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Book online «Marina the Vampire by Catherine Burton (essential reading TXT) 📖». Author Catherine Burton

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I am in Tokyo, Japan. I know that because I have been here during World War two. I run to the nearest public place and call Ryan.
“Hello, this is Heather’s house Ryan speaking,” Ryan says.
“Ryan, it’s me, Mar, I am safe and I will be home soon okay bye,” I say fast and hang up so I can get home faster. I run to the airport and say my name. The man at the counter knows how important I am.
“How may I help you miss Mar?” he asks me in English.
“I would like your fastest jet to fly me to Seattle, Washington America,” I reply. The man nods and I follow him to the jet, after I go through security. I head right in and wait for the people to finish getting ready to leave. I told the deskman that I would pay later. I close my eyes and rest.
“Excuse me ma’am. Are you ready to go?” a pilot asks me. I just nod my head. He bows and heads for the front of the plane. I head right back to sleep.
“Miss, are you awake?” the pilot asks me. I guess I am here.
“Yes, and thank-you sir for flying me here,” I reply. I get up and walk out of the plane. I also walk out of the airport to any nearby woods. When I reach the woods I run as fast as I have ever ran in my life to Ryan. I am about two miles away from the house and I hear him on the porch. I then yell to Ryan, “Ryan!” I am now only a few feet from the house and I jump and land right in front of Ryan. I hug him and I love the feeling of being in his arms. I look up and he is crying. I go up to my toes and kiss him on the lips for five seconds.
“Mar, is that really you?” he asks.
“Yes it is really me,” I reply. I go inside with Ryan to see everyone. When I enter everyone looks so surprised that I am there. I smile and wave to everyone.
“Marina!” everyone yells at the same time.
“Hi everyone I’m back, I’ll answer all your questions later because I wish to sleep,” I say. I walk up all the stairs to my room. I undress and head to Ryan’s bed. Ryan enters through my room and locks the door. He comes over to his original room, where I am, and locks the door.
“Mar, I want to know what happened,” Ryan says looking straight into my eyes.
“Aldan and Shiva captured me and took me to Japan, I did not know that till a little before I called you. And I had to talk to them on how my new power works and then I ran,” I reply.
“What new power?” Ryan asks.
I answer, “My eyes turn red as blood and I can make things happen be just saying or thinking it. Like that time Frankie and Lauren first arrived at Heather’s house and no one came after me, which was the first time I used it. I cannot control when my eyes turn but I can feel it when it does.”
“Well, I am here for you so when you need strength or love or help come to me,” Ryan says. I hug him and kiss him. He brushes my hair out of my face. He says, “I hope that you know how much I love you.” I do.

Chapter 12

I wake and I know that my eyes are red; I think they turn when they know there is danger or something I need to do. I quietly go over to my room and put on sweat pants and an extra large shirt. I unlock my door and head down stairs. No one is up yet so the house is very quiet. I go outside through the front door and see a black car in the trees. I run over and surprise the man inside.
“What do you want?” I ask him.
He rolls down the window to answer, “I want you to come with me to the meeting Camsie of the beginning.” Crap that was today!
“Give me a minute to change into something more appropriate and I will,” I say. He just nods and I run up to my room. I put on a sleeveless, long, navy blue dress that looks wonderful on me. I brush my hair and put it up with a large clip. I grab some heels and run back down. I grab a small purse and put a house key in it. I go outside and get the key out to lock the door. I put the key back and head to the car. “Thank-you for letting me change Vladimir,” I say. Vladimir is one of my most trusted vampire guards I have. He looks about my same age as me. He has dirty blonde hair and well built. He is also really hot. But, I can’t think that. I get in the back and shut the door then buckle up.
“I am so glad to see you Miss Camsie,” he says as he starts driving to the location of the meeting.
“I am glad to see you, too,” I reply. I am glad that my eyes changed back when I left the house the first time, I would have had a lot of explaining to do.
“Make any enemies lately?” Vladimir asks.
I think of Aldan and Shiva, I lie to him, “No.”
“You cannot lie to me ma’am,” Vladimir says. He is the best mind reader every made. “So, Aldan and Shiva, who are they?” he asks.
“They are two of the original twenty that I made, The Blue Eyes, you may know them as. They, for some reason want to do something to me,” I reply.
“But, they all died right?” Vladimir asks.
I answer, “I thought that but somehow they lived and I have a feeling that there are more of them out there, probably working with them. Don’t attack them because I do not want you to get hurt and do not send the army after them either.”He just nods his head and continues to drive.
After five minutes Vladimir says, “We are here ma’am.” I look and it is a fancy hotel that I cannot see its name. He turns to get valet parking and I am helped out of the car. Vladimir leads me to the elevator and presses the down button. It comes in about a minute and we walk in. He waits till the door shuts to put in a key and presses the bottom floor. The elevator starts and we descend. We reach the bottom and I wait for the front door to open but it is the back door that does. I turn and leave, Vladimir in front of me. I am lead down a hallway to a group of guards who are in front of a door. They look down the hall to us and then one of them goes into the room while the others wait till Vladimir and I get to the door.
“Welcome Madam Camsie,” they all say as I enter. They bow and one of them opens the door for me. When they open the door everyone stands and bows. I walk strait to my chair and sit. Everyone looks up and sits down.
“Morning everyone,” I say.
“Morning Madam Camsie,” everyone replies to me.
“Let’s get this done with, shall we?” I ask and look over at the representative to my right.
“District one has Fifty million ma’am,” the representative says. He did not look at me when he said the number.
“He is lying. It is over the limit ma’am,” Vladimir tells to me mentally. That is one advantage to having a mind reader as your guard. I nod to Vladimir.
“You dare lie to me sir,” I say. Everyone gasps. He looks terrified; it reminds me of that girl. “Vladimir, go and tell the army that they must kill the correct number from the district. And look for a replacement please,” I tell Vladimir mentally. He nods and leaves to get the phone that calls the army. I smile. “Guards I want you to put him in a place I can get rid of him later,” I tell the few in the room. They go to him and take him away as Vladimir enters. All the other representatives tell me their numbers and none lie but none die. It has been an hour and I say, “Meeting dismissed. You may all go home now if you wish.” Everyone clears the room in less than twenty seconds. The guards lead me to the one man who lied to me. They opened a door and he was inside.
“No, let me explain,” the man said as he saw me. I smile and run in and they shut the door. I suck his blood because I have not had anything in a long time. He occasionally groaned but other than that he was quiet. I am done in a minute and the man is no more. I wipe my mouth on his tie and I knock on the door. The door opens soon after and I walk through.
“Camsie, where do you wish to go now ma’am?” Vladimir asks me when I am out in the hallway.
“Are they done fighting in district one?” I ask.
Vladimir replies, “Yes ma’am. Do you wish to go there?”
I answer, “Yes I would.”
“I will call for a helicopter to come and get you now,” Vladimir says. I love how fast he works. He calls for the helicopter and I wait for his answer. “Ma’am they will pick you up on the roof in about five minutes. We better head up so that you don’t keep them waiting,” Vladimir says after he hangs up his phone. I nod and we head for the elevator. Vladimir presses the button to the twentieth floor and it starts moving. Vladimir says, “Sorry ma’am but you have to walk up to the roof.”
“That is alright with me and thank-you for all your help,” I reply. In one minute we are on the twentieth floor and Vladimir leads me down the hall to a door that takes us to the roof. He uses the key he used in the elevator to open the door. We walk up the two flights of stairs to the roof. Vladimir opens the door and I wait, holding on to Vladimir because I am still a little tired. In about two minutes the helicopter comes into view.
“Camsie, the helicopter is here,” Vladimir informs me. I lightly nod. Vladimir says, “Would you like me to get you into the helicopter?” I again nod on his chest. The helicopter lands and I am carried into the helicopter and buckled in. Vladimir sits next to me and when he is strapped in I lean on his lap. He puts his arm around me and I fall asleep.

Chapter 13

“Camsie wake up. We are almost there,” Vladimir says as he gently shakes me. I am still tired but not as much as before.
“Vladimir, what time is it, in America?” I ask.
“It is two am,” he replies. I am glad that it is morning. I just nod and get up then stretch. We land and I get out and sense two beings, alive. No, vampires and I feel as though I know them. I smell the air to see who they are and it is Aldan and Shiva. Why the hell would they be here?
“Vladimir, I am just going to look around for any of our men,” I tell him
“Be careful for those half dead ones,” he warns me. I wave to him

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