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Book online «It's Your Baby by Belén Domínguez (any book recommendations txt) 📖». Author Belén Domínguez

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doing absolutely nothing. We didn't have to do much to actually have fun. I started thinking of when we first met, still not believing that it would end to this. Pregnant and somehow in. . .Love. God, I am crazy. This can't be love, can it? It's impossible that I have this mixed emotions with a guy that I should despise. I don't know what is happening to me, why do I feel like this?. . .


I wish I could explain it, but sometimes. . .There are no explanations.


Finn's P.O.V


@Finnisminebetch: FINN!! What is this fucking picture!? Why are you with a pregnant girl? Are you a dad?


@ms_Mendes: OMFG Finn, you're a dad? Damn, guess we came late girls.


@oldmemories_: Who is that skank that is with you, huh? What the actual fuck Finn.


@Finn_forlife: Should we call you daddy now? Lol. I didn't know that you would become a dad already! They grow up so fast lol #DaddyFinn.


Tweet after tweet. . .Each one with a picture of me and Gwen. I can't believe this! A fan must have taken it when we were in public. They can't know I got a girl pregnant, that would ruin everything. I know they wouldn't understand if I told them. They would hate me and Gwen—specially her. But she couldn't know, she won't figure it out.




I glanced beside me. Gwen was sleeping, resting her head on my shoulder. I quickly started typing a reply.


@FinnHarries: Girls, chill out, I DIDN'T get her pregnant. She's JUST a friend, alright? We are NOT dating and never will. Just calm down. Expect new video next week ;)


Hurtful? Yeah.


Idiotic? Of course.


But I had to. If not, my career will be ruined. Everything on which I've been working on will go down the drain.


They have to see me as a 'hot' person, absolutely single. I hate that it has to be that way, but that's what they recommended me. I took a strand of hair out of Gwen's face. Damn it, I'm so stupid. I don't even deserve her. Not only did I got her pregnant, but she actually forgave me for being such an asshole. . .


But it's better if people don't think we're dating. It's just better that way. . .

Chapter 39 - Prom Dates



That period of time where girls try to find their perfect someone, the perfect dress, the hair and the make-up. And the boys? Trying to get laid; or that's what Dani told me. The school full of posters, announcing that Prom is on it's way. . .


I opened my locker door, and fished out my books for first and second period. Once I took them out, my door closed abruptly. There stood Dani, with an excited look on her face.


“Let me guess: Faking it released a new season?” I rolled my eyes. Ask her anything about that TV show, she'll answer you with every single detail.



“No, sadly they didn't. . .But that's not why I'm excited”


“Then what is it?” I asked.


“I got a date for Prom!” she squealed. “AND, I get to be in the Prom's Committee. So, I can choose what is happening in that dance. I can choose the theme, the decoration. Every. Single. Fucking. Thing!” she screamed, earning multiple looks from everybody.


“Alright, calm down—”


“I can't Gwen, I can't! I've been dreaming with this moment since like. . .Forever”


“I get it Dan, but if you don't stop screaming they will think you're crazy. Remember that time we were visiting your Grandmother in the Hospital and then you started screaming because you figured out who was A on Pretty Little Liars? You started screaming and then some Paramedics tried to calm you down, in the edge of actually using drugs to make you sleep?”


Her smile faded. “How am I going to forget it if you're always bringing it up?”


I laughed and we started walking to our next class. “Anyway, what are you going to wear? I'm thinking in using my red strapless dress, the one with the silver belt. That dress is just perfection!” she said and we sat down on our usual spots.


“I'm not going” I said, forgetting that that is something that you should never tell Dani, skipping Prom is like telling her the ending of what happens on the Season Finale of Under the Dome. It doesn't end well. . .


She gasped loudly. “You're kidding, right? Please tell me for God's sakes that you're fucking joking. Because I'm this close to jumping from a tenth floor”


“Talking about Drama Queens” I chuckled.


“You can't skip Prom, Gwen, I won't allow it” she shook her head, balling her fists. “We've been dreaming about this moment since we were little kids. Don't you remember that time when we would stare at the ceiling while picturing our perfect dates, the perfect dress, everything?”


“Yeah, well, when I was a kid I wasn't expecting in getting pregnant. And here I am, with a belly that keeps getting bigger”


“That's no reason for not going. . .Come on G. It's freaking Prom. One day when we grow up, don't you want to have this as a memory. So you're pregnant, and? You know how many girls have gone through this?”




“It's going to be so much fun, I promise” she said, smiling reassuringly.


I let go a heavy sigh. “I don't even know what to wear”


“I'll help you look”


“I don't know what I will do with my hair and my make-up”


“I'll take care of that too, G.”


“I don't even have a date. . .”


“I can't believe I am saying this, and most likely I will clean off my mouth with soap and water later, but. . .You can go with Finn. I'm sure he would love to go with you”


“Fine” I said.


“Come on, you have to go—wait, did you just say fine?” she asked, eyes widened. I nodded, which made her squeal and hug me tightly. “Yes! Thank God you're going. Because this is a moment I want to share with you”


“Aww, look at this both skanks in their natural habitats” Meredith said while putting her hands on her hips. Dani let go a heavy sigh, glaring at the witch with extensions.


“Are you really that bored with your life that you have to get into everyone' s business?” she asked.


With a huff. She replied. “I just love annoying you, Danielle”


“Don't call me that, bitch”


“Aww, she doesn't like it when people call her Danielle. It drives you crazy, doesn’t it? Why don't you tell to your baby mommy over here to sing you a lullaby?” she said turning to me. “How's the father, huh? Did he realized the mistake he did when sleeping with you? Did he leave you already? I bet he did" she laughed along with her other friends.


“Isn't that what your father did? I actually feel glad that he was smart enough to have abandoned you. You know, knowing you would become a pain in the ass” Dani asked. Meredith's jaw clenched and then snapped her fingers. Her minions appeared beside her.


“Let's go girls, let's not waste our time with this pair of worthless pieces of shit”


“Yeah, leave and go fuck the team of Basketball too” Dani said. With a growl, Meredith stomped her way to the back of the class. I high fived her, smiling gratefully.


“As always, you're always to the rescue” I said.


“Hey, what are best friends for?” she asked, putting her hand over mine. After the second bell rang, class started. The whole day went on normally. Divas everywhere, ignorant jocks picking on the geeks, grumpy teachers. You know, the usual. Lunch arrived, and as always, my stomach growled at the thought of food.


“Hey there, stranger” I heard Austin from behind me. I turned around and greeted him with a smile. “So, do you have a date for Prom?” he asked.


“Let me guess: Are you inviting me?”


“No, no, I understood that I was punished and send directly to the Friendzone” he said laughing. “I came here to tell you I got a date”


“And you're telling me this so I feel jealousy?”


“Can you at least pretend you're jealous?” he asked making puppy eyes. I giggled and cleared my throat. I made my best angry eyes, and faked having a pout on my face.


“How is it possible that you replaced me so fast, am I not good enough!?” I asked. He chuckled and stared at me with amuse across his face. But, quickly composed himself and followed the joke.


“Is not me, babe, is definitely you” he said giving my shoulders a gentle squeeze. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I nudged at his shoulder playfully and laughed at his words.


“You sure know what to tell a girl” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms across my chest. He nodded and casually put his hands inside his jean pockets.


“I am indeed very charming” he said, nodding. “Anyway, is a girl from our class”


“Who?” I asked.


“Veronica” he replied simply. I smiled widely. She's so sweet and gorgeous looking. I remember this one time, she went to visit the elders, and gave each one a flower. She's amazing and with a kind heart.


“I'm so happy for you!” I said, clapping a little. After that, the day passed by very quickly, which I was so grateful for. Teachers, of course, giving me some disappointed looks, and don't get me started with my classmates. But you know what? I don't care. I have to stop caring for what people think and start thinking about me. I just stopped caring, and I feel much better ever since. . .

Chapter 40 - The Right thing to Do

|Three Weeks Later|

I hate my life.


I already saw on Reality TV Shows like for example: 16 & Pregnant, that being pregnant and at the same time being a baby yourself, is hard. . .Truly hard. I'm puking, eating like a pig, mood swings. Damn it, moms are actually heroes if they went through this and actually survived.


“Sweetie, are you alright?” my mom asked from the other side of the door. I flushed the toilet and then washed my face, the fresh liquid somehow refreshing me. I opened the door and offered my obviously concerned mother, a reassuring smile.


“I'm fine, surprisingly” I said and went to my room, my mom following me from behind.


“Do you need anything?” she asked. I shook my head, and sat at the edge of my bed. I stared down at my stomach, it had grown so much I can't believe it. I shook my head no at my mom. She smiled and sat beside me.


“I know you're going

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