Blown Away by Faith Gunter (epub e ink reader .txt) 📖

- Author: Faith Gunter
Book online «Blown Away by Faith Gunter (epub e ink reader .txt) 📖». Author Faith Gunter
Chapter 18 We talked for most of the car ride. We decided to go to the beach. It would be a breath of fresh air for the both of us. The beach wasn't that crowded. We found a spot to put our things before taking a walk on the beach. Damien was the first one to break the silence. "Allyssa. Can I ask you a question?" He said while staring at his feet. "Okay." I said in a very emotionless tone. I wonder what he would want to ask me. "Why do you hate me so much? Like, besides the two times we kissed. Have I done something wrong?" "No , I don't hate you I just hate this. I don't want to be forced to marry someone who I barley know. I mean, yeah the crystal ball thingy said that we were soul mates, but mabeye I don't want to be. I like to be free. Not to be forced to marry someone. I don't even like it when people tell me what to wear. Infact I hate the school uniform." He chuckled at this. "I understand that. But would it hurt you to try. Allyssa, I like you and I'm willing to make it work." "Oh yeah, you totaly want to make it work when I see you in the hall way making out with Jessica McStupid, on my first day of school. That sooo gives me the 'let's make it work' impression." I said roling my eyes. "Me. Little miss make out with Brad Smidiot. And miss I have a boyfriend back home, who I keep a secret. Don't try and turn this all on me." The Nick thing struck a nerve. I turned around and started walking back to my car I can't believe he brought that up. I grabbed my bag as I passed the spot where we layed our things. I slipped my flip-flops back on and stomped my way to my car. I climbed inside locking the door. Damien better hurry up before I leave him. I'm ticked right now. How could he bring something so horrible up. That's not even right. I hope that he falls into the ocean. I never want to speak to him again. He's right. I do hate him. Damien climbed in the car apoligizing about how he took it to far. It's to late for that now. He said what he said. Just like I said before he thinks that he can go around putting up a front. Well not with me. After Damien finally shut up the car was quiet. I wanted so badly to leave him on the side of the road. But I'm going to be the bigger person. For now at least. We pulled up to my parking spot at school. I climbed out of my car locking it as I climbed out. I was set on getting Damien back. I don't know how or when I just know that I'm going to get him back. Ugh, I'm so mad. I'm going for a swim. Swimming always calms me down. Plus I wouldn't want a repeat of yesturday morning now would I. I walked straight up into our room not stopping or hesitating until I reached my closet. I took out my new bikini and put it on. I put my oufit that I just had on back on. I didn't want Damien knowing where I was going. I walked out of my closet walking directly to the front door. "Where are you going?" Damien asked as I opened the door to our dorm. I turned around and gave him the finger. I really don't have time to deal with this right now. I closed the door to the dorm while watching Damiens face turn bright ivory. Yeah he was mad. It was kind of funny that He can't blush. So when he gets mad he just goes one shade lighter from chalk white. I sped to the pool not even paying attention to the stop signs. I was pissed how dare he tell me about nick knowing that it upset me. He took it too far and he knows it. I mean yeah I knda played the low card with the whole thing about the first day but still. I walked into the pool room where I here the song "Hips Don't Lie" by Shakira. This song always calms me down along with a good swim. I layed my towel and my clothes down on one of the chairs that lined the pool. I dived in the pool after I stripped down to my bikini and dived into the pool. I lifted the wter from the pool and swam in the water that was hovering over the pool. I put the water back and walked over to the high dive. I put my arms above my head getting ready when the last voice I wanted to hear right now spoke. "Allyssa please don't be mad I'm sorry." I turned to see Damien standing t the bottom of the ladder to the high dive. "Go away" was the last thing I said before diving in. I made a air bubble around my head so that I can breath under water. I'm not coming up until he leaves. I couln't understand what he was saying. It sounded like a symphony of blubs and glubs. Haha he soo dumb. I looked upto see him stripping down to his boxers. He was gonna come in. Well let's make this interesting. The minute he hit the water I froze it he was stuck. LOL. This is classic. I heated the water around me so I could escape. I swam to the top to look at a frozen Damien. "Ha! You look cold. Good luck getting out." I threw on my towel with my stuff in my hands and ran into the girls locker room. this school has cameras everywhere. There is no way he's getting in here. I went over to my locker and threw my stuff in so I could go take a shower. I ran to the shower and turned the hot water up high. It felt good on my skin. I started to sing. I know what you're thinking. 'You sing?' Yeah It's very relaxing. Suddenly the water got piping hot, so I tried to turn it off. Bad idea. The nossel was hot. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me. Only one person would do something like this. Damien. That little....... How did he even get in here. I slowly walked out of the shower room to my locker. This boy better stop playing I don't have time for this. Suddenly someone grabbed my waist and pulled me back against a locker. "Cute Allyssa. Freezing water. Did you forget? I posses fire I can just melt the ice." He stared at me with red eyes instead of his usual blue ones. "Oh yeah. Next time I'll trap you under a rock sculpture 'kay." I let sarcasm leak into my voice. "Look, I'm trying to make this work but it takes two people to make a relationship work. My end is trying your end isn't." He said in a tone that was almost believeable. "Mabeye I don't want it to work. Have you ever thought that 'hey mabeye not every girl likes me'? I know that answer. NO. You think that every girl should just swoon over you. Get real. Think of me as your reality check. Lord knows you need one. Now, get out so that I can get dressed perv!" His eyes went back to their normal shade of blue. Damien looked hurt. Mabeye I shouldn't have said it like that. Wait what does it matter it's not like he loves me. Right?
Chapter 19Chapter 19 Damien left the locker room staring down at his feet. He really looked hurt. But I'm not one of his little friends who run after him just because I hurt his delicate little feelings. He'll get over it. I hurridly got dressed into my clothes wanting to get out of this locker room. As I was pulling on my pants my phone went off. I answered it with out looking at the screen. "Hello?" "Hi, Allyssa it's Malinda." Malinda's voice was squeaky which ment she was excited. "Hey Malinda, what's up?" "I was calling to ask you if you wanted to go dress shopping?" Dress shopping. Paul's probaly having another party. "Um... sure. Why do we need to go dress shopping?" I asked sounding dumbfounded. "You seriously don't know? It's our junior prom on friday and today is monday we have to find you a dress since your nominated for queen." "What!? Who nominated me for Queen.!?" "I don't know but Jessica is furious that you are running against her." "Ha, that little blonde bimbo She doesn't even know who to be mad at. It's not like I nominated myself. Any way. Sure I'll meet you in the parking lot in ten minutes. Let me call Brad to see if he has a date." "Okay. See you in a few. Bye." Malinda said with exciment so high I felt it oozing out of my phone. "Bye Malinda." I said with a chuckle before hanging up. I texted Brad after hanging up with Malinda. 'Hey Brad, can I ask you something? :-)' 'Sure shoot $' 'Will you be my date to Junior Prom? :-?' 'Yes I've been wanting to ask you but I kept getting nervous.' 'Cool! I'm going shopping w/ Malinda in ten Minutes for a dress. I'll text you what color after I get one.:-)' 'Okay text u l8r :-)' By the time I was finished texting Brad I was Already in my car driving to my dorm building. I can't wait this is going to be one interesting Prom. The minute that I pulled into the parking lot of my dorm building, I saw Malinda skipping her way out to my car. She looked like a pixie in her little black skirt and pink graphic tee that said 'Hi Haters'. I didn't really have to put the car in park before she climbed in. I just pulled up to the curb and she jumped in. "Okay, I already started looking at colors that would go well with your skin tone." Malinda said while buckling her seat belt." The Prom will be held at Le Vamp Ires. It's a hotel near the fancy resturaunt we thought about eating at that one time." "Cool do you know the theme of the Prom this year?" I asked Malida hoping that it would be good. "Yeah. The theme this year is Waterfall. Like the water element. The ballroom will be decorated in diffrent
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