Blown Away by Faith Gunter (epub e ink reader .txt) ๐

- Author: Faith Gunter
Book online ยซBlown Away by Faith Gunter (epub e ink reader .txt) ๐ยป. Author Faith Gunter
Chapter 1
The light shone through my bedroom onto my face. It was so bright, so I pulled my cover over my face. Then I heard a loud clank. What was that? I pulled my cover off of my face to find my mother and our maid Bertha packing my clothes into a box.
"What's going on? What are you doing with my stuff?" I said in a fearful tone.
"Morning sweety, did you have a good night?" my mother said trying to distract me. My mother was fairly pretty. She had blonde hair and she was very thin. She wasn't very tall about five foot five, so average height. I'm getting off topic.
"I sure was then it was ruined by me waking up to see my stuff getting packed up. What are you doing?"
"Well Allyssa," she started with an apologetic facial expression " You are going to a boarding school. St. Edwards Academy. Get dressed your father and I wanted to talk to you about this."
"Ugh" I grunted before grabbing my new uniform and walking to my bathroom. I took a hot bath last night so ill take a shower now. I turned the water on and proceeded to take off my clothes when I heard a quick rap on the door.
"Don't take too long honey you have to be at the Academy at nine it's seven-fifteen, and we still need to talk to you."
I didn't answer. Can't a seventeen year old, half vampire take a shower in peace. I got into the shower , but limited it to only fifteen minutes. I combed out my long wet brown hair.Then I quickly got dressed into my new uniform. I looked down to see how I looked. Wow, this skirt is very short and the shirt is a little tight. I mean yea my chest re a little bit bigger than most girls but dag. The shirt was so tight that I had to unbutton the top button.Then I tied the striped tie but I tied it very loosely. Finally, I pulled my arms through my new blazer and ran out of the bathroom. I ran to my closset and grabbed my favorite pair of black stilettoes. Thank goodness they didn't pack theese up yet. I slipped them on and carefully but quickly ran down the stairs.
My parents already started eating breakfst by the time I got there.
"Why dont you take a seat." My father instructed for me to do jesturing to the seat across from my mother. I sat down not even asking what was going on when my father clearedhis throat. He was ready to start talking, but I was not ready to listen.
"Ally sweetie, you know that I am a vampire and your mother is human?"
"Yes." I said with one eyebrow raised.
"And you know that we are the second most powerful family next to the royal family right?"
" That is correct."
"Well I got a message from the royal family today saying that you can no longer live in the mortal realm until you have mastered your powers. Also when you get to the school you will have a surprise waiting for you in your dorm."
"Wait you guys aren't coming?"
"No we can't. Your mother and I have to work. Your things are already in the limo waiting for you bye Allyssa." my dad said with a crackling voice at the end.
I hugged both of my parents before I grabbed two slices of toast. As I headed toward the limo I turned back to wave at my parents. Then I climbed inside to see what awaited me at my new 'home'.
Chapter 2
The ride there took about an hour or so. No way did it take more than an hour. I emailed all of my friends saying that i forgot to tell them that I was excepted into a boarding school and that I would keep in touch. Its not like I could tell them the truth. That I'm a half vampire who has some unique power that I don't know how to use yet. I had to keep it light.
So I opened my purse getting ready to pull out my Ipod when I felt a piece of paper stuck to my phone. I took it out, and noticed my moms handwriting on it. It read, Dear Allyssa, I wanted you to know a huge secret that I have not told your father. I am not a mortal either. I'm an Angel. Angels on earth are very rare but I was sent with a purpose. To have you. If you have any questions call me. Also, if you one day notice that you have wings please retract them and tell no one about this. Rip this paper up. Love, Mom.
Wow that was intense. I always wondered why she's so unusually was pale. Sweet I'm part angel. This is freaking awesome. And with that thought our driver pulled up to the academy. It was huge, and it looked kinda old. When the car came to a stop and the driver opened the door I thanked him and climbed out. Thankfully my parents sent the butler, Nyles, with me to help with my things. I walked into the main building. Right after the entrance of the building was the main office. I opened the ancient looking door and walked up to the front desk.
" Hi. How may I help you?" The secretary said in a nasaely voice.
" Umm... Yes I'm Allyssa Bay. I'm the new student here." I said in a slightly timid voice.
I was smart to use my middle name as my last name. BTW my real name is Allyssa Bay Blaize.
" Ahh... Yes miss Bay." she opened a file drawer behind her and took out a thick manilia folder." Here is your class schedule, your dorm number and keys, your school credit card, the credit card from your parents, and the car keys to your new car that your parents bought you. It is parked in the west parking lot outside of your dorm."
" Wait my parents bought me a car. Omg this is so freaking awesome."
"They also said to call when you get your surprise and said do not tell any one your last name your teachers have been informed to not say it in class. Have a good day."
With that I left the office and went back to my limo where Nyles was waiting for me. I handed him my dorm information and he led the way. He had two big boxes and I had two big suit cases. When we finally reached my dorm building I was so tired. We went inside and walked straight to the elevator and up to the top floor. My dorm room was labled Royal Suite. If that means that I get good closet space then its all good. When I opened the door I looked around in awe. This place was huge. I went to the one door that was open it was huge and seemed vacant. And judging by the huge empty cloet I saw it so was. It took us a whole hour to get my stuff in and unpacked. I gave Nyles a huge hug before he left. Now what should I do? I opened the folder that the front desk lady gave me I put my credit cards in my wallet and my keys on the bedside table. There was a tiny note in it that said that I would start class tomorrow. I sat there for a minute reading through the schools activity list. They have a pool. I sooo know what I'm doing now.
I ran into my walk in closet and grabbed my favorite pink and blue bikini. It was a little to small in my moms opinion , but not to me.I slipped off my uniform and laid it neatly on the end of my bed with my bra on top.I put on my bikini and a tank top and shorts. I went into the bathroom to grab a towel. I checked myself in the mirror to mke sure I looked okay. I did, and grabbed my keys to the room and my car. There was no way that I was walking to the other side of the school. I went down the elevator and into the parking lot. I pushed the start button to see an italian sports car roar to life.I am so happy. It had sleek, black, glossy, paint. It was perfect. I climbed in and drove in the direction of the pool. The interior of the car was so beautiful. It had a gray leather seats and an all gray dashboard. I was perfect. I continued to drive in the direction of the pool.
When I arrived in front of the building I looked down to see what time it was It was only one o'clock. Classes didn't end until four so I had time. I walked into the building and right there was the pool. That is very convienent. I took off my tank top and shorts and dove in to the deep end. The water felt so warm on my skin. It was invigorating. Even though I was only a half vampire, my skin was still unusually cool I swam unitl about three o'clock then I got out and went into the girls locker room ,and rinsed off in the shower and dried of with my towel i put my bikini in the dryer for thirty minutes before I took it out and put it back on. It was very warm. I also put my tank top and shorts back on. It was a good thing that I had lotion, I hate having dry skin. It was five minutes to four when I got back in my car. I could already see students coming out of the school building and into the parking lot. Some of them stopped to look at my car before I pulled away.
It was ten minute drive back to my dorm. This school was mega huge. I turned on the radio and heard the song Like whoa by aly and aj I havent heard this song in forever. In the middle of the song my phone buzzed. It was my bestie Monique. I answered the phone.
" Hello"
"Whats up runaway."
"Hi Monique I didn't runaway."
"Sure tell me any thing. I called to make sure that you will visit soon, you better."
"I will. I promise. Tell every one I said hi. Kisses love ya bye."
"Bye girl"
I put my phone back in my purse and pulled into a parking space that convienently had my first name and dorm number on it. I parked my car and went inside. The elevator was already open but no one was in it good. I pushed my floor button and pushed the close door button. The elevator made it there
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