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guys called out their orders, but I ignored them. I’ll just get them some fries or something.
Harry followed close behind. I swear, if that kid tries something…
Just as I thought that, he dropped his arm around my shoulders. I tried shrugging it off but he would budge. “Get the fuck off me!” I yelled.
He instantly let go. “Geez, what’s got your panties in a bunch?” he mumbled. “What?” I spat.
I crossed my arms and waited in line, “That’s what I thought.”
The person in front of me ordered enough food to feed the whole African continent, I swear. “Hurry up!” I yelled impatiently. They gave me a look and I shut up.
When it was my turn, I ordered even more than them.
We brought our orders back to the table. I took over half of the food and munched on them while the boys stared. Well, everyone but Niall, he was already eating away.
“What?” I snapped; they turned away quickly.
A hand reached in my line of vision and snatched the burger in my hands. Wrong move, bucko.
“What can a girl do to eat in peace here?!” I yelled, standing up and tossing some food in a bag. “I mean COME ON. I got enough food for everybody! Why can’t you eat what’s yours?! This is my food. MINE.” I ranted. Turns out the person that stole my burger was Harry. Figures.
I stomped out of the food court with a huff.

(Harry’s P.O.V.)

“Love, you pissed her OFF.” Louis clapped me in the shoulder. I was still staring confusedly at the entrance. What did I do? Usually, she would just yell at me. But she never blew up on me.
“Man you’re so clueless sometimes.” Niall shook his head.
“What did I do?!” I yelled, frustrated.
“Mother nature.” Liam shook his head.
“What?” I asked.
“SHE’S ON HER PERIOD, GOD DAMMIT!” Zayn yelled, shocking us all.
“Oh.” Was all I said.

(Amber’s P.O.V.)

I stumbled out of a shop with my million bags after being kicked out. That sale’s lady will never get any customers if she’s gonna be so grumpy! I mean c’mon, I was just singing for Christ’s sake!
My eyes zeroed in on a pretzel stand just right next to our rendezvous spot. I made my way towards it.
Suddenly, I was hit with an agonizing pain. I bent over and moaned. My stomach felt like there was a black hole sucking everything into it. I whimpered. Why can’t it go AWAY? Stupid, stupid cramps!
I dragged my legs while my body was still bent over. I looked like a moron. I finally reached the stand and I fell on my knees, dropping everything in my hands.
“Woah, ma’am! Are you okay?” The dude behind the counter asked, panicked.
I reached up and slapped the counter a few times, signaling I was going to be okay.
I heard a chuckle from behind me. “You need help with that?”
I angled me head towards the voice, confirming my suspicions; it was, in fact, Harry the Hooker. He had on a short, short skirt that showed off his hairy legs. And a half shirt that barely covered his ‘boobs.’ He stuffed his bra with oranges.
I slowly stood up and smiled at the poor guy behind the counter that was probably going to be scarred for life after seeing Harry. I ordered my food and let Harry carry my stuff.


A few minutes later, the guys were there. All changed out of their stuff, except for me. I kinda liked the beanie and glasses. I mean, who was going to recognize us now? Harry was out of his hooker outfit.
All of a sudden, we hear shrieks and screams. “IT’S ONE DIRCTION! OHMYGOD!”
“Aww shit.” Niall muttered. We made a beeline towards the parking lot. Where the fuck did I park the car?!
Liam seemed to remember so he lead everyone. By now, the lot was filled with screaming fans hot on our heels. Louis tripped and fell. Everyone ran over him; it was quite entertaining. Harry stopped and reached out dramatically towards Louis, “My love..”
“Harry..” Louis whispered breathlessly and reached his arm out. “Oh shut up!” I groaned and pushed Harry towards the cars. The guys were already there, but they couldn’t get in because Harry and I had the keys.
But then, of course, I tripped. Give me a break, I had a ton of bags in my hands! “Ahh!” I yelled as I fell.
Harry whirled around and knelt beside me, his face a few inches from mine. “Are you okay?” He asked worried.
I had just noticed the lack of space between us, so I just swallowed and nodded.
He leaned in a little closer..
“HARRY, GO! IT’S EVERY MAN FOR THEMSELVES!” Louis yelled and rushed past us and joined the guys.
Harry didn’t waste another second and scooped me up in his arms and ran. “HARRY STYLES, WHO IS THIS GIRL?” a reporter asked from behind us. We ignored them and kept going.
“KEYS!” The guys yelled. We reached inside our pockets and threw them at the guys. Everyone jumped inside the cars and buckled in. “Drive!” Niall commanded.
My head was in Harry’s lap. It felt really comfortable... as much as I hate to admit it.


"Hey, wake up." someone shook me. I grumbled under my breath and took up another comfortable sleeping position. "We're here, wake up." The person poked me. I sighed and swatted the hand away.
The person chuckled and started tickling me. "GAH!" I yelled and sat straight up, knocking my head on Harry's. "Ow!" We both yelled and slapped our hands on our foreheads.
"The fuck?" I asked.
"We're home." Harry answered.
"This isn't 'home'. I corrected with an attitude. I wiped the drool off my cheek and slid across the seat. Harry was blocking the way out. I came up close and personal. "Move it." I said.
Instead of listening to me, he leaned in closer, until our faces were inches apart. "Nah, I like this position..." he whispered and looked up through his eyelashes.
My breathing went crazy. I swallowed and licked my lips. His eyes traveled down and stopped at my mouth. They slowly went back up to my eyes.
I shook my head violently, what's happening to me? I'm getting all crazy over a guy! A cocky, full of himself, and egoistic, prick at that! I couldn't stand him! And all of a sudden I'm getting all breathy when he got up close to me?
But on the other hand, deep, deep, DEEP, under all of his ego, he could be a pretty sweet guy. I mean, he DID carry me to the car when I got the cramps.
But that didn't change the fact that he's a stupid, stupid dastardock! I made that word up. It's a combination of 'dick', 'bastard', and 'cock.'
I realized that I was still in his face so I shoved him back, "Bro, have you ever heard of SPACE?"
He seemed shocked at first, but then covered it up with his suave attitude.
"Not when I'm with you, babe."
"Just... move." I sighed. He mockingly stepped aside and extended his arm. "Be my guest." He was still pretty close to me.
I rolled my eyes and pushed him while I was getting out of the car. He stumbled back a few steps. "My, aren't you agressive today." he commented.
I flipped him off without looking back.
"Love you too!" he called. I chose to ignore him and continue walking to the door. "Feeling the love!" he yelled sarcastically.
I ignored him again.
Later that night, everyone was bored out of their minds. We were all sitting in the living room. I slowly pulled out my phone and went to the twitter icon.
I logged in and started following back my new followers. "Whatcha doin?" Harry asked, holding my phone an inch away from his face, making him look cross eyed.
I laughed. Harry looked down at the phone and gasped, "Lads, she has a twitter.."
All five of them suddenly whipped out their phones and clicked a few buttons, while Harry rattled off my username. "You are now followed by all five of us!!" Niall announced happily.
I smiled and looked at my profile, and there it was, my followers list went up a few numbers. I quickly followed back. I look back down and my followers multiplied by a hundred. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed. Zayn took my phone away from me and clicked some things. I craned my neck to see what he was doing. He was on twitter, taking pictures.
"Say cheese!" He suddenly said. All of the boys, including me, smiled and Zayn snapped a picture. He turned the screen back around and frowned. "I don't look good in this one!" he whined. "Lets take another one!" he suggested.
I nodded my head, "Sure."
We all posed and Zayn snapped some pictures. "Louis' head got cut off! Let's take another one."
We all sighed, but smiled. He looked at the pictures and shook his head. "No."
"OH MY GOSH!!" I yelled and snatched my phone away from him. "Bathroom time." I commanded. The guys looked at each other, then at me.
Harry shrugged and got up, so did the boys. I lead them all to the bathroom and we all stood there. Awkwardly..
"Ok. Pose!" I said. Harry suddenly jumped on Louis and Niall jumped on Liam. Harry and Niall made a heart with their arms and inside the heart was Zayn. He did a regular peace sign.
I stood off to the side and snapped a picture in the mirror.

Chapter 12

(Amber's POV)

“Oooo! Lets do those girly poses!” Louis suggested. “Sure.” I agreed. “Sorority pose!” I announced. The guys cocked their head in confusion. I directed them, Louis had to hug Harry’s waist with both arms and Harry does the same thing. Their bottom half of the body had to be pressed against each other. They had to lean their top half away from each other.
“There ya have it! Now Liam and Niall, you do the same thing!” I said. Zayn stood there awkwardly and fiddled with his fingers.
I chuckled and went over to him, and did the pose, but only hugging his waist with one arm and the other, holding my phone.
“Smile!” I snapped a picture and uploaded it on twitter and instagram.
“The duck face!!” Niall hollered. Everyone laughed and made the face. Louis and Zayn’s face were so scrunched up, they looked like derps! I took another picture.


We took about a million pictures that day, and we were on our last one. “What should we do for this one?” Niall asked. “I think this one’s for Harry and Amber.” Liam suggested.
Harry and I both stood there with our mouths wide open. “Close it. You’ll catch flies.” Louis smirked.
Niall walked over to us and snapped our mouths shut with a click.
“No!” we both yelled in union. “We are NOT going to take a picture with just the two of us!” I yelled. “Aw come one, love. I dare you.” Louis teased.
And I, being the one that never turned down a dare in my life, agreed. And surprisingly, Harry did too. I sighed, “What pose should we do?”
“Kiss!” Zayn suggested enthusiastically. “Heck to tha

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