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Book online «Blown Away by Faith Gunter (epub e ink reader .txt) 📖». Author Faith Gunter

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directly behind us, but close enough for us to see each other. Malinda and I went into the bikini section to look for swim suits. I found this black strapless bikini with a tiny bow on it. Malinda found a pink bikini decorated in blue flowers. We stepped out of the dressing rooms so we could see each other's bikini. We nodded in agreement then walked out of the ladies section to let the guys see. Damien was out there too. Apperently Jessica was trying one on. I had the satisfaction of seeing his eyes get wide as he took in more of my body. Ahh. Revenge is sweet. If he's going to follow me around. I'll tourture him. Next we went to Claire's. I found this cute bow necklace. It was shiny and black. After that we went to, Guess, Aeropostle, Ambercrombie & Fitch, Delia's, H&M, Next, and Hot topic. Malinda and I each had nine bags. I carried four of mine. Malinda Carried four of hers and The guys carried the other five including their three big bags each from the sports store, Aeropostle, and Ambercrombie & Fitch. We were all so tired by the time we were done shopping. We stopped at Mcdonald's on the way home. Malinda and I dropped the boys off at their dorms before heading back to our own. We collected our bags and went up to our dorms waving good night at each other when we reached her floor. I carried my bags down the hallway to my dorm. I unlocked it running to my closet to put every thing down. I was tired and all I wanted to do was to go to bed. Like now. I flopped down on the bed, falling asleep the second my head hit the bed. I didn't care if I didn't make it to my pillow. I was tired. I know that I wasn't sleep for long when Damien woke me up telling me to roll over. I did but not that much. Chapter 15

Chapter 15 I woke up the next morning well rested and cold. Why was I cold I remembered getting under the cover. That's when I saw why. I opened my eyes to only see Damiens cute bare chest. Then Iooked up to see his sleeping face. OMG, I fell asleep in Damien's arms. I had to get up right now. I tried pushing away from him but he wouldn't budge. Oh no. I don't want to give him the wrong impression so I need to get up now. No matter how much I squirmed or pushe on him he wouldn't budge. So I took a more direct approach. I used my water elemental to draw water from the sink and let it hover over Damien. Then I made a ball of air around myself. The air ball was moving so fast that the water should bounce right off. I let out a big breath. "Well. Here goes nothing. I realeased my hold on the water wich woke Damien up. He jumped to his feet and I rolled over to make it look like I was asleep. "What the crap!" I heard Damien yell aloud. "Allyssa did you do this?" "Shut up and go back to sleep." Rolling over. Damien said nothing more. Why didn't he make a whitty comeback. I opened my eyes to see him staring wide-eyed at me. Dang it, I forgot to drop the air ball. So... I played it off. "What is this? Did you do this? Get me out of here!. I'm scared. AHHHHH!!" I shreiked and fake cried until heat over came me. He was trying to stop the bubbble with fire good luck. I dropped the ball, it was getting hot in there. Now he thought that he did that. Gulluble. Oh well. He stared at his hands for a second. He must have thought that he was now super powerful. LOL "Allyssa are you okay? I don't know who did that but I'll find out." He said that sounding like he really cared. I must be loosing it. This Jock/jerk doesn't love anything except his precious football and his stupid jersey. If I could have my way I would burn both of them infront of his face. He pulled me back into reality by snapping his fingers in my face. "Allyssa. Allyssa. " I looked up at him." Oh thank God. Are you okay. You're probaly in shock. I'll go get you something to drink. He walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. I could hear him opening up the refridgerator then closing it. I heard a faint click before I could see him walking back into the room. "Here drink this." He said handing my a pop can. The can read 'Number one Hemoshake in the world'. What is a hemoshake. I didn't care what it was at this point I was thirsty. I drunk the shake. It was very good. It had this distinct taste. I didn't know what it was but I do know that it was good. I put the drink that was in my hands onto my lap with my hands still wrapped around it. "Damien. What is this? This drink is sooo good." "Allyssa you never hade a hemoshake before?" I shook my head looking down at my can. Where my mouth was on the can was stained in blood . "OMG!! I'm bleeding!." "Where? Where?" I heard Damien ask me while I checked my mouth for blood. "In my mouth. See look at the brim of the can." He took the can from my hand and looked at the blood. He let out a low chuckle. Did he think that this was funny? It wasn't,not one bit. "Allyssa you're not bleeding." "Then explain the blood on my can to me." "Allyssa thats what hemoshakes are. Hemo- human blood. It's a blood shake. We vampires love to drink them they keep us alive. I was suprised to hear that you've never drank one before. Did you like to do it the old fashion way?" "No. I've never had blood before." He stared at me with wide eyes. "How is it that you are alive?" "I'm not a full blood vampire. I'm half vampire half something else that I can't tell you about." " Sure you can we are en-." "Don't say engaged" I said cutting him off. "Well we are. Any way don't change the subject. What's your other half?" I bit my lip mom told me not to tell any one about my little gift if want to call it a gift. I was stuck I could lie but that wouldn't work out. So I did what I do best. Run. I back flipped off of the bed sending a gust of wind into Damiens face. I grabbed the water bottle off my night stand and opened it throwing the water into the air. Right before Damien's eyes I froze the water and changed them into giant spearlike poles. I set them up around Damien. Pointy side up. He Stared at me in amazement. I made a lrock wall come up from the floor. The rock wall surrounded the ice spears. While all of this was going on I put many rings of fire around the rock wall making a cage of fire. Then I sent an air tornado to go into the center of the cage where Damien was. It jostled him a little bit. "Don't follow me I'll come back later mabeye. Plus. Never mess with someone who's more powerful than you." I ran into my closet I quickly changed my ouftit into a diffrent pair of shorts and a diffrent shirt. I also changed my underwear and bra. I ran out of te closet and into the living room grabbing my purse and phone on the way. I opened the door to my dorm I stood in the door way turning back to the bedroom. I blew away the fire with a gust of wind. I dropped the brick wall. I melted the water and had it come back to me while I kept it into a big water ball floating above my hand. I stopped the wind tornado. Damien looked pissed. But most of all he looked hurt. I kept secrets from him and imprisoned him in elemental cages. "Hey Damien." He looked up at me. "What?" he said coldly. "Catch." I said changing the water blob into a football shape. I hurttled it at him speeding up and hardening the impact with air. He Looked back up at me now drenched in water. "Oops. Did I do that?" With that I left. I ran to the elevator closing the door behind me. I rode down the elevator to the building lobby. From the lobby I ran to my car. I had to get out of here. And I knew exactly where to go. I'm going home. I'm going to go visit my parents, my old friends, and my old boyfriend who I will never be able to see again Nick.

Chapter 16

      Chapter 16 Nick, the love of my life. Now you see why I couldn't marry Damien. My heart belonged to someone else. You can't just change something like that. I missed Nick and he was probaly pissed that I just left with out a warning. I emailed him every day since I left. I loved Nick. Sadly I can't be with him. No matter how much I love him. I hate this arranged marriage. Don't worry I know that you probaly think that I had sex with him. But I didn't. I was taught from a very early age to not have sex before marriage. That was wise advise. I stopped off at my friend Monique's house we hung out for about two hours. Then I went to go and see my other friend Natalie. We hung out for an hour and half. It would have been longer but she had to go to soccer practice. The last one of my friends I decided to go see was Nick. I had to just give him a clean break. I'll have to be strong. Show no weakness. I walked up to Nick's house trying to plan out my conversation with him. It had to be a sweet and easy break. "Hahaha. Nick you are sooo funny!" I heard a female's voice say. I looked inside Nick's front livingroom window. Ugh,

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