISN'T HOME!" Esme screamed. I ran upstairs and took a towel from the upstairs bathroom, I drenched it with water and ran downstairs, I put it up against Seth's wound.
"Don't worry Seth," I said, "Carlisle is coming home in just an hour." When the bleeding finally got a little slower, I finally said, "What happened Jacob?"
"Vampire attack, he had attacked him from behind. But don't worry, we still managed to get him off our land." When Caleb came downstairs not even sweet, little Esme could help but glare at him.
-Seth POV-
I opened my eyes to see Carlisle, "Heh, took quite a spill now didn't I?"
"Yeah, all over the nice white tile." Carlisle joked.
"So, how am I Doc?"
"Well, I also took a little look at your other parts and I figured something out, you and your sister, are alot different from Jacob and Sam and the other wolves." He explained. "Your brain, it doesn't have a certain part that other wolves have that triggers imprinting." He said, "Yours, has always been unfunctional."
"You can't imprint."
"Really?" I asked getting up and putting my clothes on, "Then... Jane."
"Doesn't have to be so concerned about this whole thing."
-Jane POV-
"Jane." I turned around, shocked to see that it was Leah who was speaking to me, "I was thinking about the whole thing with you and my brother and I have decided that if you guys... I'm fine with it." Seth walked into the living room.
"Thank god." I sighed with relief, before I could say anything he rushed up to me and kissed me. It felt so right to be in his embrace, he was so warm. When he finally stopped I asked, "What was that for?"
"Uh... Carlisle, he told me that there's something different about me and my sister, he says that this means we don't imprint." I couldn't help but grin, Caleb, surpisingly enough didn't seem mad at all, Like he finally realized that he played the game, and he lost before it started.
"You realize this means I can't leave, at least now," I said to him, "But I don't want to be a burden."
"You were never a burden honey! You can stay as long as you like." Esme replied to me.
"Besides, you seem like a little sister to me," Emmett said and hugged me tightly... way too tight!
"CAN'T... SMELL... OR... MOVE!" I said, he then finally let me go.
"Hmm... I just realized I'm pretty hungry right now." I said, and as if things were getting pretty lucky, I saw a large buck outside. I went running toward it and bit down, yeah, that feels really good down the throat right now.
"Oh great! Time for Alice to go hog-wild with the decorations and get everyone presents WAY too soon." Edward said smacking his forehead, "And as for Seth, STOP thinking!"
I looked over to Seth, "I'm not even going to ask."

Chapter 8

-Seth POV-
"ACHOO!" Everyone around me jumped when they heard me sneeze as I walked down the stairs.
"Aww! Seth, are you sick."
"Yeah, and it SUCKS! I was so hoping to show you off at school." I said then blew my nose.
"You have to stay in bed, I'll make you some chicken soup before I go to school." Jane said rushing off to the kitchen.
"You lucky son of a gun!" Emmett said to
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