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Book online «I Wish.. by Jessica Pham (philippa perry book .TXT) 📖». Author Jessica Pham

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no!” I yelled. What was wrong with these people? I quickly searched my brain for an excuse to get out of this situation.
“I can’t take the picture if I kiss him!” I said. “We’ll take the picture.” Louis crossed his arms in victory. I racked my brain for another excuse. “Uhh…er…ermm..” Yeah, THAT sounded smart.
Meanwhile, Harry was just standing there, admiring my discomfort. That little ass!
My mind came up blank the next time I tried to think up another excuse. “Fine! But only the cheek!” I demanded. “Ok. Only the cheek. But there’s a catch. You have to let Harry carry you, bridal style or something.” Louis said. My mouth once again dropped open. I quickly snapped it shut and crossed my arms. “Fine.”
Harry hadn’t said anything up until now, “So.. erm…” He held his arms out and squeezed them side by side to carry me. I stood there, awkwardly. How was I supposed to get on? I can’t just jump in his arms. What if he drops me? That would be embarrassing for the both of us!
“Chop chop, mate!” Zayn clapped his hands in an impatient manner. Harry scooped me up in his arms. I was so surprised, I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck in a holy-shit-I’m-gonna-die way.
We stared into each other’s eyes until Niall interrupted us by counting down. Harry suddenly shifted me so that he was supporting my butt and we were parallel. Our eyes were still locked. He turned his head to the side so I could kiss his cheek.
Niall had the camera, and he was far away enough so he could get a picture with our whole body in it. Great, now everyone will see him carrying me.
“Three.. two…” Niall counted. I took a deep breath and leaned in. “One..” Just as I was about to kiss his cheek, it was as if this was a cliché movie or book, he turned his head and my lips landed on his. There was a wolf whistle from all the boys, Niall kept snapping away, like a weird child he is.
I was still shocked; his velvet lips started moving on mine. I couldn’t help it, my lips moved in sync with his and we melted into each other. He tasted so good, like strawberries and chocolate.
My eyes fluttered shut and I ran a hand through his soft, brown locks. He moaned. He was still supporting me with one hand, and the other went up to my neck and pulled us closer together.
My butt suddenly made contact with the sink. Our kiss never stopped. Harry stood between my legs, I wrapped them around his waist and pulled him closer. My hands drifted from his hair to his neck. I had that tingly feeling from my head to my toes. It felt amazing.
Gosh, he kisses good. He must’ve had a lot of practice.. With a LOT of other girls.. That are probably a lot prettier than me. Why am I kissing him…?

With that thought, I shoved him away from me.
We were both breathing heavily as we stared at each other.
“I-… I can’t do this.” I whispered, backing away. I looked around the bathroom and all
the boys have left. My back hit the door and I reached behind me and yanked he door
open. Harry didn’t make a move to stop me. His face was full of emotion. Sad, anger,
regret, heartbroken.
I stepped through the doorway and ran to my room. I closed the door and leaned against it. I slid down and sat on the ground with my head in my hands and my elbows on my knees. What was I thinking?
That I could just kiss him and we could act like nothing happened? What if he likes me?
What if I like him? No. That’s not possible. Even IF we start dating, I would get so much hate. He would cheat on me, and I would be heartbroken.
But I don’t like him, how could I? He’s so full of himself! And caring, and sweet, and damn, his lips were so soft!
I felt like pulling my hair out of my head. I just needed to get my feelings in check!
So I went into full hibernation mode.
First, I needed food, lots of it. I gradually opened to door so it wouldn’t creak. I didn’t really want to talk to people right this moment. I pressed my back against the wall and flattened myself against it. I tiptoed down the hallway, bit by bit. Putting my weight on one foot and leaning forward really fast and then putting the other foot in front.
I probably looked like a lunatic, but I didn’t care. I just wanted my food. I came to a corner, and I ran into someone. Luckily, their hands came up and righted me. I REALLY didn’t want to talk right now..
“Hey Amber. Did you enjoy yourself today?” Niall teased. My tensed state relaxed. Somehow, I felt I lot more comfortable around him than with any of the other boys.
“Don’t wanna talk about that.” I mumbled.
“Did Harry hurt you!? Because if he did, I’ll stick his balls so far up his ass-“ Niall fumed, but I cut him off. “No! No. It’s nothing.”
He studied my face, then down at my position and smirked, “What are you planning to do?”
“Want me to do it with you?” he asked.
“Hell yeah. To the kitchen!!” I yelled.

Chapter 13

(Harry's POV)

“Harry, what happened?” Liam asked as I rounded up the boys after Amber walked out on me.
“Um.. well.. er..” I stuttered. “Harry, what happened to Amber?” Niall asked worriedly. “What could be wrong with her?” Zayn asked, confused.
“That’s not the problem. Well, that IS a problem, but, there’s another one.” I stated. “What is it, Hazza?” Louis asked. I blew out a sigh, “Amber… she can’t be seen by ANYONE.”
“What?” Niall asked, confused. “She can’t leave the house again. It was a close one at the mall with the paparazzi. That can’t happen again. If it does, her life might be ruined. She’ll get hate, and she won’t be able to live her life! Everyone will be bothering her, and she’ll be completely devastated!” I took a long breath after my mini rant.
Everyone’s mouths were formed into an ‘o.’
“He’s right, she can’t leave the house no matter what.” Liam agreed. “Does she know that she’s a prisoner here now?” Niall asked. “I wouldn’t say prisoner…” I trailed off. “But no, she can’t know about this.” I finished.
“Are you sure they didn’t take a picture of her? I mean, if they took one, it could be on the front page by tomorrow!” Zayn exclaimed.
“That won’t happen.” I assured them. “And what about all the pictures we took and uploaded onto the internet? Everyone could’ve seen it by now!” Liam added.
“That won’t happen either. She’s probably not even that popular.” I said.
I hope..

Chapter 14

(Harry's POV)

Oh shit.
That was the only thought in my head as Louis accusingly slapped the newspaper on the table. “Fuuuuuuuck..” I groaned. Abandoning my half finished breakfast on the table and snatching the paper off of the table.
‘IS HARRY STLYES TAKEN?’ was in big, bold letters across the page. And below it, was a picture of me, bent over and face to face with Amber at the mall parking lot. Luckily, it only showed my face. Amber’s was facing the side. So they don’t know who the girl is. Woah.. that looked suspicious. I was only asking her if she was ok!
Underneath that was a picture of me carrying her to the car. And that one showed her face.
And below that were some of the pictures we took in the bathroom. Including the one with Amber and I lip-locked.
“Uh huh. ‘That won’t happen’ my ass.” He mockingly quoted me. “What’s up?” Niall walked in, with only his boxers. “Look at this.” Louis said and showed him the paper while I buried my face in my hands.
When I raised my head, all the boys were in the kitchen, surrounding the newspaper.
“…Harry Styles was seen with Amber Smith at the mall, Harry was carrying Amber to the car when she fell… Apparently, they were having a picture day and Ms. Smith and Mr. Styles got a little carried away…is Harry Styles taken?” Liam mumbled. “It can’t be THAT bad.. I mean, nobody reads the newspaper anymore!” I tried.
“Yeah, but some people still do! And when they see this, they’ll tell their friends, and their friends will tell THEIR friends. And soon, pretty much the whole Earth population will know about this.” Liam clarified.
“This isn’t good…” Louis muttered. “No, it isn’t.” Zayn settled. “ARE you taken, Harry?” Niall studied me. My face completely dropped of all emotions I had before, and replaced it with a blank expression. I lightly touched my lips as I remembered the feel of Amber’s on them. Her hands running through my locks of hair..
“What’s going on in here?” Amber rubbed her eyes. God, she’s beautiful. She avoided my gaze. In fact, she ignored me completely

. Everyone sat down with a thump as fast as they could. Louis sat on Zayn’s lap. He did a HORRIBLE job at pretending he wasn’t doing anything guilty. He crossed his legs and sat up with his back straight, laying his hands on top of each other on his knees in a girly way.
Niall and Liam had their own seat. Niall quickly snatched the newspaper and laid it facing down.
Zayn was whistling ‘Row, Row, Row Your Boat.’
This all went down in a matter of seconds. Amber eyed the paper, then the boys, (not me) suspiciously. “What’s going on…?”
“Nothing! Nothing at all!” Niall said quickly. I mentally face- palmed myself. Why are my friends such bad actors? But then again, I suck too.
I went on iCarly once, and man was I bad!
“Uh huh..” she nodded, unconvinced. She walked slowly to the fridge and pulled out an arm full of food while we all sat there and stared at her. She kept her eyes on us as her body turned around and grabbed some more food.
She scooped it all up and slowly walked out of the kitchen, her eyes still trained on us (again, everyone but me.)
Everyone breathed out a sigh and Niall flipped the newspaper over quite loudly. I felt a breeze go by me as Amber quickly ran by the table, snatched the paper, and ran back out.

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