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Book online «Heaven and Hell by Emily F. Walton (bookstand for reading txt) 📖». Author Emily F. Walton

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it." I felt my eyes flash.

" I Don't see how you could have thought anything different." I hissed again. he growled, then grabbed the tops of my arms and backed me up against my glass wall.

" I don't care what you think, I didn't do it for money." I growled back, and met his gaze. he flinched, but didn't look away.

" so, tell me, why did you do it, then?" a look of pure saddness crossed his face.

" your not going to believe me, but I don't know. Jus-"

" get out." his face went blank with suprise.

" what?"

" I said, Get. Out. NOW." he frowned, then sighed.

" if that's what you want." he said softly.

" it would make my day." my God. did I really say that? what monster had replaced me? I was acting like my sister, not like me. I went to say sorry, but he slammed the door, shaking hte whole wall behind me. I slowly sank to the floor, suprised. I heard my bedroom door slam and flinched. I sould have listened to him, but then again, I shouldn't have. all he did was make a thousand bucks. he didn't care.

I took a shower and laid down on my couch, too lazy to change my sheets, and tried to sleep again. instead, his sad, hurt look he'd been wearing before we'd slammed the door floated around my head for the rest of the night. finally, at around Midnight, I went downstairs. i was getting a drink, when I noticed a note on the kitchen counter.

call me when your ready to talk. anytime.




I ended up sleeping in my car that night, in her driveway, of all places. well, sleep wasn't the correct term. lay there and wish for sleep was more like it. but i was there when she turned the kitchen light on.

so I had a front row seat to see her cry.

she read my note, and for someodd reason, she burst into tears. I almsot got out and went back in when she turned the light off and fled back upstairs. I groaned, laying back down. I'd laid down in the backseat, and I started thinking.

I didn't do it for the money. I swear. I hadn't really thought about it when it happened. I just... wanted to taste her. i wanted to hold her. I Lo-

damn, I'd almost said it. I'd almost thought I was in love.

I finally dozed off to sleep, and when I woke up, her car was gone. I glanced at my watch and cussed. I was supposed to meet Freddy at Granny Rains in 30 minutes. I thought for a second, then sighed.

" screw it." I got my change of clothes from my trunk, and went inside. I heard a washer machine going and flinched before heading to her room. when I turned to close her bathroom door, I jumped. In her handwriting, covering the larger part of the glass wall in expo marker was the words

Right now I am a pitiful sparrow, but one day love will come and consume me like a fire, and I will rise from the ashes a beautiful Phoenix.

the other side of the door had a very detailed picture of a fire and a bird rising with the smoke. I studied it a moment, and then shivered when I realized she made it so that it looked like the birds eyes peirced you right to the soul.

I took a shower and left quickly, heading to Granny Rains.

" here. I can't beleive that you, the new kid of all people, got this. there's a total of $1,640." I hesitated, then shook my head.

" that's way too much." I muttered, setting my RC down. he leaned foreward.

" did you say something?" I shook my head.

" thinking. sorry." my sister appeared, and smiled fakely at Freddy.

" can I get you anything before I get fired?" I gave her a quizzical look, but she ignored me. freddy shook his head, frowning. she smiled again.

" good." she grabbed my RC and procceeded to poor it over my head. I felt my jaw drop as the Ice cold drink soaked me. she ran back to the back. I saw Heaven, looking at me, opened mouthed. I licked my lips, trying to remember her taste last night, but all I tasted was RC. my sister grabbed her coat, and went and kissed Heavens cheek. she said something that made her eyes widen further. then she disappeared. the owner came rushing out.

" I'm so sorry, Young man. come to the back and we'll clean you up, then we'll get you anything you want, on the house." I met HEavens eyes ,and she held my gaze a moment, then lowered them.

" I only want one thing, ma'am." I said, determination seeping from my words.


I can't beleive that Casandera had done that.

to her own brother, of all people!

I wish I could.

I watched Granny R and Diablo out of the corner of my eye, till he disappeared into the bathroom. my stomach was hurting now, and my head still hurt.

" your still sick." Granny Rain said smugly. I grimaced.

" I'm not going to get anyone else sick. I'll be fine." she sighed, cleaning her hands in the sink before starting to get the cooking things on.

" go home. you need to rest if you want to come back tomorrow." I grimaced again. I'd come to work today because I didn't want to stay at my house, exspecially when I realized that Diablo was still outside, in my driveway.

" no, I'm fi-"

" your. going. home." she said firmly. I sighed, but started taking my apron off, and then my hair net. I was shaking my hair out when Diablo came out of the bathroom.

" young man, would you mind making sure she gets home alright? She doesn't feel well, and she's stubborn as a mule." I stood up straight.

" I'm fine Granny R." I growled. she shot me an angry glare.

" like I said earlier, she's stubborn as a mule." she siad, ignoring me.

" Of course, ma'am. why don't I give you a Raincheck on that on the house meal?" he asked polietly. I shook my head and stormed out to my car. I was backing out when his car cut me off.

" can I ride with you?" he asked, getting out of his car.

" No." I said flatly, not meeting his eyes. I had left my window down, so he leaned down into it till he was almost nose to nose with me.

" I really need to talk to you, Heaven." I sighed.

" I really don't want to talk to you right now, Diablo." I hissed. he groaned, leaning back out of the window.

" yeah, I get that. but please?" I shook my head firmly.

" No. now move your car." I felt his eyes on me for the few seconds of silence he gave before he sighed.

" Alright, fine."he muttered, storming back to his car.


halfway to her house I got a text.

im not goin 2 my hous,so go ahead an go.

I frowned, then realized it must have been from Heaven.

" where the hell is she going?" I muttered, texting her back.

too bad. wherev u go, I go. srry.

I sent it, but she didn't reply. she pulled into her drive way and parked, but didn't turn her car off as I got out and walked to her window, which was already rolled down.

" Leave, please." she snapped.

" no. Like I said, wherever you go, I'm going today." she grimaced, and her knuckles went white at on the steering wheel.

" PLease, Just leave me alone, Diablo." she said softly, a complete turn around from her steely voice before. I squatted down so I was eye level with her through the car door.

" why, Heaven?" I said, studying her face again. she had bags under her eyes, like she hadn't slept eaither, and she looked like she was going to pass out any second. she turned away from me.

" Because I would like to be alone, Please, Diablo." She said in an barely audiable voice. I hesitated, then jogged around the car and slid into the passenger seat. she had the cold air blasting, and within seconds I had goosebumps. her eyes widened with suprise.

" why'd y-" she started, but I cut her off be reaching up and cradling her face in my hands.

" I don't want to leave you alone, Heaven. Please, don't make me." I leaned foreward and placed a simple kiss on her lips, then pulled back and waited. she studied me a long time, then groaned, leaning back and out of my hands.

" Don't do this, Diablo. Leave me alone and go away." I flinched, suprised.

" Heaven, Why do you do that? I want to talk to you. Please." she closed her eyes and sighed. I waited a long minute, and then her eyes opened again.

" alright, we'll talk. but if I say go away, next time, do it." I felt a grin split my face.

" thank you." I said, almost getting out before she backed up. I frowned at her, confused.

" I told you I wasn't going home." she siad simply. I shook my head.

" than whre are we going?" she gave me a small, sad smile.

" we're going to see my brohter."


It was silent almost the whole way to the cemetery. he was looking out the window when suddenly he said

" why do you work? aren't your parents filthy rich?" I couldn't help but smile at his expresssion.

" yes, their 'filthy rich' but we, er,i only get an allowance twice a year, at the most. so i work for all my money." he frowned, casting me a sideway glance.

" what's your allowance?" I shrugged.

" usually a couple thousand. but if I was Grace, on the other hand, I'd have about 15 thousand every month." I said.

"WHAT!?" he siad, making me jump as I turned into the parking lot. he jumped out as soon as I parked, and was around to my side before I'd turned the car off. when I stepped out, he grabbed me arm and turned me to face him.

" why are you any lower than Grace?" he asked. I sighed, then said softly

" because she's older. she's not the middle child, or the quiet one. she tells you what she thinks, and not what you want to hear. she doesn't have the patience to work for 3 minutes, let alone get a job." i yanked my arm away from him and started walking towards the tree that was in front of Jeremiahs grave. His grave was always a great place to think, and right now, with Diablo or not, I needed to think.

" would you slow down, please?" he asked, and I realised he weas jogging to keep
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