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Book online «I Wish.. by Jessica Pham (philippa perry book .TXT) 📖». Author Jessica Pham

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Chapter 1

(Amber's POV)

Why do people like One Direction? They're just a boy band for goodness sake! They think they're sooo hot. When they're not. I was in the middle of hating on One Direction when Rae, my sister, came barging through my door.

"Guesswhatguesswhat?!” she yelled.

“Someone better be dead..” I grumbled.

“I just got tickets to the One Direction concert!!!” she screams, clutching something- I’m guessing it’s the tickets- to her chest and looks up dreamily at my ceiling. My face scrunched up and I fell back on my bed and slammed a pillow on my face. Who gives a crap?

“Come on! Let’s go tell to mom and dad!” she sang. She’s a really good singer.

I grunted, the pillow muffling it.

“Come on!” Rae said, grabbing my arms and pulling me up. After a few tugs, she finally got me up and I walked downstairs while she bounced down like a kangaroo on steroids. By the time I reached my parents, Rae was already there, and explaining them about the tickets while jumping up and down. I eyed her closely; she might actually be a kangaroo… I mean, she got the jumping down..

My parents turned to me and smiled nervously. Something bad is going to happen, I just know it. “So, she told you about the tickets?” I asked, even though I already knew the answer. “Y-yes…” Mom began. I narrowed my eyes at her, “Mom..”

“The concert’s in California and we can’t go so you’re going to go instead of us. Now before you blow up on us, we got everything organized, you’ll stay at Aunt Lynn’s house.” She said quickly.

“What?! You decided without me?! It is my life you know! Why can't I decide the things that I do and don't?” I yelled at them. Why do they always insist

on deciding everything in my life without me? I stomped over to the counter, grabbed my keys, and slammed the door shut. I got into my car and drove to McDonald's to drown myself in food.

This sucks! I have to go to a stupid concert, and listen to stupid music! I love music and all, but not One Direction. I hate them.

I arrived at McDonald's and walked in the door. A few guys gaped at me with their mouths open, full of food. Gross. “Hey hottie!” a guy shouted at me. I wouldn’t consider myself hot.. I have black hair and it’s chopped into layers, I have an emo haircut and personally, I think it’s pretty cute.

I’m average in the height department and I have black eyes. I like to put on black eyeliner and make it really thick. Everything about me screamed, ‘emo chick in the house!’ but once you get to know me, I’m a pretty happy person. I waited in line and when it was my turn, I ordered a whole list of food.
I guys behind the counter raised his eyebrow, “This for your family?”

“No way man! This is for me! And you’re not supposed to question the customer about their diet. It hurts their feelings.” I said, laying a hand on my chest dramatically. He rolled his eyes and handed me my number. I sat down and waited for my food. “18!” the guy yelled. “That would be me!” I skipped up to the counter and grabbed my food, nearly falling because of the weight. “Here!” I threw the money on the counter.

“Wow, this is heavy!” I yelled. “You need help?” A guy offered. “Nahh, I think I’ll manage.” I replied. Once I made it to my car, I opened the packages one by one and ate it slowly while staring off into space.

I sighed, ‘It can’t be that bad, I mean, I could always stay in the car and blast the music so I couldn’t hear anything. Rae could mange by herself. And plus, she has a cell, she could always call me if anything happens…’

I thought in my head. Yeah! I’ll survive.

And with that, I started the car and drove home. I had eaten half the bag.

Chapter 2

(Amber's POV)

I arrived at my house, and I took a deep breath before I opened the door and walked inside. Mom, Dad, and Rae were all sitting in the living room with their head bent with a worried expression on each of their faces. They looked up when I walked in and Mom yelled, “Where have you been?! We’ve been worried sick!” She ran over and hugged me tightly. Rae also hugged me tightly, and soon Dad came and hugged all of us. Damn! And my boobies are already small enough! I sighed and hugged all of them.

“Guys, I’ve only been gone for, what? 45 minutes?” I stated.

Dad chuckled, “No, you’ve been gone for hours.”

Mom eyed the huge bag of food in my hands, “And I think I know where you’ve been..”

Rae let out a high pitched laugh.

I rubbed the back of my neck, “Ehh.. you guys want some?” I held the bag up. They all let go of each other and walked over to the table and started unwrapping the food. “Um, so… I thought about it.” I began. Three heads turned towards me. “I decided… what the heck? Come on! Start packin’ Rae!” I smiled. “AHHH!! Thank you Amber!!” she shrieked. “Ouch.” I winced, covering my one of my ears.

A couple of days later, we were all set. “Yippy! I can’t wait to see Liam, Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Harry!!” Rae screamed in a high pitched voice. I swear, she’ll burst one of my ear drums if she keeps screaming like that.

“I can.” I grumbled.

“Aww! Cheer up sis! Once you see them, you’ll fall head over heels in love…” she finished off and stared into space. I shook my head, directioners these days.. the only reason I know all of this is because Rae marches around the house and declaring patriotically that she’s a ‘true directioner’… whatever that means.

We said our goodbye's to our parents. And of course, we had

to have a group hug.
I drove both of us to the airport and we boarded the plane. The whole plane ride was pretty boring. We got off the plane, and we went into a shop to buy some food because the food on the airplane tasted like crap. I bought a bag of Takies and Rae bought some nutritious crap. She says she ‘wants to look good for the guys.’ And by guys, I mean the One Direction guys. They probably won’t even look at her because they’re always surrounded by fans. That sounds mean, but it’s kinda true. We walked out of the shop and found Aunt Lynn.

“Hey pumpkins!” She said in an overly happy voice.

“Hey…” I said. “Hi!!” Rae said excitedly and hugged Aunt Lynn. I stood there awkwardly, I’m not really a lovey dovey huggy person.. at all. So I shoved my hands in my pockets. Aunt Lynn bounced over to me and pulled me into a big hug. Again with the hugs! Seriously, I think my family mainly consists of kangaroos, or descendants of kangaroos…

She led us to her car and we all hopped in. Haha, See what I did there? You know… kangaroos…hopping…
She started the car a started driving, Rae and her talked non-stop about who knows what. And I sat there, staring out the window. Like the awkward person I am.

We arrived at her house, and it was small, but cozy. The bricks were a light shade of pink and their was a bunch of flowers in the front yard.

“Well, here we are.” Lynn said, spreading her hands wide open. “Wow! It looks so comfy!” Rae exclaimed. “Yeah.” Was all I said. We got our stuff and headed inside.

“Both of you guys will be staying in here.” Lynn said. I looked inside the room. It was pretty small, and the furniture was really dark. My type of room, but not Rae’s. She scrunched up her nose. Lynn noticed it and said, “Do you want to stay with me in my room?” Rae nodded her head furiously. Girly girl.

I gounpacked and went downstairs.

Chapter 3

(Amber's POV)

I went to the fridge/freezer and opened it.

Let’s see, apples, lasagna, ice cream

... and a bunch of other random stuff. I pulled out most of the things in there and carried them to the couch. I turned on the TV and started watching it. Twilight was on, and I frowned. Who wants to sit and watch a stupid movie, with emo, constipated, and sparkly people in it? Not me!

I turned it off and just sat there, licking the ice cream off the spoon. Rae came barging in the living room. “I can’t wait for tomorrow!!” she said. She’s such a happy person…

“Ok, so tomorrow is the concert.” She stated. “Noo, really? I had no idea.” I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes, “And we need some new clothes!” she exclaimed. “Nooo…” I groaned. “Yeeeeeees!” she grinned. She’s fifteen. And I’m eighteen. Just thought I’d get it out there.

Rae grabbed my hand and dragged me to the car, I grabbed the keys on the way. “Aunt Lynn! We’re going to go shopping! Wanna come with?” Rae asked. “No, that’s ok sweetie.” She yelled back from somewhere in the house. Great. Now I have to spend hours and hours with her. Yay me! Woah, that’s some strong stuff.

I waved my hand in front of my nose. The lady behind the counter looked over at me and said, “Welcome to Hady's!” What a weird name for a store…

Rae had already chosen a pink halter top dress (a dress with that thing that wraps around the neck) she tried it on and squeaked, “Ohmigod! I love this one!!” “Oh. My. God. Really?” I asked sarcastically. “Meanie.” She pouted.

“We should find you one too!” she suddenly declared. I groaned. “Hmm…” she ran over to a rack and shuffled the clothes. I sat down on a couch and shoved my earplugs in my ears. I clicked on Gucci Gucci by Kreyshawn. This girl is awesome.

Rae ran over to me with an armload of clothes. “Damn! Did you want me to try on the whole store?” I asked. She ignored me and made me try on clothes the rest of the evening.

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