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Book online «It's Your Baby by Belén Domínguez (any book recommendations txt) 📖». Author Belén Domínguez

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Chapter 03 - That Jerk

“Are you sure you might be pregnant?” Dani asked. I sat at the edge of my bed and let go of a heavy sigh. I stared at the ceiling and then back at her. She crossed her arms across her chest and looked at me expectantly. I nodded slowly and then covered my face with both of my hands, on the verge of tears.


“Hey, Gwen, listen to me. . .Don't jump into conclusions yet until we're 100% sure. Just, take the Pregnancy Test. I'll go with you to get it”


“This is bad. . .What if I am pregnant? Then, what do I do?” I asked and a tear rolled down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly, trying my best not to break down at this moment. That would be the last thing I need.


"Then I'll be with you, because that's what besties do. . ." she said and grabbed my hand, then sat beside me on the bed. “Did Finn, you know. . .Used protection?” she asked whispering the last part.


“I don't know. . .” I said. I felt so stupid, so lost, I tried to remember every single detail of that night—even though I didn’t want to, of course—Dani shushed me and then made me place my head on her legs, she started caressing my hair, soothing me.


“That's what frustrates me the most. . .I didn't know what I was thinking when I hooked up with him” more tears rolled down my cheeks. “I am such an idiot!”


"Stop it, Gwen, you're not an idiot. . .This is not your fault. Now, I'll go get a test. Stay here, everything will be fine" she said. I sat up straight and laid with my fluffy pillows, hugging them tightly.


“And what if not? What if nothing is fine?” I asked, my lip trembling.


“Then how I said. . .I'll be there for you”


• • •


“Here you go,” Dani said as she handed me a box with the pregnancy test inside. I took a long breath and with my shaky hand, grabbed it.


“Gwen, it's okay. . .Take a deep breath and remember that I'm here,” she said. I did as she told me and closed my eyes for a second. I nodded and then entered the bathroom. I did what the box told me and then washed my hands. It was so weird to take that test, so uncomfortable. I got out of the bathroom and shook it a little.


“Now what?” I asked.


“We have to wait for a minute” Dani read the instructions and sat on my bed while I paced back and forth impatiently. I never thought a minute could be so eternal. I swear I've never been so nervous in my entire life. My heart is racing so much and my hands are sweaty.


“It's time” Dani informed me after what seemed like forever.


I grabbed the stick tightly, but couldn't flip it over to see the results, I was frozen on my spot. Dani noticed this and hugged me. “You can do it” she whispered in my ear. I nodded slowly and finally, flipped it over.


“Oh, my God,” I said covering my mouth with my free hand. One tear rolled down my cheek and I fell to the ground. I couldn’t believe it; this can't be happening. “It's positive” I informed and dropped the stick beside me. I couldn't move, I couldn't stand. . .Nothing. Dani kneeled in front of me and hugged me. I rested my head on her chest and cried even more. She rubbed my arm up and down, trying to shush me. I shook my head repeatedly, still not believing the results.


“This is my fault,” I said.


“No, is not. . .Is his fault. He should've used protection”


“But I was the one that had to make sure he was using it. I was just so drunk and-and. . .I wanted to let go for a night. This is all my fault, and I don't know what to do, I just—” I couldn't finish that sentence, I was breathing heavily.


“Shh. Stop beating up yourself, Gwen, I'm here. . .You’re not alone”


• • •


“How are you feeling?” Dani asked while handing me a cup of hot chocolate. I shrugged, wiped the dry tear on my face, and then took a sip from the warm liquid. I stared at my walls, full of posters of my favorite bands and movies. One corner full of pictures of my family, so happy. I wanted to cry all over again cause of what I've done, and how dead I'm going to be once they find out. What is my brother going to think?


“I can't believe there's a baby growing inside of me,” I said forcing a smile. I have to put myself together. I can’t just break and show weakness after this. I need to be strong—or to pretend, at least.


“I can't believe is from Finn, I mean. . .He's such a jerk. While you're here, crying, he might be out there partying or going on tours. That bastard” Dani huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. I chuckled at her comment and then met her gaze. She had a reassuring smile on her face, a smile that always makes me feel better, no matter what.


“Thanks,” I said and put the cup on my nightstand.


“For what?” she asked.


“For being here. . .With me” I replied.


She hugged me tightly. “I will always be there for you, G. You're my best friend, remember?”


“I know” I replied honestly.

Chapter 04 - Defensive Big Brother

“Are you going to tell him?” Dani asked.


“Tell who?” I played the fool, I knew perfectly who she was referring to.


“Gwen, who do you think? The father of the baby” she said and sat with me on the bed.


“I don't even know where he is, or how to reach him. . .Is obvious he doesn't care about me, he only wanted to hook up, and so there I was. . .I don't even want him near this baby. I want him out of my life”


“He needs to know, G. He has the right”


“Please, don't. . .I just want to stop talking about him. . .” I said and covered my face with both of my hands. Dani let go a sigh and rubbed at my back soothingly.


“Hey. . .Let's go clear our heads. Go to Starbucks, or to the mall, perhaps catch a movie? It will be good for you; you know?”


“I'm not really in the mood for that,” I said and tilt my head sideways to get a better look at her.


“C'mon G. Just you and me, you can't spend the afternoon like this”


“I just figured out I'm having a baby, Dan,” I said, goosebumps running through my body with only saying that word.


“I'm sorry. . .I'm just trying to help”


“I know” I sighed. “Fine, fine, you win. . .” I said and stood up. She smiled and got out of bed as well. She grabbed my hand and dragged me to her car.


“We will go to Starbucks and then we can hang out in the mall. . .If that's good to you” Dani offered. I nodded as an answer and then turned the radio all the way up, the sound of Selena's new song filled the background. I stared outside my window. It was a sunny day here in L.A., the cars passing by, people walking, and the birds flying. Everyone with somewhere to go, with their own lives. We all have a story, something going on that the person walking by you doesn't know.


Perhaps that man with a suit got a promotion, or that woman is going home to greet her husband and kids, that group of teenagers going to shop. Me? I'm having a baby. . .That's what's going on with my life.


Finn’s P.O.V


“I'm starving, bro” one of my best friends, Jacob, commented while putting on his black vans. “Let's go find something to eat”


“There's a Starbucks just around the block. We can go eat there and then we can go to that meeting we have later today” said Jacob while putting on deodorant.


“Another meeting? God, this sucks” I groaned and buried my face in the pillow.


Jacob chuckled. "How's Clara?" he asked. I looked up and saw him grinning.


I shrugged. "We're good, I'll text her to see if she wants to come to eat with us"


“Cool,” Cameron said and put on one of the shirts that are being sold like merchandise. I send him a smirk and he laughed.


"I'm promoting my merchandise, Harries. You should do the same" he said and threw me a pillow.


"Whatever," I said and started texting Clara.


Gwen's P.O.V


We got out of the car and walked inside Starbucks. The smell of cinnamon and coffee soon hit my nostrils, and I couldn't help but sigh at just that simple smell. I felt slightly better, but that doesn't mean I forgot any of the new things I discovered. I will become a mom. Just thinking about it, my heart keeps beating at a rapid pace. Goosebumps running down my spine.  But just like Dani said, I need to clear my head. And what better than to stuff my face with a warm muffin and drink a sweet Frappuccino?


While we were ordering, I looked at my surroundings. The sound of people talking filled the room. When my Frappuccino was ready, I informed Dani that I would go look for a table for us to sit while she waits for her order to be ready. She nodded and I turned around to find a place that wasn’t already taken. I clumsily bumped with someone when I turned around, and it made my drink fall to the ground. I let go a heavy sigh and then kneeled down to pick up my now empty cup.


“I'm very sorry” I heard a deep voice. I didn't move, I was frozen on my spot. I tightly grabbed the cup in my hands, remembering the last time I heard that voice.


“Finn,” I said and stood up. Face to face with the boy I hooked up with last month, the father of the baby that is now growing inside of me.


“Gwen? God, long time no see” he smiled. I threw the cup away and then crossed my arms across my chest.


“Yeah, well, whatever” I shrugged.


“How you've been?” he asked and scratched the back of his head.


"Like you even care?" I said a little too harshly. But what would you expect? He got what he wanted, he never called even though I left him a note with my phone number, he got me pregnant. I have the right to be angry at him.


“I do care. . .After our night together” he winked and took

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