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Book online «The uncommon twist by Amy lopez (e reader books txt) 📖». Author Amy lopez

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bringing them. " well if i must say you are a good friend" she said while munching on the candy. "Hey leave me some!" i yelled while trying to grab some off her hand, she wasn't paying attention though which gave me a free pass to the candy. But i noticed something about the atmosphere, it had turned dark and mysterious, i looked around wondering were it was coming from. I looked at Ann but she was starring straight ahead, not even blinking. So i looked ahead too and saw nothing just the forest, the trees were making shadows against the grass, the wind blowed hard and i noticed it had become dark. My hair was whiping around shading my face, which just annoyed me so i grabbed my hair and pulled it back. " Ann is their something wrong?" I said softly not wanting her to panick, i mean i was really close to panicking but i wasn't showing it, i had to remain calm. She turned around facing me and blinked, she shook her head which just made her hair get stuck in my face. Geez what's up with our hair today, i mean they all seemed interested in my face. While i was getting her hair off my face she answered in a small voice" well it appears we had a visitor". I looked at her confused for the secound time that day, not knowing what to do i stood up. My parent's will probably be home at any moment and i sure didn't feel like facing them today."Well that's nice to know red, i guess i have to go now" i looked at her, she was concentrating on something her brows pulled together and her lips were pulled into a tight frown her eyes seemed to be elsewhere. " uh sure yea bye" she said quickly, not even showing any emotion, when she saw i hadn't left her face turned into the carefree one i knew, so i knew she was ok. With that i left, walking towards my house which was only 2 blocks away. Turning a corner i spotted my mom's car making it's way towards our house. Well that's not good, so i hurried along almost jogging hoping i would get their in time. Why is my life so complicated i don't understand why it has to be but it seems like it's something that my life is like. I reached the front door and opened it fast knowing my mom was just around the corner so i went upstairs towards my bedroom and locked the door. I gathered my Cookie monster pj's and underwear and headed towards the small bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and went on the shower, i had just turned on the water when i heard the front door open.


Chapter 5

Jason's POV

If i hadn't known better i would have said this town was the dump. I don't know why i was sent here to work when it surely didn't seem to be any Royals here. Instead all i found were humans, none that fit the the personality or image of a Royal. Well, guess i'll have to wait and have some fun for awhile if i was sent here. Turning around looking around outside of my car, i saw kids walking down the sidewalk and just being teenagers. I laughed at the thought of being a teenager, having to fit in to find the one of the prophecy. Scowling at the thoght, i decided to walk around untill i found a hotel to stay in for at least 1 week, even though i doubt i'll find anything. The said prophecy girl is supposed to lead us all vampires, become our queen, my mate, and rule us untill our last dying breath. But she is supposed to be so powerful that not even i, one of the most powerful vampire to ever live, could stop her. She will stop all the evil forces even demons, and rule against them, but as i said i doubt i'll find her. The thought of not finding her, just made me get angry and turn my whole person on range. Elongating my fangs and my eyes turning so dark, that you would think they were endless tunnels. I quickly composed myself not wanting to reveal the indentity of vampires which is one of the most important rules to ever exist. Every creature of the dark or light knows not to let our secret of our existence out, if it is to be let out we would have to send in retrievers who are like our cleaners, to come and erase the memory of us existing, and controling any damage that was done. But the consequence of this happening would be death, even if we are technically dead they take our entire soul and destroy it. Walking through the main doors of the hotel, i noticed that this also looked old and ancient but not too ancient, the secretary was a women of maybe 25 years old, having a curvy body in the right places. Her uniform was a beige and ugly dress, that showed some of her curves and was a v neck that showed too much of her breasts. Hmm maybe i can bang her some time, just to see what she knows about this dump and maybe for some fun too.



Chapter 6

Back to violets POV.....

After taking that awesome and relaxing shower, i changed into my pj's and layed on my bed. Never had i experienced such a tiring day. I will say, it was weird and just had some dramatic crap in it but then again it comes with being in high school. I rolled over and reaching towards my old laptop and opened it, turning the light's off i got back on the bed and turned the computer on. The screen lit up and the homepage starred back at me, so i typed in the search box youtube.com, wanting to listen to music you know it's boring not having to do much. I had finished my homework so i couldn't do that, i had already visited red so that's also out, maybe i can sneak off towards my favorite place in the forest? Yea that seems like a good idea, i closed the website, and turned off the computer. I got my sneakers and put them on then went to my closet to look for a hoodie, when i found a black worn out one i walked towards my bedroom door and opened it trying not to make a sound as i walked down the hallway. Walking down the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible cause you know i don't want to wake up my parent's they can be soo bitchy when i make a small error, and let me tell you they are over dramatic. Reaching the back door as quickly as possible while trying to be as quiet as a mouse i opened it and slid outside. I ran down the porch and out into the woods were i knew i had to go, for some reason which i find weird. My legs ran i couldn't exactly control them which was freaking me out, i ran and ran untill i stopped at a clearing. I stood in the middle of some circle, there was no grass here but just plain dirt, not a twig in sight. I felt scared, not to to be a whimp but it was dark and there was barely any light coming from the moon. That's when i heard it, a steady thump that resounded against the grass, i barely had any time to react when i was knocked down into the ground. The air was sucked out of my lungs, barely being able to breath i looked up and noticed that i was looking into two glowing orbs. They were eyes, a pale blue, literaly, they were almost white. The pupil was dialated, i started getting even more panicked, if that's even possible, and i guess i started hyperventilating. " Just breath" a voice said after like 5 secounds of silence, while i was still trying to breath. That's all it took to make me come to my senses and i noticed i was overly warm, i looked up and saw the same pale blue eyes looking at me with a caring gaze but i was quickly wiped away when it noticed me looking, in it's place their was annoyed look. I started staring at him noticing that those awesome yet beautiful eyes were connected to a pretty sexy face. His high cheek-bones defined his face, Long lashes that would make any girl jealous, and his hair was........white. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before i opened them again and looked at him, i blinked like twice. I probably looked stupid but it just was weird, i've never seen a guy with white hair not even a girl. I sort of then understood that he was sort of on top of me, my slow mind was just recognizing that. This is just awesome i thought, the guy must think i'm the most retarded person to ever live. I moved my hands, when i had my hands in the center of his chest i pushed upwards, trying to push him off me. Instead of meeting with a warm body, my hands met with air. What the he- i was cut off by a tugging in my hand."you humans are slow" the voice said, this time i knew it was the guy. I gazed at his hand that was beckoning me to hold on so i could get up.

Chapter 7

"Look, i don't know what the hell your

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