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Book online «Marina the Vampire by Catherine Burton (essential reading TXT) 📖». Author Catherine Burton

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Chapter 1

My name is Marina, well for this century it is, and I am twenty million, ten thousand, nine hundred years younger than the Earth but I have the appearance of a twenty two year old woman. How I lived this long is the fact that I am a vampire. I was born before history was recorded so that others could know about it. I am the first of my kind. I changed myself so that I could be immortal. I am the head of the vampire law due to my age and importance. Although, I miss my old friends I make new ones every time I can.
I am moving to Seattle, Washington from St. Petersburg, Russia. I have a friend of mine and her name is now Heather. She lives in the area I want to go to and she is glad to have me stay at her house. She owns a three story home with its own lake in the back. I have heard that it is a large lake with many fish in it. I am so glad that the area is so privet and out of the city. It really helps when I bring my dinner home. And the neighbors, who are about three miles away, have a lake that belongs to another few families. Now I have a safe place to dump the bodies when I am done with them. They will always question the families, not me.
My jet leaves in about an hour. I own a fast and comfortable jet. My wealth comes from priceless artifacts that I have collected from many centuries throughout history. I have been to the United States only one other time, when it first was discovered by the vampires. History was wrong, I discovered America first but Christopher Columbus was there and we used his name instead of one of ours. Many natives died due to our great numbers.
We wrote a lot of the history that many people think that they know, so that we would still be unknown in the future. I, myself, came up with many of the ideas we used for our stories. For example, I gave many ideas for many parts in American history. Also, I helped organize the way we would tell how the many sicknesses in history were caused by saying what the warning signs were, at that time many vampires were doctors.
“Excuse me um, Mar, the plane is ready to leave now would you like any help with getting on the plane?” says Ryan, he works for me, and has been for five years, but we also have become great friends. But, I think that he wants me to be more than a friend to him.
“I am ready Ryan, thanks for letting me know. And, sure you can bring my stuff on the plane.” I get up from my seat and kiss him on the cheek, he almost faints. I also love him, unlike any mortal that I have loved before, but I think that I would be too dangerous for him to be with me. He deserves a normal life. I might change him if his life depends on it. I now know not to change humans into vampires unless it is necessary.
When I am on my plane I get to relax, think about many things, and read my book. I have read so many books over the ages it amazes me that no one has noticed something different with the books vampires write, that the facts are so descriptive. Now I read all the books in English due to the language change. I enjoy the language because it is now one of the most important languages in the world.
I hope that when I get there the number of vampires is lower than I remembered it being the last meeting. Representatives from many areas around the world would say how many vampires there where in their area. That’s when I am the most violent. When the number is too high or the representative lies I usually tell my secret army of vampires to kill a certain number each and then that’s it really. I have a limit of how many vampires are allowed to live in an area and the first to die is usually the representative, which is why they are hard to find. I pick them for their powers. If they don’t want the job, well, then they join my army.
My army contains billions of men and women all around the world. They hide among the other vampires but when they are needed they go to work. They are respected by me. Yet many are younger vampires. This is a safe job and an unsafe job. It is a safe job because you can’t be killed without me coming after your killer. You would also be safe when we eliminate other vampires. Not all vampires want to die so they may be prepared to fight. Some soldiers die doing their job but they are not forgotten. I usually go, myself, to pick up our dead soldiers and take them to headquarters. For weeks on end, we mourn for the dead. This is a short time for me because I also have to see which of the surviving vampires will be the next representative.
I am now close to the place where the last elimination was held many years ago. I chose to live here due to that last one because the numbers were quite high. I will just observe the area yet, I also will live there. Ryan probably would like to go to a hotel room with me and have fun. Nothing would happen to me, though it would be fun. But I may tell them to go back to their homes if they’d like. Though, I would be worried for Ryan. If anything happens to him I will make him a vampire for his safety or if he is dead I will kill his killer to avenge his death.
We arrive and it is midnight, my favorite time of day. “Hay, uh, Mar, do you have a place to stay while you’re here?” Ryan asks with a questioning tone in his voice.
I reply, “I do but thanks for asking, by the way you can tell the others they can go home if they like and you can stay with me if you would like to.” He frowns but I am pretty sure that he will take my offer.
“Sure. I’ll tell them that they can go,” he replies. Ryan turns and tells the others; before they can go they bring my luggage to my new house. I hunt before Ryan returns.
I go out and find a victim. I see a homeless man sleeping on a bench and I decide he is my meal, glad he is homeless; I can just leave him here. I go over to him, my fangs slide out of my gums and I bite his neck. Red liquid gushes out of the man’s body and into my mouth. It goes by shortly so that I can go back to Ryan without any suspicion. I lay the man down, wipe my mouth, and return to Ryan, with my vampire speed in less than a second. My limo arrives to take Ryan and me to our new home.

Chapter 2

The house is bigger than I thought it would be. That is a big thing for me to say, being so rich. “Wow, that is one big house,” says Ryan.
“Ya it is, so do you want to go inside it or are you going to stare at it all day?” I ask Ryan.
“Sure lets go inside and see what it looks like inside,” he replies. We ring the bell once and Heather comes to the door a little too fast than I would like, Ryan might get suspicious.
“Hello, Marina, welcome to my home. Who is this?” Heather asks with another question on her mind, “Is he a human or a vampire?”
I reply, “This is Ryan. He works for me,” Also I add, “He is human and don’t hurt him or else.”
Heather says, “Hello, Ryan, welcome to my home. Would you two like a tour of the house, so that you know where everything is?”
Ryan replies, “Sure I would love to see around the house. And during the tour will you show us where our rooms are?”
Heather answers, “Sure it would be my pleasure.” Heather then whispers into Ryan’s ear but I can still hear what she says. “By the way, I think you really like Marina, is that true?” Sometimes it really amazes me how her powers work. Like when we first met she knew that I would break my nose when I walked to a door. I am not that clumsy.
“Is it that obvious?” Ryan asks quietly as I return to reality.
“Yes it is and I know how you can win her heart. You…” Heather replies but my attention drifts to outside.
A female, white blonde hair, tan skin, notepad and pencil, on the paper I see a drawing of me on it. Her eyes are as dark as a black hole. I turn to go out of the door because I am captivated by her eyes. “Mar, hay, where would you be going, we just got here?” Ryan asks with worry written all over his face.
“Sorry, I was just going outside to look at the lake, which is okay with you right?” I reply.
Heather says, “Sure you can go. Oh, here’s a flashlight so you can see.” As she hands me the flashlight she winks. She understands that I am trying to blend in with the humans.
Outside she comes out to talk to me face to face. “Hello, Camsie, do you remember me?”
I reply, “No, I do not. So, who are you and why should I mind?” She smiles and shows me a knife with a name on it in a language I don’t recognize but I know that it is a name.
“My name was Cire, but now I am called Erin,” she says. “I am from the time when you where called Bara, remember that?” Now I do remember that. I thought that she was dead. But, somehow she is alive.
“Yes, I do remember you now,” I reply. “We met when Egypt was still being built. That was when I was in hiding to almost everyone but you and about a dozen other vampires. Those days where hard on me because no one understood how I could hear very well and it was a little too much for me.” I pause and look at the sky. It is the same as it was ten thousand years ago. I refocus. “What do you want?” I ask.
Erin replies, “I want to be with you, on the council. Like how it was in the old days.” She steps closer to me and that is when I notice that the knife is still in her hand. I haven’t seen her fighting style. I don’t know what she will do with the knife. Erin continues to move closer while she talks. “Hay, why not let me show you that I am loyal to you,” she says. Then she takes the knife and cuts her hand. She puts her hand up so that I can drink her blood. I do so and then she wraps her hand with a piece of fabric. “I, Cire of

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