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Book online «It's Your Baby by Belén Domínguez (any book recommendations txt) 📖». Author Belén Domínguez

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my brother reassured me. “Do you think I would let them take you away from me?” he smiled, which made me smile too. It is true, perhaps he can be so annoying sometimes; but if there's something I know, is that Alec would never let anyone separate us.


“I'm so sorry if you thought that you could be a trouble to us” my dad said. I looked down at the ground, I'm just so tired right now I don't want to deal with this. . .But I feel like I have to be in a constant war with my family, is exhausting. I nodded, not wanting to discuss it anymore. I was still a little hurt, even if it was just a suggestion. They were considering in sending me away.


I turned on my heels to leave, but Alec quickly grabbed my arm, locking his gaze to mine. I frowned, confused at his sudden move. He cleared his throat and then exchanged looks with my parents who had a confused expression on their faces.


“Where were you before you came here?” he asked, using that interrogative tone I came to hate so much.


“Nowhere” I replied too quickly, and I just wanted to face palm myself so badly. Alec kept looking at me, still waiting for me to say the truth, although like I said before, he shouldn't be getting on my business.


“Tell me” he demanded.


“No” I said, frowning. He can't demand me anyway. . .


“Sweetie, please, where were you?” my mom butted in.


I guess they can demand me. . .Great.


“Oh, I was doing some drugs two blocks away, you know mom, the typical stuff” I said sarcastically.


“Gwen” she said seriously. “This is not a joke. Where were you?”


And now all of their eyes were on me, and I've never been so nervous. I have two options here and unfortunately, two consequences.


I can either tell the truth, and get punish for it. Or, lie and stay here to keep going with the interrogation.


Any of those options will make me lose. And the plan of just running out of the house, escape the country, and change my name, is not a good move right now.


“Where you with him?” my mom interrupted my thoughts.


“N-no” I stuttered, but it seemed like they didn't buy it.


“Don't lie to me, Gwen. . .Don't even try” Alec said. I don't know where to hide, I just want to be swallowed by the ground and vanish away from everything, everyone. There's no way I can get out of this without needing to spill out all the truth. This sucks. . .


“You don't need to know with who I am or what I'm doing. . .This is my life!” I said raising my voice.


“Fuck, we know is your life, but we're part of it. We have all the right to know with who the fuck you are. . .You are my sister and their daughter. So stop being a child and grow the fuck up!”


I stared at my brother in shock, so did my parents. I never heard him cursing that much in front of them. Ever.

He let go a heavy sigh, realizing what he did. “Where you with him?”


“Yes” I said almost inaudible. I bit my bottom lip nervously.


“I told you not to see him, and yet you disobeyed me” my mom said while rubbing her forehead, her face full of disappointment. And this was what I wanted to avoid in the first place, but I knew that I would have to deal with it sooner or later.


“But mom—”


“No, Gwen. I told you to stay away from him, that he was not good for you, I mean. . .Just look what he did to you” she said motioning to my stomach. “He made your life 100x more complicated"


"It was my mistake too, and I saw him because I needed to. He's a very sweet guy, but you won't know that unless you meet him”


“No, we don't want to meet him" my father butted in. "The last thing we want is to talk to the one that made you pregnant”




“No buts Gwen. Please, just, go to your room”


And that's exactly what I did. Quiet and with my face looking at the ground. The fact I just wanted to get out of there and I couldn't stand to see their faces anymore, it gave me the enough strength to move towards the stairs.


I feel awful but at the same time, I expected this reaction. I knew they would be disappointed; I knew they would be mad that I'm hanging with the father of a baby I shouldn't have at this age. I knew that it was the worst idea.


I lied down on my bed, staring at the ceiling, which I've been doing a lot lately. I thought about this baby, how it affected my relationship with my family. . .


I've never argued this much with them ever. We're usually really close. But lately I feel like I always need to prepare myself to go to war with them. I hate this, I hate everything my life had turned into only because of that one-night stand, because of that single moment of irresponsibility. Now, I have to accept the consequences that came with it.


I closed my eyes, totally exhausted, and didn't wake up for a long time. Part of me wishes everything is just a cruel nightmare, that I will wake up and everything would be back to normal. But the realistic part of me, knows that everything is real, I will wake up, and nothing will change. My real nightmare will still go on. . .


God, please help me. . .


Chapter 32 - Are you. . .Jealous?

The next day, unfortunately, I had to go to school, no excuses. . .I woke up like I normally do, except that I was suffering a tremendous neck pain; perhaps I slept in a bad position last night. Talking of which, I didn't even eat, huge mistake. Now, I was having a growling stomach. But what was I supposed to do in that situation, huh? I mean, it was pretty clear that my family didn't wanted to see my face.


When I changed into my normal clothes, I didn't waste my time with make-up, so I just didn't apply any, I'm going to go natural. And the worst part, is that whenever I go without make-up, I start getting self-conscious. I feel the pimples in my forehead, the bags under my eyes, and without the mascara, my eyes look like they're closing little by little. But then, I stared at myself in the mirror, and I'm totally fine. My mind is playing tricks with me.


I walked downstairs cautiously, scanning at my surroundings in search of my parents or brother. I saw my mom, giving her back to me, she was doing the dishes. My dad was reading the newspaper, sipping on his coffee mug. And my brother was using the phone. Everything seemed so normal, like if yesterday never happened.


I got inside the kitchen, bracing myself just in case they say something. My mom turned around and locked gazes with mine.




Here we go. . .


“Would you like scrambled eggs?” she asked. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. This was not at all what I expected. Weird. . .I nodded and then took a seat beside Alec, not once looking at me. I suppose he's just ignoring me, and that is so unlike him. Even if we fight sometimes, he would always speak to me, or wish me a good day, or ask me something randomly, never chose that ignoring and not speaking option.


We all ate quietly, and it couldn't be more awkward. I placed my fork and knife down and my family looked at me. “I'll go to school” I informed and stood up, not looking back. I grabbed my backpack from the ground and slung it on my shoulder. I opened the door and let go a heavy sigh. “Bye” I said and closed it behind me.


I started walking towards my school, thinking of all the things they will tell me once I step a foot in there. I mean, they already know my secret, I'm pregnant. And they laughed, they might be thinking I'm some kind of slut. Perhaps they're betting who's the father. I just want to hid in a hole and never come out.


But I knew that that would be impossible. . .


When I got to the main door of my school, I received multiple looks from nearly everyone there. I hold my chest briefly, and took a deep breath.


I can do it, I thought to myself. But deep inside, I knew something would go wrong, I just knew it. But I also knew I couldn't be a coward forever. So I put my chin up and tried to look as confident as possible, but the truth is. . .I'm shaking inside.


A group of girls were frowning while passing me by, some were commenting while looking down at my stomach. A few guys smirked at me, some other girls giggled among themselves. And suddenly I felt the need to vomit.

“Gwen, there you are!” Dani said and rushed towards me. “I've been trying to call you last night and this morning. . .”


“Sorry, I was so exhausted last night. I had this fight with my family”0 I said and walked directly to my locker.

“Really? What happened?” she asked, with a shocked expression plastered across her face.


“Apparently, they were thinking in sending me to a maternity home in Chicago” I said, a shiver running down my back with the simple memory.


She gasped. “What!? I can't believe it! Please tell me you're joking”


“Relax, I'm not going after all, it was just an ‘option’, but I'm still hurt that my own family was considering in send me there”


“Hey girls” Austin said while standing beside Dani. I opened my mouth to say something but I closed it again. We kissed a couple days ago and it seems like things didn't vanish away just yet. Yup, this is still awkward. . .


“I just wanted to give you the notes from yesterday, since-since you didn't come” he said scratching the back of his head nervously. I grabbed the papers and smiled gratefully.


“Thank you, Austin, that's so thoughtful” I said and closed my locker door. I put the notes inside my bag and then turned my attention back to them.


“Anyway, I have to get to class. . .I'll see you guys later?” he said while casually putting his hands inside his jean pockets. Both Dani and I nodded. He grinned and turned on his heels to leave.


“Hey, I actually wanted to reach you since you know. . .What happened in school the other day” she said putting a strand of hair behind her ear. I nodded and forced a smile, I seriously don't want to remember that. It was awful.


“Yeah, I-I just had to leave you know; what Meredith did was horrible. I've never been so humiliated” I said. Dani nodded in agreement and put her arm around my shoulder, hugging me sideways.


“I'm still here, right?” she smiled sweetly.


“Thank God, if you weren't here with me, I would've gone mad already”


Just then, the bell rang, letting us know we should hurry to our next class. So we walked together, and I tried to ignore all the looks I received from multiple people. I just

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