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Book online «Marina the Vampire by Catherine Burton (essential reading TXT) 📖». Author Catherine Burton

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our heads in agreement. We go out and head to my car. We go to the mall in a short amount of time. We get there and we come in through the food court entrance. There are many types of people here but two people stand out the most. I notice Shiva and Aldan. They were my friends when Pangaea was still together. I was there when it broke and it was hard when the meteorite hit the Earth. I was hiding underground and I am the creator of the twenty original vampires, I still miss them. They all died in the crash. I am shocked to see them alive. “Camsie, is that you?” Shiva asks.
“Shiva, Aldan I am so glad to see you two alive. I thought that you two were dead,” I reply. I run to them and hug them, they hug back. Ryan, Erin, and Heather look at me. “These are some of the original vampires. All the others died,” I stop. “This is Shiva and this is Aldan. There were two of the twenty vampires I changed a long time ago.” I look into their crystal blue eyes, all the first changed had those eyes. I love those eyes and I had those eyes when I was first born. In those days no one had blue eyes, only brown.
“Nice to meet you, my name is Ryan, this is Erin and Heather. Camsie now goes by Marina or Mar for short,” says Ryan.
“Where have you two been?” I ask.
“We have been all around looking for you,” replies Aldan.
“I have been with animals, humans, and the last surviving dinosaurs,” I answer with a little smile on my face. We continue to talk for about ten more minutes and we head to Heather’s house. Heather starts cooking dinner for us while we continue talk on the couch.
“Did you really think that you could get rid of us?” Shiva jokingly asks. We laugh for a minute when Heather finishes dinner and she calls us to the table for fish. It feels weird that we eat in silence now and before we could not shut up.
“Heather, can they stay here as long as it is fine with them?” I ask Heather mentally.
“Sure Marina, no problem.” Heather replies mentally. I smile and turn to ask them if they want to stay.
“Hay, do you want to stay here for the night?” I ask.
“Well as long as it is cool with Heather then ya,” answers Shiva.
Heather replies, “That is fine with me. Do you want me to show you two your room now or later?”
“Now would be wonderful, thank you,” says Shiva. Shiva and Aldan stand up and follow Heather upstairs.
Ryan yawns and says, “Mar, are coming to bed with me because, I am tired.” I stand and nod my head. Ryan and I walk up the stairs to our room.
“Night Erin, see you in the morning,” I yell down to Erin. I walk through my room to get my sleepwear. I end up not needing it. Ryan and I have sex again. We go until one in the morning and we finally just sleep.

Chapter 8

I wake to the smell of Ryan. I look at him and he is still sleeping. He wakes a minute later. “Morning, Ryan, I had a wonderful time last night,” I say to Ryan. He brushes the hair out of his eyes and smiles at me. He kisses my cheek and hugs me.
Ryan says, “I had a wonderful time, too. We should do that more often.” I smile and kiss his forehead. We get out of bed and dress into our sleep wear to head downstairs in.
We get down and sit at the table for breakfast. We are not the only ones at the table Shiva, Aldan, and Heather is there too. “Morning Marina and Ryan how did you two sleep last night?” asks Shiva.
“I slept well, how about you?” I reply.
“We slept fine,” answers Shiva, she smiles to Aldan who smiles back. Ryan and I have some food and we head upstairs to bathe.
I was ready to bathe I almost forgot about Ryan.
“Did you forget something?” Ryan asks when I undress for the bath.
“I’m so sorry Ryan I was just really tense and everything so I wanted a hot bath with a ton of bubbles.” I look at him and he looks ready because he is already taking off his shirt. The tub is overflowing with bubbles so we hop in.
“I think that we should get married soon,” says Ryan trying to start a conversation to make this less weird, he failed.
“I think that we should have a traditional wedding. I would be in a flowing white gown and four or five brides’ maids in purple gowns that look like silk. You would stand at the front with a black suit, white shirt, and a purple tie. All this would be done in an elegant chapel with that old fashion feel to it. Light and happy colors are the main thing. It would be done at around noon and the after party will be at sunset. It will be perfect,” I reply and lean on Ryan.
“I could have not said it any better,” he says and kisses my forehead. “I truly do love you Marina.”
“I love you too Ryan,” I return. Ryan rubs my back for a while and I rub his. We kiss, get out of the tub, and put on robes. We pick what the other would wear and it is fun.
“Come on I like it,” says Ryan. He holds a bra and a thong, which are not mine, must have gotten mixed in with my clothes for washing.
“No, besides we have to return that to the rightful owner,” I say avoiding any more talk about this. Ryan hands me the thong and I go downstairs to Shiva and Aldan’s room. I knock on the door and Aldan opens the door.
“Oh, hay Marina what do you need?” he asks as he sees me. I notice that he is in a robe too.
“I had this in my room and wanted to ask Shiva if it was hers,” I answer.
“You think that she would own anything like that,” says Aldan with a smirk. We look at each other and he nods for me to come in. The room is a beautiful light blue with a white king-sized bed. The room also has a little balcony with a wonderful view of the lake. “Did we ever tell you that we are twins and don’t mind sleeping together?” Aldan asks.
I stare at him with bug eyes. “I had no idea, why did you not tell me sooner I thought that you two where a couple.” He shakes his head and looks at the tie on my robe.
“I want you to look at my eyes because I want to see that look on your face when you look at them. I have not seen it in a while,” Aldan says. I do as I was told and everything goes black.
I gain consciousness a while later I notice that I am nude in his room I look next to me and he is there. “What did you do to me?” I ask him.
“What I have wanted to do since we met,” Aldan replies and kisses my cheek. He traces my body with his finger. I stand up and look around for my robe. I find it so I put it on. I turn and stare at Aldan; he falls because I make him with my powers. I so want to do more but he still is my friend, sort of. I left and head upstairs but in a minute he will awake.
“What took you so long?” Ryan asks as I enter the room. He is already dressed in a pair of jeans that shows his boxers.
“Ryan, I don’t want you to over react so please lie down,” I say, he does and I continue, “Aldan had sex with me but he used his power on me so I could not stop him.” Ryan runs to me and hugs me tightly.
“I’m so sorry I will not let this go,” he says. He turns to leave but I hold his hand and shake my head, no. I am going to see if I could just get to the underground city, because I really need to kill something badly.
I walk to my room and put on long black pants, a white strapped shirt, and one of Ryan’s oversized black hoodie. Also I put on my high top shoes and brush my long hair. I go to Ryan and kiss his head. “Be back soon okay,” I say to Ryan as I go downstairs. “Erin I am going out but I want to go alone so please don’t follow me, “I say as I head out the door. I run through the woods and probably kill some squirrels. I get to the entrance and I stop because I feel a weird presence nearby. I turn and a dark shadow covers me.
“Good to see you Fran, or is your real name Marina, I can’t remember,” it was Zame who spoke to me.
“I can’t believe that you are alive,” I reply.
“You will not go unpunished for killing our queen,” he says and reaches to get something in his pocket but I did not give him time to get it out so I kick his shoulder, crushing it. It will take a minute to heal so I take the thing out and it is a rag and I smelled it and it is clean. I don’t notice till it is too late that Zame has a bottle of zeofite and the liquid goes in my nose and I last remember seeing men come all around me and then it was dark.

Chapter 9

It is so cold in the room but with that stuff in my system I am just as strong as a human. I look and I am still in my normal clothes. “Hello, there remember me?” asks a man. It is Frankie.
“Hello there Frankie, how’re you doing?” I ask trying to be polite; the drugs must be a little different in the way it worked.
“Fine and you’re wondering how I don’t have a cast,” he smiles. “I am a vampire and I want to suck your blood for the hell of it.”
“Why not, I have not been asked that and I think that you don’t really need it,” I reply.
“Thanks,” said Frankie. He opens the door and shuts it. He moves my hair out of the way and kisses the spot he wants to bite. I get up and kiss him on the lips. We make out and I am half naked I go up and bit his neck. “You got me,” Frankie says. I can imagine the smile on his face. I drink till I am full and Frankie is still alive. I am revived and am ready to kill a man, Zame. I shut and lock the door and use my sense of smell to find Zame. He is in the royal room alone. I sense that he is asleep. I run there with no one knowing that I am out. I stop at the corner of a hallway close to the room; someone is guarding the room now. I look and it is Lauren, she is a vampire so the Queen lied to me.
“Who’s there?” she asks.
“Fran,” I say as I walk to the hallway. “Is this the royal room?” I ask so it will seem that I am

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