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Book online «Hidden by Alexis Wadden (early reader books txt) 📖». Author Alexis Wadden

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and his finger retreats back to my side.

"Did I hurt you?" He asks, looking into my eyes. "I didn't mean to do that... Well, I did but it kind of just, happened..."

"No no, it's okay. It's just, Derrick, I'm not ready for that. But actually, it felt amazing. Wait a little longer. I'm sorry, but, just wait. Please."

 "Okay." He says, kissing me and taking me off his lap. "Ready for lunch?" He puts the car in gear, and off we drive to where ever we're going. But as he drives, I see a pained look in his face.

"Derrick..." I say in a somewhat sad but comforting voice. "What's wrong?"


Chapter 8

We arive at Tenara coffee in a slient ride. He gets out of the car, but doesn't bother opening my door for me. He doesn't bother holding the door open for me as we walk in. He doesn't pull out the chair for me. What have I done?

"Derrick, I know I pissed you off, and I'm so sorry. I just, I noticed you were upset. I got worried. I'm really sorry I didn't realize why you were upset, until you told me. Baby," I take his hand, grabbing his attention from the menu. "It's not that I don't love you. I really do. But, I'm not very good at showing it and to be completely honest, I'm terrified of getting hurt by jumping into a relationship."

"But we've known each other for 8 years!" He slams his fist on the table. I'm pained by this. He sees my face as I try to look at the menu and hide my pure hatred for myself. "Lill, I'm sorry... I just, I've wanted to be with you for a long time now, and when I thought I had you, I took advantage of that." He looks down, shamed.

I want to jump over the table and wrap my arms around him and tell him I love him and that's it's going to be okay. I want to kiss him. I want him to be my boyfriend. I want him to be in my bed. I want him to love me. But mostly, I want him to want me.

"Derrick. I love you. I wanted too, but I excepted God. I can't have sex, but oh god, do I want too. Only with you, though." I kiss his cheek, and hold his hand.

"Lilly, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, looking deep into my my eyes.

"Well...... Yes!" I say. He jumps up and wraps his arms around me and twirls me around the room.

"Lilly, I love you!" People are now looking at us, but we don't mind, I'm in his arms, and he's in mine. Everything is perfect....

We order our food, and eat holding hands. He gives me loving looks and smiles every few minutes, and I giggle and smile in return. When we are finished with our food, we walk out of the resuraunt hand in hand.

He opens my door and buckles me seat belt for me, sneaking a kiss as he passes by. I kiss him back, but hold him for a little longer than he had expected. I can tell by his reaction, he wasn't expecting me to do that. But I don't care. I'm so happy and I'm finally ready to tell him and the world that I, Lilly Jane Traling, love Derrick Frace.

He gets into the car, and starts it. He presses the gas pedal, making his car sound big and bad; but we all know it's not. He looks at me and nerdally winks. I laugh so hard I almost snort. He's so adorkable. I love him. I really do.

"So Lilly, you happy?" He puts his arm around my neck.

"Very. I'm truly happy! I love you, Derrick!"

"Haha. I love you too, baby girl." He takes his eyes off the road for a second, and kisses my cheek as fast as he could. Then he gets his eyes back on the road.

"I love you too, baby girl."

We gets to my house and he walks me in. At my door step, I feel as if it was really our 1st date. He kisses my cheek.

"Good night, my lady. Until next time." He blows me a kiss.

"I love you too, baby girl."

Those words would ring through my mind until we got to school Monday.......



Chapter 9

Walking to school, I can't get him off my mind. Have I ever been able to since he kissed me? Nope... And honestly, I don't know if I ever will or ever even want too.

I'm at my locker and someones covers my eyes with one hand.

"Who am I?" I hear a male's voice; Derrick's voice.

"Um, Justin Bieber?" I say.

"Close. But no cigar. It's me, baby." My eyesight returns, and I turn to see Derrick, holding roses.  "For you, my love."

I blush and take the roses. I smell them. They smell like magic. I've gotten roses before, but that was from either mom or Justin. But I've never gotten roses from someone whom I actually love and want to marry.

"Thank you.." I say with tears in my eyes. He lifts my chin up, kissing my nose.

"What's wrong baby?" He pulls me into his arms.

"Nothing. It's just, I've never felt this way before.... And it feels nice...."

We walk to class, arms around each other's waist. People look at us, disgusted. But do we care? No! We are in love, and there is nothing that can take my mind off of him.

We walk into class and go to Jade and Bryce.

"Whoa! Are you two a thing now?" Bryce says.

"Yep." Derrick says before kissing my cheek.

"I knew this would happen at some point. Just didn't know when." Bryce sighs.

"Bryce is just mad because he likes you, Lilly." Jade rolls her eyes. I know that she secretly likes Bryce. It pains me to see her gawking at him, but Bryce gawking at me.

We sit, and the bell rings. Class has begun.

We are watching a video for science, and a note gets put on my desk.

"Lilly, I love you. I always have. You mean more to me than I mean to myself. You are my everything, Lilly.... Always know that. Sincerly. Derrick."


Chapter 10

He's perfect.. He's everything I've ever wanted.. He will never hurt me...

I walk into my bed room and drop my bag on the floor. I jump on my bed, grab my phone, and call Derrick.

Answer.. Answer... ANSWER!!!

"Hey baby." He answers. Thank God.

"Hey love. Want to come over?" I ask.

"Um, yeah sure." Yessssssssss I'm thinking.

"No one is home, so I'm lonely. And I want to be with you."

"I'm coming. I'll be there soon." He hangs up in a hurry.

Finally, he gets to my house. He knocks, and I open the door, jumping on him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, and kiss him. He walks into the house, and slams the door closed. I get off him, and pull him to the couch. I lay down, and he is now on top of me. He is kissing me, passionately, hard, and genuinly. His hands start tracing my body frame, like he's sculpting a replica of me.

"Can I?" He asks. I knod.

He moves his hands from my hips, down to my sweat pants. He gently unties them, amd pulls them down ever so slightly. He continues kissing me, and he puts his hand in my panties. He starts to rub, gently, then grows more and more intense. I moan, and this makes him go mad. He kisses me harder, and slides one finger in. I moan an exasperrated moan followed by a deep breath. He kisses my neck and goes in and out very slowly.

"Derrick!" I say, suddenly realizing what we are doing.

"What?" He says, still kissing my neck.

"Stop! Now!" I push him off. He looks at me like he thinks he did something wrong.

"What did I do?" He says, taking my hand in his.

"Better question is: What did I do?! Derrick, I can't do that!"

He looks at me, with begging eyes. I can't resist his eyes; sparkling blue. Innocent blue. Baby blue. Blue.

"Derrick, I made a promise to God. And, although I want to break it, I can't. I think it's time you should go. It was a bad idea for me to invite you over. I'm sorry. I'll see you tomorrow." I stand up, tying my pants again. I help him of the couch. We walk to the door.

"Can I atleast kiss you good night?" He opens the door.

"Yes." He pushes me against the wall, lifting me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. He kisses me, and I wrap my arms around his neck. We stand there, just like that, for what seemed an eternity. After awhile, he let me go. And then, he left.

"Good night, Derrick." I whisper as he gets into his car. I'm love struck.

Chapter 11- The Dream

"No, Derrick, Please, stop!" I scream. But he just keeps going. Harder and harder. I try to kick him and push him off, but

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