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Book online «It's Your Baby by Belén Domínguez (any book recommendations txt) 📖». Author Belén Domínguez

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out? Does she hate me? Am I dead to her? I stared at the phone like if my life depended on it, I started thinking of why she's not answering.


“Come on, Gwen, please answer me” I mumbled.


I was about to give up, when my phone buzzed. Her name popped up and relief washed over me.




Hey handsome, what's up?


I sighed in relief.




Not much, missing you :)




Awww, you're so sweet, I miss you too <3


Yeah, I'm an asshole. . .




Guess what!? I bought a Prom dress!




Really? That's so cool babe, I'm excited to see you in it. I bet you will look gorgeous as always.


I smiled, and placed my phone on top of the coffee table. I closed my eyes, and started thinking of that beautiful blue eyed girl who can't see that I am a douchebag.


Gwen's P.O.V


I sighed happily, picturing Finn and I, both going to my Prom together. He would give me a corsage, and tell me how beautiful I look. We would walk inside the party hand in hand. . .Those blue eyes that get me weak will stare at me with my gorgeous dress, and he will kiss me like if his life depended on it. God, I can't wait for that night to happen.


I stared at my reflection on the full-length mirror, my stomach so grown up. . .It hurts a little but I tried to hold it. I can't believe how many months have gone by. How in not so much, this baby, the little person that started it all, will finally come out of me and look at the world. I hear a knock on my door, my mom stood there.


“Hello sweetie” she greeted me.


“Hey, mom, what's up?”


“I was just wondering how you were holding up, and-and if you needed anything? Do you want a sandwich or something?”


I chuckled, "No, mom, I'm fine, really. . ."


“I just want to do something for you, I feel so useless” she folded her arms and leaned in the door frame.


“Don't say that, please, you are not useless at all” I turned around and started walking towards her. “Mom, I don't want you to ever feel that. . .”


“Is just that you're going through this, and there's nothing that I can do to stop it, it is happening and you will have to go through labor in not so much. . .Sweetie, I'm so worried about this baby just as much as you are, but the reason that I am like this is because my own baby is giving birth to another one”


“Everything will turn out fine, mom, I promise” I reassured her. She smiled and hugged me tightly. I love spending this time with her, with all the work she has to do, I don't remember the last time she ever hugged me like this. It feels. . .Nice and comforting.


“I'm going out” I informed her while pulling away. She nodded and placed a sweet kiss on top of my head.


“If you need whatever, anything. . .You can always count on me. Your father and I will understand and support you through everything, so will your brother” she reassured me.


“I know; you've been showing me that since the first time you heard the news. Thanks, mom” I said and hugged her once more, I'm so lucky to have such an understanding family. She turned on her heels and left, I stayed a little bit longer, staring at nothing in particular, just being thoughtful. I need to look through my choices, and I can't do it alone--but at the same time, I can't just go on and tell Finn about an adoption, although that could solve so many things. I shouldn't have to worry about taking care of a baby, while I'm still one. . .These months have been so tough and hard for me. I cried, I've been hurt, I loved, I felt things I wouldn't have felt before. . .This sure have been such an emotional roller coaster.


I let go a heavy sigh and stood up from my bed. I grabbed my purse from one of my hangers and head out the door. I instinctively caressed my growing stomach, drawing circles in it. I hope he/she can know that is not their fault and that I actually care too much for this person. I'm just growing too attach to it, and he/she didn't even saw the world yet, this baby hasn’t even opened his/her eyes and I just feel such connection. Is this what it feels like to be a mom? 


I opened the front door and inhale the fresh air. It was kind if windy today. I checked my phone just in case I received any messages, but I didn't. So I just start walking, where? Anywhere. . .The simple fact that I get out of the house is enough to make me have a smile on my face. I don't want this baby to make me feel embarrassed of myself. What is done is done, and I deserve some fresh air. It feels so good. I saw a Starbucks so I decided to stop by.


The girl on the register smiled sweetly at me, she seemed of 20. I ordered a Pumpkin Spice latte and then sat down on one of the tables. It seemed eternal, but I didn't care, I enjoyed sipping on it, staring at my surroundings. It was so calmed here, so peaceful. I closed my eyes briefly and started thinking: Should I put the baby in adoption? Should I keep it? I'm still in High School, this is too much responsibility. I sipped at my coffee again, trying to put those thoughts to the back of my head, but they would crawl back in. It was inevitable to stop thinking about it.

After a while, when I finished, I threw my stuff in the trash can and walked outside.


I started walking down the street, trying to think of something nice, anything actually. My family, this baby, Finn. . .I smiled, just the thought of him made me happy, which is kind of ironic if you think about it. Months ago, I couldn't even see his face without wanting to punch him. Now, is like I need him. His cute texts, his warm hugs, the special things he does when we go out, his addicting kisses. When he smiles when we're together, my world is being blown away.


I sighed happily, he makes me happy.


From a distance, something caught my attention. Curiously, I started walking towards this establishment. Through the window, I saw plenty of women lying on the floor, with men holding them. The sign said: “Pregnancy labors training. Be ready for your special day!”


I walked inside, making a little bell on top of the door ring. A woman wrong dirty blonde hair, and yoga clothes, stood up and offered a sweet smile.


“Well, hello there!” she said excitingly, rushing towards me. "Are you here for a free lesson?" she asked.


“I-I was just curious, you know” I said, putting a strand of hair behind my ear.


“Come on, here we will teach you what to do when the time comes”




“Now, where's the father?” she asked.


“I'll call him. Though I hope he doesn't get scared for all this” I said jokingly. I truly hope he comes.


“Perfect! Now, if you excuse me, I'll keep going with these people. Whenever you're ready, bring a mat from the shelf and join us”


I nodded and took out my phone.




Hey, can you make me a favor?


He replied almost instantly, how sweet!




Anything for you, babe :)


I send him the address of this building and practically begged him to come without asking any further questions. I truly want to know if he would do something like this for me. Besides, I want to be prepared to know what I have to do for when the day comes.


I sat at one of the benches, waiting, when suddenly, I heard the little bell ring. I looked up hopeful, thinking it was Finn. But it wasn't, it was Austin.


I stood up and walked towards him. “Hey” I smiled as he came closer to me.


“Hey, Gwen”


“What are you doing here?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.


“I was passing by and saw you through the mirror. What are you doing here?”


“Well, I thought I should be prepared for when I have to give birth”


“Without a partner?” he asked.


“Well, I was waiting for someone, the father actually”


“If you want, I can help you while you wait”


“That's very sweet, but you might have a lot of important stuff to do, I don't want to slow you down or anything”

He took out his phone and stared at it thoughtfully. “Well, Gwen, you're in luck, because I have absolutely no place to go”


“Are you sure?” I asked.


“100%. Now, let's go grab your mat”


I nodded and walked to a spot free of those women doing weird noises. Austin brought a blue mat and placed it in the ground, then we heard the woman in charge give directions.


“Okay, people!” she started, clapping her hands, making everyone bring their attention towards her. "Now, when you are in labor, what you should do is being calmed. Breath in and out, so grab your partner's hand and squeeze it hard, calming your breath” she instructed.


“This is weird” I commented, earning a chuckle from Austin. He grabbed my hand and I squeezed his gently. I closed my eyes and tried to go to my happy place; which consists of a beautiful beach and books to read.


“Are you calmed?” Austin whispered in my ear. I nodded slowly. I felt him kissing the top of my head, which felt so soothing and helped me relax even more.


“Try your best to console your partner through this situation. Come on guys, she is literally squeezing a watermelon down there” the instructor said, which made us all laugh. Auditing started soothing rubbing my back, then caressed my shoulders, his hand was warm and soft.


“Excuse me. Am I interrupting something?”


I opened my eyes abruptly, just to see Finn standing there. Arms crossed, a not so very happy expression plastered on his face.


“H-hey F-Finn! What's up?”


“This was your favor? Making me come here so I can see how Justin touches you?” damn he sounded angry.

“My name is actually Austin—”


“I don't care, dude” Finn cut him off. I pulled away from Austin and walked towards Finn.


“I was actually waiting for you so we can do this together. Then Austin appeared and offered to help me while I waited for you” I explained.


“You really wanted me to do this with me?” he asked, smiling slightly.


I nodded, “Of course, Finn. You're the father after all”


“Wait.” Austin started with widened eyes. “Finn freaking Harries is the father of your baby!?”


“Yeah, yeah, you can fan girl later” Finn replied coldly which made me look at him warningly. He let go a heavy sigh and then scratched the back of his head.


“Do you still want me to help you?” he asked, hope in his mesmerizing blue eyes.


“That would make me so happy” I said truthfully.


“I'll-I’ll see you at school, Gwen” Austin said aiming to give me hug, but Nash stood on his way.


“You seem like a nice guy, but that doesn't mean you can touch her” he said. Austin chuckled, of course Finn didn't threatened him, he must idolize him all the time notice his jealousy.


“Understood” he raised his hands up in defeat. “We are just friends and I swear I wouldn't try anything with her”

“Good, now get out” he said, now with a joking tone. Austin did a military salute and sent me one last smile, then turned on his heels and left. Now it was just Finn and I.


“Shall we?” he asked, holding his hand for me to grab it. I smiled and took it.


“We shall”


And that's how we spend the rest of the afternoon, learning about how will be the day that this little person that started it all, will come out and see the world with his/her little eyes.



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