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Book online «Sunrise by Elektra96 (first e reader TXT) 📖». Author Elektra96

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me, "You can get sick, therefore, she treats you like a little kid, Rose'll never do that for me."
"That's because you don't get sick." Rosalie said, pulling him out the door by his ear.
-Jane POV-
"You need your own car!" Edward said, dragging me to the garage, covering my eyes while he was at it. When he removed his hands I gasped, it was PERFECT! A dark blue Camero with black racing stripes and chrome spinners.
"Yeah, I heard from your brother that it's your favorite american car." I ran to it and hopped behind the drivers seat, this wasn't my first time driving a car, but this was alot different from the other cars I had driven. I honked the horn and Edward opened the door. My brother got in shotgun and Caleb climbed into the back seat.
"So, what's my story?" I asked. "You and your brothers came from Italy and we adopted you when we vacationed there, Your name is Jane Renouli, and you all have a B average." Edward explained.
"So I have to be related to this doofus?" I asked looking at Caleb and making a gagging noise.
"It's like real life, you can't pick your family."
When we went to lunch I noticed that we were quite outcasts.
"Guys, why don't we talk with them?"
"They simply don't like us." Edward responded.
"Well when I was in Voltera we always tooks some time out of our day to talk with the humans." I replied, I got up and walked to the closest table and to the closest human, he was also the easiest to see with his insanely red hair.
"Hi, I'm Jane Renouli, I'm new to this school." What happened really confused me, first he turned white, then red, then blue, then purple... and then he passed out, "Well, that went well." I said as I was backing away.
"WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT?" somebody said behind me. I whipped around to see Nicole, I narrowed my eyes, this girl didn't exactly appeal to me, she was quite irritating. I just kept walking.
When we got home I settled myself into the recliner next to the couch Seth was sleeping on. He was snoring like crazy and I was tempted to plug his nostrils, but I decided against it. THUD! THUD! THUD! I went to the door before they could knock again and wake Seth up.
"WHAT DO YOU..." I stopped dead sentance when I saw Sam's grave face. "What happened?" My attitude changed completely.
Jacob walked in the door with him, they had met out in the forest. "It seems that the small army of newborns aren't just a LITTLE problem." he said to me, "They have captured Nicole."
-Nicole POV-
"LET ME GO YOU STINKING VAMPIRES!" I growled at them, I was sure that somehow one understood me, they must have some power similar to that other bloodsucker.
"Oh you stupid husky." Someone replied in the shadows.

Chapter 9

I exchanged glances with everyone, we all knew what we were going to do, go after her. The wolves already transformed into wolves, Seth licked me before we left, it was gross... but sweet. We all began looking for a scent trail... something... something that could help us find her.
-Nicole POV-
"Sure you are!" The bloodsucker said to me, rolling his eyes, "Your not a true wolf, your just a lousy HALFBREED!"
"Then why do you want me?" I growled, baring my shiney white teeth.
"I want you because even though you are halfbred, you still hold power, power that even those stupid pure-wolfs would not understand."
"You know they'll come after you right?"
"Oh please! We have numbers that could put your pack to shame!"
"I'm not just talking about the wolves... there is more to this than just numbers you stupid, stupid bloodsucker!" I said through my grinding teeth.
-Jane POV-
I rode Seth like a horse, true, it wasn't as fast as simply running, but it was much more fun! I rode him until Edward said, "BELLA! WOULD YOU PLEASE PUT YOUR SHEILD ON SETH! PLEASE!" Then I jumped off quickly and began running myself. We finally stopped when Alice froze.
"Oh... my..." she whispered, her eyes as wide as bowling balls.
-Nicole POV-
"Now, this will only hurt... alot." the vampire grinned. "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO ME?" I growled, not going without a fight. "Oh my dear! Don't you know? being a half breed enables you to become a vampire too!" He replied.
"You see, I have not only a thirst for blood, but for power as well. And you obviusly would be powerful if you only were turned into a vampire." I gasped but then began growling at him again.
-Jane POV-
"What did you see Alice?" I asked, my eyes as wide as hers.
"I-I-I dont know what I saw." Seth yelped excitedly and began digging at the ground. "Seth! This could be life or death! You cant get distracted with your doggish ways!" I said at him. But then he dug enough to reveal a door.
He gave me an "I told you so." Look as I opened the door.
-Nicole POV-
"Okay, fine." I sighed, "Just get this over with." I even leaned my head over to reveal my neck.
"Thank you dear." He said satisfied. It felt like a shark bite when he bit me, then the pain became too hard to handle. The last thing I saw was a relief.
My eyes blinked open, they dashed about bewilderedly. I was at the Cullen's house.
-Jane POV-
Once she woke up, she dashed away. We all looked the way she had ran, "So, killing about a dozen newborns for that?" Rosalie said, that was the first snotty remark she had made in about a month. The wolves walked away, they were just glad that Nicole was no longer in that dreaded place.
-Caleb POV-
I opened my closet to see the girl we had saved.
"Looks like you have a she-wolf in your closet!" Emmett said, laughing at his own joke.

Chapter 10

I sat in my room, we had figured not to go after her since we couldnt just coop her up like a prisoner.
"GET OUT!" I heard a scream from across the hallway. I opened up the door to see Seth being kicked out of Leah's room.
"GAWD!" He exclaimed, "All I did was spill a LITTLE bit of nail polish."
"A whole bottle... and it was my favorite color." Leah replied and slammed the door.
"Man she needs a boyfriend, that way she can stop torturing me."
"Uh, guys, I found something we were looking for." Caleb walked into the hallway, clutching onto Nicole's arm. A little lightbulb flashed over my head, I gave a devilish grin to Seth and walked up to Caleb. I quickly set free Nicole and pushed Caleb into Leah's room.
"Way to be suttle." Seth said, beginning to crack up.
"Well, I could sneak around, set them up on a blind date, help Leah with what she's gonna wear to it, and it probably still wouldnt work. This just seemed SO much easier."
Nicole just sat there, "I think Im gonna stay here... its pretty interesting."
"Thats fine." I replied, sending her downstairs to see if Carlisle wanted to give her a quick check-up.
"This is actually very interesting really, although he bit her, the venom appears to be being washed from her body," Carlisle concured, "As if its just a common cold. The affects should just... wear off and she will be back to normal. I think, that she COULD become a vampire, but you would need plenty of venom in her system."
"So Im not gonna be a bloodsucker for the rest of my life?" Nicole asked.
"Nope, in fact, by the end of the day you should be pretty much... um... un-vampiric?" he said, clearly unable to get a word for this rare thing.
-Caleb POV-
"UGH! Jane! Get me out of here!" I shouted, very angry with her.
"Why dont you just break the door?" Leah asked me, clearly irritated with me in her room.
"Im a guest here, that would be rude." I replied.
"Got any sevens?" Leah asked, cards fanned in her hand.
"Go fish." I answered, she glared at me and reached for the pile. We had been stuck here for about an hour, at first, we were screaming out for anyone to get us out of here, then we were fighting with eachother, at last, we just gave up and began playing card games. The thing that irritated me the most was the occasional snicker from behind the door, always someone different, as if everyone was aware that we were in no danger.
-Leah POV-
"Thats it, We're getting out of here." Caleb finally said, getting up from off the floor and heading toward the door.
"Now your talking!" I replied, getting up as well. Caleb just suddenly thrust his head at the door, breaking a hole into it.
"Wow." I said as we both stepped through, "I sure am glad I didnt do that, cause you owe me a new door, I owe nothing!" I grinned and skipped down the hall.
-Alec POV-
I did not realize that wolves ate so much. It seemed like they had to eat at least every hour. Nicole had just waltzed into the kitchen and just... began eating. Nicole turned around and glared at me, "What are you looking at? Is it a problem that I actually eat? You anorexic leech!" She spat.
"Uh... no... I just... thought that... uh..." Truth was, that I was kinda freaked out at the quantity she was eating, but I had to make up something, "Just was wondering if you needed some company."
"No!" She said, "Not from you."
"Geeze, what did I do?" I asked.
"Oh nothing, its just, Im not exactly friendly with you guys since one of your kind tried to turn me into some... some... machine of death. Besides, I've heard stories from Sam and the others, you Volturi are no good." She simply answered.
"Well, clearly you dont know me or my sister." I replied, sitting down next to her. She just rolled her eyes and walked out the front door and into the forest.
-Jacob POV-
"Quil, Embry! Wow, have you missed some excitement!" I said running into the forest to meet up with my other pack members. Although they were fine with the Cullens, they prefered to stay outside in a little shack by a stream due to the fact that we were normally in this enviorment growing up.
"Yeah, we heard your thoughts ya know." Embry replied, grinning.
"I wish we were there, but NO! You had to keep the best of the best guarding the boarder." Quil said, meerly teasing. All of a sudden, Nicole came running toward the camp, it was easy to see she was peeved for one reason or another. I had no idea why she was out here though, she had a room in the Cullens house. "So, this must be the little pale wolf you were talking about." Quil replied with a grin. Nicole stuck her tounge out at him. "Well... I've gotta go, nice meeting you, but I need to go to the movies with Claire." He said and ran off.

Chapter 11
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