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her asleep.

speaking of, where was she?

I sat up and stretched, then stood up and walked out into the hallway. I realized the sun was coming up.

a plan started forming in my head.

I'd stayed the night at her house. no one was around to argue otherwise. I could lie, and say I'd slept with her. I'd get the grand, and she wouldn't be beleived if she argued.


I found her asleep in the living room, or so I thought. as soon as I approached her, her eyes fluttered open and she yawned, stretching.

" I thought you left." she said sleepily. I shook my head, sitting in the recliner across from her as hse sat up. she had a throw blanket on, and, by the way she was rubbing her neck, a crick.

" can I help?"I asked suddenly. she gave me a disbelieving look, and I smiled slightly.

" my sister used to work as a massagist. can I help?" she hesitated, then nodded. I stood up and went ot stand behind her, then started massaging her neck. she sighed, relaxed, after a few minutes, and I moved my hands from her neck to her shoulders.

" why didn't you go with your parents?" I asked quickly when she tried to protest. I could tell she didn't want to, but she relaxed furthur until her back was resting against my stomach.

" They didn't ask me to." She said simply. she rolled her head to the side and sighed again softly. I smiled, then kneeled down so her head was resting on my shoulder, me still massaging hers.

" Why didn't you ask them?" I asked, again inturupting her protest. she closed her eyes, and waited a long moment before answering.

" because I didn't want to go." she said softly. she didn't elaberate, so I let it go, relishing the fact she was letting me touch her without pulling away. I hesitated, then let my hands fall to her lower back, slide under her shirt, and start massaging there. she arced her back slightly, and her eyes flew open.

" better?" I asked, smiling. she pulled away, to my suprise.

" yes, thank you." she said, standing up and walking to the kitchen. soon I heard grease sizzling in a pan. I sighed, then got up and fallowed her.

" you can stay for breakfast, but I have to go to work before lunch, so I want you gone before I get out of the shower." I sat down, ignoring her.

" Where do you work?" I asked. she paused, then shot me a glance.

" I'm a cook at Granny Rains." I felt my eyes widen.

" my sister works there too. do you think you can drop me off so I can talk to her?" she sighed, setting a plate with sausage and bacon on it in front of me.

" I guess."


When we got to Granny Rains, I knew I was in trouble.

see, Granny, the owner, had a rule. you weren't supposed to bring guest to the resturant, exspecually of the other gender. and my hair was still wet from my shower. she hated that. on top of all that, I hadn't done laundry, so all I had left was tight ripped jeans and a Black tanktop to wear, going against her dressing code. so i wasn't suprised when she gave me a chewing as I stepped inside. what did suprise me was the punishment.

" girl, you need to learn. today the new girls taking your spot as cook, and your taking orders. got it?" I felt my jaw drop, but knew better than to protest. I miserably slid on an apron and

grabbed the pen and pad that she handed me.

did Diablo know that he sat in my section? I guess not, because he grinned when he saw me make my way towards him.

" I thought you were a cook." I rolled me eyes.

" I am. Your sisters taking my spot for today." he nodded.

" what do you want why you wait for her to have a break?" I asked, scribbling in the corner so I knew that the pen worked.

" I'd like to know what time to pick you up after work so I can take you somewhere." he said, grinning in that sly way that unnerved me. I shook me head, and Tried to ignore his comment.

" anything to drink? or eat?" he sighed.

" an RC, please." I turned and left, coming back a moment later with his drink in hand to find Freddy sitting with him. I plastered a smile on my face.

" anything to drink?" I asked him. he gave me a sly smile.

" sure. can I have an RC as well?" I turned and walked off, getting another one. Granny gave me a funny look when I went back to the same table, sat the drink down, and said

" anything to eat?" he studied me a long minute, then nodded.

" Granny's breakfast special." I wrote it down and went back to the counter , handing it to the girl I'd seen in the parking lot.

" I know you." she said, confused. I nodded.

" your brother goes to school with me." she nodded, then Gasped.

" your names Heaven, Isn't it?" I nodded, confused.

" I'd stay away from my brother." I nodded.

" yeah, I figured that out myself." she shook her head.

" no, really. do you know the senior class has a pool on who's sleeping with you first? my brothers determined to win." I felt my eyes widen, and my jaw go slack. Granny came up.

" Heaven, you ok?" I shook my head slowly, and Diablo's sister gave me an apologetic look.

" I don't think she's feeling good, Granny R. would you like me to take her home?" Granny agreed, and soon i was slipping the apron back off, and Diablo's sister led me outside to her car.

" I'll drop yours off tonight, alright? I'll have Jammie or someone help me, ok?" I nodded mutely, setting my forehead on her window.

a Pool. that was why he was acting the way he was. a freakin pool.


when my sister came back, minus Heaven, she stormed over to the booth I was now sitting at alone. Freddy had left to tell the other senior boys about my 'excperience'. she grabbed my arm, told the manager that she was taking break, and pulled me into the ally behind the resturant.

" what the fuck, sis!" I said, pulling away from her.

" your an ass, Diablo. Do you realize that Heaven Knows, now?" I growled.

" you didn't." she met my angry gaze evenly.

" she had a right to know. and then, coming in, I heard your Lie." I groaned.

" why?" she growled.

" because she's a good kid. you go to her house, and you apologize. Now." I gave her a disbeleiving look.

" do I need to call the parol officer we left behind? I'm sure he'd love to can you for this." I growled, but took the keys she was dangling in front of me.

when I got to Heavens house, I found her laying down in bed, in a room that smelt strongly of booze. at first I thought she was asleep, till she groaned

" what the hell do you want?" I laughed quietly when I realized what was wrong- she was drunk.

" why are you drunk?" she opened her eyes, glancing at a calandar.

" today was my brothers birthday. I forgot. punishment." she said in broken sentences. I sunk onto the bed next to her and watched her. she met my eyes for a moment, then closed them.

" I said I hated you earlier." I frowned, then realized she was talking about our conversation before I passed out on the couch.

" yes, You did." her eyes opened again, and I was suprised by the sadness in her eyes.

" I lied. I'd liked you, till I got to work today. now your a overily self-cofident jock, who's a jock, and a Dick. all in all, your an ass. I laughed again as she slurred her words, and another bright Idea popped into my head.

she was drunk.

" so, up till then, you liked me." I said, leaning closer to her. she gave me a weary look.

" yes." I leaned over her and rested our forheads together. I heard her breath quicken.

" you know, i could change your mind about that." I said sweetly, running a hand down and up her arm once, then let it rest next to her hip as I pulled back slightly.

" how so?" she asked sarcastically. I leaned closer again.

" LIke this." I breathed, then kissed her.

It was like I had a direct link ot where her taste came from. It didn't even taste like she'd been drinking. she tasted like the sun, and an undiscovered candy, and Heaven. she tasted Like Heaven.no comparison. after a second, she hesitantly kissed me back. I sunk my teeth into her bottom lip and relunctantly pulled back as she gasped. I let myself press against her, and started kissing her neck. suddenly I hit her sweet spot, and she shivered underneath me, which caused a chain reaction through me. before I realized what i was doing, her shirt was gone. I felt my eyes widen as I realized she'd changed into a tank top, and hadn't put a bra on.

" Di-" my lips found her's again, cutting her off, then pulled back. MY hands found her face.

" shhhh, Heaven. trust me." she bit her lip, then hestiantly lifted herself up and kissed me. I kissed back eagerly, only breaking it to remove my shirt as well.


When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was my head throbbing and how sore I was. The second thing I noticed was diablo's legs tangled in mine, and his arm wrapped around my middle. in a rush, the night before came flooding back, and I gasped, sitting up straight in bed. he shot up with me, apperently already awake. he fell back down onto the pillows, streaching emensly.

then he settled back on his elbows and studied me. he gave me a sad, almsot nervous smile.

" you hate me." he siad matter of factly. I grimaced.

" prettty much, Yeah." I said, going to stand up. he lurched foreward and pulled me back, making me gasp.

" let me go! NO-"

" Shhh, just talk to me. why do you hate me?" I felt my face go blank, and then I started strugling with him again. finally I succeeded and strode toward the bathroom. I'd pulled on a tanktop and my underwear afterwards, so I wasn't compleately naked. I opened the door, and he somehow slipped in before the door closed. all he had on was his boxers, and I emediately looked down.

" why do I even have to answer that?" I finally hissed after a minute of silence. he groaned, running his hands through his hair, then turning and hitting the sink.

" Damn, this is about the Damn Pool, isn't
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