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Book online «It's Your Baby by Belén Domínguez (any book recommendations txt) 📖». Author Belén Domínguez

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want to graduate already and get out of this hell hole.


• • •


I felt something hit the back of my head. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I turned around to see that someone had thrown me a paper ball. I picked it up and opened it.


Hello baby mama. xoxoxo


I rolled my eyes and threw it in the trash can. I stared at the guys that wrote me the note, they started winking and sending kisses. I shook my head and sat back down. I can't believe how immature people can be.


A classmate whispered something in Mr. Brown's ear and she turned around. She nodded at the girl, and then she looked straight at me. “Um, Gwen?” she called my attention.


“Y-yes?” I asked.


“They need you at the Principal's office” he informed me, followed by all my classmates saying multiple ‘ohhhhh’ and gossiping. I rolled my eyes and stood up, wondering why they need me there. They have never called me to the Principal's office. Ever. . .


I stood up from my desk slowly, and grabbed my bag from the floor. I walked towards the exit and gave the class one last glance before turning on my heels to leave. The hallways were quiet as everyone was in class. Well, except the typical students that were always skipping, those were probably smoking outside and writing fake excuses from their 'parents'.


I knocked on the Principal's door, waiting for a response. “Come on in” I heard her say. I took a long breath before walking in.


“Gwen” she said and put the phone down. “Please, sit down”


I did as he said and put a strand of hair behind my ear. I stayed quiet and waited for her to say something as to why I'm sitting here.


“So” she started. “How are you doing?”


“Umm” was I supposed to just chill with her or something? “I-I don't know. With all the respect, I just want to know why am I here since, you know. . .I've never been to this office before. Why now?”


“Well, I'm very glad you asked. Darling, a classmate of yours have come to me, saying you were. . .Uhh, that you were pregnant” she said and stood up. “And I can't believe I haven't noticed before”


“But I—”


“Gwen. . .You're one of the best students in this entire school, your conduct grade is splendid, you're in High Honors. I honestly didn't think this could've happened to you. . .At all" she said crossing her arms across her chest.


“I seriously don't want to talk about it, I'm truly sorry” I said and stood up. “Is already enough that I had to talk about it with my family, they are disappointed, I can see that. And there's nothing that breaks my heart more than to see my own family angry or even sad at anything. I know this is not the ‘behavior’ you want in your school, but I couldn't help it. Aren't I a teenager? Aren't I supposed to experiment or something?”


“Sweetie, I understand, believe me. . .I was a teenager myself. But what I'm worried about is your future. I just want the best for you, Gwen. I want to know what you plan to do, if you have thought of something. Do you know how many Colleges were talking about you already? And how much they want you with them? I just want to know what is your plan?”


“That's the thing, Principal Edwards. . .I don't have a plan; as I said before, I'm a teenager. A teenager that made a stupid mistake and had to pay for it. A teenager that can't stop getting emotional for everything lately” I said and quickly wiped away a tear that escaped my eyes. God, I hate crying in public.


Principal Edwards walked towards me and hugged me. It was such a weird feeling, but I hugged her back; I just needed some comfort. “Is okay to cry, Gwen. You've been strong enough” she said and pulled away.


I nodded. “I'm–I'm just. . .I'm just scared of everything. . .I'm clueless, and–and I can't do this on my own”


“But you have your family”


“I know. And I'm thankful that I still have them with me. I don't want them to be mad or go crazy because of me” I said and looked down at the ground.


“They love you, and I'm sure they will always be there to support you. You're their daughter remember?” I brought my gaze up and met hers. She smiled sweetly at me, which made me smile back. “Hey, why don't you go home, huh? Go get some rest. . .I will tell your teachers, alright?” she said. I nodded and turned on my heels to leave.


“Oh, and Gwen?”


I turned around to face her. “If you ever want to talk, about anything. . .My doors are always open” she said. I nodded and walked out of her office.


I took out my phone, ready to call Alec for a ride. But then I remembered that he might be in College right now. And my parents might be at work. Plus, I'm sure they won't talk to me. So I started dialing Finn's number.


I know you might be thinking I'm stupid for doing that, but I just had to. . .I want to see him, no matter what my family says about him.


He picked up on the third ring. “Hello?”


“Remember me?” I asked and leaned my back on a locker door.


He giggled at the other side of the line. “How can I ever forget someone so beautiful like you? Is everything alright, why are you calling?”


“I hope I'm not bothering you” I said and scratched the back of my head.


“No! Of course not. . .I'm just wondering if everything is alright”


“Yeah, uhh, I just–I was just wondering if you weren't too busy, because I needed a ride”


“Of course I will give a ride, babe. What kind of question is that? Where are you?” he asked.


“I'm in my school right now, I'll text you the address, alright?” I said.


“Sure, see you in five” he said and hung up. I started texting him the address and waited patiently in the parking lot. Suddenly I felt a light tap on my shoulder, which made me jump slightly. I tilt my head sideways just to see Austin, smiling at me.


“Hi” I said simply.


“Hey” he replied simply. “Were you crying?”


“N–no, I just—”


“Why are you crying, did someone said something to you? Just tell me who did” he said, and I sensed some anger in his voice.


“No! No, no one told me anything, I just came from the Principal's office, we just talked a little bit, and well. . .Lately I've been kind of emotional, so some tears escaped. But no one did anything to me today, besides just gossiping and laugh. But well, I'm alright” I explained.


“Why are you going home?” he asked.


“Principal Edwards thought that it would be better if I take some rest. Why are you here outside? You should be in classes” I said furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. He followed me outside of the school, and we entered the parking lot.


“There was this important call I had to take, and so I came here. Plus, I was in History, you understand” he said which made me laugh.


“That bad?” I asked while putting my hands on my hips.


“Mr. Philips was explaining the Revolution using puppets, I just had to get out of there before I could go insane” he said frowning which made me laugh.


“Gwen, hey” I heard Finn from behind me. I turned around just to see him standing there, with his hands casually inside his jean pockets, using just a plain white shirt, his blue eyes more sparkling than ever. I smiled with just the sight of him, is it weird that I missed him like crazy?


“Finn!” I said and jumped in his arms.


“Who is this?” he asked motioning at Austin.


“He's Austin, don't you remember him from the party we've been to weeks ago?”


“Oh, right, yeah, sorry. . .” he chuckled.


“Finn Harries, nice to see you again” he said and extended his hand for Finn to shake it, which he did. There was an awkward silence before I cleared my throat, which brought both of their attentions back to me.


“We better go now. I'll see you tomorrow, Austin” I said. He nodded and leaned in and hugged me. I was taken aback by it, but I quickly hugged back.


“Okay then. . .” Finn said while grabbing my arm, pulling me away from Austin. "Have a good life, Justin”


“Is actually Austin” he corrected him.


“Right, Austin. . .Sorry, bye” he said and dragged me to his car.


“What was that all about” I asked furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.


“What? I thought you wanted to leave already”


“I kind of think you were jealous that he hugged me” I said smirking. He instantly met my gaze and took a step towards me.


“Should I be jealous?” he asked while placing his hand on my cheek. I missed his touch so much.


“No, you shouldn't. . .”


“Because you're mine”


“Who said I was yours?” I asked teasingly.


“I did” he gave me a peck on the lips, and rested his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment. God, how is that we literally saw each other a couple of days ago and I'm so excited to be here with him like if I haven't seen him like in two years?


“You're my princess, and I will do everything to make you happy. And yes, if I'm honest with you, I was jealous that he hugged you. I thought: He's way hotter than me”


I giggled and opened my eyes just to see his blue eyes looking down at me. “No one is hotter than you, Finn. And I won't go with another guy, because I want to be right here, with you”


“You do know how to make someone feel better” he kissed my cheek.


“I was going to say the same thing to you” I let go a heavy sigh.


“Hard day?”


“Hard week” I replied and opened the passenger's car door. He went to the driver's seat and started the engine.

“Everything gets better” he said.


“Yeah? When?” I asked as I buckled in the seatbelt.


“You don't know when, but it does, in some point when you least expect it, everything turns out to be good” he winked at me and drove outside of the School's parking lot.


Chapter 33 - It Doesn't matter Where you are, but with who you're With

“Finn, where are we going? This is not the way to my house” I said and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I stared at Finn who was just smiling, not looking at me. “Is this the time you tell me you're secretly a serial killer and you will cut off my face and wear it as a mask?” I asked jokingly.


He laughed. “I'm not that weird, Gwen”


“There's always a possibility”


“Nah, you're just watching too many scary movies. Because I'm pretty sure you took that whole idea from that killer called ‘Leather Face’”


I laughed along with him as he took a turn, then glanced at me for a brief moment, offering a small smile. “We're just going to go somewhere to eat, alright? You seem stressed and I want to make you have a good time”


“Well that's sweet” I smiled. I

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